Twisted Up in You

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Twisted Up in You Page 3

by Dawn Martens

  “True, but everyone has their limits, I’m sure.”

  “Yeah, but this one case is a little more personal,” I say, digging through some paperwork on the desk. I hand it over to Adam. “Take a look at this family’s last name.”

  He reads it over, and shock crosses over his face. “Oh, shit. Isn’t this the same house you grew up in?”

  I give him a grim look. “Yup, and knowing what I went through while living there, I know these people haven’t changed, but I also can’t figure out how the fuck they are getting away with shit.” Growing up in that home, they weren’t simply just beating us —they were putting locks on everything. If you had to go to the bathroom, and it wasn’t your time slot to go, well, too bad for you. They also only fed us once a day, which was suppertime, and if you got into shit at any time during the day, you would forgo eating. I purposely did a lot of shit, so that, eventually, they would tell the social worker to find me a new home. And they did, about three months before I turned eighteen. Each time I would tell the social worker about what was going on in that home, they would investigate, but nothing would be found.

  Adam checks the time. “Shit, I have a meeting in twenty. You make those calls to the club, see how soon they can get down here for a meeting, and we’ll go from there.”

  “Will do. Later, man,” I say as he walks out.

  I put Cori on speaker. “Get Angel on the line for me.”

  “You got it.” The line clicks, and she buzzes back a minute later. “Angel is on line two.”

  I hit line two. “Hey, man.”


  “Angel, it’s Blake. Got a moment?” I ask him.

  “Of course. What’s up?”

  “Got a case, was hoping I could bring you in on it.”

  “I got nothing happening for a while. I can do that,” he replies.

  “Good. How soon do you think you could make it down?”

  “Let me talk to the wife and I’ll let you know,” Angel says with a small laugh.

  I smile, thinking of his wife, Eden. “How you guys doing?”

  “Just had another kid,” he says, sounding proud.

  I count in my head. “What the fuck? Six? You’re at six kids now?” I ask, shocked.

  He laughs. “Yeah, and she’s adamant there will be no more.”

  I shake my head. “Fuck, man. Good luck with that.”

  “Yeah, yeah, shut up. Wait until you have your own kids. You’ll be wanting to see your woman knocked up all the damn time. Anyways, I’ll talk with her, make sure she’ll be okay without me around to help with the kids. I’ll shoot you a text to let you know.”

  “Sounds good, man. Later.” I hang up and set my phone on my desk. I met Angel years ago, when he first turned his club around. It was the same time I started my career, as well, and we helped each other out, both becoming highly successful in what we do.

  I never have put much thought into having kids of my own; I don’t have much time for a social life, other than an occasional date, with the demanding hours of this job. I wouldn’t change it, though. I love what Adam and I do.

  I knew what I wanted to do with my life after the horrible, shitty foster homes I grew up in. They weren’t all bad, but a few were worse than anything. The worst home I was ever in was my last one, before I aged out. I don’t know how the hell I managed to get the grades I did living there. It was literally hell on earth. They would drug our food every weekend. Wouldn’t during the week, since they had to keep up the pretenses, letting us go to school and work. But they made sure, if we had jobs, we weren’t allowed to on the weekends.

  I still don’t know what the fuck happened on those weekends, and I wish like hell I did.

  Because of homes like those, I work my ass off, wanting to help kids that are just like I was, living in hell.

  Chapter 4


  I’m typing up the last bit of the latest report for Blake when a shadow looms over my desk. I look up and see it’s one of the Saylor twins. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “Uh, hey. What are you doing here?”

  He winks at me. “I heard you were working here. Thought I’d come by and see if you wanted to take a lunch break.”

  Which twin is this? Oh my God, this is awkward. He must sense my issue because he smirks. “Mark, baby.” I blush.

  “Uh, yeah.” I smile at him, trying to hide my embarrassment for not knowing which brother he is.

  “What’s going on here?” I hear Blake say from his office.

  I jerk back and stare at him, and he looks angry, like mega angry—and mega angry with me. What in the hell did I do?

  “Hey, man. I’m here to take this lovely lady out for lunch,” Mark says, holding his hand out to Blake.

  I notice Blake’s hands are clenched. What’s with that? “She only has forty minutes,” he tells Mark rudely.

  Mark shoots him a smirk. “Know that already, man.” He turns to me and grins. “Ready to go?”

  I give him a small smile. “Yeah, let’s go,” I say and bite my lip as I come around my desk.

  Blake grabs my arm, and I instantly turn around, facing him. “Be careful with him,” he quietly tells me with a warning.

  I jerk my head back slightly, looking at him confused. “I know Mark. He’s fine,” I say quietly. I have never seen Blake act this way.

  “I’m sure he is, but I just want you to know, if he hurts you, I’ll kill him,” Blake growls into my face. For a brief moment, I think he might kiss me. His mouth is inches from mine. The tension rising between the two of us is so thick, and I feel smothered under the dangerous glare he is shooting through me with his dark, heated eyes. I swear, if he did do that—kiss me—this whole office would get a show because I would so totally do him on my desk. There is no way I would be able to control myself.

  My nipples are diamond hard as his chest rubs against mine. He feels the contact; his ears are red at the tips. My thighs clench, and I could swear my panties just melted.

  “You ready?” Mark asks, eyeing the close proximity of Blake and me.

  I nod and step away from Blake. I need to get out of here, and I need air.

  “Oh, and Cori, when you get back, please make sure you make a reservation for tonight at eight at Tiffany’s. And send flowers to Jodi please.” And there it is. The reason I need to just get over my stupid crush on Blake. Maybe if I showed him my real side, my wild and crazy side, he would think differently of me.

  “I’ve already done that. Later,” I say coldly and walk toward Mark, looping my arm in his.

  Screw Blake.

  Mark and I make our way to the small little diner a few streets over from the office and get seated. I’m starving, so I order Poutine and cheesy bread, breaking free of my diet, totally cheating. I’m not really on a diet, per say, but I try to limit my junk and fatty foods to weekends only. I don’t even bother paying attention to what Mark orders. I like Mark, I do, but this feels too much like a date, so it’s weird.

  “So what’s going on with you and Blake?” Mark asks once my cheesy bread arrives.

  Taking a big bite, and not caring about talking with my mouth full, I answer, “Nothing. He’s just a good friend.” He winces, watching me eat. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Seemed like more than that,” he says finally, shrugging. “Why are you dressed like that, anyways? I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  “It’s my work look,” I state. I ended up changing in the bathroom at work to my usual clothes, instead of the clothes Melissa made me wear out the door.

  He keeps trying to talk to me, and I get fed up. “Look, Mark, I’m hungry. I only have thirty more minutes of lunch left. Can you please shut up?” I say, exasperated.

  He gets the message and finally shuts up and quietly eats. I’m half way through my poutine when my cell phone starts ringing. Well, actually, it’s been going off since I left the office, but I’ve ignored it, and now it’s just getting beyond annoying.

o?” I say, again with my mouth full.


  Watching Cori leave the office with Mark pisses me off. It shouldn’t, considering I just had her plan my date with another woman tonight.

  I met Mark and his twin brother a few years ago at a buddy’s place, and I know how he is with women. I also know he’s married, and has been for four years. I didn’t think Cori was the type of girl to get involved in that sort of thing.

  Storming back into my office, I slam the door, rattling the pictures and certificates that line the wall.

  I don’t like her with him, not even a little bit. Deciding to try to get her back here faster, I call her. And text. Over and Over again. Why the fuck isn’t she answering? The more she goes without answering, the more pissed I get.

  Finally, after about forty minutes, she answers, and when she does, I snap. “Why the fuck weren’t you answering your phone?”

  “Well, excuse me, your majesty. I’m on my lunch break. I’m allowed to have one of those,” she barks at me.

  I’m stunned for a moment. She’s never spoken to me that way. Ever. “I don’t like Mark. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  I hear her snort, and as she talks, it sounds like she is chewing food. “I’ll be back soon. Just finished lunch.”

  “Are you eating while talking to me on the phone?” I ask, completely grossed out.

  “Of course I am. I’m not gonna stop eating my lunch just because my boss doesn’t like my lunch partner.” With that, she hangs up on me.

  “What the hell?” I stare at the phone in my hand; she’s never hung up on me before. What the hell is going on with her lately?

  I get back to work on the case that I had opened on my desk before Mark showed up. I grab my phone and dial in Drew’s number. Drew is one of the best detectives around, and he’s the only person on the police force I deal with because the rest of them don’t respect the work Adam or I do. Some even make fun, saying what I do is a woman’s job.

  “Knight,” he answers on the fourth ring.

  “Hey, it’s Blake. I need you to send a few men to this address.” I rattle it off before explaining more. “I interviewed the kid’s mother last week, but she’s terrified to leave her husband. Apparently, he beats her, too. Gonna need one of your men to take her and the kid to the Angels Warriors’ compound. They’ll keep them safe until this bastard is in prison.”

  “Fucking hate sick fucks. I’ll send a car. I’m being transferred to Airdrie, anyways, so I’ll take them myself to the compound. Need to scout for a house before the move becomes final. This will give me that chance,” Drew tells me.

  “When did you find out about the transfer?” I ask him, confused.

  “I put in for it a few months back. It doesn’t start for another couple months, but I wanted to go to a small town. Love the city and all, but I want something a little slower paced.”

  “Well, man, good luck. Anyways, meet me in about fifteen minutes. We’ll get this done.” I hang up and head on out, stopping by Adam’s office first. “Hey, heading out now to finish up the Lawrence case.”

  He nods and waves me off. He seems to be doing some deep reading. I hope that the case he is working on finishes up soon because he is gonna end up working himself to death. I offered to take on this case, but he said no.

  I close his door and go to Clara’s desk. She started as my secretary when she first came here, but when Adam found out she was working here, he came to me, begging to let him have her. Those two have a strange as shit past together.

  “Hey, Clara. He’s working himself to the bone. In about an hour, could you please order him some food and then you can head out. I have a feeling he’ll be working late tonight.”

  “Yeah, no problem,” she says, quickly glancing toward his office, her face looking soft for just a moment.

  I head toward Cori’s desk, leaving her a note to let her know I’ll be out but that I’ll see her tonight at the party.

  Chapter 5


  Tonight is the company party. I’m nervous, considering it’s the first party I’ve ever thrown in my life. Melissa agreed to do the food. I’ve been telling her for years she should go to culinary school instead of nursing school, but she keeps telling me her goal is to help others. Food is second; she can cook and bake anywhere.

  I can’t complain because, as it is, only I get to eat her yummy goodies. I walk into the building, looking around, making sure everything looks great and that things are running smoothly. I spot Randy setting up his liquor behind a makeshift bar and walk over to him, giving him my lustful stare. God, he’s so fucking hot. Light dark skin—his mother was white and his father black—and full sexy lips. God his lips, so damn hot. And he has the sexiest dreads I’ve ever seen. I swear, God was like, ‘I’m making this dude my sexiest half-black man ever’, and bam, zapped Randy with it.

  “Hey, baby,” he says, greeting me, winking as I come close.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” I say, biting my lip. Randy is one of my go-to flings. He knows his way around my body better than anyone does. If I want a sure thing, a fun time, and a guaranteed orgasm, I go to him.

  I wanted to bring him as my date tonight, but then he wouldn’t be in charge of the bar. Sucks because I so friggin’ need him tonight. Instead, I’m stuck with my number two, Mark. He’s always a sure thing, but I think tonight is the end of us because I’m starting to feel as if he wants more. Especially now, considering he came to my work earlier today to take me out for a lunch date.

  I just hope, with my two fuck buddies, Blake doesn’t think badly of me. I’ve never wanted to disappoint him, considering he’s helped me so much over the years. And he seemed angry at me when I left the office with Mark.

  “Who’s your date for tonight?” Randy asks, leaning over his bar.

  I sigh. “Mark.”

  “Saylor twin?” he asks.

  I nod.

  “You need it good and hard, baby, you know I’ll be there.”

  I groan. “Trust me, I know. After tonight, though, it’s done with him. He’s starting to get too close.”

  Randy gives me a soft look. “Baby, it’s you. Of course he is. You’re you.”

  I shake my head. “Please don’t. I’d hate to end things with you, too.”

  He captures my hands in his. He has the hands of a working man, warm to the touch but rough and worked hard with lines and callouses. “Cori, you are beautiful, you’re funny, and you’re smart as hell. Anyone would be lucky to have you as theirs. If I didn’t know your heart was already taken by another, you’d be mine,” he tells me seriously. His eyes close briefly, and I run my hand over the strong line of his jaw, wishing I could feel differently about him.

  I close my eyes and breathe deeply. “I should go,” I say softly to Randy. He leans in close and gives me a quick chaste kiss.

  “Good luck tonight, babe. You need me, well, you know where I am.” He smiles, but his expression doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

  I smile at him sadly and walk away. I head to the bathroom so that I can get changed. This is the first time Blake will see me out of my frumpy work clothes. Part of me wants to draw him in, make him want me. The other part wants me to show him what he’ll never have.

  I’m sick and tired of pining away after him when he wants nothing to do with me in that way.

  Changing into the black cocktail dress, I smooth the fabric, running my hands down my sides. Twisting to the side, I observe how it does show my curves nicely. It isn’t too sexy for a work affair, but it is sexy enough to show I am a full-figured woman. My hair rests on my shoulders in soft angelic waves. Okay, Cori, you can do this. I give myself a mental pep talk and prepare to make my entrance.

  A brief knock taps against the bathroom door.

  “Um, come in,” I say hesitantly, wondering who it is and why they are knocking to begin with.

  Mark steps in, looking handsome and devious.

  “Wow,” he says, appreciating my womanly

  His hands curve around my backside as a husky growl reaches my ear. I didn’t have any intention of sleeping with Mark tonight, but the next thing I know, he has me bent over the counter of the sink, taking me fast and furious from behind.


  I walk into Lexington with my date and see Cori coming out of the bathroom, followed by fucking Mark Saylor. Corinne—I never would have thought she would do shit like that. Lately, I’ve noticed things, things I never have before about her. I’ve never seen her look so damn beautiful. Her dress is hugging every single damn curve she has. Why the fuck does she wear those baggy as hell clothes then? That’s what she’s been hiding?

  “Put your tongue back in your mouth, man,” I hear Adam say. I didn’t even realize he was next to me. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she,” he says, clamping me hard on the shoulder.

  I feel Jodi stiffen beside me.

  “Don’t even look,” I growl out.

  He chuckles. “Don’t worry. My eye is on another,” he admits quietly.

  I look to him and follow his gaze, which is on Clara. I knew it! Love it when I’m right. Clara has worked for us since we started, although I’m not sure why, considering her and Adam have a history. From what I heard, he really fucked her over just after high school, marrying her sister. They had dated all four years of school, but turns out, Adam, for some reason, broke it off. A week later, he came back to town married—to Sophia, Clara’s sister.

  The marriage didn’t last long; about a year later, they were divorced. Clara hasn’t seen her sister since the marriage announcement, and even refuses to have anything to do with Adam. She even blatantly ignores him. Of course, she still does every single thing he asks, since she’s his assistant, but that’s it. It’s a strange working relationship.

  I look back to Cori and see her in a heated discussion with Mark. I almost want to go over and pull her into me.

  “Blake, honey, I’m thirsty,” Jodi whines from beside me.


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