Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2) Page 38

by Sarah Bailey

  “Cole, please, more, fuck… harder.”

  “Oh, you want more, little queen? So greedy.”

  He didn’t let up, giving it to me as I bucked against him, desperate for a release. He wasn’t going to give me it that easily. No, Cole wanted to drag this out. I could feel it in the way he fucked me. It wasn’t erratic but measured.

  “Please,” I cried out as he hit just the right spot.


  “I have none, you know that.”

  He chuckled, merely kissing my skin again as his hand tightened on my hip. My free hand below me bunched in the covers, desperately holding on whilst he continued to pound into me, making me feel alive all over again.

  There was nothing like this. Me and him. Cole was my first, my last, my everything. And I was his too.

  When his hand fell from my hip in between my legs and he stroked my clit, it took mere seconds for me to detonate on him. I cried out his name, drowning in the bliss he brought on. Drowning in him like I always had. And when he came, I revelled in the knowledge I gave him the same pleasure as he did me.

  We lay in silence for a long time when we came down, both content in our post-coital haze. Cole kissed my shoulder, stroking his fingers along my stomach.

  “You’re my whole world,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

  I squirmed at his words.

  “Me either.”

  “Should we run away and elope?”

  “Can you imagine what Ash would say if we did that?”

  He laughed.

  “Yeah, she’d murder me… totally wouldn’t be worth it.”

  “Don’t make stupid suggestions then, besides, we can’t overshadow your sister’s wedding. Aurora would crucify us.”

  Cole laughed harder.

  “I can see her face now. No, that’s not happening. We’ll do it in our own time, just like we’ve done everything else.”

  I snuggled into him.

  “Yeah, we will. It’s like you said, we don’t work to anyone else’s schedule.”

  He kissed my shoulder again.

  “No, we live by our own rules. You and I are going to work together from now on, little queen, I promise. I love you.”

  I let out a soft sigh.

  “Love you too.”

  I couldn’t wait to become Cole’s wife, but he was right, we’d do it in when we were ready. For now, I was content to have him right here and know he wasn’t going anywhere. This time we were on the same path, heading towards our ride into the sunset. And that was all I needed.

  Now and forever.


  It’s crazy to think when I was eleven years old, I met the love of my life. Well, I saw her anyway. I didn’t realise back then how much shit I’d go through when it came to that girl. How much I’d have to fight tooth and nail for the both of us. The things I’d have to do just to survive. Nothing could prepare me for the heartache, pain and strife.

  But all of it was worth it.

  Every single moment no matter how difficult and treacherous our path became.

  It was worth it as, thirteen years later, I had my arms around that girl and she was wearing white.

  Meredith looked stunning in her dress. It was quirky like the girl herself. She’d settled on a knee-length number which flared out and had lace sleeves. She had her strawberry blonde hair up, secured with a silver and pearl clip and little white flowers threaded throughout.

  I couldn’t be happier. We were married and in the middle of our first dance whilst our guests looked on. It’d taken us a year to organise our wedding. In that time, I’d taken over the garage, hired a whole new team and it was thriving. My wife was still working in stage production and happier than ever. We had our own two-bed flat and we were content with our lot in life. We didn’t need anything more.

  Meredith smiled up at me, her green eyes bright with unshed tears.

  “I can’t believe we’re here, you know, that you’re my husband and I’m your wife.”

  “Your toyboy husband.”

  She slapped my shoulder.

  “Shut up, you sound like Rhys.”

  “Clearly I’ve been spending too much time around him.”

  She laughed before resting her head on my shoulder. We saw a lot of Rhys and Aaron. Rhys and I had settled our differences finally and he’d accepted me into the fold. The two of them were looking into adoption. Meredith was rather excited to be an aunty. As if she wouldn’t get to be one several times over with my siblings and their partners at some point. Mum kept dropping hints to Aurora, but my sister was adamant she and Logan weren’t ready yet.

  “I love that you’re friends with my best friend, you know, not to mention my brother. Makes my life easier.”

  “They’re not so bad.”

  “Hmm yeah, okay, I’ll tell them that you only hang out with them because of me then, shall I?”

  I stroked her back, twirling her around the floor.

  “You know I like spending time with them and it has nothing to do with Rhys being your friend.”

  I kissed the top of her head, settling my cheek against it. The rest of the world faded away when it was just me and her together. This was our moment. Our time.

  “I love you, little queen,” I whispered. “Or should I call you Mrs Carter?”

  Meredith wanted to take my name even though I had never asked her to do so.

  “You should so call me that when you strip me off and fuck me later.”

  I laughed which only prompted her to do so as well.

  “You’re a bad girl thinking about that in a room full of our friends and family.”

  “I’m a bad girl for my bad boy.”

  Her hand in mine tightened.

  “Hmm, I suppose I’ll take that.”

  “You better. I mean, you’ve got a motorbike, what’s more bad boy than that?”

  I spun her around again, smiling as the two of us swayed together.

  “And I love you too, Cole. We’re going to ride off into the sunset together, you know, on the back of your bike.”

  “And Mum will hate every moment of it.”

  She laughed then, pulling back and staring up at me. Her green eyes were so full of adoration, making my heart hammer hard in my chest.

  “You’ll always be Ash’s baby boy.”

  “Don’t I know it,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

  There would never be a time when my mum didn’t think of me that way. I didn’t mind it so much these days. She was just happy to have me back on home soil. Besides, my parents had done a lot for me and Meredith. My girl had managed to get over the whole parents paying out a ridiculous amount of money to save her thing. She understood now it was because they loved her and wanted us to be happy.

  The music was wrapping up then so we came to a standstill, staring down at each other.

  “So, husband, are we going to force your dads out on the floor like Aurora did at her wedding? Because I want to see how much Quinn and Rory grumble about it.”

  I smiled wide. Those two had never liked dancing.

  “You fucking well bet we are.”

  She took my hand and pulled me towards where my parents had congregated. The moment my dad saw my face, he made his own one, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with staying seated. Meredith pulled up her brother, Rhys and Aaron, along with the rest of my siblings. The band started playing a more upbeat song and soon the dance floor was filled with our guests and family. Meredith was dancing with Jonah whilst I held Mum, who gave me the softest smile.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby boy,” she all but whispered. “We all are, Ror especially.”

  I leant down and kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you, Mum.”

  “You keep her happy this time because I’m not going through another breakup with the two of you.”

  I shook my head.

  “Trust me, I will.
I’m never going to let Meredith go again.”

  There was no way in hell. I couldn’t imagine a world without my beautiful fiery queen in it.

  The rest of the afternoon passed with the cutting of the cake, more dancing and alcohol flowing. Meredith and I didn’t partake. We hadn’t wanted our wedding to go on late into the night, though I imagined some of our guests would be partying until the small hours.

  I stood with Dad by the doors of the hotel, my helmet in my hand. He put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  “You finally got your girl.”

  I shrugged.

  “Guess I did. I always knew she was the one.”

  “I know your mum said it earlier, but I’m proud of the way you’ve grown up, Cole. You’ve never let anything hold you back.”

  “You kept telling me I shouldn’t. I took it seriously.”

  A lot of things in my dad’s life had held him back so he never wanted me to live that way.

  “Can’t say I’ve given you a lot of good advice.”

  I snorted.

  “Yeah, you have… you’re my hero, you know, Dad. I’ve always looked up to you, and don’t tell me you’re not a good role model because of what you’ve done and been through. It’s about how you came out of it which inspires me the most.”

  He didn’t say anything, merely looked at me with a smile and no small amount of appreciation in his eyes. I turned to him and gave him a hug. My dad had always championed me and taken care of me. There would never be a day which went by when I wasn’t grateful for my family. For the way they loved me and my siblings. For everything they’d done for us.

  My dad pulled away and patted me on the back.

  “Go start your new life with your beautiful wife.”

  Meredith had exited the hotel and was wearing a leather jacket over her dress now with a helmet clutched in her hands. She’d taken the clip out of her hair so it fell loose. I gave my dad a smile before I walked over to her. She let me take her helmet and place it on her head, securing the strap before I put my own on. Then I took her hand and we walked over to my Ducati together, which Xav and Eric had taped on a sign which said ‘just married’ on the back. I shook my head when I saw it. The way the two of them were smiling told me it had to be them.

  I got on the bike and Meredith climbed on the back, wrapping her arms around me whilst her dress bunched up in between us.

  “Ready to ride into the sunset, little queen?”

  She clutched me tighter.

  “I’ve been ready forever, Cole Carter.”

  With our family and friends waving us off, I kicked the motorbike into gear and pulled away from the curb, knowing Meredith and I were finally on the right path to the life we’d always wanted. And we were doing it… together.

  Read the next book in the series…

  His Deceit. My Penance. Our Affliction.

  I didn’t mean to fall in love with my sister’s friend.

  You’d think I’d have known better when it came to Raphael Nelson. A boy so confused by his own thoughts and feelings, he no longer knew who he was.

  It started innocently enough. A chance encounter leading to a real connection.

  I was the boy who felt too much. He was suffering with demons from the past.

  I only meant to help him.

  To set him free.

  Pity all of that was thrown back in my face.

  Raphael tore me apart piece by piece, destroying everything between us. Stupid me went back for more each and every time. Now, when all is said and done, I can’t find it in me to forgive him. The scars he left me with run too deep. And I will spend forever in purgatory for loving a boy who I used me until I was naught but ashes in the wind.

  A grey/dark coming of age, second chance MM romance. This is not just a love story, it’s a journey with high steam, angst and pain. But as with all love stories, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and a HEA waiting for you.

  Author Note: I recommend reading The Devil’s Syndicate series if you want to see Raphael’s parents’ journey to their happy ever after.

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  Sarah’s Sinners

  Music is one of my biggest inspirations for when I’m writing my books. If you’re curious about what songs inspired me, have a listen to the playlist.

  Our Darkest Path Playlist

  Titles by Sarah Bailey

  Dark Romance

  Corrupt Empire




  Benson Siblings





  The Devil’s Syndicate






  Our Darkest Series

  Our Darkest Hour

  Our Darkest Path

  Our Darkest Scar

  Paranormal Romance

  After Dark

  Demon’s Destiny

  Vampire’s Kiss

  Witching Night

  Cursed Heart

  Death’s Angel

  Lucifer’s Cage

  Blood Magic

  Erotic Romance

  Dirty series

  Dirty Dom

  Dirty Cop

  Dirty Chef

  Dirty Judge


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book. I really appreciate all of my readers and hope this book gave you as much joy reading it as I did writing it.

  To my savage partner in crime, Sab. You are irreplaceable to me. No one gets me like you do. No one sees me like you do. You are my soulmate. I don’t know how I would have got this book written if you weren’t by my side, fighting my corner and telling me everything’s going to be okay. You know I went through it with this one. The ups and downs. The stops and starts. The I don’t know if this book is good enough. The extreme self-doubt. It’s been the hardest one I’ve had to push through and I couldn’t have done that if it wasn’t for you. You’re my personal cheerleader, giving me strength and reassuring me that I’m doing okay.

  I love you to death. You are the best person in my life other than my husband. It’s like Cole said, I can’t live in a world where you and I aren’t in existence next to each other. Every day I am thankful to have you in my life. I count myself as the luckiest girl in the world to know you the way I do.

  You better believe you’re stuck with me for the rest of our lives. I ain’t letting you go.

  In the words of our Quinn – you’re mine, little girl!

  Love you, bruv xxx

  About The Author

  Sarah writes dark, contemporary, erotic and paranormal romances. She adores all forms of steamy romance and can always be found with a book or ten on her Kindle. She loves anti-heroes, alpha males and flawed characters with a little bit of darkness lurking within. Her writing buddies nicknamed her ‘The Queen of Steam’ for her pulse racing sex scenes which will leave you a little hot under the collar.

  Born and raised in Sussex, UK near the Ashdown Forest where she grew up climbing trees and building Lego towns with her younger brother. Sarah fell in love with novels when she was a teenager reading her aunt’s historical regency romances. She has always loved the supernatural and exploring the darker side of romance and fantasy novels.

  Sarah currently resides in the Scottish Highlands with her husband. Music is
one of her biggest inspirations and she always has something on in the background whilst writing. She is an avid gamer and is often found hogging her husband’s Xbox.

  You can find more about Sarah Bailey in the following ways:

  Sarah’s Website









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