Their Runaway Mate

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Their Runaway Mate Page 3

by Selena Cross

  The door banged open, dragging Carter from his thoughts and Drew’s presence filled the doorway.

  “What the fuck was that?” yelled Drew as he glared at Carter.

  Carter didn’t want to deal with explaining his actions to him right now. He just wanted to jump him and fuck him until his libido waned and his wolf quit clawing for control. He jumped from the bed and lunged at Drew, grabbing him and wrapping him in his arms until they were flush against each other.

  “God, I want to fuck you so bad right now,” is all he said before he crushed his mouth against Drew’s mouth, not giving him a chance to respond.


  Drew couldn’t figure out what was going on. He knew Carter hated humans and was upset their mate was human, but what he’d done to Anna was beyond ridiculous. He’d scared the day lights out of the poor girl and pretty much told her she was nothing more than a brood mare for them, and now he was kissing Drew and begging for a fuck.

  Drew’s first instincts were to push the man off of him and demand explanations for his actions, but as Carter’s tongue invade his mouth and Carter’s taste exploded on Drew’s tongue, he found himself relenting. As he relaxed and began to participate, the kiss went from bruising and forceful to hot and sensual. Carter’s hands roamed down to Drew’s ass, he grasped it, pushing Drew’s groin into his thick erection, and Drew started to feel his own cock fill with blood as it became engorged. Drew weaved his fingers into Carter’s hair and pulled him closer as they battled for dominance in the kiss.

  Even though he was now aroused, Drew was still fuming about what Carter had done to poor Anna. He just couldn’t believe that Carter would ever lose it like that and still wondered if Carter would have hurt her had he not been there. Why would Carter want to hurt the one woman who could give them everything they’ve ever dreamed of, just because she was human? It was outrageous and monstrous. This Carter was not the Carter that Drew had fallen in love with and spent his life with for the last sixty years.

  Carter started pulling Drew toward the bed while they kissed and he let him. However, as they got to the edge of the mattress and Carter started to turn them so Drew would be underneath him when they landed, Drew pushed him back, forcing him to land on the bed instead of Drew. Then he straddled Carter’s hips as he pinned his hands above his head and glared down at him.

  “I might fuck you Carter, but you will not be the dominant this time. What you did to her was uncalled for and I will not tolerate you doing that to our mate. You may be the Alpha of our Pack, but in this household we are equals and I expect the same respect I give to you.”

  Carter’s glazed expression changed into that of remorse and he looked away from Drew for a moment. Then he turned to Drew and looked deep in his eyes.

  “I do respect you Drew, it’s just…..look you know how I feel about humans and I don’t trust her,” he sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

  “That’s the problem though, Carter. The only reason you don’t trust her is that she is human. She is not the same humans who killed your family and destroyed your Pack all those years ago. She isn’t even related to any of them.” Drew felt Carter’s cock go limp underneath him, but he wanted to hash this out before things progressed any further.

  Carter looked at him again but didn’t say anything.

  “Look Carter, she is a good person. I have known her for six months and I have never seen her act this way before. She has always been very generous and giving, never wanting for anything.”

  Carter snorted, “Except expensive clothes, a new car, money, and all the other things we have bought for her in the last two months.”

  Drew let go of Carter’s hands and sat up straight on top of him. “She never wanted those things. I got them for her as gifts, which she refused to take. That damn car I bought her hasn’t even left this driveway since the day I brought it home for her.”

  They were still for a few moments, just looking into each other’s eyes. Then Carter’s face suddenly softened and he let out a sigh of regret.

  “Shit,” he whispered as he stared back up at the ceiling, refusing to meet Drew’s eyes this time. “I really fucked up, huh?”

  It was Drew’s turn to snort this time, “Yeah, just a little.”

  Drew cupped his hand to Carter’s cheek and forced him to look at him again.

  “I know you don’t like the fact that she is a human, but just because she is human doesn’t make her bad. Not all humans are bad, just like not all shifters are good. There is good and bad in all of us. She is a wonderful woman and I know if you gave her a chance you would come to learn that yourself.” Drew could feel his throat closing up with emotion and swallowed hard. He didn’t want to admit it to Carter yet, but he loved Anna, just as much as he loved Carter, but he was afraid if he did say it to him, Carter would walk away from him and Drew would be lost without him.

  Carter closed his eyes and just sighed, then opened them and looked directly into his eyes and Drew could see all the love Carter had for him, “I’m sorry, Drew. From now on I promise to try.”

  Drew couldn’t help but swoop down and crush his lips to Carter’s with his declaration. He loved this man with everything he had in him and nothing would ever change that.

  The kiss became more urgent as Drew slipped his tongue into Carter’s mouth. He could feel Carter’s cock getting hard again as he nipped at his lips and laved the sting away with his tongue. Drew started to kiss down Carter’s jaw as Carter’s hands dove under Drew’s shirt and began massaging the tense muscles in his back. Carter pushed the shirt up higher, until Drew had to sit up to pull it the rest of the way off. Then Drew dove back down to kiss along Carter’s chest and suck his nipple into his mouth.

  Carter moaned and ground his cock against Drew’s ass. Drew loved the feeling of Carter’s cock rubbing between his ass cheeks and began grinding against him as he continued his assault on Carter’s nipples. Carter writhed under Drew and Drew enjoyed the control he’d over his lover.

  Then Carter grabbed Drew and bucked him, trying to turn them around so Carter was on top, but Drew would have nothing of it. He just maneuvered so he stayed on top of Carter and pinned his hands above his head again.

  “Nope, not this time lover. This time I’m in charge,” Drew teased, knowing Carter hated relinquishing control, especially in bed.

  Carter opened his mouth to protest and Drew shoved his tongue inside while he ground down on Carter’s cock again. Carter groaned loudly and gave up fighting for dominance, while yanking his hands out of Drew’s and grabbing a hold of Drew’s hair to pull him down to deepen the kiss.

  Suddenly, Drew jumped up from the bed and went to the nightstand that held the condoms and lube.

  “Get further up in the bed, I’m going to take that ass,” Drew stated as he pulled the items from the drawer and slammed it shut.

  Carter climbed further up on the bed and began to turn to get on his hands and knees.

  “No,” Drew snapped. “Stay on your back. I want to see your face when I make you cum with my cock inside you.”

  Carter groaned and lied down in the middle of the bed with his legs opened wide. Drew shucked his jeans and boxers and climbed up onto the bed between his lover’s legs. First he tore open the condom and rolled it onto his cock. Then he took the lube and squirted a bit on his finger, which he rubbed around the outside of Carter’s puckered hole while Carter moaned and writhed on the bed. Drew put some more lube on his finger and pushed it inside the tight ring of Carter’s anus up to the second knuckle, then began moving it in and out, slowly. Drew added a second finger and began scissoring them to prepare Carter for the taking.

  Carter’s muscles squeezed his fingers and it was Drew’s turn to moan. “God you’re so tight. You don’t let me do this enough. I love the way it feels when I fuck your ass.”

  Carter grunted, “Just fuck me already.”

  Drew chuckled as he pulled his fingers out and squirted more lube in his hand to lather it on his condo
m, covered cock. “Patience, Carter.”

  “Fuck patience!!” exclaimed Carter.

  “I’d rather fuck you,” Drew said as he finally lined his cock up with Carter’s ass and began to push it through the tight muscles.

  They both groaned when Drew’s head popped through the ring and pushed inside. Inch by agonizing inch Carter’s ass squeezed Drew’s cock while he invaded his body.

  Finally, Drew’s pelvis pressed flush against his lover’s, before Drew moved, he grabbed the lube bottle and squirted some more on his hand. Then he wrapped his hand around Carter’s cock and began to pump slowly as he started to pull out of Carter’s ass and then push back in.

  “Oh, yes,” Carter moaned. “Harder, Drew.”

  Drew chuckled again, and increased his pace.

  Carter’s eyes met Drew’s and for a split second the world fell away from around them and it was just Drew and Carter.

  Drew leaned down and met his mate’s lips for a sweet soft kiss as he slowly pumped both their cocks, pushing them higher and higher. The kiss progressively became more urgent and the pumping more aggressive as Carter began meeting Drew thrust for thrust. In, out, in, out, Drew drove his cock into Carter’s ass as he squeezed and pumped Carter’s cock in his hand.

  Carter’s hands were all over the place, grasping Drew everywhere, massaging his back muscles, and then clinging to his ass, pushing him to go harder. Their tongues dueled and danced in each other’s mouths, as they groaned and grunted their pleasure.

  Drew pulled away and sat up straight between Carter’s thighs as he reached for a pillow and placed under Carter to raise his hips, giving Carter the room to bend his legs, and settling him in the perfect position for Drew to penetrate him deeper. He grabbed Carter’s cock and carried on where he stopped, jerking him off.

  “Yes. Oh God, Drew, yes, just like that.” Carter yelled for his lover to continue pummeling his ass, as he climbed higher and higher up the cliff.

  Suddenly, Carter’s body went stiff as he yelled, “Drew,” from the top of his lungs and Drew felt Carter’s ass muscles squeeze hard around his own cock as he watched cum shoot out from Carter’s cock. Drew pumped hard looking at the cum glistening on Carter’s abs, and drooling over how he was going to get to lick it up when he was done. One, two, three more times into Carter, and then Drew joined his mate in release as Carter’s ass milked the cum from Drew’s cock. Ecstasy, sweet ecstasy is all Drew felt as he held himself stiff over Carter until he was drained of his own cum.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sensations lessened and Drew could finally pull his flaccid cock out of Carter’s limp body. He knelt down and licked the cum from Carter’s abs, then collapsed on the bed next to him. Carter pulled him into his embrace and Drew came willingly, laying his head on Carter’s chest, where he could hear the fast beat of his mate’s heart.

  “I love you, my mate,” whispered Carter and kissed the top of Drew’s head.

  Drew smiled against Carter’s chest, “I love you too, my mate.”

  They lie in each other’s arms and after brief moments, they were both asleep.


  Anna lay in her bed listening to the sounds of the lovers in the other room. It was apparent that Drew wasn’t too distraught about the way Carter had treated her, but she didn’t know why she’d expect him to be. Tears rolled down her cheeks as they screamed their love for each other, as if they were rubbing it in her face that she was trapped here and would never know love. Why had life dealt her this awful hand? In Anna’s eyes, there was no God of any sort because if there were a God, then whoever that was wouldn’t have taken her parents from her so young, made her sister hate her for no reason, or trapped her in this prison, forced to breed with monsters.

  No, there was no God. There was no one there for Anna at all, not Drew, not her sister, and not God. She was all she had in this world. She was all alone.

  Chapter Three

  Drew was worried about Anna. He’d sent a tray to her room for lunch the day before, after the big fiasco, but when the maid came back down, she was still carrying the tray saying Anna had refused it and said she just wanted to sleep. Then that night, when he sent a tray up there again, he was met with the same response. Now it was the next morning and Drew sat in the kitchen, eating breakfast with Carter and the maid had just entered the room with the tray he’d sent up for Anna again.

  “I’m sorry Master Drew, but she doesn’t wish to eat. She says she doesn’t want to be disturbed and she looks ill,” Ella, their maid said in almost a whisper, as if she were afraid of Carter or that he’d snap at her.

  Drew’s stomach rolled with worry and he sighed, “Thank you, Ella.”

  Ella put the tray down on the counter and began picking up the breakfast items from the kitchen table. Drew watched her in silence as his mind screamed for him to run up and check on Anna, but he ignored it because he didn’t want to appear as if he were coddling her.

  Drew heard the sound of Carter’s chair scraping against the kitchen floor and looked up at his mate. He was surprised to find that Carter’s expression was crestfallen and he looked distressed as well. The only problem was Drew didn’t know if it was for Anna, or about some of the other things going on, like the impending battle they were planning with the Rogues.

  Carter had spoken with Drew about it and Drew had said he’d do whatever he could to support him, but Drew’s mind had been on Anna mostly, and he couldn’t find concern for anything else. Guilt swept through Drew as he looked at his mate, who was just standing there staring off into nowhere as if he were thinking something through. He shouldn’t be so concerned with Anna; right now there were more pressing matters. He just couldn’t keep himself from constantly thinking about his, hopefully, soon-to-be mate.

  Drew opened his mouth to tell Carter he was sorry and he’d start to take the other matter seriously, when Carter held up his hand to stop him from speaking.

  “Don’t, okay Drew,” Carter stated, confusing him for a moment. “I know this is my fault and I intend to fix it. I will go and take her breakfast to her and try to talk to her. Just give me some time alone with her.”

  Wow, Drew hadn’t expected that at all. Carter walked over to the counter and picked up the tray then walked out of the kitchen. Drew didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t about to follow him, even though he wanted too, even if it were just to make sure Anna was safe. However, Carter needed to work this out with Anna if they were going to have any hopes of becoming a family. So Drew just picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, then looked at Ella, who was smiling at the door.

  “That girl will be good for the both of you, you know,” she suddenly turned her attention to Drew. “I can already see how happy she makes you. If only Master Carter would give her a chance, she would do wonders for him as well.”

  Drew just nodded because he couldn’t agree more.


  Carter felt like shit, he’d really messed things up with his prejudices this time. He’d lain in bed the night before, staring at the ceiling, while Drew slept peacefully beside him. He kept rerunning what had happened with Anna, all the things he said and thought about her, how he’d accused her of just taking from them and wanting more. Then, how Drew had dropped the bomb that he’d bought all those things as gifts and she hadn’t accepted any of them.

  Then why did she say they weren’t paying her enough and she wanted to quit? Unless that was just a ploy to get them to let her go, he knew he was missing an important piece to this puzzle, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Women certainly were frustrating and puzzling creatures, no matter what species they were.

  He stood in front of Anna’s door and knocked lightly. He was sure she could probably hear his heart pounding over the knock, he was really nervous about seeing her after last night, which was strange because he rarely got nervous. There was no answer to his knock, but he didn’t want to go away without sorting this mess out, so he tested the knob and found it unlocked

  He opened the door slowly and automatically wished he’d just walked away after not getting an answer. Her smell assailed him and made his cock hard and his mouth water, but that wasn’t unusual and he was prepared for it. What made him want to turn away and leave was the fact that she lay in the middle of her bed, still completely dressed in the same clothes from the day before, curled in the fetal position, and crying softly to herself.

  Why hadn’t Ella said that she was like this? He’d have come up the night before to sort this out, had he known. He walked into the room and set the tray down on the nightstand next to the bed. He looked down at her and felt tightness in his chest. He’d done this to her, he’d taken away her hope, and desire to even live.

  He didn’t know what to do, as it was, he was sure he wouldn’t even be able to speak without choking on the giant knot in his throat. He sat down gingerly on the edge of the bed and fought the desire to touch her, to take her into his arms, and comfort her. He’d really messed up.

  He cleared his throat, “Anna?”

  She made no move to show she even acknowledged he’d spoken. She just lay there weeping. What was he going to do to fix this? He had to fix it, for Drew, for himself, and for any hope, they may have of having a complete family.


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