Winter Heart

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Winter Heart Page 32

by B. G. Thomas

  “Wyatt!” he cried, giving his love warning so that if he really might ruin everything, Wyatt would have time to ask him to wait.

  But there was no response.

  He plunged into the break in the woods and saw the small torches lighting the way, saw gleaming Egyptian gods, fire dancing on their golden skin, black kohl-lined eyes staring at him and…. What? Were they telling him to leave? Commanding him to hurry on?

  “Wyatt!” he called out and saw nothing, no fire in the pit ahead, and shouldn’t he see that? If Wyatt had lit a fire, wouldn’t he see something? Could he be done already? Could he have put it out and… what? Gone to see Gryphon and Saffron to tell them what he’d done? Why would he go there first? Why wouldn’t he come to me?

  “Fuck it,” he said aloud and stepped past the Egyptian guardians and into darkness once again. He held his lantern high and saw… nothing.


  Where’s the fire pit?

  Kevin stepped into the clearing that was not a clearing but was mounded with snow and…. What is that? Was that a rabbit? A dead rabbit?

  He stepped closer and lowered the lantern to see that handspan of dark brown fur and—

  “Christ!” he shouted. It was Wyatt’s bearskin.

  Kevin fell to his knees, put the lantern aside, and dug. He dug with clawed hands, for he had nothing else, not even a stick or piece of wood.

  He dug and clawed and shoved and pushed and the “rabbit” turned into more and more, a blanket and—fuck!—a foot!

  Wyatt’s foot!

  God oh God oh God oh God…!

  Oh please, please, please be alive. Oh, Wyatt! Wyatt, my sweet little bear.

  Kevin was moaning but not crying—there was no energy for that—and with all the desperation he had, he dug into the snow and unburied Wyatt from foot to leg to torso.

  Face! I’ve got to find his face!

  And then there were bear ears and rolling plastic eyes—Wyatt’s hat!—and then his sweet face, and Kevin pulled Wyatt up into his arms and begged him to be alive.

  In the light from the lantern, it was impossible to know anything but… but it seemed Wyatt wasn’t breathing!

  Kevin touched Wyatt’s face and it was so cold, and he settled Wyatt back and, not really knowing for sure what he was doing, opened Wyatt’s mouth and placed his own mouth against Wyatt’s and breathed….

  Wait…. Aren’t I supposed to be pinching his nose closed?

  He did so and breathed into Wyatt.

  And thank every single god—Christian and Pagan and Jewish and Tibetan and any metaphor that would take him across the worldly divide—Wyatt began to cough!

  His eyes opened, and they looked into Kevin’s, and never—never!—had Kevin felt anything like this in his life.

  I love you, Wyatt Dolan.

  Wyatt coughed again and words came from his lips.

  “C-c-cold, K-Kevin. I—I’m s-so c-cold.”

  Then with strength Kevin didn’t know he had, he stood up and pulled Wyatt with him, into his arms, and leaving the lantern behind, ran. He ran past the little torches, ran across the road, leapt up slick stones that moments before had nearly set him on his ass. He climbed on hinds’ feet, it seemed, and then down the path and up steps and burst into the cabin.

  He would have drug the bed to the stove, or even the stove to the bed, if he could.

  But instead he put Wyatt on the cot and stripped him of his cold, wet clothes—Wyatt was shaking so hard. Stripped him naked and then picked him up again and put him on the big bed. He was still shaking! Then he tore his own clothes off (a button really did fly off). He had never undressed so fast, everything, and he climbed onto the bed and pulled Wyatt tight—still shaking—and yanked covers over them both and wrapped himself around Wyatt like a cocoon around a caterpillar. He rubbed Wyatt’s back and his ass and drew him even tighter.

  And finally….

  Bit by bit….

  Wyatt stopped shaking.

  Bit by bit.

  Kevin’s relief was total when he felt Wyatt respond. He wrapped his arms around Kevin and said something—“I love you too”—that couldn’t have been what Kevin thought Wyatt had said.

  They were so close it was as if they were one.

  And bit by bit Wyatt stopped trembling.

  God. Kevin could actually feel Wyatt’s heart beating against his own.

  Then: “Did you hear me?”

  “Hear you?” Kevin asked.

  “I said I love you, Kevin Owens.”

  Kevin thought his heart would leap out of his chest. God! Then he said it, said it out loud, said it clear, revealed his heart: “I love you too, Wyatt Dolan.”

  By God I do.

  “More than life.”

  One last tremor, and then Wyatt was quiet.

  “Baby Bear?” he asked softly.

  There was no response, but he could hear Wyatt breathing.

  And so he shifted so he could get Wyatt even closer to him and, exhausted, drifted off to sleep.


  WYATT WOKE to light and warmth and man.

  His head was resting against flesh, inviting and safe. Like home. Even the scent of him. Man.


  The realization hit him, and it was like summer.

  “…I love you, Kevin Owens.”

  “I love you too, Wyatt Dolan. More than life.”

  Oh gods, had Kevin meant it?

  Did I?

  And then that summer was inside him and he knew.

  “More than life,” he whispered.

  They were naked, and so entangled he wasn’t sure where he ended and Kevin began. Arms around each other, legs interlocked, cock-to-cock, Wyatt’s face against Kevin’s softly furred chest.

  It was the most intimate experience of his life.

  He began to get hard.

  Gods, is that all right?

  Did that make him a slut? Would it make Kevin mad? Did he need to pull away?

  But gods, he did not want to pull away!

  Oh…. Then he felt it. Kevin. Gods. He was getting hard too. He could feel Kevin’s cock shifting against his own. Oh, yes. So sweet and sexy and….

  Maybe he’s just asleep?

  Do I look?

  Wyatt did. He looked up, and oh, Kevin was looking at him. Looking at him with beautiful, alert, shining hazel eyes.

  And then Kevin kissed him.

  Gentle only for a moment, and then there was a hunger in it that made Wyatt gasp. And when he did, Kevin’s tongue was in his mouth and it was warm and demanding and man.

  Their tongues lashed against each other, and Kevin was moaning and Wyatt was too.

  But…. But is this all right?

  Kevin pulled slightly away, breaking the kiss, and Wyatt whimpered in protest and opened his eyes and met Kevin’s once again.

  “I want to make love to you, Wyatt. Is that all right?”

  Is it all right?

  “Gods, yes,” he said.

  Kevin kissed him again, and Wyatt wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. The kiss was less urgent this time, lips against lips, and then Kevin was kissing Wyatt’s eyes and his cheeks and his ears, sucking gently at his earlobes, and then his neck and Adam’s apple, and as he was about to kiss Wyatt again, the memory of the snow hit Wyatt and he shivered.

  Kevin stopped. “Are you okay?”

  “You….” And now he was really trying not to cry. “You saved my life.”

  Kevin’s smile was slight, but his cheeks actually pinked, and then he gave an almost imperceptible shrug. “Did I?”

  Wyatt nodded and a tear rolled down the side of his face. “Yes. You saved me.”

  “I… I don’t know what to say.” Kevin looked embarrassed. But then a certain strength came into his eyes. “It was an honor.”

  “Thank you.”

  By way of a response, Kevin kissed him again, and the urgency was back.

  They opened their mouths to each other, and their tongu
es danced. Wyatt thought he would pass out. He’d never waited before, and this… this was days, and he supposed it wasn’t the months or year or more that some people waited, but he couldn’t conceive of that.

  He just knew this big, wonderful, beautiful man was holding him and kissing him, and it really was all he could do not to pass out.

  Wyatt shivered again, but this time from total delight. Kevin shifted against him and rubbed his chest against Wyatt’s, and the feeling of their hair mingling was so, so good. So wonderful.

  And oh, this was so good, but gods, it had been so long. He hadn’t made love since the last time with Howard, and that could hardly have been called loving. It felt like years since he’d been with a man. Had it only been months?

  He shivered again.

  Kevin stopped kissing him, and he wanted to demand that mouth back, so sweet and hot, but Kevin was looking at him, concern in those beautiful eyes.

  “Are you okay, Wyatt?”

  He nodded, but Kevin must have seen something in his eyes because he asked again.

  “I think I’m a little scared,” Wyatt said.

  Now Kevin’s eyes filled with apprehension, and no, that wasn’t what he wanted Kevin to feel. “You don’t think I’ll hurt you, do you?”

  “I hope not,” Wyatt said. Because this was so different. So different. This wasn’t just two rutting males. It was more. And what if it was only for one night? What if Kevin showed him a world he’d always wanted, then took it away?

  He closed his eyes, then looked slowly up, feeling suddenly shy. “I feel like a virgin,” he whispered and felt the heat of his blush.

  Kevin smiled. “I’m scared too,” he said softly.

  Kevin? Scared? “You are?” he asked.

  “I’m scared this is only one night. That I should get up and go get in my own bed, but I can’t. I’m here now, and damn the consequences.”

  Wyatt nodded. “And this is your bed now, Kevin. It has been. Especially after you saving me. Keeping me warm. Oh gods, Kevin!”

  Kevin let out a long moan and took his mouth again, and this time it was fierce. Kevin shifted again, and Wyatt felt Kevin’s hard cock press up against and alongside his own—thought that he’d cum from it. He wanted it. Wanted to see it. Desperately wanted to touch it. Kiss it….

  But dammit, Kevin was making him wait again!

  Yes, the waiting was good. Was so good. Good being kissed and held and nibbled on and oh, sharp teeth against his collarbone! So good! So exciting. He felt so alive.

  Kevin began to kiss down Wyatt’s body, and once more Wyatt felt shy and unsure. What if Kevin was disappointed? What if he was too small?

  Now Kevin was licking and sucking his nipples and giving him those little bites! Oh, so good. And then lower, and oh, it was so unfair, and…

  “Oh God, Wyatt. It…. You…. So beautiful.”

  Wyatt looked down to see Kevin gazing at his cock, which ran freely with precum.

  “These balls!” Kevin gave a little growl and took them in his hand, and Wyatt arched upward, not knowing anything could feel so good. Then Kevin dove in and took one of Wyatt’s testicles into his wet, hot mouth, gently but passionately, and rolled it in his mouth, bathing it in saliva. Wyatt couldn’t figure out how he didn’t shoot right then, and it got worse (better!) when Kevin let it slip from his mouth and took the other one in. Wyatt’s cock was pressed against Kevin’s face, wetting it, and Wyatt wasn’t sure he had ever seen anything so sexy (and beautiful) in his life.

  Then Kevin let the second ball go and licked up the length of his cock, his big flat tongue running upward, tasting him and making Wyatt shout to the gods, and when Kevin reached the top, he sucked Wyatt in and took him deep, deep.

  He let Wyatt’s cock rest there, took it even deeper, then swallowed, his mouth and throat milking Wyatt in the most exquisite way.

  Wyatt felt it then, knew if Kevin went one more second he might cum, and he so didn’t want that. Not yet.

  “Please!” he cried. “Please stop, Kevin!”

  And oh thank God, Kevin did.

  Kevin looked up at him with love in his eyes and smiled, and Wyatt said, “Please? My turn?”

  Kevin gave him only the slightest nod and then climbed back up Wyatt’s body and kissed him, and Wyatt could taste himself on Kevin’s tongue and that almost made him shoot as well.

  Wyatt tried to roll Kevin over, and of course there was no way he was going to be able to do that. The man was six feet of muscle. Wyatt made a little whining noise, and Kevin laughed quietly and rolled over for Wyatt, but took him with him so that he was lying full-length upon the man, chest-to-chest, but only partially cock-to-cock. Kevin was so much taller, and the upper half and the tip of his hardness was lodged against the root of Wyatt’s hard-on, and once more, even that almost made Wyatt cum.

  He lifted himself up, straddling Kevin, legs on either side, pressure off the base of his cock, and he scooted just a small amount back and looked down at his cock rearing up over Kevin’s. His mouth fell open.

  “Jesus,” he said—and since when had he called upon that name?—and, “You’re huge!”

  And Kevin was. He had to be at least eight inches and thick and cut, the head a dark maroon, the shaft slightly darker than the surrounding skin, the circumcision scar slightly askew, slightly larger on one side than the other.

  Their mixed scents rose up to Wyatt, and his mouth watered. He wanted that inside him. Wherever inside him, but could he? So big!

  Wyatt took it in his hand with his own cock and pressed them tight, letting them rub slightly, the slickness of their mutual need making it so good and, damn, he couldn’t get his hand around the both of them, they had so much cock together.

  He glanced up at Kevin, who was blushing—blushing!—and Wyatt laughed in delight—so sweet and sexy!—and then scootched some more so that now his legs were up and over Kevin’s thighs, or at least he tried to, but there was so much muscle! They were such big thighs.

  So back a bit more to sit carefully now on Kevin’s knees and then shifting so that one of them was lodged into the cleft of Wyatt’s ass, and when Wyatt rearranged himself ever so subtly—gods!—his asshole was square against that knee, and who knew it could feel so good. I’m not even being fingered. Not fucked. It was just the pressure, and that pressure was so good!

  Kevin was watching him intently, and it nearly drove Wyatt mad. He thought, You want to watch, huh? Watch this! And he shoved back down Kevin’s legs and fell forward so that Kevin’s hard cock was right in front of his face. Wyatt looked at it reverently. So beautiful! So big! Huge!

  He knew he was up for the challenge.

  Wyatt put his fist around it and lifted it as best he could, and then he took Kevin in his mouth, and he could barely stretch his lips wide enough. But oh, with a few practiced bobs and shifts, he had Kevin deep in his mouth, which it filled almost to overwhelming, and sucked it, tasting Kevin’s fluids, moving, letting it slide in and out, and Kevin slapped the bed on either side of Wyatt and said it was “So good! So good!”

  Oh, now his balls! And he let go of that great phallus and went down and saw that Kevin’s balls were huge as well. They looked as big as eggs, and the scrotum was loose and, for such a hairy man, nearly hairless itself, with just enough that Wyatt knew Kevin didn’t shave them like so many gay men.

  He somehow managed to take one into his mouth, and he nursed it gently, made love to it, and his mouth was so full. So full of Kevin. Wyatt reluctantly let it go so he could take the other in as well, and it felt so good there, and Kevin smelled so good and tasted so good and…. Oh, he wanted to taste something else and surely Kevin would only let him go so far, but ask? Believe?

  Wyatt released the testicle—the delightful satiny scrotum drew up—and stuck his tongue out far and let it travel down a bit, a bit more—he wanted to taste Kevin’s most private place and would Kevin let him and—

  “Oh, God! Wyatt, please!”

  —Kevin lifted and spread
his legs wide, and there it was, flawless, the folds spread out in a perfect star, slightly pink, and Wyatt had to have it.

  Wyatt pressed his face into that wide cleft and laved it with his tongue, and Kevin shouted and cried out and—“Please! Please! Oh, Wyatt, my love!”—and the taste was exquisite. Skin and sweetness and that new-penny tang and the hair there unimaginably soft. He pointed his tongue and teased and pressed and licked and sucked and nibbled, and soon Kevin was opening up to him, the tiny folds smoothing out, his hole relaxing, and Wyatt pressed into him and it was like wet velvet.

  He went on and on and couldn’t stop, went until his jaw threatened to cramp, and dimly he was aware that Kevin was saying he didn’t know how much he could stand, and what finally jolted him to reality was the cry, “Wyatt! Please. Please fuck me!”

  Wyatt sat slowly back on his haunches and looked at Kevin in astonishment. The big man was holding his knees back with those big hands of his, and his eyes were filled, swirled with need and lust.

  Kevin wanted Wyatt to fuck him?

  It seemed impossible. When two men got together, did one so large and manly let someone as small and round as Wyatt top him?

  But that look was clear, and Wyatt’s cock grew so hard it hurt.


  Kevin shook his head. “I believe in you, my love.”

  My love?

  “I trust you. I know it will be fine with us. Do you trust me?”

  My love!

  Wyatt did trust him.

  And trembling, he kneed himself closer, closer still, looked down at that hole, open slightly, seeming to wink in need, and he couldn’t believe he was going to do this.

  Wyatt spit into his palm and carefully lubed his straining cock, worried that even this might make him cum. His precum was flowing thick and free, a huge pearl forming at the slit, and he thought, I think I can do this.

  He wiggled forward just a bit more and then guided his cock, and then it was kissing that place, and it opened and took the tip of his head, and Wyatt moaned and shifted again and watched in amazement as the full head of his erection slipped into that hot, tight sheath.

  Wyatt cried out, and gods, nothing, nothing had prepared him for such a feeling! Kevin’s large muscular legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him tight, and Wyatt couldn’t help but impale his lover.


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