Burdened Souls: Can Love Save a Burdened Soul? (The Burned Souls Series Book 1)

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Burdened Souls: Can Love Save a Burdened Soul? (The Burned Souls Series Book 1) Page 4

by Jessi McPherson

  “Yeah I’ve seen your movies. A few of my classmates in college didn’t believe we went to school together, so I had to pull out our fifth-grade yearbook pictures,” I confessed.

  “Oh, you didn’t,” he laughed.

  “Yep. Do you remember what you told them you wanted to be when you grew up?”

  “Of course,” he said. “I wanted to be G.I. Joe. I guess playing an army hero is close enough.”

  He called Chelsea over and order more shots. “Where are you staying?” he asked. “Caleb Lefluer and I have an apartment together.”

  “Oh yeah. He’s your best friend, isn’t he? You guys were always together when we were younger.”

  “Yep he is.” I raised the first glass to him. “To old friends.”

  He nodded and we drank them down.

  After our shots, I was ready to dance. “Want to dance?” I asked him as I stood up.

  “It’s going to be ridiculous,” he warned.

  “I know, but I need to let off some steam,” I said, taking his hand.

  I should have listened to him, because the second we left the section we were swarmed. Cameron held me close as we danced and he tried pushing other girls off. I couldn’t help but laugh at their audacity. The one time I did glance at Dillon, I could see he was upset and then the redhead was back. I pressed my back close to Cameron and his hands circled my waist

  “You’re driving him nuts.”

  I quickly turned to face him. “Who?”

  I knew who he meant but didn’t think I was being obvious. He smiled and led me back to our table.

  “So, you have the hots for Shade?” he questioned.

  “I’m sorry,” I said shyly. “Not really. He just an enigma. Caleb said not to bother, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Well Josi, in my experience it never works out making the guys whose attention you want, jealous,” he warned.

  “I’m not really trying to get him jealous. We have barely spoken to each other to be honest. One second he seems interested and the next he couldn’t care less. So how do you know him?” I asked.

  “He has worked security for a couple of things I did and we have friends in similar circles,” he said, looking over at him. “I’d be careful with him, if you do finally get his attention. I’ve never known him to keep a girl for very long.”

  “Oh. Well I guess that answers that.”

  I knew he was right, but at the same time I didn’t think I had a shot with Dillon. “Well I really don’t think I have a shot so it’s no biggie. Plus, I’m here with you. I’m running to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

  He nodded.

  I rounded the corner and felt the arms around me and someone walking me toward a corner. I knew who they belonged to. My little inner goddess was all tussled up ready to strike.

  “What are you doing, Josilyn?”

  I couldn’t mistake the jealousy in his voice, but the passion in his eyes when I spun around was unexpected. He glanced down as I licked my lips.

  “I’ll ask again. What are you doing, Josilyn?”

  I snapped awake. “I’m relaxing after work, and having fun with my friend. Is there a problem?” I looked around him. “Your girlfriend’s looking for you. Better not keep her waiting.” I shrugged out of his embrace but was quickly spun around and his lips crushed to mine. I melted into him and relaxed my lips allowing his tongue passage. He poured so much into that little kiss I had to gasp for air when he finally released me.

  “She is not my girlfriend so stop trying to make me jealous.”

  “I’m not. I don’t even know what’s going on here, Dillon. What’s going on?”

  He kissed me again and then he walked away. I didn’t know what to think. I barely knew him and he never seemed interested. I was, needless to say, confused. I sat in the bathroom stall trying to regain my thoughts and cool my hormones, to no avail.

  When I got back to the table, Cameron was laughing. “Well maybe I was wrong.”

  “You saw us?” I questioned. There was no way he could have seen the bathrooms from here.

  “I was right behind you. Look Josi, I’m not looking to hook up. I came here to hang out with you as a friend. If you’re interested in him, go after him. You were a great friend when we were younger and that’s the girl I came to hang out with.”

  I was stunned. “Cameron. I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position. I do want to be friends. I’m not going to lie. I had a crush on you in school and thought maybe. Well needless to say, I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

  He leaned close and whispered in my ear. “You’re adorable when you’re nervous.”

  I laughed. “Sorry.”

  “Well I liked you too but I’m not one for a one night stand and someone has your attention already. So, friends.”

  “Thanks.” I sipped my drink. “I’d like that. You aren’t how they portray you in the magazines. Though I figured it was just for show.”

  “Yeah. I don’t usually take the same girl out but they’ve all been friends. The media assumes I’m a playboy, and I don’t refute it so… Anyways. I think I’m going to head home, I have a plane to catch in the morning. Will you be OK, or can I walk to your car?” he asked, standing.

  “I’m going to finish my drink and head home too.” I stood to give him a hug. “Thanks for coming out with me.”

  He nodded. “Anytime Josi. Shoot me a text and we will hang out again.”

  “I’d like that.”

  After watching the redhead once again fling herself at Dillon, I’d had enough. I went to cash out my tab only to find Cameron had taken care of it. The heat flamed in my core and my breath hitched. I knew he was close.

  “Leaving already?”

  “Yep, I’ve had my fill,” I said, jealousy fueling my anger.

  “I’m not a good guy, Josilyn. You could do better. I’m sorry for kissing you earlier,” he said taking a look at my lips again.

  “Well I’m not, but I don’t have times for games. Good night Dillon,” I said.

  He brushed my shoulder and handed me a card.

  “My cell is on the back. Give me a call sometime,” he said with smile.

  “You just said, oh never mind. Good night Dillon.” I huffed. That man set my soul on fire. The cool night air did nothing to sooth my raging hormones.

  Against my better judgement, I texted him as soon as I was home.

  “Dillon. What brought that on? First I notice you watching me and then you avoid looking at me. Are you interested in me or not? I hate games. What is going on? If this is going to lead somewhere great, if not the have a good night. P.S. Who is the Redhead? Josi.”

  His response was immediate

  “I’m not going to lie Josilyn. I was avoiding you but it was just too hard. I like you but I’m complicated and have baggage. Like I said I’m not a good person. She is unimportant. What is up with you and James?”

  I stared at my phone screen for a few minutes, before writing him back.

  “He’s unimportant. It looks like we both have issues. I’m intrigued by you but I am not looking for a serious relationship but not looking for a one night stand either. My baggage is heavy too. You have no idea. Maybe we can be friends.”

  I pressed send and felt my stomach churn. Who was I kidding? I didn’t want to be friends. I wanted him.

  “I don’t kiss my friends like that Josilyn but I think you’re right. Maybe being friends is a good place for us to start. I’ve got strong arms and I’m not worried about your baggage. Get some sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  I closed my eyes and slept the best I had in months. I woke up feeling refreshed and more alive than I had in weeks.

  Caleb was sitting at the breakfast bar when I walked out. “You got home late,” he said with a smile.

  “Yeah I went to Jake’s.”

  He looked at me with a knowing smile. “I know. How was Cameron?”

  “How did you know?” I questioned.

texted me. So, what’s going on there?”

  “Nothing, actually. We hung out and talked. He noticed I had my eyes on Dillon, and then Dillon kissed me. So he said he just wanted to be friends. Then Dillon gave me his number, and I texted him when I got home, and he has baggage, and I told him I just wanted to be friends.” I spilled everything and then looked up at him.

  He was grinning like the Cheshire cat. “I love you, sweetie. I know the deal. I’m not sure what to tell you to do, because I don’t want to see you get hurt. I want to push you to move on, but I’m worried if I do and it blows up, you’ll blame me. But I do think you should move on. You can’t give that bastard the satisfaction of thinking he still has power over you. You must let yourself love again. It’s the only way you’ll truly heal.”

  I walked over and hugged him. “I would never blame you if things went belly-up. You are my best friend. I’m trying, but I’m just afraid to fall back into that kind of relationship. Maybe I attract the bad guys,” I confessed my true fear. If I couldn’t tell Wade was a bad guy, maybe I was blind to it. Maybe Dillon telling me he was not a good guy made him more attractive to me.

  Caleb held me close. “Sweetie he had everyone fooled. Don’t blame yourself. Plus, you have me by your side now. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I swear.”

  I knew he was telling me the truth but it was still hard. “I’m going to go for a run,” I said, moving away.

  Chapter 6

  Dillon texted me later that afternoon as I laid on the couch.

  “Hey you. Would you like to grab a bite?”

  “Sure, give me 10 minutes. Where can I meet you?”

  “I can come pick you up.”

  “It’s ok.”

  “Ok, meet me at Gillian’s.”

  I quickly showered and got dressed, feeling like a silly school girl. It was a decent day, so I picked out a white T-shirt and jean shorts. Butterflies were attacking my stomach as I walked in. I can’t explain this feeling. I saw him sitting at the bar when I walked in and felt instant relief. He held out his hand to me as I approached.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, kissing my cheek.

  My stupid goddess was on her knees, begging for more. Little slut, I thought. “Thank you.”

  He took me to our seats. “Have you been here before?” he asked as he was looking at the menu.

  The waitress came and took our drink orders. I noticed she barely even looked at me, but I shrugged it off.

  “No, I haven’t. This place wasn’t around when I lived here before.”

  “You’re from here?” he asked.

  “I was born here, and lived here, until my parents died when I was ten. Then I moved to Iowa, and now I’m back.”

  He nodded. “I’ve lived here for ten years now. I love the energy and life here.”

  “Me too. I loved living in a small town but there’s something about this place. You can just feel life all around you. It’s beautiful.” My cheeks redden slightly when I notice him staring at me. “So where did you live before here?”

  Our waitress came back with our drinks and took our order.

  “I’ve lived a lot of places,” he said quietly, like there was more he wanted to say. “So what do you like to do for fun, Josilyn?”

  “Please call me Josi. I like running, reading, and being outdoors but I love cooking. What about you?”

  “I have lots of little hobbies. So are you a good cook?” He didn’t elaborate on his hobbies.

  “If you ask Caleb, I’m the best chef in New Orleans. I went to school for it, but I mostly cook at home.”

  “Maybe you can cook for me some time,” he said with a smile.

  “Asking me on a second date already,” I joked.

  He was about to speak when his phone rang. “Sorry, it’s my work cell. I’ll be right back.”

  I watched him as he took the call. I’ve noticed him before, but seeing him standing there I took in everything about him. I loved his eyes but suddenly wondered what his big arms would feel like around me—outside of a dream. Everything about his presence said power and beauty but not the arrogant I’m all that kind. He had the perfect amount of muscle to say he works out but soft enough to cuddle. I imagined how safe it felt in those arms.

  “Enjoying what you see,” he said with a quirky smile.

  Crap, he had caught me staring. “Well of course. What’s not to like?”

  His smile faded slowly. “I’m sorry to do this, but I have to go into work. I’ll settle the bill, but wondered if I could call you later?” He waited nervously for my answer.

  “Um, sure. I’ll be at home,” I said, a little disappointed.

  “Great.” He kissed my cheek and made his way to our waitress.

  I couldn’t help but feel a little weird sitting there alone, so I ate quickly and headed home.

  “So how did it go?” Caleb asked as I walked thru the door.

  “It was great until he had to leave to go into work.” I said, plopping down on the couch next to him.

  “Well that sucks.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Well good thing we have Netflix and wine,” he said with a smile. “Go get your comfy clothes on.”

  I didn’t argue, I just went and got comfy. Even if Dillon did call or text, I wasn’t sure I wanted to do anything else. I got the distinct feeling he was keeping something from me. I couldn’t blame him because I wasn’t exactly an open book.

  “How about we stare at Cameron’s butt?” Caleb called from the living room. He was a pain but I loved him.


  I couldn’t help myself as the butt scene came on. “Pause it,” I told Caleb, and I quickly snapped a close picture with my phone.

  “What are you doing?” Caleb asked, amused.

  “Showing Cameron what we’re watching,” I said.

  I quickly sent the picture with a text.

  “I love my view right now.”

  Caleb laughed. “Do you think he’ll know it’s his butt?”

  “Who cares, but I’m sure he will.”

  It was ten minutes before my phone chirped.

  “If you ever want to see the real thing let me know.”

  I laughed and Caleb looked over. “OMG. I’d say get a room but I know nothing would happen.”

  “If it’s anything like the movies, I’ll gladly sneak a peek but oh wait we’re just friends. ;-)”

  “I’ve seen a few of my friends naked.”

  “Is that an offer?”


  “You are a nerd. I’ll just take the probably photoshopped or body doubled ass on TV.”

  “Well the offer’s on the table. And that’s the real deal baby.”

  “You are playing with fire sweetheart,” Caleb warned.

  “What? He knows the deal,” I said innocently.

  “I’m not talking about just him. I want to see you move on but stringing two guys along may not work out for the best.”

  Oh great, Saint Caleb was looking out for me. “It’s fine. I told both I just wanted to be friends. I’m not stringing them along.”

  He just nodded as I snuggled back against him.

  “Be careful baby girl,” he said, kissing my head.

  Cameron was quiet after that so I figured he went back to work.

  It was during the second movie that Dillon texted.

  “Not into naked men showing up on my phone and being in on that conversation.”

  I sat there staring at the phone. What had I done? I quickly looked and sure enough, I had sent the picture to both and thus, because of my stupid phone, he got all the messages. Caleb sat there laughing at me as I thought of how to repair this.

  “I am so sorry. I only meant to send that to Cameron. I’m an idiot. Cameron and I are just friends.”

  “Its fine you don’t have to explain anything. We are just friends as well. I was just letting you know to watch who you send pictures to.”

  “Let me make it up to you. I feel
like a complete ass. How about I cook dinner for you tonight at my place.”

  “It’s a nice offer but I don’t think so.”

  “Told you. Playing with fire,” Caleb sneered.

  I growled and dialed Dillon’s phone.

  “Hello,” he said in a low almost-growl. I wasn’t sure if he was pissed or annoyed. Who knows, maybe both?

  “Hey it’s Josi,” I said.

  “I have caller ID, Josilyn. Did you need something?”

  Yep definitely pissed.

  “Yes. I am sorry and I do want to make it up to you. It was a joke meant for Cameron. If you’re worried about the friend thing, Caleb and Trevor will be here for dinner as well. Call it a peace offering for my rude text.”

  The phone was quiet for a moment.

  “I guess I was also rude for leaving you during lunch today. I guess I can give it a try. What time would you like me there?”

  “Eight thirty,” I said, trying to hide the smile on my face. “I’ll text you the address.”

  Something occurred to me after hanging up. Dillon seemed to run as hot and cold as I did on occasion. Caleb was staring at me as I turned around.

  “Girl, you got game.” He smacked my shoulder. “I’ll call Trevor and tell him he got roped into dinner.”

  “Oh, yeah I’m sure he’ll be upset. “

  I checked my cupboard for what to make and found almost everything I needed. “I have to run to Chambers do you want to come?” I yelled to Caleb.

  “No, I’m going to shower.”

  At exactly eight thirty, Dillon knocked on the door. I wasn’t sure why I was a nervous wreck, but I was. Maybe it was because it had been at least six months since I’ve even thought about letting a guy into my life. Trevor answered the door as I continued to cook and Caleb set the table.

  “Welcome to our humble abode,” I heard Caleb say from where I was standing by the stove. “Josi is in the kitchen finishing, but I’ll warn you not to go in there. She’s like a territorial wolf.”

  “I can hear you Caleb,” I yelled. I dried my hands on my apron and came around the island. “Ignore him. He’s still mad I threw a spoon at him one time,” I said, extending my hand. “Thank you for coming.”


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