Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 51

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Megdline grinned as she said “They didn’t even suspect our plan. I was able to watch those behind us after a brief respite and not long ago I overheard them get told ‘Abort Mission! We’ve been attacked and must reach shore before we sink!’ Cage, marvelous work. Those ideas were unique to them. I doubt such a tactic has ever been used… now, my concern is what magics were they setting up?”

  “Haven’t a clue, but just to be sure, we should go around that whole area.”

  “Agreed.” She said and lifted a right hand. A golden light appeared and she shot it a hundred feet into the air so all could see it. “That just tells the boats we will turn southeast until morning and circle around Dragon’s Port before returning to our course.”

  As she said that all of the ships began changing course.

  In the late afternoon of the second day after the foiled attempt to stop them they heard Daku’s shrill roar in the distance as he flew in. He landed to look excited. “Cage, I just found five floating trees, but on each one of the white sails is an outline of a green dragon in flight. I remember many humans in Emroc wearing such a design.”

  “That is the Emrocan navy.” The lieutenant stated as he came forth. “Sir Daku, did they see you?”

  “I would say so.” He chuckled. “I think I scared them by flying too close. I made sure they followed me though.”

  The soldier unbelted his sword and put it down against the mast. “May I request that you fly me to their ship so that I can vouch that we are non-hostile?”

  “Do you think they’ll attack?” Cage asked as he patted his partner’s thick neck.

  “Possibly, we are sailing in Laqura Empire vessels. We are at war and have been tricked many times by them. Eight rather large ships will cause worry, especially after seeing an unknown creature.”

  “If we fly, will they fire on us?” The lieutenant didn’t seem to consider that possibility and grimly nodded. Cage then asked “Does the white flag allow for negotiations in these lands? If we fly it, will they hold fire enough to listen?”

  The lieutenant’s eyes lit. “Yes, Sir Cage, if we fly the flag it will offer us time enough to speak. If we do not show aggression we will be permitted to board. I will be able to add assurances.”

  “Get to it. As soon as you get it done, we fly.” Daku told the human who hurried to spear the whitest shirt he could find on a long pole. Cage climbed up as his partner grew large enough to accommodate two passengers. The lieutenant climbed in front of Cage who remained wary of people he didn’t know. Daku took to the air moments after.

  In five minutes Cage saw the first sign of friendly ships. Daku intentionally moved from side to side slowly to make sure he was clearly seen. His movements made the humans all turn towards him. He could see them pointing and gathering weapons. When his riders could see the same the lieutenant raised the white flag as Daku spread his wings to glide. A bold outline of a dragon on the front largest sail showed it to be friendly forces. The lieutenant waved the pole back and forth quickly to make sure even a blind man could see it.

  Shouts could faintly be heard, but it seemed that the flag did the trick as several men began climbing the riggings to furl the sails. Daku’s slow moves began to get even more deliberate as he circled the leading warship. Every eye never left him nor the two men on his back standing and waving a flag. One man began to shout for his men to clear the front of the deck. Daku saw this and made another circle till a wide space was presented. He aligned perfectly and landed on the silent ship.

  Cage and the lieutenant dropped down as Daku sat.

  The obvious captain of the boat stood in the front of his men. The men stood in three rows of ten with swords gripped, but remained sheathed. Behind them were two rows of eight archers with ready bows and behind them were two battle mages by their red colored robes. Each man displayed a green dragon on their shirts and stood ready to listen, but also to fight if need be. “Under the white flag of truce you have not been harmed. What is your business that requires eight empire vessels to enter Emrocan waters?”

  “I am Lieutenant Moro Telim of the forward garrison of the twenty third division. I come here on behalf of this man to validate his words.” The lieutenant gestured to Cage as he stood shirtless and wore only brown pants.

  “Telim? Do you have proof to be claimed by that house?” The captain asked.

  “I do, Captain. Do you permit me to approach to verify my crest?”

  The captain waited a cautious minute, staring at the three. “Come forth ten steps and be searched before coming closer.” Cage now knew why the lieutenant removed his sword. The man in question laid the flag down, raised his arms and took the ten steps. One man in the line separated to give a thorough pat-down. The lieutenant held still until getting permission to approach. He extended a fist to display the branded forearm of his family crest to the captain who took a long hard look. He nodded “It is true. Lieutenant, I heard word that the twenty third troop was either killed or captured.”

  “It is true, only three of my men survived to be bound in irons, but Sir Cage is the one who rescued me.” Someone loudly cleared their throat and all eyes turned to the white Familiar. “Forgive my words, Sir Daku. I meant no disrespect. You also saved me and my men.”

  “You are forgiven.” Daku stated and all the men aboard became startled he could speak. It made them more wary.

  “Captain, allow me to introduce to you, Sir Cage and Daku, the leaders of those coming this way.” The lieutenant stepped aside.

  Cage’s eyes jerked to the back. “We are still talking. Stop using magic or I’ll throw the two of you overboard before you can blink.” The two mages on board were greatly startled.

  The captain turned around. “He is right. So long as they do nothing except talk, we are honor bound to do the same.” When he was sure his orders were obeyed he said “Sorry for the breach of protocol. Am I to take it then you are a mage?”

  “Among other things.” Cage smiled when no more magic could be felt. “To your question before, about the boats, the eight have been commandeered after I rescued four hundred and nineteen slaves from Bepop. Seven days ago I librated another seventy prisoners en-route to the broken down slave city. That included the lieutenant here. Also on board are sixty nine total sailors who are sailing the ships for us. Most of all freed prisoners are citizens of Emroc and the larger portions are from the tribal people who were caught when the empire swept through the plains. Will you accept all the freed people taken from these lands?” Cage watched as everyone got a startled look, including the captain.

  “No man could have done what you say?” The captain spoke aloud.

  “I wasn’t alone.” Cage admitted. “I am chief of the Utala tribe and four of my people were taken before all of us could get away. Myself and my mate traveled through Frozen Forest to sneak into the Laqura Empire where I met my teacher of magic. Together we devised a way to ruin Bepop, save the slaves and use the empire’s own boats to get where we are now. My Familiar, Daku, was instrumental in the success of the operation. Captain, I ask again will you take responsibility for bringing your citizens back to their home?”

  The man thought quickly to ask “Your tale is difficult to believe…”

  “Captain, I think I’ve heard report that man.” His second in command stated.

  “What do you know?” The captain ordered.

  “Look at his arms, Sir. Those are not sleeves. He said he passed through Frozen Forest and still lives… only the greatest mages could claim to do so. King Skylar sent reports of a tall man with eyes black as night who was said to be going after his people who were captured by our enemy. It said to heed his words as if he held the rank of a general.”

  The captain said “I read reports similar to what you say. It is also said he defeated the castle’s greatest defenses.”

  “Skylar said that about me? I’m flattered.” Cage laughed. “Were the reports from Skylar or Corbin?”

  The captain’s eyes narrowed. “What p
roof do you have? There is only one way to prove you are this powerful mage.” Cage raised his fist to display the grinning skulls. “So it seems you are this one spoken so highly of and don’t seem to refer to anyone by proper title… since I cannot truly verify any of this I will take it on faith that you are Cage. As leader of this fleet, I will allow the ships to safely enter our waters. We will keep the ships and imprison the sailors till we figure what to do with them.”

  Before any could react, Cage put on a burst of speed and glared down on the shorter captain. He stood a foot taller and less than an inch away. “No you will not. I will not allow sailors to come to harm or be imprisoned. I have given my word they are to be released as soon as the freed captives are safely returned. You will not harm one hair on their head so long as they cooperate and will let them go the same way. If you so much as break my word to any of those men, I’ll beat you to a bloody pulp. Those still alive want to live and I will not deny them. Do we understand each other, Captain?”

  The danger rolling of the tall man before him was almost seen and the captain knew that he wasn’t idly warning. It was a very real promise should he not heed the tall mage’s words. Swords sung as they were taken out, but a gesture from the captain held them still. He knew from those dark eyes that none on board stood a chance. The shorter man swallowed dryly and nodded. “They will be taken into custody until all who you have returned are safe. They will be released, but I cannot allow so many boats to be returned afterwards. We are at war and cannot afford to give up such costly investments. With your permission, I will authorize that only one boat be returned with them on board. The remaining will be repurposed to bolster our dwindling fleet.”

  Cage stepped back and turned around. “Daku, do you think that is a fair compromise?”

  “I do.” The griffin nodded sagely. “Your word will remain intact if they have use of even one floating tree. It is fair to me, so long as these humans obey you.”

  The tall warlock turned around. “Alright, we have an agreement, Captain. I leave your people in capable hands. And just so we’re clear, I’m going to keep an eye on you and if one man is killed, you will be held responsible.” The middle aged sailor nodded curtly. “On another subject… Did you manage to destroy the port near Soloro? How is the war going?”

  The man proudly puffed his chest. “Yes, you stand among the men who destroyed the enemy foothold. We managed to demolish the docks and buildings not five days prior. Also of note, our men pushed the empire off the plains and have begun construction of a northern outpost to make sure they don’t do the same tactic ever again. Unfortunately Soloro and Kidi remain occupied and have begun preparations on bedding down for winter. They will be a big problem to expel from our lands. Because the war has been hard on us, Twilight has sent relief in several tons of rations. If not for their aid, we would have lost a long time ago. General Corbin is also working to make sure the outpost on the plains gets built quickly.” Cage heard enough and walked over to his partner. “Sir, where are you going and what manner of creature is that?”

  Daku looked at the lead human. “We are leaving to make sure those coming get handled properly. When they are, we must leave to complete an unfinished task. As for what I am, ask the natural humans wearing beads in the fur on their heads. They would be more than glad to tell you all that happened. If the king you follow truly warned of my partner, be sure that you understand why you have heard of him. It would be in your best interest to heed your superior’s warnings. Do not take them lightly.”

  With that said, Cage mounted and Daku took to the sky and both could see the fleet got closer by the second. They landed in two minutes.

  Eagerly waiting the news, he told all that transpired and got a deafening cheer because of it. Megdline shot two gold and a pink sphere of light skywards, the signal that the end of great danger is passed. The tribal people all cheered from every anxious boat. But it also meant that with everyone back in safe hands that the ones who saved them would be leaving. Many shouted final words of thanks and eternal loyalty and the members of the Utala tribe, Megdline and Frill simply waved thanks to such an emotional moment. Sean got a few goodbye hugs from some pretty little girls that made his cheeks flush, but he smiled.

  When it came time, the boat grew heavy on one side until Daku grew on the opposite. Zatal helped Sean up first before climbing up with a childlike twinkle in his eye as he finally got to go flying. Lanna and Moril followed with more uncertainty. Frill pounced fifteen feet to land on a soft wing of steel hard feathers. Megdline crawled up and sat with the others. Brooke’s nerves made her shake slightly as she climbed the bent arm like a step. Cage followed while grinning.

  Daku spread his glorious wings to say “Farewell, Humans. I hope your lives become much better. May you grow wise while keeping the spirit of cubs.” and jumped back to flap his wings around to fly straight. He made two slow circles to allow the humans one last chance to see his magnificence before he flew higher and grew over a hundred feet long to fly high and out of sight.

  Air in the higher altitudes became increasingly thinner and more cold. Cage erected a bubble of protection to defend against the biting wind while most of his focus remained fixated on the naval fleet boarding the borrowed boats. The captain remained true to his word as his men checked out every individual and searched the ships for anything of use. The only thing that didn’t happen as he expected is that the captain made all the empire’s sailors board the smallest sailboat and sent them off with a battle mage to make sure they floated away. It seemed that they didn’t have the manpower or resources to detain the sailors and simply sent them off. The remaining crowded boats thinned out in numbers when some tribes boarded the naval vessels. Seeing most tribal men and women put the navy men at ease. The sailors spread out to work the ships to sail south.

  While watching the boats begin returning home after a long time, Cage heard Zatal laugh “Everything is too small to see from up here!” Cage noticed the man and his son looking over Daku’s hip, down to the ground. “I never got to see anything like this!”

  Sean chuckled. “I doubt very few have. I never dreamed something like this could be so real. It also makes me afraid. I once broke my arm, falling from a tree. If I fell from all the way up here… well, it wouldn’t be good.”

  “But it is beautiful up here, above the clouds. Ever since the chief came to our village I’ve never had so many worthwhile experiences. This is by far the greatest.” Zatal said.

  The twelve ships began sailing away minutes later and he listened in on a few people he rescued speaking with the captain, telling their stories and getting reports from the freed soldiers. When he was sure all was safe Cage canceled the sight mirror, but easily continued maintaining the barrier parting the wind around them.

  Cage looked around to find Brooke sitting with her knees folded to her chest and put her forehead down on top while keeping her eyes closed. Moril was much the same, but Lanna maintained a white knuckle grip on Daku’s fur while sitting and looking straight at the eastern horizon while the bright sun glared in the west. Megdline and Frill sat together talking quietly while enjoying the view from high above. He walked down Daku’s spine and sat beside Brooke and the women. “How are you doing?”

  Brooke didn’t look up and he saw her shaking, but not entirely from the cold air. Daku’s warmth and thick fur actually didn’t make the flight unpleasant. “You know full well I don’t like heights and I heard our son say we were above a mountain. How do you think I am? Give me firm ground any day. I wasn’t meant to fly, otherwise I would have been born with wings. I know you and Daku won’t let us fall, but we are too damn high.”

  “Would you prefer to go to sleep?” Megdline asked, overhearing the conversation.

  Brooke’s frightened brown eyes finally opened to stare at the sorceress. “Please. My muscles are in pain from shaking so hard.”

  “Me too, if you do not mind.” Moril turned slightly to request the same.

are you so afraid now?” Cage asked. “You seemed fine when we disabled the ships.”

  “That was because I could barely see anything. I didn’t know if we were a foot or a hundred off the ground. Right now” she shivered and peeked over the edge. “I can see everything. I do not like this, up here.”

  Megdline set her sights on her pupil. “Dimwit, you do the spell of rest. It is quite like healing, but must be said aloud or otherwise you risk putting the person in a deep, permanent coma. Say simply ‘Fear and anxiousness, dissipate. Allow the mind and body to rest and sleep peacefully. Do not have a dream, but wake in six hours.’ and it will work. Sometimes when you know you need rest, but cannot get it, this is the only way. Go ahead.”

  “Alright, Granny.” He replied and focused on Brooke while repeating the spell, word for word. The magic was practically nonexistent as the spell started. Brooke’s eyes slowly began to get heavy before she yawned. She looked tired as the seconds passed and began to lay down. The magic stopped as soon as she slumbered deeply. Thankfully Daku’s fur was soft and flat where they sat. Moril joined her priestess soon after. “Lanna, how about you?”

  “It is a kind offer, but I must refuse for now. I am well enough for the moment, so long as we keep this smooth travel.” She said stubbornly.

  Cage nodded and stood. He walked back up Daku’s spine, up the neck and sat down atop his head. He allowed the cold wind to hit him, sitting just outside his own barrier. “We have about two or three hours before nightfall, are you planning to fly through the night?”

  Daku kept his head relatively still in the flight. “No, it will get too cold for you humans without proper coverings. You and Megdline might make a spell to trap heat, but you need to conserve your magic. We will land for the night, when the sun fades. I can see Dragon’s Port ahead in the distance so we’ll be well within the Laqura Empire when I find a suitable nesting area. Not to worry, in two days we will reach those who hold Meeka. Continue storing your mana. I won’t be as large as I was when saving you in Bepop. By now, the humans will be watching the skies.”


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