Knox's Stand

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Knox's Stand Page 22

by Jamie Begley

  “Are you okay?” Knox asked as he pulled off her skirt and shoes.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Diamond mumbled. Knox smiled and lay down next to her, lifting her to his chest. As Diamond lay across him, her thigh lifted to rest across his hips.

  “You going to knee me in the nuts for doing that?”

  “No; I should, but I feel too good to bother doing it right now.”

  Knox’s hand smoothed out the tangled curls. “Diamond?”

  “Knox, I’m not pissed, but if you keep bugging me, I might become pissed. You’re messing with my afterglow.”

  Knox’s chest shook against her cheek. “I wouldn’t want to do that, go to sleep. We need to talk tomorrow.” Diamond pretended to go to sleep, feeling Knox relax under her. She worried until dawn lit the sky that the talk he wanted involved her return to reality.

  Much later, Diamond rolled over, half-asleep. Looking over at the clock, she saw that it was afternoon. Turning to wake Knox, Diamond wasn’t surprised to find him gone.

  Wendy and Peter Pan had never had their happy ending and neither would she.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Diamond had just gotten out of the shower and dressed when her cell phone rang. Her stomach sank when she saw it was Knox calling.


  “You finally awake, sleepyhead?” Knox’s cheerful voice had her sagging spirits lifting.

  “Yes, I just got out of the shower.”

  “Good.” His voice turned serious. “I want you to meet me at this address in an hour.” Diamond’s spirits dropped again. “Beth said you can borrow her SUV, the keys are already in the ignition.

  “What’s the address?” Diamond knew that there was no use in putting off the inevitable.

  She repeated the address back to him before hanging up. Diamond sat down on the side of the bed, looking at the clock as she watched the minutes click past, one after another. She had become fairly familiar with Treepoint and with Knox’s instructions was sure she would have no trouble finding the house.

  When she had no choice other than to leave or be late, which she was tempted to do, but she couldn’t bring herself to keep Knox deliberately waiting. She got to her feet, straightened her shoulders, and gathered her pride, determined this time to accept his decision without breaking down and pleading with him not to stop seeing her. As she went out of his room and down the stairs, she missed the concerned looks everyone she passed gave her when they saw her white face.

  She managed to keep her resolve all the way to Beth’s SUV. Climbing in, she drove to town, and with each mile, her resolve weakened. She would only ask for more time once. When she was a couple miles away, she would only cry a little bit. By the time she pulled into the driveway of the big house she was unfamiliar with, she got out of the car and walked to the front door. Her resolve completely disappeared, knowing she would go down on her knees and beg if she had to. She wasn’t going to let the big jerk go. Whatever he said, he was hers.

  Diamond started to knock on the door, but the note taped to the door stopped her.

  “Diamond the door is unlocked. Come in, I’m waiting.”

  Diamond read the short note twice before she gathered enough courage to open the door.

  She stepped into the average-sized living room, which was completely unfurnished. Diamond took a hesitant step forward, seeing a suitcase sitting at the bottom of the steps. As she drew closer, she heard music from the upstairs. She slowly went up the steps until she reached the top where she saw a door opened and could hear the music pouring out from the room behind it. Diamond walked into the room and came to a stop.

  “Knox.” Her hand reached out, bracing herself in the doorway.

  The bedroom was completely decorated with her bedroom furniture; her dresser, her chest of drawers, her chair with her nightgown on it. It was all exactly as she’d left it. Everything perfectly like it had been in her apartment except for the bed. It was a king size bed with a beautiful comforter on it.

  “I don’t understand,” Diamond said.

  “If you don’t like it, we can pick out something else. I thought this wouldn’t be too far from your office and would still be convenient for me to make a quick stop every now and then when we’re not busy at the office.”

  Diamond didn’t take her eyes off Knox.

  “Are you wearing a... is that a…” Knox walked forward, moving to stand in front of her.

  “A deputy’s uniform,” Knox said. “The sheriff wants to retire in a few months. He’s tired, Diamond. He wants to leave the town in someone’s hands he can trust. I’ll be a deputy for a few months while he trains me before I take over as sheriff. The mayor has already okayed it and doesn’t think the city council will cause any opposition.”

  “You’re going to be the sheriff?” Diamond asked in disbelief.

  “Yes. I’ll have a regular job. I want you to move in here with me.”

  “Knox, are you sure?”

  “Diamond, I’m sure. I love you.” Knox went to his knees in front of her then, looking up at her, he said. “I need you. I don’t expect you to believe me, but I can be the man you need. I can be reliable, faithful and there for you and our children. I love you, Diamond. I’ll always love you. I haven’t touched another woman since that first time with you.”

  “Even when we were apart those months?” Diamond asked in shock.

  “Even then, that’s why I gave my bed up,” Knox told her.

  “Knox, I love you, too.” Diamond smiled down into his face. The shadows that were so much a part of him were gone. His beautiful eyes were clear, making no effort to hide his emotions from her.

  At her words, he stood, picked her up, and laid her down on the bed. Knox then began pulling off his clothes, and Diamond sat up to take off her own.

  She smiled as she crawled to the end of the bed. “What would you have done if I wasn’t such a sure thing?”

  “Diamond, you were never a sure thing. Even when you gave me everything you had, I thought you would give up and leave before I could straighten out my shit. I wanted you to stay at the same time that I was afraid you would stay. You were becoming more precious to me than the air I breathed. You showed your strength and love for me every day. I’m going to prove my love to you for the rest of my life.”

  “We don’t have to live here. We could do like Razer and Shade; build our house near the clubhouse if you want,” Diamond made the offer, leaving the choice to him.

  “They’ll always be my family, and now you’re a member we’ll for damn sure be going to some parties, but only on the nights that there’s no one from town there.”

  “I was the new member voted in last night?” Diamond teased his nipple with her tongue.

  “Yes. But we’re going to be busy with my new job, getting married, fixing up our island.”

  Diamond’s head moved away from his nipple. Not sure which one surprised her more.

  “You bought us an island?”

  “A tiny one in Florida.”

  Knox spread her thighs, placing his cock at her opening and thrusting deep, his piercing sliding across her vulnerable flesh. Diamond arched at the pleasure in her sheathe as he started to torture her nipple.

  “I have a question,” she said, holding onto him as he raised over her, reaching down to her pussy to spread her legs so that his piercings would rub against her clit every time his cock thrust inside her.


  “Do they make those vibrating rings for your cock, too?”

  “Oh yeah,” Knox groaned.

  “Can I have one?”

  Coming in December 2013 by Jamie Begley

  Sex Piston (Biker Bitches, #1)


  Stud brought his fist up, smashing Dozer in the ribs. The beefed up brother only grunted, returning the strike with a punch to Stud’s gut that had him taking a step backwards. Regaining his breath, he swung his fist, striking Dozer just under his jaw and knocking him backward before he could regain his b
alance. Stud then hit him on the side of his nose, sending blood flying as Dozer fell to his knees.

  “That motherfucker can fight,” Killyama said, admiring the two men brawling in the middle of the circle of members.

  “He does all right.” Sex Piston hid her appreciation at the skill that Stud used to bring the enforcer of the Destructors down.

  “Dozer should have known better than to challenge Stud. He’s overworked those muscles of his to the point he’s slow as shit. I could take the shithead down,” Crazy Bitch said, unimpressed.

  The crowd around them cheered when Stud finished off Dozer with a nasty kick to the face and he lost consciousness. The Destructors and the Blue Horsemen converged on Stud, slapping him on his back and laughing at how easily he had taken Dozer out.

  “Fuck,” Sex Piston said, disappointed at the outcome of the brief fight.

  “What?” Killyama questioned. “Don’t tell me you actually thought Dozer stood a chance?”

  “I was hoping. I hate it that not one of our men can beat them,” Sex Piston stated, aggravated that the Destructors had lost every fight against the Blue Horsemen.

  “I stand a better chance of beating them than any of our shitheads.”

  Sex Piston agreed with Crazy Bitch.

  “I don’t know why you don’t like them, they are a hell of a lot better looking than our men. There’s one or two of them I wouldn’t mind doing.” T.A. smiled at Bear who was standing at the edge of the crowd.

  Sex Piston narrowed her eyes on her friend until she lost her smile. “You can’t fuck any of them. If one of us caves, then they’ll be expecting to get it off us all, and I’m not about to do any of them.”

  “Me, either,” Killyama said.

  Crazy Bitch, Fat Louise and T.A. looked unhappy at Sex Piston’s decision.

  “Just because you’re pissed off at Ace, don’t mean we can’t get a little something,” T.A argued.

  “I don’t think anything of Bear’s would be small, Stud’s either.” Fat Louise stared at Stud.

  “Let’s get a beer,” Sex Piston said, turning away and walking through the crowd who had come outside to watch the fight. She actually felt kind of bad for the big man. He had been taking it pretty well that the Destructor’s had been turned into a charter of the Blue Horsemen, but then his bitch had been flirting with Stud half the night and he hadn’t been able to take it anymore. His jealousy had forced him to challenge Stud to regain her attention.

  She blatantly ignored Stud and his men, going back inside to find a table. Crazy Bitch grabbed them all a beer as Fat Louise kept bugging them to take her to the new restaurant that had opened in town.

  “I don’t want to go to Popeye’s,” Killyama said.

  “Why not?” Fat Louise argued.

  “Because if you like it, that’s all we’re going to be eating for the next year. I’m just going to nip it in the bud. You had us eating ’Taco Hut‘ so much we shitted burritos,” Killyama reminded her.

  “I want to go...” Fat Louise’s mind was always on food.

  Sex Piston drowned them out, drinking her beer as her eyes surveyed the clubhouse, seeing that Stud and his men were now at the bar. Bear’s woman was in his grill so tight a fucking crow bar couldn’t pry her off. Stud was ignoring the woman whose hands were all over him, but Sex Piston had no doubt that he would end up in one of the back rooms with her before the night was over.

  So far he hadn’t fucked any of the Destructors’ bitches, keeping his cock at home with the Blue Horseman women that came riding in with them on the back of their bikes. The skank with the long blond hair and tight ass was his current fuck buddy, throwing angry looks from the stool next to Stud’s as the other woman made a play for him. Stud must be moving on to ignore his bitch while playing with another one in front of her.

  Sex Piston knew how that shit burned; her own man had managed to get one of the other women in the club knocked up while they were on one of their breaks, making her look like a fucking idiot. The saddest part was she hadn’t cared. She was actually glad knowing that now she wouldn’t go back to him even if he begged her, and he had been begging, but she had her standards. She wasn’t about to come between a man and his baby’s mama.

  “We need to talk,” Ace said, coming up to her table.

  “No, we don’t,” Sex Piston said, finishing her beer.

  “Summer doesn’t mean a damn thing to me. Her having my kid isn’t going to change how I feel about you.”

  “You don’t give a fuck about me or your dick never would’ve came out of your pants. We’re done. Now get the fuck away from me.” She stared back at him, ice dripping from her voice.

  Joker came up beside his friend. “Crazy Bitch, let’s go home.”

  “I told you last night I was done with your ass. Your shit better be out of my house before I get home or I’ll give it to Goodwill. I’m sick of supporting your lazy ass. Go find another bitch stupid enough to pay your fucking bills.” Crazy Bitch glared at her ex.

  “I’m looking for a job,” Joker whined.

  “I hear Popeye’s is hiring,” Crazy Bitch mocked. The women at the table burst out laughing at the men.

  Joker made to grab Crazy Bitch, but Sex Piston jerked his hand away before he could touch her. “Don’t fucking touch her,” she snarled.

  “She’s my old lady; I’ll touch her if I want to, you bitch from hell. Ace should have shown you who’s boss years ago.”

  “Yeah, well, he would have to have a dick for that to happen.” The women at the table couldn’t help laughing again. Ace turned bright red, grabbing Sex Piston’s arm, so she grabbed her beer bottle about to brain the fucker.

  “Let her go, Ace.” Ace let go of Sex Piston as soon as he heard Stud’s voice.

  “See, what did I tell you? No dick,” Sex Piston taunted.

  “Shut up, Sex Piston.” Stud didn’t take his eyes off Joker and Ace. “You two need to leave until you cool down.”

  “You throwing me out of my own club?” Joker asked in astonishment.

  “It’s my club now, and yeah, I’m telling you to leave.” Stud didn’t say anything else as he waited for the two men to follow his orders or challenge him.

  “Let’s go, Joker. Neither one of these bitches are worth fighting over.” Ace walked away, heading toward the club door. Joker hesitated; it was harder to walk away from his meal ticket, yet without Ace to back him up, his cowardice showed and he followed behind his friend.

  After they left, Stud stood staring down at the table of women.

  “If you’re waiting for thanks, you’re not going to get it. I could have handled that pussy,” Sex Piston said as she glared up at her new club president.

  “Watch how you talk to me, Sex Piston,” Stud warned her.

  Sex Piston started to snap back, but bit her tongue for once. She had promised her pops she wouldn’t challenge the asshole. So, instead, she turned to talk to Killyama, insulting him by ignoring his presence.

  The bitches gave him gloating smiles as he returned to the bar.

  “T.A. get a bottle of Tequila. Let’s celebrate those two assholes being out of our life,” Crazy Bitch said.

  T.A. got up and went to the bar, coming back a few minutes later with a full bottle and five glasses.

  Sex Piston poured herself a large glass before passing the bottle on to her friends. Taking a swallow of the burning liquor, she wondered how long she was going to be able to keep her promise to her pops. That asshole deserved to be put in his place and she was just the bitch to do it.

  * * *

  “I’m going to do it,” Bear said, setting his beer down on the counter.

  “Do what?” Stud asked, turning to his vice-president. His eyes going in the direction that Bear was obviously watching.

  The five women must have gone onto the dance floor after finishing the empty tequila bottle still sitting at their table. He hadn’t noticed with his attention on the blond that had been attached to his hip for the last hour.
She had been trying to lure him into one of the back rooms for a blowjob the entire time, however his dick had shown no interest in doing that.

  The best part about being the president of the Blue Horsemen was the pussy. Contrarily, the worst part of the job was the pussy. Women were constantly trying to get his attention, wanting to become his old lady or simply be able to brag about having fucked him. He had learned early just how manipulative the bitches in the club could be. All except for one, Sex Piston; she didn’t bother trying to manipulate anyone, she merely steamrolled over them.

  He had seen her on and off for the last several years when the Destructors and the Blue Horsemen had partied together.

  Sex Piston’s father, Skulls, and he had met seven years ago during a run in with another club. They had sided together to get rid of the encroaching biker gang that was stealing and doing drug runs, blaming it on their clubs. When they had banded together, the rival biker gang had left town with fewer members than when they had arrived.

  Sex Piston had been nineteen and feisty as hell. Now, at twenty-six, she more than deserved her name. Her five-foot-six, curvy body was encased in tight, black leather pants with a leather vest that laced up the front with her breasts threatening to overflow the corseted top. All the brothers were constantly staring, trying to see the pink of her nipples, yet they only managed to get threats for those high-heeled biker boots to be shoved up their asses.

  “I’m going to have that bitch in my bed tonight,” Bear bragged.

  “Which one?” Stud asked, picking up his beer, deliberately keeping his body loose.

  Bear looked at him as if he was insane. “T.A.. I’m man enough to admit I couldn’t handle the other four.”

  “Not even Fat Louise?” Stud smiled at Bear’s horror-stricken expression.

  “Nope, she’s more interested in food than dick,” Bear said, hiking his jeans up before moving towards the dance floor.


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