Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 21

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  He waited for a tense minute and could read the sincerity in her words and movements. Megdline knew she couldn’t hide anything anymore in his presence. Cage’s perception is too great. Even Frill somehow impressed his own kind of sincerity. “If you are to be the instructor I told you I needed then it is within your rights to know everything and I will expect the same of you. And I too give you my word that as long as you do not betray me you will have no cause to fear.” He tapped his temple. “I still know you are trustworthy because your spell remains intact. You also said I would likely get a first class sorcerer as a teacher and if you’re here by orders of the council then it means they want to get a detailed report on me by using our established relationship. It is a simple tactic to gain intel on an unknown individual who can make a second class sorceress fear a friend.” Megdline nodded the truth of his reason. “I appreciate that. And for you to be here then you gave my warning and they took it seriously.” Again she nodded. “I won’t push you any further, but tell me everything after.” Cage looked down at his hand entwined with Brooke to say “Brooke, when we get to our encounter at the village I want you to tell her from your perspective.”

  Brooke noticed he meant for her to be part of the conversation since she is entwined inseparably to him. She nodded her willingness.

  Cage started his story. “After you and Frill Jumped somewhere, Meeka and I left. Later up the road I found signs of more bandits and took them all out…” Megdline listened intently to every word as he explained how he ended the bandits lives, even using Meeka as bait to divert attention. He told of how he saw Vin’re for the first time and how he even explained he looked for advantages and disadvantages the city had. Again, she smiled at his willingness to speak openly. He told her of how he went shopping for clothes with Meeka before returning to the well known Twinkling Bell. She laughed with Brooke as he retold the story of men stealing Meeka’s money and he recreated the imp illusion in the cave to satisfy the two women’s curiosity. Megdline loved the premise of the imps, especially when Frill batted a paw through one. She also became impressed on how he alleviated tension by manipulating illusions and roared as he described the intentionally unintentional alteration of Meeka bathing in a cup sized bath.

  “Good for her.” Megdline said as he detailed Meeka’s first encounter and fight with the three men who had ill intentions. “When you were passed out from overuse of magic, she and I talked. Meeka told me how you were teaching her how to fight with a knife. I’m glad you did, most women in her place would not have had the strength or the means to defend herself. Go on.”

  Megdline’s jaw dropped with Frill’s as he detailed what he did after seeing her safely back to the inn from the shadows. The more he spoke the harder it became to find any false notes. She then held up a hand as Frill spoke. “Yes, I like that suggestion… Cage, will you show us your memory. Like I said, I cannot read your mind, only you can. Make an illusion of how you see yourself or show us what it was like through your eyes. I would also like to apply the truth spell again so I know what you show us is genuine and not imagined.”

  Cage leaned back. “I would rather not waste my mana when I might need it tomorrow when we continue on. Making my memory into an illusion would weaken me greatly because it isn’t short or easy to form because of how elaborate I would need to make it.”

  “Nonsense. Are your forgetting I’m here, Dimwit? I will be here as your guide and protector and my strength alone could easily get the four of us out, even if you all were non-ambulatory. I know you still fear I’m luring you into a trap, but I need to see to believe what you just said.”

  “Spoken like a rationalist.” Cage admitted and said “Alright. Use the spell again and I’ll reiterate my experience, slipping into Tate’s castle.” She whispered and he felt the recognizable wedge in his mind. In return he only managed to properly create the image of seeing what he did from climbing the inner wall, using pebbles as a distraction, slipping behind a stationed guard and into the castle and feeling the tingle of magic, running up the wall and wedging himself against a pillar to have oblivious servants pass right under him and eventually climb and lay unnoticed above King Tate’s throne. Megdline watched and listened in fascination as her truth spell prevented deception and lies. Everything she saw was truth. She gasped as he kicked the assassin, unintentionally killing him and binding the other two conspirators before toying with the Vlaran elite. She cringed as she watched General Kurk land a hit on Cage and Meeka’s intervention that made him halt. Hers and Frill’s eyes widened as they watched Cage head butt the king, breaking his nose before everyone and how the situation relaxed as he said “It seems like the second spirit I told you about was Queen Eleia, Tate’s wife. He seemed to believe my description of her…”

  “Did you show him an image of her?” He shook his head. “Show me what she looked like.” Megdline demanded calmly. The image altered into the beautiful spirit in a dress with a bird Familiar perched on a shoulder. Megdline nodded. “That is certainly Queen Eleia. You couldn’t imagine her because you weren’t here when she died nor are their paintings of her to draw reference. She loved him very much and would likely do anything to send someone to save the king. Go on.”

  “Well Tate asked me if I wanted a reward, but I told him it was a fulfilled job. I won’t go outside a sealed deal or ask for more than originally detailed in the agreement. Instead he made another deal I couldn’t say no to without killing just because I was inflexible. I cannot tell you what was said in private, but I had to hand deliver something and the reward for my services is to keep Cage Island free of hassle from Vlara law while still being part of their territory and have his political protection. I would own the island. And he well knows if he breaks our deal I’ll kill him… Afterwards Meeka and I boarded a ship and sailed to Emrocan Port where Meeka bought another horse with money Tate gave to us for expenses. We decided to then go across the Tribal Plains where we were surprised by a Utala hunting party. A man hit me from behind and I was told Meeka got angry and killed him.”

  Brooke felt Cage squeeze her hand for her to start and watched as his images vanished. His breathing became deeper and she knew the signs of him beginning to tire. Brooke claimed the woman’s and cat’s attention. “I got word on the coming of outsiders and gathered the elders in our village outside my tent. I hid among my sisters to see him and Meeka walking together. Meeka was timid and frightened, being around all of our tribe, but Cage here seemed oddly comfortable.”

  “Likely because of his extensive fighting skills. Even weakened, I saw him kill ten bandits like no other.” Megdline said.

  “It was a suspicion of mine as well, but I wasn’t too sure at the time. As we both know, he is a surprising male with many talents. Our meeting… It was such a profound day I’m not sure how it happened exactly, but he turned around and looked right at me as I hid behind my sisters. He knew I led the Utala without being told, give away his passing glance on me, nor did he know what our beads signified at that time. I came close to find Meeka the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on and couldn’t rightly accept her into the tribe without my seeing her skills. Cage told me to test her and was confident she could beat any man, but then he also explained the curse she had been given as a baby. One man I chose as the strongest warrior of those who volunteered to challenge for mating rights lost quickly.” She smiled at Cage. “She later told me how he trained her to become a skilled warrior. Well after her victory I uhh…” She then asked “Should I tell her about you know who… the one who somehow foresaw our meeting?”

  “Might as well. He’s already dead and everything came to pass.”

  Brooke nodded. “Megdline, what will give you clearer understanding is our tribe was the last to see the far-seer… uh… the Great Prophet alive.”

  “What?” She asked breathlessly. Frill began chattering swiftly. “Hush, Frill, I want… no, need, to hear this.”

  Brooke waited a second till the cat silenced and looked intently. “
Twenty years ago, when I was three, he came to our village with his remaining moments. I was given a blessing from him as well as a prophecy another also had.” Brooke hiked up the wrap and pulled her pants down to show off her mark and then spoke the prophecy he had given. “He disappeared and my people said he was to die not long after. I still remember the sound of his bones breaking as his body rotted.”

  “Many wondered what happened after he disappeared from Vin’re. Are you sure it was he?”

  Brooke nodded seriously. “The priestess before me knew him as he blessed her many years prior. I can see what you are wondering and his blessing took away my scent. Let me get back to before.

  “On the day of Cage and Meeka’s arrival it was exactly twenty years. I saw her fight and heard her curse to know the prophecy came true. I assume you are aware of tribal customs as I brought her into our sisterhood.” Megdline’s jaw dropped again. “Yes, I kissed her.”

  “But how? You should be dead. I felt her power when she kissed Cage… a magician could not have survived unless…” It then became clear.

  “Unless the far-seer visited her before I.” she finished, fortifying the assumption. “He cursed her and blessed me. I knew it was true as I spoke part of my prophecy and she finished it. Her curse was somehow negated by my blessing as the far-seer somehow planned. I kissed her and knew she was my mate immediately.” She then looked at Cage to notice him calmer, still focusing on the two across the fire. “When I kissed her… Cage changed and said he was happy for us and kissed my woman’s forehead. I cannot tell you how empty he looked, for no words could come close to describe it. The dead looked more alive. He then grabbed his pack and went to leave. I was told he was the third one of my prophecy, but I didn’t believe it. I wanted to prove Elder Metak wrong by killing Cage. I would not let a man be inside me who couldn’t beat me. I killed the last chieftain years ago and every challenger since. As it was, I hated men completely and wanted to kill any who tried for chief. I did it because the chief has rights to bed the priestess and the priestess must be strong to allow only a worthy chief lead our people. Well I attacked Cage and challenged him to mating rights, to kill honorably under our laws. That deadness I saw in him vanished as he got to fight me. He told me later he knew I hated men and accepted my first challenge.” She then asked. “Love, I cannot describe it well. Will you show her our first fight and your monkey-attack?” Megdline got immediately confused, but not for long as Cage brought the memory to life. It played and her cheeks reddened as she saw his impressive nakedness. She watched and chuckled a bit at his antics before laughing harder than she had in a very long time after he humped air and jumped back in surprise. Frill choked from purring a laugh as his partner wiped a tear from her eye. The image vanished. “As you see, I cut his chest with my tomahawk, but he didn’t avoid it. I’ll get to that point in a few minutes.

  “After I was helpless to such an attack and didn’t find it proper, when I recovered he accepted another challenge. It was then I got to see him fight so I know what you meant of seeing his skill. His calmness proved itself in that fight. Ever since I killed the last chieftain, not one man has ever pushed me so hard and none as effortlessly as Cage. He then flipped me and won the match. He beat me, won the mating challenge to claim me and I got up to kiss him, to bring him into the tribe as our leader and my lover. Then something strange happened. When I kissed him that is.”

  “And what might that have been?” Megdline translated for Frill.

  This time Cage answered. “They don’t know because they were hijacked by magic, Brooke and Meeka I mean. Their hair snapped straight in the air and I felt strong magic from them. They began speaking in unison, but I couldn’t follow. Here, since I can show my memory… this is what I saw.” He used the spell again and Brooke got a good look at the image she saw of herself, and how their eyes glowed so ominously. “Then that hollowness I carried inside me shattered a moment before they collapsed.”

  “Can you clarify what you mean?”

  “Not entirely. I always felt alone, especially after getting paralyzed. You know my story, but I didn’t tell you how alone I felt afterwards, losing everyone and women never looked at me that way again. It was like an unbreakable wall to protect myself for others. I didn’t want to get close to anyone because of that hole, but I didn’t want them uncomfortable around me. I cannot fully explain, but whatever spell the Great Prophet placed on Meeka and Brooke along with their curse and blessing started something as Brooke kissed Meeka and then me. I was told this, but it seems highly likely. I sent magic inside me, but couldn’t find any lingering magic or anything regarding that hollowness. With it gone I could finally feel love. I’ll let Brooke take up the conversation from here.”

  She smiled and kissed his cheek, loving how he loved them now. “When Meeka and I woke up we heard the elder say as he explained. Do you understand what happened?”

  “I have a likely idea.” Megdline replied. “There are innumerable spells and variations, but in my youth I remember a reference to freeing emotions by destruction.” Her grey eyes met Cage’s. “It would take great skill to even do as you explained, but to have such a structured spell be cast after the caster died twenty years ago can only be done by a select few. The Great Prophet being one I know who could do such a thing with his power and gifts. The spell targets the most unwanted emotion the person has, even if they don’t understand it. It destroys the emotion by severing the memories that link itself to the trauma. The memories remain intact, but the specific emotion is gone forever. It is a tricky spell that must be done with great care. For if the greatest unwanted emotion a person has is love then the spell will make it so the target will never love the same way again. So this hollowness you speak of will never plague you again and has allowed your soul to open for others.”

  “When you put it that way, I can understand it.” He smiled.

  Brooke became satisfied as well. “We then had a celebration to welcome a new brother and sister to the Utala. Cage became chief by defeating me and Meeka a sister, both destined to be my mates.” Megdline smiled. “Well somehow Cage slipped away from the ceremony without being noticed and none of our people could find him at all.” Cage smirked at the memory. “Meeka warned we wouldn’t find him, which we didn’t. So Meeka and I made love and she was so amazing for her first time.

  “The next day he returned and he told us his story about coming from another world. Many did not believe him, but his story and magic he has shown you tonight made me think it is too elaborate to be false.”

  “Put it out of question. Cage is definitely from Earth.” Megdline spoke.

  “Alright… Well he disappeared again without mating with us. Meeka had to cut him like I did. We both wanted him badly, but we knew she alone couldn’t get near enough to draw his blood. It was a deal they made. She draws his blood and he’ll give her a prize of her choosing. So we conspired and I was able to distract him so she could cut him. It nearly cost us our lives. He is very dangerous and doesn’t take well to being surprised from behind.” He chuckled. “Well eventually we got him to agree and later…” Brooke grinned and her coppery cheeks reddened. “Well he is a powerful lover with amazing stamina. He caused us untold pleasures.

  “In the morning he began to show talents as our chief. He did things no other before has. He taught the children how to fight barehanded and got them to look to him with great respect and know he has a firm yet kind hand. He even healed all our people who were sick and had ailments. All of our people love him greatly.”

  “That is what I like to hear.” Megdline announced. “He is both dangerous and generous. I cannot involve myself in my report of him or it would seem too bias. To hear he has healed without an ulterior motive will go a long ways to ease worries. Please continue.”

  “Love, you start the next part. If I tell it, my anger will get the better of me.”

  Cage nodded and went on to explain his scouting of the Laqura Empire’s forces and his experiments. He t
hen asked after explaining the battle with the mage and dog “Granny, it’s been really bothering me since that encounter… How did the dog fire magic that acted like acid? I thought Familiars only had increased physical talents. Also why does the amount of magic degrade over time? When I worried about more wyrms, before we met, I spelled sticks to snap at the sense of magic, but only a few retained enough to break in the morning.”

  “Magic degradation I will touch on later as does the Familiar’s use of magic. What I will say is the magic it fired at you didn’t belong to the Familiar. The dog had help. It is to be among my first lessons to teach you so you do not tire as you normally do. Please go on.”

  Cage sighed. “After we fled we returned to the village where I knew we would lose if those men caught us. Brooke and Meeka got the idea to send our people to my island. We packed and left in the morning.

  “A few days later our hunters found scouts and the head elder of my people told us of a cave in the Darshay Mountains. We all fled there, but a thousand of the Laqura were hot on our trail. We hurried up the mountain where I spelled the arrows with the ability to slip through the soldiers enchanted shields. Right when the cave came in sight I had our best warriors stand with me and sent the rest up the mountain. I told Meeka to go as well. We stood our ground to give the others time to get inside. Then the worst happened, they brought a sorcerer riding a very angry looking bull…”

  Megdline blinked. “Wait, is this him?” she brought forth an image.

  “Yes, how do you know him?” He asked and Brooke glared at the image knowingly.

  “First tell me how you even survived an encounter.” Megdline said hotly and Frill stared at her and yowled. “Hush, I need to know.”


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