Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 16

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  She turned around when the man’s eyes rolled deliriously and thumbed at her true love. “Love, heal him so that he doesn’t die of blood loss or someone can reattach the manhood.”

  “Leave it to me. Feel better?” He asked as he made skin grow over the wounds, not re-growing anything she cut off or lessening the pain. To make it official that nothing could be reattached, he lifted the removed parts and flung the scraps of flesh out the open window for the animals to feast on.

  Brooke sighed “I wanted more from him, but what could I expect from a stupid man. At least now I feel somewhat better, knowing he won’t rape me or any other woman ever again and his scarred face and body will forever remind him that he will never be a real man again for his deeds.” She turned to the frightened lady who shook on her bed. “Sister, I’m sorry you are mated to such a man. If he raped me who knows what you have endured. When all this is over, find a better mate. One who does not dishonorably rape and like to torture others because they are so lacking elsewhere.”

  Cage stopped just the serious bleedings and said “He won’t die now, but I won’t correct his disfigurement. It will be a better punishment. We better go. Sunrise will arrive in maybe two or three hours and I’d like to be gone.” Before they left he hogtied Doyle and gagged him.

  They escaped the castle unnoticed and retrieved her horse at the inn where she had been stalled. Brooke again washed blood from her hands and body before they made it to the gate and left without incident.

  By sunrise Cage checked the castle, but couldn’t see Doyle or the woman as the spell gave him a headache. Cage figured one of the castle’s spells prevented spying by magical means. He then got a clear picture when he backed out of the castle and the grounds. Dalaran moved peacefully and Cage looked at the castle from afar to find it waving like a domed mist. He tried seeing if it is the same for King Skylar and Tate and each time the spell was impossible to discern anything, verifying spelled castles defended against spying somehow. He began to also realize it was only a one way effect, like a one-way mirror because when he walked with Corbin he found Meeka within the castle. One could see out, not in. It made sense. Someone will ill intentions could use secret meetings to disrupt plans. He then checked the path they took to find the route not being followed. Cage foraged enough for the two of them and collected more for later before heading out to find Meeka.

  Worrying about getting pregnant for Brooke came to a grateful end as she started her moonflow the following morning. She was so relieved she requested some music from Cage’s ocarina where she danced until she dropped.

  Chapter 6

  Today marked the end of the third week since being captured as Meeka heard the crashing sound of waves from the ocean up ahead. She and the other slaves were tired, sore and hungry as the slavers pushed everyone from sunup to sundown and allowed a single ten minute break at noon where everyone got rations of a cup of water and stale crackers. It had been two days since they reached and left a town by the name of Soloro within a few hours, time enough for the slavers to resupply and get their captives dropped off as soon as possible. Meeka and many others heard their destination was to some newly established port where she and the other slaves would be then taken by ship. They were taken along a hastily made road where she and others tripped on stumps. She thanked Moril for helping her back up before a slaver could have the chance to whip her.

  The sounds of the ocean grew louder and salty air cleaned her sense of smell. She felt dirty and stunk since the slavers didn’t allow anyone to bathe. They heard the accompanying mage that had been with them since leaving the army say “Put the slaves aboard immediately! We sail within the hour while the tide remains high!”

  Meeka moved to the side to see what lay ahead to find dozens of burning torches leading down to docks where a large cargo sailboat was tied. The sails were wrapped and wouldn’t stay that way for long. Several wooden houses also had been built near the beach and she noticed more slaves being led out and loaded in the boat.

  Children had stopped incessantly crying for help two weeks ago when they were whipped to be silent, breaking them. They were the first to be taken aboard.

  Just as night began settling in, Meeka and the other women were taken off the chain and led at the threat of dozens of loaded crossbows down the dock. She had to wait her turn and was shoved when it came time to ascend the ramp. Meeka was then led down into the cargo area where three rows of wood lined either side of the ship like uncomfortable beds. She was then taken to an area where she crawled up onto the second platform where her wrists were bound to chains secured to the side of the boat while her ankles did likewise to the footboard. She sighed, glad to finally get off her feet, but knew it also meant she would be locked in place until they decided to stop.

  “I said I can do it.” Came Lanna’s firm voice as she crawled up beside Meeka.

  Moril took the other side and was chained up too.

  Meeka remained silent and wouldn’t talk so long as a slaver is near. None of them wanted what happened to Lanna to occur again. She did though find it comforting that the three of them managed to stay together the whole time since being stolen from those they love.

  While they waited to speak, Meeka began to remember the weeks of hardship and couldn’t keep the images from returning.

  In the first week of being captured came the worst problems. One defiant woman actually got her legs around a slaver’s neck and killed him. The mage chose to make an example of her since she was already a copper, as the slavers referred to slaves as objects of worth. He allowed every slaver to rape her repeatedly through the night so painfully she couldn’t walk and they decided to slit her throat after their brutal assault all of them participated in. They did this in clear view of everyone and strung her bloody corpse in a tree as warning to every woman.

  The children who cried were whipped till the grown men broke such fragile spirits. The mage healed them since they were of more value later.

  It prevented most adults from trying anything, especially after one incident. A group of men tried to free themselves and the children, but the mage’s power and that dog Familiar of his stopped everyone. Instead of a beating for disobeying, the man had his Familiar maw one child to death and explained “From now on, any escape or further attacks will result in the death of children. We’ve got plenty.” and it got the desired effect.

  The adults complied and simply glared, unable to do anything else.

  Meeka cried for the child, as did many other women. His tiny death put all struggles at freedom to rest for no one would risk a child’s safety. Even now she cannot get those images out. The only thing she worried about that didn’t happen since is another rape. It also became tiresome, keeping her sisters spirits up.

  “Set sail!” someone up on deck shouted as many feet stomped above.

  A minute later the ship lurched and came the snapping of wind filling sails. Then the last slaver left everyone to leave the cargo hold of slaves. When he did, others began talking. Lanna grumbled “Now they’ll never catch up us. I’ve heard the men say we’ll move faster over the water than we shall ever walk.”

  “That is the truth.” Meeka sighed. “So long as there is wind it will push us wherever it is they are taking us. And don’t be so pessimistic, it isn’t over yet.”

  Lanna turned her face towards Meeka with the dim light of a lantern illuminating her outline. “How can you be so calm? We are getting further and further away and it has been three weeks. Three weeks, Meeka Sister. If they were coming wouldn’t they have freed us by now?”

  “I won’t give up even if it takes three years. My loves will find and free us, I have no doubt in this. It doesn’t mean I won’t find a way to do it myself either. So long as there is time, there is hope. Only one of three things will happen, they’ll rescue us, we’ll free ourselves or I’ll die when they find out I’m not going to give anyone satisfaction.”

  “I too agree in this.” Moril added. “Lanna, think of your s
on and mates. Do you believe any one of them will give up on you? I know my daughter and mates won’t surrender. Beyond any of them, do you think the priestess would allow any of us to be enslaved? And the chief, none can stop him. I wouldn’t doubt him at all, even knowing him for so short a time.”

  “No, I can’t see them giving up.” The woman grumbled irritably. “For crying out loud, we’re warriors. We never wait, we act.”

  “I am also a huntress.” Moril spoke. “When prey is near you never blatantly charge it. You’ll either scare it off or be trampled in a charge. Impatience is a good way to go hungry when others are expecting you to bring something home… by the way Lanna, where did you hear ‘for crying out loud?’ I never heard you say that before.”

  “The chief.” She admitted more calmly, hearing wisdom in those words. “When he was training the young. At times he has great patience, but then he is as focused as a toddler when a chicken clucks by.” Meeka chuckled at such a reference and knew what she meant. He could wait for hours and then again be surprisingly spontaneous. “I do not remember what the specific reason is for him saying that, only that he did. When he had a moment to speak I asked him what he meant and he kindly explained it is a saying to mean being frustrated about something. My son found it amusing and I used it a time or two.”

  “I think I like it too. For crying out loud… yes, I do like it.” Moril said in a lighthearted way as she finally got to get off her aching feet.

  Meeka managed to reach out, making the chains rattle, and take both women’s hands. “Doesn’t it feel better to not worry over what is out of our control for the moment? We are alive and cannot doubt we are loved. We must do whatever it takes to survive to see them again. Do not despair, Sisters.” Meeka got a squeeze from both since she couldn’t see them smiling faintly at her. “I think we need to get some sleep while we can and if you feel yourself feeling sick, which I know you will, look over at the lantern and focus on it. It will help.”

  “This is what the chief did to help you before, yes?” Lanna asked.

  “Yes, it was my first voyage across the ocean and I didn’t realize what was happening at the time. It is a good thing they haven’t fed us since noon.”

  Another person overheard her comment and asked “Why is that? They already feed us little as it is. I wondered why they did not feed us when we were chained.”

  “Just be thankful nothing is in your stomach. You will understand shortly.”

  It didn’t take long for seasickness to strike the tribes people in full and some threw up bile. Meeka was one of them too and had to direct the cabin to look at the static lantern as the boat rocked with the ocean’s waves. She wished for some ginger slices, apples and crackers. The thought made her heart ache as it reminded her first of Cage then Brooke and being with them again. She wanted to hold them in her arms and kiss each and feel whole again. She was thankful for the dull lighting as a precious tear spilled down her cheek.

  Eventually Meeka fell asleep, even as she felt dizzy and sore. She had gotten so little lately that it claimed her. Again she had a nightmare of what awaited in her future before gaining freedom. She knew freedom wouldn’t happen so long as they sailed to the slave markets. She again cried silently in her sleep.

  By morning they heard a group of five men come down with one saying “Meal time! Don’t try anything, Slaves.” The men unlocked the ankle shackles and everyone had enough slack to sit up and change positions. The men gave everyone a larger than usual cup of water and no captive complained as each were thirsty, nearly completely dehydrated. They gave each person hardtack, an unsalted biscuit that nearly broke one’s tooth, but any food is better than dying of hunger.

  Meeka ate slowly when she received her ration and adjusted her dirty linen clothing. Her stomach growled for loads more, but she had seen what happens to those who ask. The person misses the next meal altogether. While she nibbled and tried softening the biscuit with saliva she watched as the men finished passing out the allotment they unlocked one person at a time and brought them behind a curtain for no more than four minutes. The person was brought back and chained back to the ship and had their ankles fastened again. It took nearly an hour to reach Meeka, Lanna and Moril. Lanna was taken and returned minutes later, looking relieved, if only slightly.

  The men released Meeka and allowed her to slide forward off the middle platform and led to the curtain while rubbing her wrists that had begun to callus. She grimaced at remembering the painful blisters and them popping, rubbing the skin raw. Meeka heard the curtain slide and found a room with a hole and knew it is a privy. It stunk horrendously and needed to be cleaned as it is unsanitary with feces and urine covering the seating arrangement. Still, it is more hospitable than anything they’ve allowed thus far.

  She lifted the material of cloth and hovered just above the seat, something difficult to do with a constantly rocking and shifting boat while trying to not touch the seat and relieve one’s self.

  She felt much better afterwards and saw a small mirror on the wall nearby to grimace. Meeka couldn’t recognize herself. Her long blonde hair was caked in dirt, mud and pieces of grass while her face had lost some weight. Even her own brilliant blue eyes seemed harder, more critical. She pulled the front of her linen to sigh as her prized breasts didn’t lose too much size or definition.

  The curtain pulled back before she could study herself anymore and was led back to be chained to the boat by her wrists and ankles again.

  Moril went next and while she was taken to relieve herself Meeka glanced at the beautiful warrior Lanna to realize she too looked nothing like she had before all this. The woman’s appearance showed the first signs of malnutrition as dirt and grime covered her from head to toe.

  With nothing else to do in such closed quarters Meeka watched the floor where light from the sun filtered in through the deck. When that became tiresome she slept and rested as much as possible, moving only so much to relieve pressure off places that had growing pain from the hard board they all laid on. She wasn’t the only one with the idea to rest as only a small handful of people whispered. Nothing new had been able to be spoken for several days. It also wasn’t a good idea to talk with so many slavers, sailors and the mage as his dog checked everyone remained. Even looking at the Familiar earned a warning growl.

  In the late afternoon of the second day, after leaving the port near Soloro, Meeka awoke as she heard someone shouting orders and many quick steps on the deck.

  Soon the ship came to a halt where many were calling out beyond the boat. Meeka knew they reached Dragon’s Port. The rocking of the ship wasn’t nearly as bad at the moment and while they waited to resupply the ship, exchange sailors and complete other objectives the captives didn’t get to see or hear. The only good thing that happened at the port is they brought in several barrels of fresh water and every individual got to drink their fill for the first time in weeks. Meeka gorged herself like others and although she remained exceptionally hungry the water curbed the gnawing pain.

  Then came down a group of dirty thugs Meeka never expected to ever see again. They were about to set sail when Meeka spotted the man who’s title is Appraiser. He was the one to grope her breasts and pierced her ear like everyone else in the hold. She cringed, remembering their first encounter as his smell hit her like a wall and those rotting teeth that made her gag. He wore the exact same dirty attire as it couldn’t get any worse.

  As if just thinking of him worked like shouting out the Appraiser turned his head and found her immediately. His awful, rotting grin of yellow and black teeth seemed delighted. He walked right in her direction and stood at her feet. “We meet again. Hey boys! Remember this slave whore?” some of them nodded and went to work, checking every captive for any deception, hidden weapons or escape attempts. “It seems luck is with me. I didn’t expect to find this batch of slaves here and the most seductive whore I ever got the chance to appraise. I got here today and I couldn’t be more pleased. How about you, Platinum? Ar
e you glad to see me too?” Meeka simply glared at the man, knowing well what would happen if she spoke. She didn’t want to give him a reason to focus and pursue her any more than usual. “I see you still have some spirit in them eyes. But you know well when to still your tongue. It will be put to good use later. We do have a long trip aboard this ship after all. We’ll get better acquainted later, Platinum.” He grinned and left when the men checked everyone.

  “You are stronger than I, Sister.” Lanna whispered. “I wouldn’t have been quiet after hearing the threatening innuendo. It seems the Appraiser doesn’t care too much about his tribe’s rules to not molest captives. I will kill him when we are free. He is a weak, stupid man who doesn’t find a worthy woman to challenge for mating rights. He seems to like chained women who cannot fight back.”

  “If he does anything, I will be the one to kill him.” Meeka explained. “And I’ve already told you, Lanna, most couples do not fight for the right to mate. They do fight, just in a different way. They fight to show their worth, some by a skill or trade to prove that if they have a family it can be afforded, some shower with gifts. Back where I’m from I never once thought of fighting someone just to find a mate. What men like the Appraiser do is rape. They take who and what they want and will kill anyone who gets in the way. That is wrong.”

  “I find it a strange custom, Sister Meeka. I would not want gifts from a man if he cannot be my equal in every way or bare his child if he is weaker than I.”

  “And that is fine. Your son is strong because he has a strong father and mother. If you find a custom different from your own, do not hate it immediately till you understand it. It wasn’t easy becoming a Utala, but I’m happy I did. Not everyone likes the same things, but I will never agree to this or being raped. I fear more for you and Moril. From what Cage told me and these slavers reinforced is the cruel way they usually sell women like yourselves to brothels. Worse yet, they routinely give women to their armies first to satisfy them and break them in. None come back as they were. I too might get treated like this…”


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