Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 55

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Zatal wasn’t so lucky as Lanna pushed his head under the water to make him spit and sputter and tell her off. She grinned and welcomed him to challenge, but he knew who would win and it wasn’t going to be him. It put the whole group more at ease after another laugh.

  Another knock signaled that the food had arrived in fine silver platters with plates, bowls and an assortment of fine wines which Cage had to select from. The owner himself had come up to see how their stay was going and Megdline made the man feel good and even Frill spoke though the man didn’t understand. Cage could tell the finest wine by scent alone, like a connoisseur and the owner wasn’t surprised he selected the best he could offer. When his slave staff sat the food down on a long table they scooped out some water before lifting the tubs and carting it downstairs. The owner left after explaining the feast of roast duck marinated for two days in wine and honey with fresh bread, cheeses, a fruit salad made of bananas, mangoes, honeydew and pineapples along with a hot bowl of clam chowder bought at the market not two hours prior from the port.

  Everyone ate their fill as the man left with a boastful smile, but before they ate, Cage used a spell to make sure all the food was safe.

  Nothing except the bones of the duck and a few smears were left behind afterwards.

  Cage, Brooke and Sean took a bed while Daku slept curled in Cage’s neck. The others got in bed to rest while Moril kept watch and listened.

  Chapter 17

  Moril remained a vigilant huntress while sitting in a wooden chair on the balcony of the Quiet Dove. Night had settled in for its time to cool the heat caused by the end of the hot summer months. The vantage on the balcony gave her great lines of sight of much of the city. She didn’t like cities and felt too confined and offered too many places to be ambushed. Fewer and fewer people roamed the streets, most who still did were slaves and she couldn’t help feeling glad she had something the others didn’t, a fair and kind chieftain. Her time being split as a huntress and a warrior allowed her to watch for anything that could endanger her people. She would not allow anything to escape her notice among a city full of enemies. Moril relaxed her body, but her eyes relentlessly scanned for danger.

  Midnight passed and she watched as magic lights sped throughout the city. Slavers prowled and were easy to see because the lights hung above their head and followed them wherever they went. The lights not accompanying the slavers always stopped when coming across a person. She knew that sneaking would be impossible because of the combination of magic, armed slavers and patrolling guards.

  Hours slowly crept passed until she found what her chief warned of. A group of lights began swirling on the other side of the wall that encompasses the grey castle. The gate facing the main street that runs beside the Quiet Dove opened and out came a group of fifteen magic men and women with animal Familiars and close to two dozen soldiers in full, polished armor of the finest make. Bright white lights circled the large group of men and beast and were walking straight down the street with clear purpose.

  Moril quit playing with her knife and sheathed it to her bare thigh. She waited till she was sure the large group actually headed for them. She watched from the shadows as they approached and moved ever closer to the inn. When they slowed beneath her and a woman began ordering the warriors to encircle the front so that none enter or exit, Moril walked slowly into the room and approached her chief.

  Sudden and brief pain surged through Cage as his wards activated when someone approached stealthily while he slept. He jerked upright and gripped a wrist outstretched towards him. His eyes cleared to find an unnerved Moril frozen in place. His move on the soft bed roused Sean and Brooke as well. Daku stood and stretched like a cat while extending his wings. He released Moril’s hand when he didn’t find a weapon in her grasp. She rubbed her wrist from his strong grasp as he asked “How many?”

  Moril knew that he understood the reason to wake him and replied “Fifteen magic men and women with likewise number of Familiars. Also accompanying are twenty three soldiers. They just arrived at the front and were knocking on the door when I came to rouse you.”

  The conversation woke everyone who remained hyper vigilant because of the great stress of the situation. Cage took control and said “Zatal, I’ve explained what you are to do when they come. Count to fifteen when they first knock and keep them on the defensive. To send so many mages here means either they know it’s a ruse and are coming to detain or they are taking us seriously. Everyone pretend to go back to sleep and not appear anxious. Zatal, you be annoyed to them.”

  “That won’t be hard. I hate not being able to sleep through the night.” He replied and laid back down on his bed.

  Moril moved to lay in the empty bed between him and Lanna while Frill and Megdline cuddled. Brooke wrapped her arms around her son and laid down while Daku jumped down to hide beneath the bed. Cage leaned back and closed his eyes.

  Other than the soft crackling of the fire, nothing could be heard for close to fifteen minutes. Then they all heard the soft sounds of footsteps and the tapping sound of nails on stone from some kind of animal. There was a silent exchange of whispers, but because neither Frill or Daku didn’t give warning of deception in those words Cage didn’t use magic to burn any of them into a crisp.

  A soft knock on the door came and Zatal began counting. By the tenth second there came another knock with more effort. Zatal got out of bed and drew his knife before using the key to unlock the door. He cracked the door to find five magic men in dark robes beside the portly proprietor. Standing lower were three dogs, a cat and a owl. A closer look showed the owl belonged to the same man the chief fought hours ago. Zatal whispered angrily “What is the meaning of this!?”

  An older looking man stepped forth. “We have come to speak to the one named Lord Ceembura. He is to come with us by orders of the Arch Magister himself.”

  Zatal looked back and the same person who spoke used the chance to stick his head inside to see everyone fast asleep. Zatal grabbed the magic man by the throat and shoved him back with enough physical force to send him tumbling to the floor. The owner and mages gasped at such audacity as the large naked man stepped into the hall and shut the door. With it shut he raised his voice “Who the fuck do you think you are to barge in on my master’s room without permission!?” He held his knife menacingly. “Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, all of you. My master needs to sleep and has ordered me to not allow anything to disturb it by any means necessary. Tell the Arch Magister my master will be waiting at the gate at first light as you fools clearly heard at both the outer wall and when he dealt with this pompous student who didn’t realize who he stood in the way of.” The obnoxious man with the owl went scarlet.

  The man thrown to the ground glowered at the naked slave when he stood. “Touch me again, Slave, and I’ll see you are severely punished.” He pointed commandingly to the door. “Wake your master this moment and have him come to the castle. The Arch Magister has summoned for him.”

  “That will not happen. Only one person has the authority to make him do anything and that is Empress Vika. Until she commands him to do otherwise, he is allowed to do as he pleases as the greatest living necromancer the Laqura Empire has ever had. His skills are legendary, though he hasn’t been seen in centuries. Leave my master to rest. If he is grumpy he might just choose to kill all of you to further his research.” Zatal wasn’t sure why the chief told him to say the last few words until he saw the horrified looks cross the magic men’s faces. They seemed to take it seriously and he found it hard to not laugh, but his annoyed scowl further made powerful mages crumble. “Off with you or am I going to get to use my knife again so soon?”

  “First thing in the morning! If the sun lifts off the ocean we’ll be back.” The annoyed man stated and stomped away while the others followed with their Familiars. Zatal sheathed his knife back onto his forearm.

  “Please inform your master I’m sorry for the interruption.” The owner said frightfully. “I didn’t ha
ve a choice in bringing them up.”

  Zatal inclined his head and smiled. It seemed to ease the man’s expression, but he appeared uneasy, likely standing before another naked man. “I will let him know you were not happy with the situation. I must ask though that you send a large meal up an hour before dawn for us. My master prefers eggs, fresh biscuits with butter, hand squeezed orange juice and the sweetest berries you offer.”

  The man clapped his hands once and smiled. “And he will have it. Will the rest of you require the same?” Zatal nodded and the man hurried off.

  He reentered the room, locked the door and moved towards the balcony. Zatal only saw his chief’s open eyes and got an approving nod. Zatal moved to the balcony and glared at a mage hovering just outside the window. The mage held his gaze until an owl flew up and hooted a few times. The mage descended to the ground where the others gathered. They talked for several minutes on the ground before one mage and two soldiers moved off into a dark alleyway where they could watch if there was anything amiss. The rest spoke for several more minutes beneath swirling orbs of light before heading back into the castle.

  When ten minutes passed and nothing else happened Zatal returned to the room and closed the door. The warrior went to speak, but his chief shook his head while pointing to his ear and then crated an illusion of someone pressing their ear against a door. The warrior understood they were being listened to. From the open eyes of the others, they knew it as well. The warrior returned to his bed and fell deeply asleep while snoring up a storm.

  Cage woke when he heard sounds of several feet coming down a hall. He sat up and rubbed Brooke’s shoulder just as there came a sharp knock that woke the others. Zatal quickly slipped into the pair of pants while the women put on their tribal garb. Cage slid into the green robe like Megdline in yellow and tied the sash tight while Zatal opened the door and allowed the owner and four slaves carrying trays loaded with food and pitchers of orange juice that saturated the room in delicious scents.

  The proprietor bowed to Cage and said “Lord Ceembura, forgive last night’s interruption.”

  “Interruption?” Cage blinked blankly. “By whatever do you mean?”

  The owner turned to Zatal who said “Pardon, Master, a group of mages from the castle came late in the night to command you to come with them by the Arch Magister. I ran them off as you ordered. This man had no choice but to show them the way. He had no alternative.”

  “Then good. I so hate not getting proper sleep and those children need to learn patience. I would have made an example of them for sure… by the way good sir, how did you know my favorite breakfast? You surprise me greatly.” Cage said as he popped a delicious strawberry in his mouth after spelling the food for underhanded tricks.

  “Your slave was kind enough to inform me of your morning delights.” The man admitted and bowed, seeing the delight in the mage’s expression.

  “Thank you kindly.” Cage began loading up a plate while a slave poured a glass of fresh orange juice in a fine crystal glass.

  “Enjoy.” The man said as he ushered his workers outside.

  The wards Cage placed in his diamonds made a dull hum that only he could hear that explained they were still being listened to by magical means. Megdline taught such a spell for she uses it as well. He gestured to be silent and not speak as usual. They couldn’t apply a barrier to negate the eavesdropping unless they wanted to risk more suspicion. Each loaded their plate and sat before the fire to eat and keep up appearances. Sean asked to see the city and wanted to take Brooke and Moril, but was told after meeting with the Arch Magister. He said he wanted a slave of his own, just for those listening to catch it. Cage rubbed his son’s head and said he would allow it after. Cage had to admit, Sean’s hard life sure made him understand and be a professional liar when there was a need.

  Eventually they all used a privy hidden behind a door and cleaned up to look their best. Daku hid in the pocket. It was time to get the show on the road.

  Downstairs the owner said he would have the room clean and ready by the time they return. Outside, the morning had just begun.

  Word spread like wildfire during the night. As predicted. When Brooke and the others took up position around Cage, Megdline and Frill while holding her son’s small hand, the crowd parted widely. Some bowed or cowered, bust most pointed or whispered. Each of them noticed they were being followed by four mages trying to blend in, but didn’t give them the knowledge they knew. Cage remained outwardly bored while they passed through the early morning patrons.

  It took only minutes to reach the gate to see three dozen mages waiting. At the front stood a middle aged man with a long blonde beard that reached his belly. At his side lay a large male lion with a dark mane and critical eyes. He looked the wizard one would truly imagine in stories, especially with a long knotted staff with a dark brown gem the size of a softball set in the top. This was undoubtedly the Arch Magister.

  Cage commanded “Wait here.” and only he approached the group alone. He approached the sorcerer and could almost feel the power rolling off the man. He was clearly a first class sorcerer. Cage came right up and went to lay a hand on the man’s shoulder and was stopped by a barrier. He raised an eyebrow. “So you have changed, Young Man, but you still lack power.”

  Cage infused his fist with a tremendous amount of magic and blackness roared around his fist as he pumped more and more into it. The sorcerer felt the explosion of power emanate from the man before him and erected his strongest barrier. Cage knew he had to use everything without drawing from his diamonds because he could feel himself being tested by every present mage. A vibration buzzed in the air from the breaking spell getting more power and the force shredded the sleeve and half his robe as if it were made of paper. When Cage could handle no more and could see spots he slammed his tornado-like fist into the barrier. By only a fraction, Cage’s breaking power shattered the strongest personal barrier of the Arch Magister. The explosion of power shot out like a burst of wind. The Magister stared in denial at what happened and didn’t react until Cage laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Good effort, but you clearly must have forgotten me when I loaned you a few of my rare books a few centuries ago.”

  “You must be Lord Ceembura I presume?” The Arch Magister stumbled.

  “Sure am.” He turned around to hear gasps when he said “Young Lady, it seems I’ve lost my last set of robes. Can you go get buy me another?” He asked Megdline, intentionally revealing his back to the instructors. Cage managed to construct a spell under her guidance and bound it to a diamond that artificially placed an image on his back like other mages. He learned a first class sorcerer’s mark encompasses the entire back and some of the front. The image Cage made was of a wyvern breathing fire and the dark vibrancy gave every mage present a cold shiver. His lean back displayed the wyvern while disguising his chain of infinity beneath. The constant tingle of the city also disguised his use of magic. He didn’t want just anyone to see what his back truly appeared like. Luckily his lower half of clothing remained intact and Daku was safe. The sash still held some together.

  “My Lord, it would be an honor to have you select one of my personal robes.” The Magister interrupted while his lion partner stood. “Forgive my impudence, but I did not truly believe the claims. To break my shield so easily means that the empress sent someone with great power. I tried to speak with her about the reason for your arrival, but she hasn’t had time to speak with me. Her aids know nothing of you or your reason for coming.”

  Cage replied “With the destruction of Bepop done in by just two mages and a griffin we thought went extinct thousands of years ago and the loss of several battleships at Dragon’s Port, Empress Vika called for me to secretly come here and see if your mages are capable enough to defend this vital city and its resources.”

  “So all the reports are true? It was a griffin?” The old sorcerer asked.

  “Yes, accounts are too consistent to be false. Even the wyvern riders found
unmistakable footprints of the beast.” Cage said to make the man believe him by twisting the truth just enough to sound that he belonged there. “When the empress heard a griffin destroyed a precious slave city she sent me to make sure it wasn’t coming here.”

  “Here? Why would it come here?” The man’s eyes went to the sky, believing the enormous creature would be dropping in right then.

  “Perhaps we can speak where commoners aren’t so close to hear what I have to say, Young Man.” Cage tilted his head to the openmouthed crowd.

  “Of course.” The Magister nodded and turned around. “Follow me, Lord Ceembura.” He and the lion turned around to walk.

  Cage met the proud stare of his friends and followed with their warlock and hurried to keep up and surround him with the Arch Magister who didn’t seem to think anything of it. The remaining mages and their teachers followed behind, hoping to learn from this stranger who broke the powerful shield of a first class sorcerer without the aid of a staff and stared at the giant mark of a deadly wyvern on his back that likely represented a Familiar.

  Behind the wall stood the castle of Eeroan and the primary school for the darker sides of magic. But it was to the east that stood a large warehouse where the platinum slaves with magical gifts bestowed on them reside until they learn their fate.

  Meeka was somewhere inside.

  Before the Arch Magister could speak, Sean spoke like an excited child. “Father, can I go see the slaves you told me about on the way here? Please, please, please! I promise to be on my best behavior. Please?” Cage struggled not to laugh at the innocent act Sean put on in front of everyone.


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