Their Runaway Mate

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Their Runaway Mate Page 5

by Selena Cross

  All he knew is that Carter and he had to work extremely hard to keep their mate from running away because neither of them would be able to survive without her now. Damn, it was going to be a long two months.

  Chapter Four

  A month had gone by since Carter had made his declaration to let Anna leave after two months if she wasn’t happy. Drew now stood in the middle of his Pack’s training field conditioning the male members of his Pack into soldiers, and all he could think about was whether, or not Carter and he were convincing her to stay.

  After she and Carter had spoken, she made an appearance for dinner. Everything was tense and no one seemed to eat much that night. Anna had hidden inside her shell and Drew wondered if anything he or Carter did would even matter. He worried that she’d just avoid them at all costs for the entire two months and then disappear from of their lives, forever.

  However, the next day, when they’d come down to breakfast, she was already in the kitchen, sitting at the table, talking to Ella while she made breakfast. She’d smiled at them when they came in, Drew had come accustomed to seeing the same sunshine smile every morning, but it wasn’t the same. She answered them when they told her good morning and spoke cordially toward them about mundane things like the weather, but she still held herself back and acted as if she were waiting for Carter or him to snap at her for no reason.

  What Drew hated the most out of all of it was how she’d become uncomfortable with him. He used to be able to laugh with her and joke around, but after she and Carter had fought, she seemed to lose trust in him too. Things that used to make her laugh hysterically barely got a smile out of her. He hated how she wouldn’t open up to him about how she felt, as if he’d use it against her. He had liked being able to be there for her when she needed him to make her feel better about something that was bothering her. Now it was apparently him bothering her, and she’d shut up tighter than a drum.

  Then the next day passed and the next, and with each day it seemed like she was beginning to come into her old self again. The three of them started a routine of meeting for breakfast, where they’d tell each other their plans and hopes for the day, and then at dinner where they’d let each other know how everything went. They even started having a movie night, where they’d all take turns picking a couple of different movies, then sitting around the family room after dinner watching the movies over a giant bowl of popcorn and some wine. When they’d first started doing it, Drew and Carter felt uncomfortable because Anna would curl up on the love seat, alone, while they sat on opposite sides of the couch.

  Anna had insisted the next night he and Carter should sit together without feeling uncomfortable about her being in the room, but even that felt wrong. They wanted her to be there with them, not sitting on a different piece of furniture, by herself. So the next night, Drew deviously turned up the air conditioning in the house, while Carter popped a big bowl of popcorn smothered in melted butter. Part way into the first movie Anna was shivering and they could practically see her salivating for the popcorn.

  At first, she sat on the same couch, but on the other end with a blanket wrapped around her legs, so Drew hid all the throw blankets in the family room so she couldn’t use them. When she’d finally sat next to Drew he immediately pulled her in for a cuddle, which made her stiffen up, especially when Carter decided to change where he sat too, on the other side of her. Half way through the movie though, she became so engrossed in what she was watching and munching on popcorn, she relaxed completely and allowed them to put their arms around her shoulders, where they linked their hands together, while cuddling her.

  By the fourth movie night she was there, in the middle of the couch with the bowl of popcorn before Drew and Carter had even entered the room. It was perfect, well, almost perfect.

  When the day would end and they’d go to bed, she’d always just say good night and go to her room, where she locked the door. Drew and Carter had all but given up on having sex for a bit because it just didn’t seem as satisfying as it once had. They knew what was missing, a curvy, little brunette who tried to play oblivious to what was going on between them. Their cocks were almost constantly rock hard to the point of pain, and every time they walked into the house after a long day and smelled her scent, their mouths would start to water and their wolves would start to howl. They tried to give each other relief, but each day they were finding it harder and harder to even find release. Their wolves wanted their mate and would settle for nothing less than the three of them together.

  Drew found himself out in the training field with his men more than anywhere else, mainly because he wanted to let off all the excess energy. Carter was becoming a bear to be around and snapped at everyone in sight it seemed, except for Anna, who he would become as gentle as a kitten with, making Drew want to laugh out loud.

  Carter went from saying Anna expected too much, to trying to buy her the moon itself, which she’d just refuse, as she did almost everything. She’d take some things when she thought that she’d really begun to hurt their feelings with the refusals, and she always showed her appreciation with any of the gifts they offered. She did start driving the car Drew gave her, right to the local soup kitchen where she’d volunteer her time cooking for homeless people, which only made Drew and Carter think she was even more of an angel.

  She also started coming to the compound with them, where she’d talk to other Pack members and play with the children. Everyone on the compound was in love with her, including her mates.

  However, she always held back, she’d let Drew and Carter cuddle with her on movie nights, she’d help at the compound, and she’d even hug them good night. However, she’d still go to bed alone, locking the door behind her and she’d still hold herself back from any other type of affection. A couple of times Drew tried hugging her when he walked into a room and caught her off guard, she’d stiffen up like a board and hold her breath until he let go. She still didn’t trust them, she still thought they’d hurt her some way and Drew was at a loss to figure out how to change it.

  A tap on Drew’s shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts, and he turned to Aryk, one of his Pack members, who bowed his head in respect and kept his eyes to the ground. Aryk was still a young pup, only fifteen, but he’d always been anxious to go out and become a soldier for his Alpha, so Drew and Carter had decided to let him start out by running errands and relaying messages for them. He was always very diligent in his work and they both thought he’d make a great Beta someday.

  “Alpha has requested to see you, sir,” Aryk stated.

  Drew looked at his training field to see the other members all standing at attention, awaiting his orders.

  “You’ve done well for today, go home and rest.” Drew dismissed them then turned to Aryk, “Thank you, Aryk, you may leave as well.”

  Drew strolled up to the compound’s main building and went inside the office to find Carter sitting at his desk arguing with someone on the other line. He sat down and grabbed some papers from the desk, which he skimmed through while he waited for Carter to finish. The papers were nothing special really, just reports on the status of their Pack and the surrounding area. They ran things in the state, being the largest Pack in Washington. Other, smaller Packs would come to them for advice or support in things happening within their own Packs, as well as permission to do certain things, like appoint a new Alpha.

  Carter loved to be in control of everything, so being Alpha over such a large Pack and ultimately, many smaller Packs, fit him well. Drew was more laid back and liked to just go with the flow, but he could take control of a situation when it warranted, which is why he liked being Beta. It gave him the ability to control some things, but not the responsibility to keep everything under control. He hated it when Carter went away for any kind of meeting or conference. He always had to take on more responsibility and ended up wanting to tear his hair out toward the end. However, it did make him admire his mate for what he did.

  Carter hung up the phone and
Drew plopped the papers back on his desk.

  “So, there’s going to be another trip,” Carter stated, straight to the point.

  Drew groaned, “Seriously? As if I don’t already have enough on my plate training the men and now you are leaving again. What about Anna? What am I supposed to do with her until you get back?”

  “More like, what am I supposed to do with her until you get back?” Carter just smirked, “This trip isn’t for me, my friend, it’s for you. Oregon is gathering some Packs together and wanting to hold a big training session to get them prepared for when any Rogues may attack. They want you to go down with a few of our men and train them.”

  “When do I leave? Do I have enough time to say goodbye to Anna?” Drew asked.

  “Of course you have enough time to say goodbye, to both of us. You don’t leave until the morning, which is just enough time to spend some time with us and say goodbye.”

  “It’s too bad we haven’t worked anything out with Anna yet, I would have liked to say goodbye properly.” Drew wiggled his eyebrows up and down, while he smiled wickedly at Carter.

  Carter just returned the smile. “You could always say goodbye properly to me and it’s not like it’s a permanent goodbye. I’m sure I will have her nice and ready to welcome you home properly when you get back.”

  Drew groaned again, but out of desire and not annoyance, “Please do, otherwise I think I will probably go insane.”

  Carter just chuckled, “Don’t worry mate. She is starting to come around and it’s only been a month. By the time you get back she will be putty in our hands.”

  “Don’t get too cocky, she might surprise you.” Drew said, chuckling to himself.


  Anna enjoyed the little tremors that ran through her body when she sat cuddled in between Carter and Drew. It had only been a month since the big episode with Carter, and even though a little voice in the back of her head still said they were using her for a brood mare, she had begun to form a crush on him.

  She looked out of the corner of her eye to see Carter engrossed in the movie. Of course, he would be because he’d picked out the movies tonight. They were all blood and guts action movies that screamed testosterone and macho-ness. At least with him so involved in the movie, he wasn’t paying attention to her while she checked him out. She started from his almost black looking hair that always looked wind swept and was just a bit long, touching his shoulders. He usually had it back in a little ponytail, but she liked that he had taken it down, and wanted to run her fingers through it. Then there was his highbrow and silver colored eyes set inside a curtain of long lashes that would make any woman jealous. His long, yet crooked nose, as if he’d had it broken at some point. His chiseled, square jaw, with a bit more than a five o’clock shadow and finally, his full, soft looking lips, which made him look sinfully wicked when he smiled. Anna often wondered what it would be like to kiss those lips, to feel them pressed against hers hard as he took her.

  A soft groan came from her other side and she looked over to see Drew staring at her with what looked like hunger in his eyes. Her arousal kicked up a notch at the look of pure desire he was giving her. She could feel wetness gather between her legs and her core began to twitch a little. He inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring and his eyes closing as if he had smelled the most delicious food. Then she heard the groan from the other side of her and turned to see the same look on Carter’s face, only more feral.

  Anna jumped up with a squeak and muttered about having to use the restroom while making a quick escape.


  “Fuck,” Carter muttered as soon as Anna left the room.

  “No shit,” Drew replied.

  Carter had been sitting there trying to ignore the way she kept looking over at him through the corner of her eye, but as soon as he smelled her arousal, nothing could hold back the wolf and his desire for her. She smelled like vanilla and honey, the most delicious of desserts and he wanted to feast on her pussy until she came in his mouth, repeatedly, filling him up with her delectable cream.

  The look he saw on Drew’s face before she made her hasty escape said he felt the same way. Why were they waiting? It was obvious she wanted them. Every time they were even in the same room together, she’d start to become aroused, making them go crazy with need. When she sat between them on nights like tonight, her body would shiver every once in a while. At first, Carter had thought she was cold because they had turned up the air conditioning in their little plan to get her to cuddle with them, but then he noticed every time she would shiver a knew waft of her sweet arousal would hit him.

  “What are we waiting for again?” Drew echoed what Carter was thinking.

  Carter just sighed and looked toward the door she’d just exited, “She still doesn’t trust us.”

  “Damn it, why does this have to be so hard?” Drew huffed out, “When I met you, we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other and we were more than happy to claim one another.”

  “I know, but she’s not like us. One, she is a woman, which makes her a complicated box of puzzle pieces. Two, she is human, and even if she does feel a pull toward us, she doesn’t understand what it is and she has a far better ability to fight it.” Carter stated, as he adjusted his seating to leave more room for his inflated cock.

  “Gods, look what she has done to me.” Carter looked over at Drew, who was also adjusting himself for the tent in his khakis. “Look what she has done to you.”

  Drew pointed out Carter’s own erection, innocently, but then a look of complete hunger came on his face.

  Carter groaned again at the pheromones his other mate was now giving off, making his cock painfully harder, “We’ll be able to take care of each other later tonight.”

  “It won’t be enough,” Drew pouted and he wanted to suck that bottom lip into his mouth and nibble on it. Then Drew’s eyes lit up. “Hey, maybe we can take care of each other right now and when she comes in, she will be tempted to join us.”

  Carter chuckled at his mates antics. It had been Drew who had set up the schemes to turn the air up and tempt her with popcorn. He was always good at planning strategies to benefit them in some way, hence why he was their Pack’s Beta.

  “Drew, I don’t think that would work. It would most likely just scare her off. I don’t think she’s ready for us.”

  Drew wasn’t listening anymore. He had already jumped onto Carter’s lap, his knees on each side of Carter’s hips. “It’s worth a shot, besides, we haven’t done it on this couch in a while.”

  Before Carter could reply, Drew’s tongue slipped between his lips and speared his mouth, sweeping all around, as if to get a good taste. Carter groaned and grabbed Drew’s hips, pulling them down hard, to grind their cocks together.

  “Oh fuck, that felt good. Do it again,” Drew whispered as he pulled away and began kissing along Carter’s jaw.

  Carter ground his hips against Drew over and over, until he decided he wanted more and opened Drew’s pants to grab his swollen cock in a firm grip.

  “Oh yes, just like that,” Drew groaned as Carter pumped his cock slowly.

  Drew unbuttoned Carter’s shirt slowly as he kissed his way down Carter’s chest, where he swirled his tongue around Carter’s nipples then bit them, forcing Carter to buck his hips, almost throwing Drew off.

  Drew gently pulled Carter’s hand off his cock. “You’re going to squeeze it off. Let me pleasure you right now.”

  He inched his way down Carter’s body, kissing his abs and dipping his tongue inside his navel. He unbuttoned Carter’s jeans and slid the zipper down, while he slipped from his lap and knelt before him on the floor. He forced Carter to lift as he jerked his pants down to his ankles then climbed between Carter’s opened legs, where he kissed along his hip bone, down the crease where thigh meets pelvis and along the inside of Carter’s thigh. When he got to his knee, he switched legs and started kissing up Carter’s other thigh and along the other crease before he caught Carter’s cock
with his tongue and gave it a long lick from the base to head, taking the tip of his tongue and licking the slit, causing Carter to shutter all over with anticipation.

  Carter watched Drew lick the pre-cum off the head of his cock before he took it into his mouth slowly, swirling his tongue around the mushroomed tip. Suddenly, he smelled Anna’s arousal permeate the room, which made him groan loudly and grab Drew’s hair while he slowly thrust his cock in his mouth further. She must have come back from the restroom and was now just standing there watching them, silently. Well, if it was a show Anna wanted, she would get a show.

  Drew was oblivious to their little audience, or he seemed to be at least, so Carter started talking dirty to him, while he pumped his cock in Drew’s mouth.

  “Yeah, that’s it, take my cock,” Carter said through a guttural groan. “In a second I’m going to flip you over this couch and take your sweet ass.”

  Drew groaned around Carter’s cock, sending delicious vibrations down his shaft and throughout his body. Carter felt his impending orgasm as Drew suctioned harder, while bobbing up and down.

  Carter pulled at Drew’s hair, gently, to guide him off his cock. “Enough, I want that ass, now.”

  He pushed Drew back as he sprang to his feet then pushed him down to lean on the couch, as he knelt behind him and pulled Drew’s pants down his hips to wrap around his knees. Drew slid his hand under the sofa cushion and pulled out the string of condoms and the lube they hid there for whenever they felt in the mood to do this in this room. Carter grabbed it and quickly squirted some lube on his finger then applied it to Drew’s anus, pushing his finger inside the tight ring of muscles, while Drew hissed out a “Yes.”

  He looked up to find where Anna was hiding and spotted her in the corner next to the door. He tore open the condom wrapper and slipped it on, then applied lube to his cock, all while he kept eye contact with her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were wide. He saw how she swallowed convulsively and shivered every few seconds. Every time she shivered her arousal would waft toward him, making him want to jump over the couch and take her against the wall.


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