ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)

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ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) Page 4

by C. J. Ayers

  “I rarely drink more than a glass or two. I prefer being the driver, myself. Would you like me to pick you up? Or we can meet. One of those options.” Amber stood her ground. She heard a very soft atta-girl from her sister behind her.

  Tim wasn’t going to be caught dead in the rattletrap she’d been driving earlier. “We can meet. Prospector’s Den. It’s out on Highway 79. “He reached for Amber’s hand which was resting on the cart’s push handle.

  She froze, desperately not wanting him to touch her. Jade, again, came to her rescue.

  Jade’s graceful hand patted Amber’s. “Let’s go, Am. We still have some errands to run before you can go meet Barney Fife here at the watering hole.” She smiled innocently his direction and pushed the cart forward with one hip.

  Tim’s smile and dimples stayed plastered in place until the two sisters had passed. Then his eyes narrowed and he looked his fill at the ladies as they walked away. The younger sister had a much fuller figure than he preferred, but it’d be worth the mark on his bedpost to give her the ride of her life tonight. He, too, had a few errands to see to.


  “But I don’t want to dress up. I just want to go dressed as I am. What’s wrong with the clothes I’m wearing?” Amber protested.

  “Nothing, darling,” Iris called as she continued hanging up clothes in the armoire. “But you want Deputy Dawg to be thinking about your assets, so he’ll sign off on that ticket.”

  “And how does that work? Hasn’t he already turned in the records? Don’t I have to deal with the county court now?” Amber was getting frustrated. There seemed to be just as many of her clothes being placed on the newly-made bed as there were being put away.

  “I don’t know, Amber. That’s what you’re trying to find out. Distract him with your generous girls. I’d love to have girls like those!” Jade spun Amber around and held up a couple of different shirts in front of her to assess them.

  “Okay. I know I’m foolish, but how are the two of you going to choose my clothes for this date? I’m trying to distract a male.”

  Peals of laughter met her question.


  “Darling, attraction is attraction. If you look gorgeous to me, and I want to jump your bones – figuratively speaking, of course, I’m taken – then you’ll look gorgeous to him, and he won’t be able to help himself.” Iris laughed.

  “Well, now I feel dumb.” Amber muttered.

  “Don’t,” Jade smiled into her eyes, “it’s a common misconception. We’re either attracted to every female and can’t keep our hands off any female OR we’re peculiar and want manly females. People can’t seem to understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can see a handsome male and think he is attractive without wanting to go and have sex with him. Iris is my love. She is the only person I want to touch and hold and arouse. I’m pretty sure it’s the same for hetero couples. That’s why they say, ‘I’m married, not blind,’ right?” Jade stuffed a blouse into Amber’s hand. “This one.”

  “With this.” Iris placed a skirt in Amber’s other hand. “We might let you choose your own shoes as long as they aren’t the ones you’re currently wearing. And, we’re letting you fix your own hair and make-up as you’ve always done that brilliantly.”

  The couple beamed at her and then went and plopped themselves down on the sofa in the conversation area. Amber shrugged and began changing clothes.

  Near the foot of the bed, Iris had placed a full-length mirror. Amber twirled in front of it to the applause of her appreciative audience.

  “You’ve always had such a way with colors, darling. That blouse makes her skin just glow.” Iris praised.

  “Oh, and that skirt you picked out! Perfect! Look at those legs! Rowr!” Jade waggled her eyebrows at Amber, who giggled.

  She had to admit; she felt…fetching. She’d never felt attractive or beautiful a day in her life that she could ever recall. And she’d never even tried for alluring or seductive. But, today, she felt like eyes could be upon her and that would be an okay thing. She’d even enjoy it.

  She had on a black, bell-shaped skirt. Flirty, it had a vee-cut slit partially up one leg. The whole thing was layered over with lace that flared and fell past the end of the edge of the skirt. The ladies had paired it with a lightweight, chiffon yellow blouse that buttoned up the front, but still managed to have a plunging neckline. On her feet were her favorite nude-colored pumps, which she felt made her legs appear to go on and on. She had accentuated the curl in her chestnut hair, and the shape of her eyes. She added a touch of gloss to her lips and turned back to her smiling public.


  The looks on their faces said it all. She dabbed perfume on each wrist, behind each ear, and between her breasts. Amber took a deep breath and declared herself ready to go.


  Amber pushed open the heavy wooden door to the Prospector’s Den. She stepped inside and allowed her eyes to adjust to the light. Music blared from speakers scattered all over the building but was dulled by the murmur of conversation and clink of glasses.

  She glanced around and spotted a couple of empty seats at the bar. A few clicks of her pumps and a hitch of a hip had her seated where she could see the entire bar with a twist of her seat. The redheaded bartender strolled over and smiled.

  “What can I get you?” she asked.

  “Can you make me a St. Clements?” Amber asked.

  “I sure can.”

  “Wonderful! The name’s Amber. I’d like one, and that’s what I’ll have if any other rounds are ordered, okay?” Amber smiled.

  “Sure, Amber! My name is Jody. Anything you need.”

  Amber spun around and checked out the bar. Just as Officer Tim had said, it was just off Highway 79, which ran perpendicular to her own Huckleberry Street, and the woods behind it actually intersected the greenbelt behind her apartment. It seemed as if this was the place to be for a Thursday night. People were everywhere. Standing around chest high tables, seated at small conversation pits. There was even a postage stamp dance floor where couples and groups gyrated to the pounding rhythms to the steady beat of the music coming from the speakers.

  A warm, meaty hand suddenly set itself on her exposed knee. She jerked away and prepared a sharp retort when she saw it was Officer Tim himself.

  “Hey, honey, it’s just me!” His hand had not only not been removed by her jerk, he had managed to slide it further up her thigh.

  Jody came back right then with her drink. Her smile faded as she spotted Amber’s companion.

  “Here’s your double whiskey sour, ma’am, splash of orange as you asked.” She said flatly. Amber’s eyes widened. “This first one’s on me. Sir? Did you want anything?”

  “Hello, um, Jessica. Long time no see! I’d like a Heineken, please.”

  Without a word, she spun on her heel and turned away.

  Amber clutched her glass close to her and swirled the straw around.

  “A double whiskey sour, huh? Strong drink. Guess you changed your mind about driving home. Which is great! I’ll have this one Heineken, and we can move on to other things.” As he spoke his fingers traced the edge of the vee on her skirt. Amber took a page from Jade’s book and ran her own hand down her leg, pushing his hand down and away. Then she turned her body and legs so they wouldn’t be as accessible to him.

  “Oh, it’s not as strong as you’d think. I can handle this easily. You clean up nicely.” He did, indeed, look nice. He wore a pair of slacks and a lightweight sweater the same color as his moss green eyes.

  Jody strode up and slid Tim’s Heineken to him. “Would you like to start a tab, sir?”

  “Yes, please, Joann.” Tim slid out his wallet and then a credit card. Jody punched a few buttons on a nearby machine and handed the card back without a word to him. He put his wallet away, and turned to lean his elbows on the bar edge. Jody walked away, but threw Amber a ghost of a wink as she did so.

  This angle didn’t allow Tim acce
ss to Amber’s thigh, but he did now have a great view of a rounded mound of breast and the lace along the edge of her bra. Holding his bottle in one hand, he used his other hand to run one finger up and down her bared arm.

  “So, what brings you back to the Ridge?”

  “Life, things, circumstances. It was time to come back. Why’d you stay here?”

  “I’m traditional. My family has lived here for a couple generations. It’s a pretty good town. When I marry and have my own family, we’ll stay here.” His finger kept up its path up and down her arm.

  Amber wished she’d worn long sleeves. And a turtleneck. And sweatpants.

  “So about that ticket…”

  “Straight to business! No! We’re here to have a good time! You’ve been gone a few years, right? Since around the time your parents died.” Tim didn’t see Amber’s fingers tighten around her glass. “I was a rookie cop then, so about eight years ago.” Tim’s fingers started playing with the edge of Amber’s sleeve.

  Amber closed her eyes and swallowed hard. She was never wearing these clothes again. They were going in the trash as soon as she got back to the apartment.

  “Kodi! Another round here!” Tim yelled in Jody’s direction. He completely missed her rolled eyes, but Amber spotted them and smiled to herself.

  “Ah, the rookie days. So young. So much to learn.” Tim kept talking.

  Amber used the time to study the people milling about in the bar. She continued sipping on her orange juice and lemon juice cocktail, and smiled her gratitude when Jody brought her a second one. She pushed her mostly empty first glass across the bar top and pulled the second glass to its place in front of her.

  “Well?” Tim demanded.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I asked if you wanted to get out of here and go get a bite to eat. You seem distracted. Figured you must be hungry. I don’t mind feeding you.”

  “Oh, no. Thank you.” Amber thought his tone sounded a trifle irritated. “But if you’ll excuse me just a moment, I need to use the ladies’ room.”

  Tim’s demeanor changed immediately to one of solicitude. “Of course. I’ll be right here.” He grabbed her hand before she could pull it away and pecked a kiss on the back of it.

  Amber wondered at his strange behavior, but shrugged. Tim was not a puzzle she wanted to solve. She picked up her clutch and headed toward the back of the bar where a large wooden sign proclaimed Restrooms. Truthfully only needing out of the noise and bustle for a moment, she leaned against the sink and checked out her makeup in the mirror. All was still in place. She applied a fresh coat of shine to her lips.

  She came out of the bathroom and spotted Jody at the very end of the bar. Before she could wave or smile, Jody pulled a cell phone from her back pocket and rapidly punched a series of buttons on it and held it up to her ear. Amber thought to herself, that girl’s going to lose her job if her boss catches her. Jody turned her body and looked down the long bar towards the other end. Whatever she sees, she doesn’t like it. It worries her. Amber shook her head at the oddities of people and braced herself to deal with Tim.

  Hip cocked and legs crossed, he gave off an air of bored gentleman. He used both hands to spin his bottle and her glass around in circles. He brightened when she walked back up.

  Amber declined his help getting onto the barstool, and reached for her glass. “Now, Officer Fisher, you promised we could talk about that ticket.”

  “Relax! Drink your drink! Who did you date in high school? Wasn’t it one of the Anders? Or the Barretts?”

  “Barrett. Ryder Barrett.”

  “Well, they’re all inter-related somehow. Prick one, and they all bleed and bitch at you for it. Our chief is an Anders. My lieutenant is a Barrett. But there’s a lieutenant exam coming up next month. I’ve been studying for it. I should be promoted soon!”

  “That would be wonderful.” Amber took tiny sips of her drink and continued stirring with the straw. She was getting tired, and her drink was beginning to lose its flavor to her.

  Tim babbled on about the lieutenant exam. Suddenly he leaned over, “How’s your drink? Care for another? I’m definitely going to have to drive you home.”

  “My drink is fine. No more. Water.” Amber wondered why her words felt so hard to get out. How had she gotten so tired so quickly?

  “C’mon, Amber. I’ll take you to your sister’s house. You’ve obviously had a long day.” Tim’s voice was soothing and gentle. He took Amber’s elbow and his warm hand felt solid.

  “Okay. I’m so tired. Did you know your sweater is the same color as your eyes?” Amber giggled, then slapped a hand over her mouth. What was she saying? She definitely needed to go home. She stood up and wobbled a bit on her high heels. Then stared at her St. Clements. Maybe Jody really had made her a double whiskey sour. She’d have to ask what whiskey that was – it was smooth; she hadn’t tasted it at all. With Tim’s hand on her arm and another one around her waist, she began walking towards the door.

  “Wait! My purse. Need my purse.” She lurched to a stop and took several steps to turn back towards the bar. Jody was standing there with Amber’s clutch in her hand.

  “Hey, why don’t I call you a cab, Amber? It’ll take you directly to your sister.”

  “A cab. I don’t have the cash for a cab. What was in my drink, Jody? Powerful stuff. I thought a St Clements was non-alcoholic. Whew. Right to my head. Thanks for my purse.” Amber received her clutch from Jody who looked more worried than before. Tim once again took her elbow and waist and guided her toward the door. Suddenly, Tim didn’t seem quite so obnoxious as he had earlier. His jokes were funnier. Lord, Amber thought, I’m so tired I’m getting silly.

  They tottered their way out the door and to the far side of the parking lot where Tim had parked his car. He leaned Amber up against the side of the car and pressed his full length against her.

  “What are you doing? Aren’t you taking me home?” Amber slurred.

  “Oh, I’ll take you, and I’ll get you home. Call this cab fare.” Tim started kissing down Amber’s neck from her ear to where her pulse had begun speeding up. “Hmmm. Your heart’s beating faster. Getting excited? Wanting some Tim?” His mouth plunged down on top of hers, and he pulled her hands from between them to around his neck so her breasts were flattened against his chest. With his other hand, he scooped up the edge of her skirt and planted his palm directly on her hip. His body weight still pinned her in place, but she resisted and tried to push him away.

  “No. Quit this.” She turned her head far to one side, so he couldn’t kiss her anymore. He slathered his tongue on the sensitive area behind her ear, and she shuddered in disgust. “Stop.” She pushed harder at his shoulders with her hands. Amber kept trying to push away from him with her feet as well, but her pumps kept slipping in the gravel parking lot; she couldn’t find purchase. One of his hands was up her skirt and massaging her hip and buttock while his body kept her solidly against the car. The other hand slid between their chests and into the deep vee of her neckline. Suddenly, her breast was covered with his warm, sweaty hand. Tears came to her eyes. He wasn’t going to stop. Why wasn’t her body obeying her easily?

  “Please don’t do this. Please stop.” Amber said. “I don’t want this.”

  “Oh, but you do, honey, you do. You’ll have a good time. And then we’ll go back to my place and have even more of a good time. I’ll take you home in the morning.”

  “No.” Amber used as firm a voice as she could manage considering her tears. She’d never been accosted before. “No. Stop and leave me alone!”

  A low rumble emerged from the trees just beyond the edge of the parking lot. It grew louder and more vicious every moment.

  Tim froze with his thumb up under the edge of Amber’s panties and his mouth nibbling on her ear. He raised his head and turned toward the sound.

  Materializing from the trees was the largest bear Amber had ever seen. He was raven black, and his eyes were glowing a golden yellow. He stal
ked closer and closer.

  Tim stepped back from Amber, who slumped back against the car and stared at the animal. Tim took a few more steps backward, holding his hands up between him and the beast.

  “Hey, shaggy. Where did you come from?” His voice wavered and quaked. “How’d you get down this low? God, I didn’t know you were supposed to be awake yet.”

  With each word he uttered, the bear’s growls grew more savage. As the bear passed Amber, it seemed to glance her direction. She felt like it was assessing her. She straightened up, tugged her clothes back into place, and wiped at the tears that had streamed down her cheeks. Her hands brushing at her tears seemed to enrage the bear. A violent snarl erupted from him as he snapped his head back to Tim. Amber watched the muscles in his legs and back bunch up; he suddenly rose up on his hind legs. The bear seemed impossibly tall. He gave a roar of rage and fell onto Tim. With tears still in her eyes, she thought the image of the bear blurred. Tim screamed as he landed on the rocks and gravel with his arms thrown up over his face. Amber heard a meaty thwack and another. She blinked her eyes furiously, but couldn’t understand what she was seeing. Instead of a bear, she saw… Ryder straddling Tim’s prone body and pounding his fists one after the other into Tim’s face and body. For some unfathomable reason, Ryder appeared to be naked. The muscles in his back rippled with each blow.

  “You son of a bitch!” Ryder growled, punctuating each word with another blow to Tim’s body.

  “Ryder! Ryder!” Amber pulled her eyes away from the scene enfolding in front of her to see Jody running up with a bundle in her arms. “Stop, Ryder! You’ll kill him.” When she reached the two, she gave Ryder a push that should have had no effect at all on him, but managed to move him off of Tim’s sobbing form. She shoved the bundle into his arms, and then hurried over to Amber. “Are you okay?” Her eyes ran up and down Amber’s figure, and she searched Amber’s eyes with her own. “Did he hurt you? I called Ryder as soon as I suspected. I’m so sorry. I should’ve called sooner.”


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