Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 9

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Brooke stopped and dismounted. Together they stood as she said “Yes, it is I. What do you wish to speak to me of, chief of the Woro?”

  The chieftain looked upon Cage and his eyes widened at noticing the beads draping over his left temple. “You are the chief of Utala?”

  “I am, Brother. What is it you want from us?” He said ‘Brother’ as he’d been taught to address another man of the plains.

  The Woro chief looked between them and didn’t find deceit. “Where is the rest of your tribe? Were they taken as well?”

  “Yes.” Cage grimly replied. He caught Brooke’s eye and she understood that he didn’t want anyone to know where their people are going or any plans they personally have. “We came here to help out. Can you tell us anything?”

  The man in early thirties said “In three days the king will send all the forces to push the cruel men of the empire off our lands. We will kill many. Few tribes fled here whole. Most were sole survivors or their tribe was enslaved. Most of my people escaped. It is a shame the Utala were captured, we could have been grateful for your war tribe’s well known strength. I must tell my people of such sad news. If ever you need me, my tribe is nearest the south of the tents.”

  “Thank you, Brother.” Cage said.

  “And may the spirits protect you.” Brooke added.

  The other chief nodded and left.

  At the gate Cage walked straight up to a group of stationed guards with a large green dragon painted on their breastplates and shields. They noticed him easily, wearing all black clothing and looking like someone they wouldn’t want to anger. In a calm and kind tone he smiled and said “Afternoon, men. I’m new to the capital. May I ask where I can find the highest ranking general?”

  “The commander general is currently at the castle. What business do you have?”

  Cage remembered the conversation with King Tata of Vlara that the fewer who knew of the mission the better it would be. “I have a message I was told to deliver to him personally.”

  The group of hardened armored men looked meaningfully to each other and Cage understood their suspicion. He knew he looked traveled and dangerous, asking for a meeting with a top ranking official. To make matters worse, he asked this with an enemy not far away. He easily fit the description of an assassin.

  When they took too long to answer, Brooke sighed in impatience and rode up to them all and said “My Love, what is taking so long? Can you finish this delivery so we can rent a room and get some sleep?”

  He smiled at her and winked. “Just as soon as the soldiers tell me where I’m heading you’ll get that hot bath I promised.”

  The soldiers eyes widened as they saw her ethereal beauty. His words also had them imagining her naked in a bath. The sergeant of the gate cleared his throat. “If you proceed north from here, take a left at the Drunk Squirrel tavern and go straight you’ll find the inner wall. Behind it is the castle. You will not be allowed through. No commoner is allowed inside the castle grounds without an escort. Tell the gate guards your business. I must warn you, if the general is pulled from his duty for something frivolous he will not be pleased and if he is in a foul mood you’ll be put in prison till he thinks you learned a lesson. And if you are an assassin you better leave now. The general has the uncanny ability to know who is a threat and who isn’t.”

  “Thanks for the warning, Boys. Oh and how far away is the enemy to the east?”

  The sergeant’s jaw muscles clenched. “They are five to six days from here.”

  He got what he needed and turned around to Brooke. “Let’s go find a place to cool off before my business is done.”

  They passed through the gate and Cage noticed one of the guards follow, making sure he’s doing as he said. He couldn’t help looking suspicious and didn’t have the time to gain information the usual way. He needed to get in and out as quickly as possible, not waste time. The tailing soldier turned a corner and would likely warn of his impending visit. He felt the subtle, almost unnoticeable tingle of magic, just like back in Tate’s castle. He had a feeling the castle had magical defenses to oppose what approached. From the scale of the city atop a massive hill they would be well prepared to fight.

  City streets were easy to navigate and Cage noticed how the buildings got progressively taller, even without the shallow hill’s aid. It would be ideal to use archers on the roof to shoot without obstacles an enemy could hide behind. It is a simple and smart design for a city.

  They went straight and Brooke looked at the wonder of the sprawling city she failed to properly imagine. So many people lived here and made so many objects. Few tribal people walked the streets. Those that did had to wear clothing. Men at least had to wear pants and women wore no less what she did. At least they all got to carry their weapons. Cage was kind enough to allow her to see everything and walked slowly beside her horse.

  Eventually they found a tavern sign depicting a drunk squirrel passed out over a barstool. They took a left and followed the street slightly uphill. Ten minutes later they saw the enormous castle surrounded by an impregnable wall. Cage looked around and noticed an expensive inn and wanted to treat Brooke to something special. “Brooke, let’s go to that inn to get a meal and bathe. It looks like they have a good stable and will take care of your horse.”

  She patted her rumbling stomach. “That is a wonderful idea. It will feel good to wash the sweat from my body and fill my hunger.”

  Brooke pulled off her leather pack, threw the strap of her water skin over a shoulder and rolled the fur under an arm. She made her horse stay and gave it a carrot as a favorite treat. Brooke then followed Cage up a few steps of wood and heard “Welcome to the Blazing Trail Inn. I’m Keegan, the owner. What may I do for you today?”

  Cage spoke to an average sized man with firm grey eyes and a cleaver hooked to a hip. Keegan’s clothes were of great and of expensive quality and it reflected the spotless establishment. It was even more grand than the Twinkling Bell in Vin’re. Cage then said “How much will a room for the night run us? Does it also include a meal and stabling a horse?”

  “For one room will be a four silver a night, if you can afford it. Only breakfast is free. For a horse it’ll be five copper and another two for feed.”

  “And a bath?” Brooke asked and the man’s eyes narrowed.

  The proprietor looked between the two good looking people and the beads. “Can tribe’s people afford coin? I’ve never had one want a room before.”

  Cage said “Well we do have coin. If it will be a problem to have our priestess’s first visit to the capital not welcome, we can go somewhere else.”

  The man’s eyes widened. “I didn’t mean to offend. If you got money and don’t bring problems to my inn I’ll have no problem having my fine business accept its first tribal priestess.” His grey eyes turned to the gorgeous woman. “As for a bath it’s included as is washing your clothes.”

  Cage planned in advance and tied the money to his right hip and dug out a gold disc. He handed it over the counter and said “Then I would like to rent a room for the night with one bed for us, stable and feed our horse outside and we are in need of a hot bath and clean clothes. When we are done we’ll come down for a meal.”

  The man nodded and withdrew a silver key. “Your room is on the fourth floor, room three. Also I hear your horses are quite temperamental to anyone they are unfamiliar with so will you bring it back to the stables?”

  “Sure. Thank you.” Cage took the key and handed it to Brooke. “Go ahead up while I stable the horse.”

  She took it out of his hand out of reflex and before she could say anything he stepped out and led the horse around back. Cage heard hammering and saw a man shoeing a roan. He asked “Are you the stable master?”

  The man looked up “What of it?” and said rudely.

  In a casual voice he replied “Just letting you know I’m renting a room. She’ll need to be fed and watered.”

  “What she needs is rest!” The crude man on the bench
stated. “You’ve been running the poor girl for weeks by the look of her. Don’t you rich fuckers know how to take care of a horse? Put her in stall three and I’ll be sure you don’t kill her before her natural time!” Cage grinned and knew this man had a short fuse, but he had other priorities than to pick a fight.

  He put the horse away and left the large man.

  Stepping through the door he spotted Keegan and said sarcastically “Nice fellow out back.”

  Keegan lost a little color and shook his head. “I hope my older brother Kieran didn’t offend you, Sir.” His grey eyes were apologetic. “He hates people, but you find none better to care for the steed.”

  “I figured. At a glance he knew her needs. Don’t worry,” Cage laughed now that he didn’t need to keep a straight face. “It’s the first anyone has called me a ‘rich fucker’ and I almost lost it. Tell him not to worry. He can call me whatever he wants so long as he’s as good as you say. Don’t tell him I said anything, but I like people like him. They are a blast to hang out with.” The look on Keegan’s face was priceless for he never heard someone say the like about Kieran. It made Cage chuckle again as he shouldered his pack and went for the stairs.

  On the second floor he stopped suddenly and blinked. “Brooke, what’s wrong? We’re on the fourth floor.” She spun around, gripping the silver key and her large brown eyes made it instantly clear she was completely lost. She came over and handed him back the key. “You’re lost and don’t know what this is do you?”

  She shook her head, making her shoulder length mane of black hair sway. “No, I do not. We never had these in the tribe and I do not understand the images on the entrances either.” She pointed to a door.

  Cage didn’t laugh because she was completely serious. Living on the plains her whole life without any interaction to other ways of life and limited knowledge hindered her in more complex societies. He looked at the door and said “That is the number eight. You do not know how to read do you?” Again she shook her head. “Then I have much to teach you. For now, let us go strip out of these clothes and relax till the bath comes. In the nights I’ll teach you how to read and write so you do not get lost.” He could tell she was embarrassed for her flawless, coppery cheeks were redder and were all that showed her inner battle. She remained strong and sure of herself and adjusted the fur under her arm.

  In a low whisper he explained when they were on the fourth floor of six and showed her the number three. “This is our room. And this is our key to the room. You put the key in the hole and twist it to unlock or lock. Here you try.”

  She was glad they were alone and mentally thanked him for not making her feel worse. She took the key and did as he, turned the knob… “It does not open.”

  “You just locket it. Turn it the other way.”

  She did and heard a click. She twisted the knob and got excited as the door opened. They brought their bags inside. She went back and learned how to lock and unlock the door until it was natural and she understood the concept. She listened attentively as he explained how that key was made for that specific door. She didn’t believe till she knocked on the next room’s door, heard nothing and tried unlocking to find he had been right.

  They stripped and sat on the large single bed and five minutes later the tubs arrived and five large boys held pails of hot water. Brooke didn’t notice the young men staring at her appealing form with any real respect. When they looked at Cage’s flat black eyes and the lance he was proud of they all took a hit to their pride and looked down in primal understanding. This is his woman, hands off. The tubs filled quickly and a basket was sat down with floral scented soap and they took away his clothing for a wash.

  After the door shut Cage soaked and groaned in relief. Brooke looked and followed his lead and said “You did not say the bath would be this hot.”

  “It is a little warmer than I’m used to, but just try it. Enjoy your first hot bath.”

  She gritted her teeth and stepped in and lay down. A groan passed her lips before she said “You are right, Cage Love. I do enjoy this. I want all my people to feel the difference from swimming in a cold lake and a hot bath. It feels wonderful, Love. I’m glad you talked me into this.”

  “When we get home to our people I’ll find a way to make hot water every day so we can bathe.”

  “This might seem an odd question, but when I have Meeka back in my arms, is it possible to have sex in the bath. I feel it would be wonderful to experience.”

  Cage looked over and met her relaxed eyes. He smiled “I’ve found shower sex the best and I will make you scream in pleasure when I find a way to fulfill my promise. It will feel even better than our last coupling.”

  She imagined very well what she wanted and missed the worthwhile pain he gave her over a week ago. Brooke smiled and said “Then I will await the day until I have such an opportunity. When we rescue Meeka though, just expect to use that lance on us over and over. You do not know how badly I want you to be in me, filling me with wonder. If only Meeka were here I’d be on you now and pleasure her as you do the same for me… No, I must stop thinking of this or I might get pleasure while she is in danger. I cannot do something so cruel to my love.”

  “We will make love together or not at all.”

  “You feel the same?” She asked, turning on her side.

  “I do.” He explained and rested his head back. “I love her as I do you, but until we are together I believe it to be a mockery. We are a trio, not duo. And when we have her back I feel she’ll need us after all she’ll have experienced. Now remember what I told you about soap?”

  “That you wanted to see if I hold the smell?” He nodded. She reached over to get the soap and smelled it. “I like this.” Brooke lathered and washed off her entire body till everything washed away.

  In minutes, Cage too cleaned up and rid himself of everything the road stuck to him. He stepped out of the dirty water with her and toweled off. Dry, he went up and sniffed her hands, arms, neck and stated “It is true, scent doesn’t have a hold on you.”

  “Told you.” She brushed her round hips against his and smiled. “What are we to do next?”

  “I must go to the castle after we eat. No telling how long that will take.”

  “Then may I walk around the city and see its wonders?”

  “That will be fine with me. I want you to enjoy yourself.” She gave him a kiss.

  A half hour later, while Brooke washed her leather strap, she wraps around her back and breasts and the bikini-like bottom, there came a knock. Cage walked over and opened the door a crack to find one of the servants holding two sets of folded clothes. He tipped a copper and went inside to slip on the black pants and shirt. It was warm, explaining they somehow dried it faster than the sun. He figured to find out how later.

  Cage went to his pack, opened the mouth and located the hidden pocket. He removed the two letters and raised a lone brow as the wax seal remained perfectly intact while the letters had a few minor wrinkles. He looked at the writing addressed to ‘King Skylar of Emroc’ and ‘Current General of Castle Emroc’. Cage stuffed the letters down his shirt and tucked it in. He threaded the belt through the pant loops and securely tied his money to his right hip. By the time he turned around Brooke put on the bottoms and tied the ends of the top behind her neck. Her weapons hung securely to her shapely upper thighs.

  “Now let’s eat.” He said and made her smile. She grabbed the key off the table and locked the door successfully and would remember the room now that she’d seen it, and the number three.

  Down in the lobby Cage ordered a thick vegetable stew for the two of them and bread that the waitress said is baked fresh to order.

  Keegan came out from the kitchen fifteen minutes later with the order and personally gave it to them. Before Cage could ask the price, the proprietor said “This meal is on the house, Sir, Ma’am.”

  “On the house?” Brooke asked, confused. “It is on the table is it not?”

  Keegan went to la
ugh, but Cage intervened before the man found himself in deep trouble. “Brooke, it means he is giving us a free meal. On the house means he will not accept our money and is feeding us from his own pocket.”

  “Oh… I will not pass up a meal someone made from hard work out of kindness. May I ask though why it is as you say ‘on the house’?”

  Keegan nodded. “Your husband here wasn’t mad for my brother’s behavior. Usually I get yelled and threatened because of his manners. As a show of thanks for not being upset I wanted to do this.”

  “We will accept your thanks, but you must know Cage is not my husband. We tribal peoples do not have husbands or wives. We are mates in both mind and body. I have heard all the problems marriage has and people marry because they think they have to. Mates have a deeper relationship that is more pure and less problematic than living life with one other and be forced to continue when they realize they weren’t exactly in love.”

  “Since I’ve never spoken to one of your people, I did not know what you believe. I found you odd, having more than one partner… thanks for the clarification.”

  He went to leave and she held out the key. “Can you hold onto this for me. I do not want to lose it when I view your city.”

  “Very well, Ma’am.” He took it and left with the tray.

  “Why did he call me Ma’am?” She asked in a whisper.

  “It is something of a reference or habit, just like you calling all the women of our people sisters.” Her eyes showed she made the connection.


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