Twisted Up in You

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Twisted Up in You Page 5

by Dawn Martens

  Melly and I fill up on greasy burgers and fries and are off. It helps us to not throw up. We have a cab drop us off. No way will either of us be able to drive.

  “Holy shit. There’s a line already,” Melissa says, shocked.

  I stare at the line-up. “It’s a Friday. So duh.”

  “Oh, shut up,” she counters, laughing.

  We walk to the front of the line, and everyone starts yelling for us to go back. “Hey Monster,” I say, smiling at the bouncer.

  “Cori, baby!” he bellows with a loud boom. “Melissa.” He greets her, smirking seductively at her.

  “Dray,” Melissa says quietly and turns her head from him.

  I swear, he has a serious thing for her, but she won’t give him the time of day. The way Monster is, I bet you anything, at some point, he’s gonna make his move and she won’t be able to dodge him anymore. His real name is Drayton, but he usually goes by Dray. I started calling him Monster as a joke a few years ago because he is fucking huge and he took out four hockey players once in one go.

  “You gonna let us in?” I ask sweetly.

  “Yup, boss man says go right in. Take your VIP room and make yourselves at home.” He unlocks the door, letting us in. A few patrons in line are grumbling because we bypassed them.

  The place is a ghost town. All the servers and bartenders are bustling around, getting the place ready. Gloria comes over with a bounce in her step. “Hey, it’s my favorite costumers.” She winks at Melly and nods at me.

  Randy always sends her to us each and every time we are here. She’s become a friend, a strange friend, but a good one. Plus, half the time, she sneaks us shots, although she doesn’t have to, since Randy says it’s all on the house. I think she feels like she is doing us a friendly favor. Whatever. Free booze is free booze.

  “Hey, babe!” Melly and I reply in unison.

  “Drinking hard tonight, huh? Must have been a shit day,” Gloria makes small talk.

  “Yup, like you wouldn’t believe. Start us with double vodka and sprite, no ice, and use the good shit that Randy has. Don’t want any of that watered down vodka he’s got,” I tell her, ready to get my party on.

  She grins. “Sure thing. Actually, Randy must have known you were coming because he already brought out the good shit and put it under the bar.” She walks away to get our drinks, and I sink back into one of the clubs seats. The vibe here is cool. The seats are leather, not that vinyl shit. Neon lights line the ceiling around the dance floor. The walls are painted a deep purple, and everything is black or chrome.

  “You gonna be screwing Randy tonight?” Melly asks me, taking off her jacket. Randy and I met when I got rip roaring drunk one night and started trying to strip on his bar top. He pulled me down, yelled at me in his office, and then told me if I remembered him when I was sober to come back to see him. I did, and well, the rest is history. I go to him if I’m feeling up for a bit of kink. Sometimes, I just want to be tied up and spanked. Yum.

  “Probably.” I waggle my brows at her, shrugging my hoodie off.

  Gloria comes back over with a tray full of booze and shots and places them on the table. “Enjoy. I put a trash can under the table just for you, in case you need to barf. I’m so not cleaning it up next time.” She gives me a pointed look, laughing as she walks away.

  I pick up a shot and clink with Melly. “Cheers, whore.”

  “Fuck yeah, bitch!” She downs her shot.

  The club begins to get crowded. I can’t believe this many fuckers are out tonight. I lead Melissa to the dance floor, and we shake it and grind on each other, not caring who is watching or what they think of us.


  We arrive at the club two hours after opening. When we got here, the line for the club was huge. I didn’t want to stand in the line, and likely not get in. I went up to the bouncer at the door, told him who I was and why I was there, and he smirked, letting me right in.

  “That guy back there said they were up in the VIP area,” I yell at Adam over the music.

  We go to the stairs and walk up. I spot Melissa, slowly sipping a drink.

  Her brows raise, almost surprised I would actually show up. “Uh, hey there, Blake.”

  “Where is your sister,” I ask her.

  She gives me an almost sad look. “Um...”

  A bubbly waitress bounds up to the table and looks at Melissa. “Where’s Cori?”

  Melissa’s face twists, and she pales slightly. “Uh, she’s busy,” she says softly.

  “Oh, you mean busy with Randy, right,” the waitress says, giggling loudly over the music. “I wish I could be like you two, carefree, fun. But, nope, I can’t do it. My heart always gets in the way,” she says, sounding envious of Cori.

  I clench my hands and my jaw. Cori is fucking mine, and I’m standing here while this bitch basically blurts out she’s fucking Randy right now.

  Melissa looks over my shoulder and shakes her head.

  I turn around to see what she was looking at, and there she is. I’m gonna fuckin’ kill someone. Jealousy rages through me as my nostrils flare in anger.

  She’s against the wall, skirt hiked up, her legs wrapped around some dick. She looks up mid moan and stiffens at first when she makes eye contact, then goes back to sucking that fucker’s neck. Her nails are clawing up the back of his shirt. As pissed off as I am, I can’t help but wonder how it might feel to have her nails scratching down my back. A deep moan escapes her throat once more, and it is so damn erotic sounding. It is killing me that another man is bringing that reaction out of her.

  “Whoa, I never would have thought she’d just have sex right there, in a club,” Adam says, shocked, from beside me.

  I hear a snort behind me. “She does this all the time,” the waitress says, like it is the most natural thing in the world for Cori to be pressed against the wall getting her rocks off.

  My blood soars. I’m definitely gonna kill someone tonight.

  “She’s not having sex, though. He’s just fingering her,” Melissa says, as if that would be any better.

  Still, fucking pisses me off. I’m about to go over and rip the fucker away from my woman when she walks over, looking flushed. But she doesn’t stop. Nope, she keeps walking right past me.

  The fucker that had her pinned to the wall comes over to us, smirking. “Hey, man,” he says to Adam.

  Adam’s face pales. “Uh, hey, Randy.”

  This is the guy from the company party, the bartender. Shit. I can’t start something now. But I can say something.

  “You fucking her?” I ask him angrily.

  He looks at me in shock. “Yeah, have been for a while.” He glances at Adam like he wants to ask what the hell my problem is.

  “Not anymore you’re not,” I threaten, stepping into him.

  “Back up, man. What the fuck?”

  “She’s mine,” I say, leaning in close to him, making sure he gets the point. I step back and walk to her table, sitting right beside her so she can’t move. “That shit over there just now is done. I see it again, you’ll be responsible for when I end up in prison.”

  “Screw you, Blake,” she spits out at me, blowing off my threat.

  I grab her by the back of the head. “Try me, Cori. Just fucking try me.” I crush my lips to hers, roughly, bruisingly.

  When I pull back, I stare at her shocked face. “Tomorrow night, we’re going out.” I get up out of the seat, not waiting for an answer. Adam follows closely behind me.

  “So, uh, I take it you finally are moving in on that?” Adam asks me as we walk out to my car.

  “She’s going to be mine,” I say, shrugging.

  He shakes his head as he gets in the passenger side. I drop Adam off at his place and head home myself. I keep seeing flashes of Cori pinned against the wall, but now, in my mind, it’s me making her cry out in pleasure.

  I get home soon after leaving, and it’s not long before my phone goes off. I check it and see that, once again, Stacy has messaged me. Wh
en the hell is she going to take the damn hint?

  BLAKE, text me back or call me. Why are you ignoring me? – Stacy

  Groaning, I text her back.

  Stacy, don’t contact me again. Lose my number. –BLAKE

  Instantly, a text comes back.

  Don’t be like that. We’re good together. I’ll come see you at work tomorrow. – Stacy

  Come to my work, we’ll have problems. –BLAKE

  She shows up there, I swear to fuck, I’m gonna lose it.

  She doesn’t text back, so I throw my phone onto the counter top and head toward my shower.

  I start it up, letting the shower warm up while I strip my clothes off. I still can’t believe the Cori I’ve come to know is anything like the way I’ve seen her the last few days. It doesn’t sit right with me. Not even a little bit.

  I always told everyone I didn’t want her, that she was like a sister to me, but everyone knew I was lying. I’ve wanted her since I first saw her. Her beauty, the way she carries herself... I was drawn to her. Something about her just made me want to be near her.

  Thinking about Cori as I lay in bed has me rock hard. I am almost tempted to have Stacy come over, but I need to put a stop to that shit if I want a chance with Cori.

  Chapter 9


  “Oh shit, that was hot,” Melissa says in shock. “I had an orgasm just watching that. You sure you won’t just give in and be with him?”

  I shake my head, still stunned. “I’m sure. Remember, he has had years to notice me and he never has.”

  “Cori, babe, I think you should just go for it!” Melissa shouts over the music.

  “I’m ready to go home. He totally ruined my vibe for the night,” I shout to her. This side of Blake is hot, sexy, but I can’t. That kiss… that kiss is still touching me deep inside. I know sex with Blake would be out of this world. Too bad I’ll never allow myself to experience the sensation.

  She nods and we leave. Once home, we get comfy and sit on the couch watching Dance Moms.

  “This show is so stupid. All these moms bitch and bitch, yet they don’t do anything about it. If they are really that unhappy, they should just quit it. Gee,” Melissa points to the TV.

  I snort. “Yeah, no shit. I watch it for the drama, though. I bet you anything it’s all played up for views.”

  “So what are you gonna do about Blake, huh?” she asks.

  “What are you gonna do about Monster?” I shoot back.

  “Nothing,” she says defiantly. Her brows are scrunched up; I know she thinks about it. She likes him more than she cares to admit.

  I raise my eyebrows at her questionably, waiting for more of an answer.

  “Fine! Gee. I like him, like a lot a lot. But I also know he’s known for cheating on women he’s dating, with chicks from the club. I’ve survived this long without any serious attachments so I wouldn’t get my heart broken, and I’m not diving into his shit storm,” she says quietly but openly.

  I place my hand on her knee and squeeze. “Babe, you never know. He could change for you. And last I heard, he’s been turning down women at the club. Randy was telling me that Monster is like a born again virgin.”

  Her head whips around to face me so fast, I swear she was like the chick from that movie The Exorcist. “Really?” she asks in shock.

  I shrug. “It’s what he says.”


  “Yeah, huh.” I nudge her shoulder, hoping she will think about it.

  “Okay, back to you. What about Blake?”

  “Nothing, seriously. He’s gone all weird and shit, saying I’m his, but I’m so not.” Dude has to be mental, staking his claim like a damn Neanderthal.

  “Don’t get pregnant,” she breathes out. “Because then you are fucked.”

  I give a forced laugh. “Don’t worry. I don’t want kids, ever. Kids will never in a million years happen for me.” Is she bringing that shit up just to hurt me? She knows what happened in that damn foster home we were in before Angel saved us.

  “I want kids, one day,” she admits, shocking me. Why did I not ever know this about my sister? “I want to be a better mother than our mom ever was,” she says quietly.

  “Wow, well, looks like I can have the best Auntie in the world duties, and just pass ‘em on back when they cry or need changing.”

  “You really don’t want kids, Cori?” she asks me softly.

  “No,” I say, giving her a look to shut up. Thankfully, she gets it and backs off.

  “You should know, I thought he was gonna kill Gloria for bragging about you and Randy together. I really do think he likes you, Cori. I think he has for a long ass time.” She shakes her head, frowning.

  I laugh. “Whatever.”

  “Cori...” she starts.

  I shake my head. “I’m not doing this, or him, Melly. I highly doubt I’ll ever get a reason for ‘why now?’. He’ll probably just screw me and then fire me so he can move on.”

  Melissa sighs on the couch next to me but says nothing.

  We end the night watching a bit of TV before passing out on the couch.


  I walk in the front doors and head up to my office, expecting to see Cori sitting at her desk. Instead, the seat is filled with someone I don’t know. “Who are you?” I demand. I haven’t seen Cori since Friday night. I tried calling her phone, but she never picked up.

  The small, scared looking girl’s eyes widen in shock. “Um, I’m the temp,” she stutters out.

  “Where is Cori?” I ask.

  “I-I don’t know who that is. I-I’m sorry.”

  I shake my head and walk down the hall, and see Adam on his phone through the glass walls of his office. He quickly ends his call and looks up as I step inside.

  “Where is she?”

  He leans forward and pushes a letter toward me. Her fucking resignation. I rip it up and toss it in his trash. “She’s not quitting. Give me her address,” I demand.

  Adam shakes his head at me. “Never seen you like this in my life. Crazy fucking shit, man.”

  I jot down her address and realize she’s only two floors down from my condo. How long has she been living there, and not once did we see each other.

  “Don’t forget to be back by one! Angels Warriors will be here for the meeting,” Adam calls out as I get to the elevator.

  I send him a wave over my shoulder as I get into the elevator. If Cori thinks she can get away from me, she’s got another think coming.

  I arrive home and park in my spot, still not believing that she has been living in the same damn condominium building as me. We have underground parking, and every floor in the building has their own area. In a way, I guess it’s not a surprise I didn’t see her car here before.

  “Hello, Mr. Sanders,” Gary, the doorman greets me.

  “Gary, my man, what did I tell you about that Mr. Sanders thing?” I say, smirking.

  He laughs and smiles, shaking his head as I walk past him.

  The elevator reaches Cori’s floor, and I step out, walking down the hall to her condo. After knocking, I wait.

  I knock again when there isn’t an answer. Finally, after my fourth knock, the door is thrown open, and a highly hung over Cori stands there glaring at me.

  “Well, hello, miss sunshine,” I greet, shoving her out of my way to enter.

  “I didn’t invite you in,” she says, slamming her door shut.

  “Why aren’t you at work?” I ask her, making myself at home on her couch.

  “I quit.”

  “Yeah, no, that’s not gonna work for me.”

  “You really don’t have a say in it, so you should just leave,” she says, getting irritated.

  “Wanna know what’s funny? I live in this building. Have for three years. How long have you lived here?” I ask her, watching her eyes bug out in shock.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. We moved in here our second year of college. Lilly helped us get it.” She rolls her eyes. Even pissed
off and hung-over, she turns me on. She is dressed in a thin white tank top, no bra, and boy shorts. I can see her nipples clear as day, and I am trying not to get a hard on. Her body is smoking hot. She clearly takes care of herself. Her arms are toned as well as her legs but not in a manly way.

  “Wow, so a bit longer than me, huh? I’m surprised we never saw each other.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just stands there staring at me. Growing frustrated with my presence, she goes to the kitchen and takes a banana from the counter. She peels it quickly and takes an angry bite.

  “Look, you need to leave,” Cori demands.

  I shake my head no. “Not until you agree to resume your job at Lexington.”

  She clenches her jaw. “If I work for you, will you leave me the hell alone?”

  “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Then no.”

  “Fine, I’ll stay right here then,” I say, slowly kicking off my shoes to lay on the couch.

  She lets out a loud growl and stomps from the room. Ten minutes later, she comes back out, dressed and looking better than she did before.

  “Fine,” she snaps, stomping past me, grabbing her purse.

  I grin as I put my shoes back on. That was easier than I thought.

  We get down to the parking lot, and she goes to walk toward the street. “Where you going?” I shout at her.

  “Bus. Melly has my car today,” she shouts back, not breaking her stride.

  I jog to catch up with her and grab her arm, pulling her back. “Let go of me, Blake,” she says, trying to get loose.

  “You can ride with me. No point in taking the bus when I’m going there myself.” She stops fighting me and sighs heavily.

  During the drive, my hand itches to touch her, feel her. I reach over and place it on her thigh.

  Throwing my hand off, she glares at me. My hand goes back to her thigh, and this time, I don’t let her move it. She tries, but I manage to get under her skirt and begin playing with her pussy through the thin material of her panties. She’s already fucking wet. A whimper leaves her throat, and fuck me if it isn’t the sexiest sound. I want her screaming my name, writhing beneath me in ecstasy.


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