Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2) Page 25

by Sarah Bailey

  I’d meant what I said to him. I was so proud of him for passing his assessments and gaining his qualifications. Cole loved working with cars and his hands. And I couldn’t deny I loved the feel of his calloused fingers against my skin.

  “Undress me,” he said in that commanding voice he used when we were in the bedroom.

  I complied immediately. I absolutely adored the dynamic we shared behind closed doors. Cole telling me what to do and taking control got me all hot and bothered.

  When I’d pulled off all his clothes, I couldn’t help staring. Cole was too hot for words. He liked to go running with Eric, something he’d taken up in the past couple of years, and did weights with Xav. It meant he was beautifully toned and I really couldn’t get enough. I wanted to reach for him, but I kept my hands by my sides, knowing I had to wait for him to tell me what to do next. Cole smirked as he rounded the bed and sat down up against the headboard.

  “Come here.”

  I crawled on the bed and straddled his thighs. Cole reached over to my bedside drawer and pulled out a condom before rolling it on. It hadn’t escaped my notice how hard he was. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra, tossing it away. His fingers fell to my underwear, stroking along the waistband.

  “Don’t ruin them, they’re new,” I whispered, immediately realising his intention.

  “Take them off then, little queen, I want you on my cock.”

  I hurriedly stood up and shimmied them down my legs, throwing them off the bed before kneeling over him again. Cole wrapped his hand around my behind, tugging me closer. I let out a little pant when he made me sink down on him, my hands landing on his shoulders to steady myself. It didn’t take much for Cole to rile me up and get me going.

  His fingers tangled in my hair, pulling my face closer so he could kiss me. I moaned in his mouth as he continued to push me down on his cock until I’d taken him all the way.

  “Ride me,” he murmured. “Show me exactly how good you can be.”

  His other hand curled around my behind, making me rock on him. Using his shoulders as an anchor, I rose and fell, watching him intently. This beautiful boy who was all mine. I couldn’t believe how happy we’d been for the past few months. Cole gave me everything I needed and so much more. We fit together perfectly like we were made for one another.

  I got to see him twice a week, if not more. He’d taken me to the theatre a few times and we rode out of the city on his motorbike every weekend. I’d never felt so free and alive as I did when I was clutching him tightly whilst we sped down the motorway. I’d never let anything tear us apart again. Cole was it for me. I wanted us together forever. Even if my best friend still had reservations about my relationship.

  Rhys liked Cole. The two of them got on, but Rhys was also overprotective in his own way. It’s not like he outwardly disapproved of Cole, but the fact my boyfriend hurt me two years ago still made him wary. No matter how many times I explained what happened, Rhys still stuck to his guns. He kept telling me you had to be careful of who you let into your heart because they could tear it into shreds at the drop of the hat. My suspicions about what happened to him grew with each remark, but my best friend was tight-lipped about his past. And I didn’t dare let on I was sure someone had broken his heart in the worst way possible.

  I needed to stay in the moment with my boyfriend. He deserved my full attention tonight.

  “Cole,” I moaned, going faster as his hands tightened around me.

  He leant forward and kissed my breast, his tongue soon finding the nipple even as I continued to fuck him. I cried out when he bit down on it. The exquisite blissful feeling of pleasure and pain surrounding me. Ever since we’d got back together, we’d pushed the boundaries of sex to see what made each other tick. My favourite times were when he told me what to do, demanding I get on my knees for him and give him everything. I would never let him talk to me like that outside of the bedroom. He never tried anyway. Cole respected the fact I made my own decisions. He let me be me without asking for too much or demanding anything. In return, I gave him my devotion and love.


  I did love this boy. Everything about him. His overconfidence. His ambitions. The way he never gave up. I admired his kind and caring nature. Appreciated everything he did for me.

  So him not admitting his own feelings verbally? I just had to be okay with it. It’s not as if this girl didn’t want to hear those three little words from her boyfriend, but it was the one thing I never pushed him on. Cole, whilst so like Ash in every way, also had a lot of Rory in him. And the one thing I knew about his dad was his stoicism. Cole assured me Rory could be open and talkative when he wanted to be. It just wasn’t often and never with strangers. I had experienced some of it myself, but it had taken time for Rory to come out of his shell around me.

  “So perfect,” Cole murmured into my skin. “No one is as beautiful as you in my eyes.”

  I felt my face heat up. My whole body was already burning up from our lovemaking, but Cole’s compliments no doubt had made my skin red.

  My hands travelled up from his shoulders into his hair, pulling his face from my chest. I stared into those hazel eyes of his.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  His eyebrow curved upwards.

  “Here I thought you considered me hot as fuck.”

  “Shut up.”

  He grinned.

  “Say it, Meredith.”

  I almost scowled but the way his eyes twinkled rendered it impossible for me to be mad at him.

  “You’re hot as fuck, Cole, and I can’t get enough of you.”

  His hand left my hip and fell between my legs, thumb brushing over my clit.

  “And you may come for being a good girl who does as she’s told.”

  I moaned in response, increasing my pace as Cole’s touch drove me higher. His cock felt so good as did his thumb on my clit. I couldn’t hold back for long. I clutched him as I came, crying his name and feeling the sensations wash over my skin.

  I slumped against him, panting as I came down. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head, whilst still encouraging me to fuck him with his other hand.

  “I love you,” I whispered into his neck.

  Cole didn’t respond. I didn’t expect him to. He kissed my head again as if showing me he felt the same way. My heart ached a little at his lack of reciprocation, but I shoved aside my bruised feelings over it. Instead, I kissed up his neck and along his jaw until I met his mouth.

  “Shall I make you come?”

  His grunt before he kissed me told me he wanted it. I rocked my hips harder in the way I knew he liked. When he released my mouth, I ran my tongue along his jaw and met his ear. My teeth grazed along the lobe, making him moan. His hands banded around my hips, telling me I was driving him crazy. I’d found out how sensitive his ears were a few weeks ago. I took full advantage of it when I wanted to make him come.

  “Meredith,” he hissed as I bit down. “Fuck.”

  I sucked and he groaned louder. His fingers dug into my skin, keeping me captive as I continued to rise and fall on his cock. There was nothing like this high of giving him pleasure, driving him towards his own explosive ending. I loved every part of it.

  “Fuck… fuck, little queen.”

  He erupted, panting hard as I felt him pulse inside me. I released his ear and pulled back, watching him close his eyes and lean his head back against the headboard. When he opened them again, he was smiling at me.

  “That was some reward.”

  I smiled back.

  “You deserve it for all your hard work.”

  He reached up and stroked my hair back from my face.

  “I could get used to you taking care of me.”

  “We take care of each other, Cole. Always.”

  He kissed me again. My heart swelled. I was happy for the first time in a very long time. And nothing was going to put a dampener on that.

sp; Nothing at all.

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  I’d walked into the garage after taking a break in the back when I noticed those guys who always seemed to hang out with AJ standing in the corner. Glancing around, I couldn’t see AJ anywhere. I thought it was his day off, so why these two were here was a mystery to me. And it really didn’t bode well at all.

  I ducked behind the car I’d been sent to work on, not wanting to disturb them or get involved. Danny, one of the other mechanics, had told me it needed a wheel change. For some reason, the rest of the floor was empty. It had been a slow day so far. Demetri hadn’t left his office once, something I could only be glad of. He’d been on edge for the past week. Probably something mafia related going on. It had affected the whole mood of the garage. Everyone seemed a little more subdued. Well, everyone except AJ, but he was a fucking loose cannon these days.

  AJ himself strolled in through the open doors a moment later with a fucking smirk on his face. I’d just picked up the impact driver and was going to raise the car up. I did not like this. Whatever AJ was up to, it couldn’t be good.

  “Lads, I told you to wait outside.”

  “It’s fucking raining, fam.”

  AJ shrugged, flipping the hood of his coat down. I had been about to deal with the wheel nuts, but I stayed low, holding the impact driver like it was a weapon which would protect me. Outside, the rain hammered down on the concrete. It had been a pretty miserable day so far weather-wise.

  “Whatever, let’s get this shit done then.”

  My muscles tensed as I peered around the car at them after AJ disappeared out of view. The three of them were standing by one of the benches. One guy pulled something out of his coat pocket and slapped it down on the metal bench. My eyes went to the package. And my stomach sunk. If I wasn’t mistaken, that looked a lot like it might be drugs. My suspicions were confirmed when the guy cut open the packaging to reveal the white powder within.

  “Okay, we need to divvy this shit up and fast before anyone else comes back to work, you got it?” AJ said, glancing around.

  I ducked back behind the car before he saw me.

  What the fuck did he think he was doing? Cutting up drugs at the garage? Could he not do this somewhere else?

  This was fucked up. I didn’t want to be involved in his shit. He was taking a massive risk. Anyone could walk in. I was fucking well hiding behind a car so as not to get caught. I couldn’t imagine what anyone would think if they saw me. Though, AJ would be the one getting in the shit since I wasn’t anywhere near them or dealing with their drugs.

  Fuck this.

  I glanced around the car again, finding the three of them busy cutting up the drugs and placing the powder into baggies. I needed this to be over. I wanted to get back to work. If I made my presence known now, it would be worse for me. How the fuck did I get myself into this mess? I should have turned around and gone back to the staff room the moment I saw those two.

  Ducking back behind the car, I shifted on my haunches as my legs were starting to hurt from being stuck in this position. I tried to be as quiet as possible, mindful of making sure my shoes didn’t scrape across the concrete floor.

  AJ had really taken this to a whole new level of fucked up. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t get dragged into it, but now, having seen him and his friends cutting up drugs here, I didn’t know if I could stay out of it. Demetri would fucking lose his shit if he knew about this. And if I didn’t tell him, then I’d be in trouble too. It would look bad on me for keeping it a secret. It would make me look complicit.


  The sooner I could wrap up my apprenticeship, the better. I had my qualifications so I could easily get another job. At this point, I really didn’t care where it was. I couldn’t stay here and be pulled into this mess. It put me in danger. And it would eventually put everyone else around me in it too. I wouldn’t do that to Meredith. I’d promised her she wouldn’t be in any danger with me two years ago, what with my family’s past. Except it wasn’t their past catching up with me. It was my grandfather’s association with the fucking Russian mafia.

  I should have never taken up his offer of help. It came with strings. Not from him, but from dangerous people who I didn’t want to piss off under any circumstances. And if everything went south, Grandpa wasn’t around to protect me. I was going to have to keep myself and Meredith safe. I was just fucking glad no one here knew about her. But if I didn’t stay off the mafia’s radar, it wouldn’t remain that way.

  “AJ, man, be careful. This is top-quality shit,” came a voice from the other side of the car.

  I stiffened.

  “Shut up, Isaac. I know what I’m doing,” AJ shot back.

  “Mate, you sure we’re good to do this here?” the other guy asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s cool. Everyone’s out on break.”

  Everyone except me.

  “We gotta get this shit moved.”

  “I know, I know. It’s urgent. It’s cool.”

  It was not ‘cool’ at all. This was the worst. I internally kicked myself for not walking away sooner the whole time they were finishing up. And almost breathed a sigh of relief when the two guys left with all their baggies. AJ remained by the bench, fiddling with something.

  I ducked back behind the car and waited until I heard retreating footsteps. Then I slumped down against the car, placing the impact driver on the ground. My legs burnt from squatting for so long. I stretched them out in front of me and rubbed my face before dragging my hands through my hair.

  “Oh hello, Cole, didn’t see you there before.”

  I almost jumped out of my skin. Looking up, I found AJ leaning on the car bonnet with a lighter in his hand. He twirled it around his fingers, making me feel uneasy.

  “Um, hi… didn’t know you were working today.”

  “I’m not.”

  He knew I’d been here the whole time. He fucking well knew. I could see it in his expression.

  Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, I got to my feet, moving over to the controls to lift the car up.

  “What you doing here then?”

  “Need to talk to Demetri about switching some shifts.”

  I didn’t believe that for a second.

  “Oh, right.”

  AJ moved away from the car and I hit the button to raise it. When it was high enough, I dropped the controls and picked up the impact driver again.

  “You know, whatever you think you saw, you didn’t,” he said in a low, but casual tone.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Just so we’re clear.”

  “If something was happening, which I definitely didn’t see, I suggest you don’t do it again here.”

  If AJ pulled me in any deeper, I would be a dead man. No two ways about it. That couldn’t happen under any circumstances.

  “What Demetri doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”

  “It could hurt a whole host of people, AJ. I already told you, I saw nothing and I don’t want to be involved. I’m not here for that shit.”

  I wanted this conversation to be over. And I’d have to have a long and hard fucking think about what I was going to do. Whatever AJ was involved in, he needed to keep it away from the garage. Demetri had been very clear about loyalties. I needed to remember that.

  AJ gave me a nod and walked off. I got on with my work since I was here to do my job and not get involved with AJ’s drug running.

  By the time the day came to a close, I was tired and irritable, but I’d agreed to see my brother, Meredith and Rhys tonight. Demetri had already left for the day. Ronnie, his assistant manager, was closing up. I’d made up my mind throughout the afternoon. I didn’t have to be directly involved, but I had to stop AJ from fucking up my life.

  Walking into Demetri’s empty office with a small note in my hand, which I hadn’t signed, I placed it on his desk underneath his empty coffee cup. No dou
bt he’d find it in the morning. Then I left, feeling lighter than I had done earlier. Hopefully, this would make sure Demetri was aware of what was going on and I wouldn’t get into trouble for it. The very last thing I wanted was the mafia on my back because they thought I was involved in AJ’s schemes.

  The note I’d left was the only thing that saved me. It’s just turned my life into a complete nightmare too. One which tore apart everything I’d built for myself into tiny pieces, scattering like dust in the wind.

  My life as I knew it was about to be over. And I wasn’t ready for the fallout.

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  “So you and my brother are all loved up and shit? It’s really going to work out this time, yeah?”

  I gave Raphi the finger, which only made him laugh. Rhys, Raphi and I had got to the bar a little while ago. Cole wasn’t here yet as he wanted to go home and shower first. I couldn’t blame him considering the type of work he did.

  “We are, though he hasn’t said it yet.”

  I wasn’t sure why I’d admitted it, but Cole’s lack of verbal assurance was beginning to bother me. Rhys knew all about it. That didn’t help matters between us. He told me it was a red flag, but I refused to believe it. I knew Cole. Knew he loved me. He showed me every day, but I wanted to hear those words out of his mouth. Desperately.

  “What? He’s not said he loves you?”

  I shook my head, staring down into my mojito as it was kind of embarrassing.

  “Well, he’s an idiot.”

  “Shut up, don’t be mean about your brother.” I looked up in time to find Raphi grinning. “You are a dick sometimes, you know that, right?”

  He shrugged, leaning back in his chair whilst Rhys shook his head.

  “He’s my baby brother, it’s in the sibling code, we’re allowed to be mean to each other.”

  “Glad I don’t have siblings,” Rhys muttered.

  I refrained from bringing up my own considering the history between Raphi and Jonah. Something I’d mentioned to Rhys a few times. He knew when to keep his mouth shut too.


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