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Retribution Page 17

by Lietha Wards

  “Your father’s big shindig is tonight,” he answered while watching the action. They had just started to arrive when he left Peter’s office.

  “Oh gosh, I completely forgot. I thought he might cancel it.” She started down the stairs with Ryan close behind her.

  “Well, I think that’s reasonable that it slipped your mind considering what you’ve been through.”

  “If he still goes through with it, you’re coming, right?” she spun to face him at the bottom of the stairs. “I can’t do this without you.” There was clear panic in her eyes.

  “First of all, you can. Secondly, I’m not letting you out of my sight, so yes,” he affirmed quietly. The fear drained out of her expression and was replaced by relief.

  “Do you have a tuxedo?”

  Her answer was a wry smile.

  “Why am I not surprised.” She laughed softly as she turned around and walked to her father’s office. As per usual two men were standing outside of it. The door opened at that moment and her father was shaking hands with the event planner that he usually hired. This was one person Katya was happy to see. She was actually a very smart woman, and very friendly. She smiled when she saw her.

  “Hello Katya. You get lovelier every time I see you.”

  She gave her a hug and murmured her thanks. Eveline Peirce had been planning her father’s events for as many years as she could remember. She was an elegant older woman with short grey, almost white, hair and a very kind face. She always dressed very stylishly and for some reason reminded Kat of English royalty. She mentioned it to her once and the older woman was flattered. Now, her attention went to Ryan, and Katya introduced him as her bodyguard, something she wasn’t going to do at the party if her father was still having it. “People aren’t supposed to know though. It’s for—precautions,” she added about Ryan. She could trust Eveline. She was very discreet. She was certain she must’ve known something about her father, but never said a word about it. That’s why he trusted her to handle his social engagements. Katya always wanted to use her to help her plan her wedding, but now that was just dust. She had no sister, mother, or family that would necessitate a large wedding and she certainly wouldn’t hold it here.

  “Well darling I understand perfectly why you need the protection after what you’ve been through. You poor dear.” She took her hand in hers and squeezed it affectionately. “Your secret bodyguard is safe with me. I try not to put too much into the media about the horrible things that happened to you, but I am glad you are safe. I’m sure your father is relieved to have you home.”

  Sure he is. “Thank you Miss Pierce.”

  “Anytime. Nice to meet you Mr. Casey.” Eveline turned and shook his hand.

  “You too.”

  She walked away calling to people carrying tables through the halls.

  “I’ll wait here,” Ryan said. He looked past her to Peter who nodded.

  “Shut the door Kat,” Peter said from behind her.

  She did as he asked, sparing one last look at Ryan before the door severed her view.

  “Come in. Sit.” He pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

  She’d been in that room only a handful of times in the last twenty one years. It was his place of business and usually off limits to her and Anna. It was dark—intimidating. Of course it was purposely made that way. She made her way over to the chair he indicated and sat down with her hands folded on her lap and her back straight.

  He came around and sat on the corner of the desk while looking down at her. “I want to know how you are.” He reached over and nudged her chin so she’d look at him.


  He tilted his head. “Mr. Casey seems to be quite capable of protecting you.”

  She clenched her jaw. “He’ll do.”

  “Do you like him?”

  She chose her words very carefully so he wouldn’t know what was going on between them. “I don’t like a man in my sister’s room, and I don’t like him so close to mine. I have no privacy.” She added a slight edge of irritation to her tone.

  He chuckled. “I expected so.”

  “What do you really want? I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to.” She was trying to divert him off the subject of Ryan. She was afraid he would see through the lie.

  His expression changed to anger. “You are ungrateful Katya.”

  She shrugged. “I’m in a prison.”

  He waved his arm and stood up. “You can leave at any time!”

  “And have another drug gang kidnap and abuse me. No thanks.”

  “You blame me.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Of course I do! If you were honest with what you really do, I could have taken more precautions.”

  He scoffed. “Yes, if I was honest. What is honesty? There is no such thing Katya! You are fooling yourself.”

  “There is so. Mama would—”

  He raised his hand in anger and she flinched. He paused and smiled lowering his arm. “No there is not. Kat, you are continuously trying to anger me. This is going to stop right now. I’m going to explain something to you. You are not a man. If I had a son, he would be part of this business. But women—a woman, does not need to know a man’s business or where his money comes from. Their role is entirely different. She needs to look good and listen to her father.”

  “And I was raised in an American city, not Russia.”

  “It doesn’t matter where you are raised, they are our traditions.” His voice rose again. “If you were raised in Chechnya you would have been a whore on the streets by the time you were twelve! I gave you privilege! You’re mother overdosed on heroin and you use her against me!”

  She looked away from him. Her jaw trembled and her lower lip shook. She knew exactly what happened to her mother and she hated him more than anything else at that moment.

  “Hate me all you want, but I am your father and you will obey me. I fired that psychologist. What good is it to have him if you are this way?” He waved a hand at her.

  She still didn’t look at him.

  “From now on you will listen to me. I will have no more outbursts in front of my men,” he continued. “It is disrespectful, and I’ve punished people for less. Do you understand?”

  She never answered him.


  “Yes sir.” She finally turned her hot stare on him. She knew the punishments he was talking about. After the blinders were off, she saw his scarred knuckles, just like Ivan’s. He was responsible for hurting people, beating them, killing them.

  “Good. Now that we have that settled, tell me about your captivity.”

  She steeled herself, calmed her voice and spoke. “I never saw anything.”

  He tilted his head assessing her with his steel blue eyes. “No? What about the second time?”

  “The last thing I remembered was the horrible sound of exploding glass and crumpled metal—the accident. When I woke I was in a cold dark room.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Until R—Mr. Casey showed up and rescued me.”

  “You heard, or saw nothing?”

  She shook her head. He didn’t look convinced at all. “Except the dead men.”

  His brows popped up. “You saw the men Casey killed?”

  She nodded. “I did.” She had to give him something because she knew he wouldn’t let her go until he had some collaborating information. She’d make sure it wasn’t much, but it had to be something. “He found me in the room and got me out.”

  Peter folded his arms across his chest and stared down at her. “How many did he kill?”

  He was trying to confirm Ryan’s story. Well, she honestly didn’t know that part. He didn’t tell her, for good reason. It would have upset her. “I don’t know. I just saw the two that were outside the door of my cell. We were shot at when we were driving away. Mr. Casey pushed me down so I wouldn’t get hit, so I didn’t even see where we came from or how we got out of there. That’s when he got shot.”
  “Did you know how many men where there?”

  “No, I have no idea.” .

  He seemed convinced.

  “I promise, that is all I know,” she added honestly. Thank God he didn’t ask her about blowing up the house. “Anything else?” God, she wanted away from him as soon as possible.

  “Yes, are you ready for tonight? Do you have a dress for the party?”

  You’d think after the last kidnapping that he’d cancel it, but after seeing Eveline, she should have known that wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t speaking to her about canceling the party, just the fine details. She should have known that he cared more about money than his own flesh and blood. “Y-you’re still having it?” And, why was he so concerned about her dress? She had a feeling that something more was going on and he needed her to look exceptional.

  “Of course.”

  She felt her face heat up in anger. She was nearly killed and he was still having this useless party! “I have plenty in my closet that I’ve never worn. I’ll wear one of those.” She was surprised at how calm she sounded.

  He nodded. “This year’s fashion preferably. I have some investors coming to this party so I need you to look really good. I need you to be convincing.”

  Like she always was. The perfect hostess and loving daughter. “I will.” That really pleased him. He grinned from ear to ear as if he just won a major war.

  When she came out of her father’s office, Ryan was gone. She knew he’d be close by, but must’ve got called away for the moment. She made her way back up to her room. She knew now that her father did not love her. He never did. It was all about appearances with him. The only one that seemed to care about her was Ryan. Should she put so much faith in that though? Who’s to say that he’ll stick around after this is over, if it ever ends.

  She stopped outside her door and leaned her head against it. She could definitely survive on her own if she had to. She was sure she could. She didn’t need her father’s money or shelter after Ryan accomplished what he came to do. It was important he succeeded and she would do everything to help him so she could get away from here.

  A large hand smoothed over her shoulder startling her. She jumped and turned around. It was Ryan. The level of stealth he possessed was still surprising.

  “Are you all right?” He nudged her under her chin to make her tilt her head up to face him.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “You will,” he agreed.

  She smiled. “He’s just so hard to take.”

  Ryan nodded. Then he leaned down, reached behind her and opened her door.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent as her nose near brushed the skin at his neck.

  He turned his head and kissed her forehead tenderly. “Let’s go for a run after breakfast.”

  “I’d love to.”

  He took her hand and led her into her room shutting the door behind them.

  Down the hall Ivan stepped out behind the corner while lighting a cigarette. He knew he was right about those two, but his boss won’t listen. He’ll have to deal with Casey on his own. Katya would be his whether she liked it or not.


  “Oh, be still my beating heart,” Ryan murmured. He made a circular motion with his finger for her to turn around.

  Kat grinned from ear to ear and swirled in front of him. She wore a form fitting deep plum satin gown with off the shoulder straps. There was a long slit up the side revealing one of her flawless legs up to mid-thigh. In the back, the material dipped below the taunting curves of her shoulder blades. The material spilled onto the floor behind her. It was a perfect choice for her figure. It was exquisite and classy, just like the rest of her.

  Around her neck was her mother’s tear drop diamond necklace. She also had the matching earrings. Her hair was pulled up and piled neatly on top of her head held in place by diamond encrusted pins and revealing her elegant long neck.

  He let out a long whistle of appreciation. “You put the ‘class’ in classy, darling.”

  She blushed red at the compliment and the endearment. He was no hobo either. She didn’t know how he got his hands on the expensive stylish tuxedo he wore, but it was definitely tailor made. “You’re no street urchin yourself.”

  He chuckled as he approached and gathered her in his arms. “I could eat you up right now,” he said huskily. He bent his head and gave her a long deep kiss.

  She felt her knees go weak as his tongue caressed hers. Oh, this man knew how to seduce a woman with his mouth, that’s for certain. “Do you really like it?” she said breathlessly.

  The corner of his mouth pulled up. He took her hand and moved it between them so she could feel his solid erection. Her eyes widened as she stared up at him. He tilted his head handsomely and lifted a single brow. She burst into laughter. She couldn’t deny that type of honesty.

  He narrowed his gaze in a mock glare. “I’m glad my condition amuses you.” He glanced at his watch. “Time to go and receive your father’s guests.” He turned and held out his arm for her.

  She was still smiling when she took it.

  “You will be paying for that later,” he whispered in her ear as they descended the stairs.

  “I’m praying on it,” she softly countered. His deeply voiced threat had the muscles in her pelvis contract suddenly. Gosh, how did that with just a phrase, was impressive.

  There was classical music playing as they walked through the house to the back yard. Her father didn’t spare any expense when it came to impressing these so-called investors.

  There was a massive buffet, top of the line chiefs, servers, and small orchestra to create an elegant atmosphere. He’d had the garden manicured to perfection and extra lights set up. People were mingling throughout the house and concentrated mainly in the back garden where the music was. If she didn’t know anything about her father, she would have thought this very enchanting and beautiful.

  For the next hour she mingled, and acted the part, hating every second of it. The only person that made it bearable, was Ryan. He was outstanding as her mock date. He was sophisticated and charming, and kept very close to her. She felt protected and safe every time he placed his hand on her lower back or touched her discreetly on the arm or by a gentle caress of her hip. It was all the security she needed, knowing he was there. When asked what he did for a living, he told people he was in acquisitions. She near choked on a sip of wine. He lowered his hand and pinched her bottom. She squeaked but covered it with a brief cough. She shot him a false glare. He was so daring! No one questioned him and instead asked him about particular investments. Wow, people were so easily fooled and itching to spend money.

  Yes this was how the disgustingly rich lived.

  Well in their defense, Ryan gave off the aura of being undeniably accomplished, self-assured and wealthy, so people took that as him being very successful. To top it off, he sounded incredibly articulate in the market performance and was actually able to answer their questions. She wasn’t sure if his answers held any truth, but he sure as heck sounded right. No one knew who he really was except her father’s men. You never know, she might have fallen for that charm too if she’d met him at a gala like this.

  “I’m going to get you another glass of wine.”

  She looked up at Ryan. “Why?”

  “Because you are as stiff as a board.”

  “Is it that noticeable?” She thought she was doing really well.

  “Only to a select few.” He nodded toward her father who gave her a quick glance. It was quick but it spoke volumes.

  “Oh. I see.”


  She sighed and nodded. She didn’t like putting on an act for anyone and now that she knew what her father was, how many people just like him were at his party? She was expected to play the shining socialite, but it was hard to do that when the undercurrent of violence was present. She’d suffered because of what he was. Her sister was twisted and her mother was dead.

�I’ll be back.” He turned and walked toward the bar tended by a man in a white tuxedo.

  Kat watched him closely. He was incredibly handsome; tall, sexy and confident. The man looked like a tycoon. His grey eyes were vibrant in that suit and she’d seen that the women he’d walked by took notice too. It wasn’t just them. There were six around them at least every five minutes when she was introducing them to her father’s guests. It didn’t matter that she was on his arm or the daughter of the host. Ryan was that irresistible. Even now while getting her a glass of wine he was approached by a sexy blonde who was obviously flirting with him. The signs were obvious; the fluttering of lashes, titillating laugh and twisting a finger in her hair. Then there was the casual brush of her fingers across the back of his hand that was resting on the bar. Soon another woman, brunette this time joined the bleached blond. Katya folded her arms and watched in quiet appreciation as he smiled, nodded, retrieved her glass of wine, said something and then turned and walked toward her.

  “Another fan?” she asked accepting the glass of wine.

  “She holds no candle to you,” he answered honestly.

  She almost laughed at the fact he didn’t even ask her who or what she was referring to. Then her smile faltered. “What exactly is it then?”


  “I’ve seen women around you Ryan. I’ve also seen the disappointment on their faces when you don’t take the cues. I know you see them.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “You have a lot of experience or you wouldn’t be so immune.”

  “Are we discussing this here?”

  He looked irritated. She paused. He was right. She was being ridiculous. She knew she was, and this conversation should be reserved for the bedroom, but she felt so insecure at the moment. “It’s just, I have to know. What is it about me?”

  He stepped close, toe to toe, and stared down at her. His hands rested on her waist.“Kat, because it’s important to you, and on the risk of being overheard, I’ll answer. There are plenty things about you that I find utterly irresistible. Right now, if I could touch you more in public, I would—heads up. Your father.” He nodded past her.


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