Monsters Among Us (Deception Series Book 1)

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Monsters Among Us (Deception Series Book 1) Page 7

by Margaret Afseth

But the contact was not as traumatic as might be expected. It was exceedingly comforting: the emotions of relief, the touch of silken skin against cold flesh. Lydia was as naked as a jaybird, her hair like a prickly black brush atop her head, but she was familiar.

  The visions, not already known, were of similar mistreatment to that Gemma had endured. And after the initial first bombardment, the emotions of care, compassion, relief, and an almost loving attachment, were welcome, and eagerly embraced by Gemma. It was a blessed gift, to know the other's feelings mirrored her own.

  They sank to the mat in each other's arms, cuddling close for warmth, not embarrassed in the least, that they were both female., they slept, again, to pass the time.


  Hope never imagined!

  They were giving, not one, but two, flawed females to the workmen.

  Five had been selected to make their choice. If they were compatible to the one they chose, they would be permitted to mate.

  Miracle of miracles, Loni was one of the chosen five. But, Galar also, was one of the other four.

  Why are the two of us always put at odds against each other? If they had left me out, there would have been no problem.

  As they hurried through the pathway tunnels, not to be left behind, and unaware they were not included, both Scar and Da followed after. The seven arrived breathless at a hallway, where the attendant hushed them. He pointed toward a window.

  Peeking in, Loni saw, for the first time, what could be his. You couldn't distinguish much, as the two were sleeping, and intertwined, wound in each other's arms, like puppies, or a pair of abandoned kittens, seeking comfort from each other.

  Loni's heart went out to them.

  The attendant signaled silence, with a finger to his lips, as Da made a sound of approval deep in his throat. Da imitated the gesture, backing away from the viewing port.

  Loni motioned Galar to make his choice, first.


  Galar felt his whole body tingle. Never before, had feelings remotely like this inhabited his system. So unfamiliar were they, he shivered with anticipation.

  I want both of them! But...I can only choose one.

  The one with the lumpy chest was too big to get close to; the smaller one would cuddle better.

  "I want the boy one; the smaller."

  The attendant nodded, sending him out the other side of the hall.

  "Scar want the other one," Galar heard his brother say, behind him.

  "You can't choose," the attendant whispered, shooing him toward Galar.

  "Why not?"

  "Oh, let them all choose," came a voice from the room behind Galar. "It'll make it more interesting."

  "Fine! I note your choice."


  The older one appeared to be sheltering the taller female. Loni saw in that a strength of character, so he pointed, that he chose the smaller woman, also.

  The attendant nodded.

  Da pointed to the larger busted girl. It was accepted, and both were sent into the big room beyond, to await the DNA matching.

  The other three to choose, followed, each picking the dark-haired taller woman.


  "Is it any use to match all their blood types?" quizzed the attendant to the Physician.

  The one peering into the microscope, shrugged.

  "Safer. If there are offspring, we do want them to be viable."

  "Isn't Flaw of a rare blood type?"

  "Yes. I'm doing him first." Suddenly, the man chuckled. "Well, lookie here. He matches his chosen."

  "You jest! Galar will be livid...he never loses well to the enemy..."

  Both men laughed quietly, and the attendant winked.

  "I have a suggestion. We never meant for No Name to about, we just give the second one to him, for the fun of it? See what happens? Nobody cares if they are compatible...we can always abort the fetus."

  "Excellent idea! We will do just that, then!"


  When the results were disclosed, both Galar and Scar turned silent and brooding. The looks they shot Loni, as they were ordered back to their quarters, would have killed a lesser man. Galar hobbled away on his crutch, as slowly as possible, just to make a point. He would get even!

  Loni and Da were escorted into a waiting room.

  Chapter 15

  Gemma was caught roughly by her shoulders, pulled to her feet, and separated from Lydia. Then they were forced from the room, and into a chamber half that size.

  Nothing could have prepared her for what came next.

  The women were dragged into this room; made to stand against a side wall; punched, kicked and slapped, until they stood up straight, chest out, as if for display; naked and exposed for the men to ogle.

  Gemma wondered what was coming next.

  Are we going to be raped?

  The two burly guards that had accompanied them, moved back to the exit, standing at either side of the doorway, where they waited, as if daring the girls to try to escape.

  Shortly, two other men entered from a side room, came and stood against the wall opposite the women.

  The younger one was a short, stocky, brown-skinned individual, with dark hair and brown eyes...eyes that told you, something wasn't quite right in his brain. Gemma watched his memories, but they were not only disjointed, but confused, as if he'd not understood what was going on at the time. She noted scenes of near forgotten abuse in childhood; then kindly brotherly care from the man beside him; a garden area, and enjoyed labor tending the plots. Lastly, she felt an appetite that savored everything edible put before him. A simple man...whose greatest pleasure was to eat.

  If either of us are given to this one...

  He would be good for Lydia...he has a gentle spirit, won't be cruel...

  The second man was a little older. He was not dark-skinned as most others were. So different was he, that he stood out, as if he were a lighted candle in a darkened room. Shocked by the sight of him, Gemma felt apprehensive.

  He was tall, over six feet, his flesh of a blue-white hue; his body, trim, and well muscled. His hair was cropped close to his head, a tight curly mass of silver-white. Instead of ears, the sides of his face were deeply scarred.

  It was as if he blocked his thoughts; she could read nothing from him. That was incredible, since every other man down here came through loud and painfully.

  I must have to touch this one.

  His eyes glowed out, piercing through you, the whites a pale mauve-white, with irises of bright turquoise-blue. Gemma wasn't certain if that was lust shining back at her...or appreciation. She cringed, shivered, and went to trembling.

  He might be slim, but he was taller, and heavier than she...and she had a sense...she was meant for this one.

  Why do I have such a fear of a larger man?

  I have good reason for alarm with this one! Look at the position I am in...where I am!


  Loni could not believe how lucky he was. Up close, she was so beautiful!

  She could easily fit comfortably beneath his arm, no more than five foot two, a good foot shorter than he. If he didn't know better, he would have believed this was his sister...if he'd had one, or his mother. The resemblance was uncanny.

  Her skin was a rosy pink-white. She was petite, but so thin, her ribs were showing. The nipples of her tiny, perfect bosom stood out, extended, as the cold brushed against them; they were delicate, tiny rounds, firm. He felt the need to cup them, gently, and warm them.

  Loni's eyes travelled down, but he steeled himself. He would not subject her to the indignant act of studying her belly. The limbs were sturdy, but shapely; the hips, unlike those of a boy, were curvy; the waist narrow, and small. He knew, his hands would almost fit around it.

  Embarrassed by the feelings aroused within him, Loni quickly sought her face. On the crown of her head, the hair was gold-white, short and curly. The lips were bow-like; nose narrow, short, like the pictures he'd seen of cupid. But,
the eyes drew his shocked attention: blue irises...the tiny.

  Loni pulled in a breath, realizing...she was physically blind. His heart broke in anguish.

  What have they done to you, little one? I will NEVER let them harm you again!


  The door at the back of the room opened, turning all eyes toward it. In walked an imposing figure. This new personage appeared to be of great importance, perhaps a judge or commander.

  All the men in the room immediately came to rigid attention.

  The commander moved to a podium, that had been placed at his end. He beckoned for the white-skinned man to come forward before him.

  As this one obeyed, the two guards, from the entryway at the back, moved rapidly to Gemma's side. Forcefully, they each caught an arm, pulling her forward before the pedestal, to stand beside the light skinned man.

  Her hands were roughly pulled behind her back, and a thin wire rapidly wound about her wrists, binding them together. At first, Gemma tried to struggle against this, but she quickly realized, the wire cut in deeper the more she resisted.

  Beside her, the male turned toward what was happening, his face mirroring objection to the rough treatment, but he seemed to think better of interfering, and quickly masked his feelings.

  Side by side they stood, the one buff naked; the other fully clothed in a one-piece jumpsuit of blue. Gemma wondered if the stark contrast was meant to symbolize her position where this man was concerned.

  Her companion was turned, by one of the guards, until his back was against her own. His hands were then bound to hers, with a silken rope-cord of red.

  Gemma tensed as they touched, clenching her fists, resisting with all her being, trying to keep any unbidden images at bay. Surprisingly, there was no assault.

  The judge-like overseer spoke.

  "You are now bound together. Unless another succeeds in taking her from you, she is yours as mate."

  "He cannot read your lips, unless he looks directly at you," interrupted the guard behind them, and he abruptly turned the white-skinned man to face the judge.

  The words were repeated.

  "Do you understand?"

  The man addressed, nodded. The guard undid both their bonds, and the participants were returned to their perspective places opposite each other.

  Next Lydia and the short, stocky younger man were put through the same procedure. There was only one difference to the ceremony.

  When the words joining them were spoken, the young man was not asked if he understood.

  The judge vacated the room; the two guards also left, leaving the exit door wide open behind them.

  It was obvious, all were free to go, but...

  What happens now?


  For a minute, Loni and Da just stood there. It had all happened so fast.

  Loni read excitement, and confusion in Da's thoughts.

  What do I do?

  Take her home!

  Obediently, Da stepped forward, took the taller girl by the hand, and led her toward the door. As he did so, the older woman, as if anticipating that she was to go with Loni, quickly backed against the wall in fear, inched slowly, as far away from Loni as she was able.

  He was fully aware of her alarm, so Loni took on a relaxed stance, waiting, long after Da and his new companion had vanished. The two stood there, eyeing each other, one with apprehension; the other patiently.

  The girl trembled visibly. Loni did his best to project the calm exterior that would ease her, but it was hard to maintain. He was both excited, and anxious, himself.

  So, he reached into her feelings, to study the woman before him.

  Why does she appear so weak and vulnerable?

  She was shaking not just from fear...she was exhausted, and...

  Starving? Haven't they fed her?

  What has been done to her, that she is like this?

  Before she could flee, he quickly stepped forward to catch her hand, but he was distracted by a small bluish patch on her left wrist; the upper inner corner was scarred where an IV site had been infected.

  As he touched it, his stomach turned with the sudden connection, and, shocked by what he saw, he immediately broke the contact. But he had seen enough: past excruciating agony; pain overwhelming, over periods of time, not just once, but numerous torments.

  It made him boil with anger; appalled that this was what had happened.

  He took her hand again, and heedless of being an intruder, he travelled forcefully into her memories. There was little she could do to stop him.

  All that had been done to change her ran across his mind. He not only saw, but sensed her reactions: the loneliness; the constant pain, the struggles all on her own to cope with the many changes her body was forced to endure. No help at all! No explanation for the why, and the reason...yet she


  But Loni was more caught up in what had been done to her. And he was exceedingly filled with wrath.

  This is how they grow the mates that produce us? How beastly!

  Was this done to my mother, also, and she hid this from me?

  How can our men be this selfish? Such usury! The animals! They do not deserve to continue our race!

  With a shiver of disgust, Loni withdrew abruptly from the female's mind. He gave himself a physical shake, litterly, and stepped back, but was unable to remove completely, the feeling of revulsion from his features.

  She turned questioningly to look in his eyes, and the emotion mirrored in her own was of recognizing shocked rejection.

  Loni moaned. He had not meant to portray any such thing.

  No! It was not you I found offensive.

  Had she caught the projected thought?

  How do I ease this situation?


  He seemed so beside himself, Gemma felt inclined to salve his discomfort, so she reached up, curious, to the livid red scar on the side of his face.

  Not only did she want to know, why he was so repulsed by her; she wished to know what had caused his disfigurement. He willingly let her in, and it was more disconcerting than she had imagined.

  She could see it happening; feel the acid burn through the ear canal, into the nose, and down the throat. Gemma gasped reliving the emotions and feelings.

  When a child, she had experienced a similar vision. She had seen a memory, an episode of a childhood friend. Boys had been throwing stones; one had caught her friend on the lip, causing permanent disfigurement for ever after. At the time, Gemma had felt guilty, believing because she remembered it so vividly, she had done the deed herself.

  When she had told her mother, her parent had explained it was just a daydream. But, by now, Gemma knew differently. Since coming here, her powers of mental perception had increased tenfold.

  And now, other scenes of the man's past were coming through: the cruel tearing away from his kindly mother; his valiant attempts to remain with her...and the horrible fire that had resulted because of his efforts...the reason for his atrocious punishment.

  Gemma drew away from him, tears forming unchecked in her eyes. Attempting to close her mind from what she had seen, she sought to erase the disconcerting images. Suddenly, he was helping her to sort, block, and reject the thoughts of others; teaching her. And thirstily, she accepted that instruction.

  When again she opened her eyes, he was smiling at her. She could now hear his words in her mind.

  You are like me! Were you always a telepath? I learned how, from my mother.

  But her thoughts were still somewhat jumbled; she was too overwhelmed to project. Gemma began to tremble uncontrollably, and as he led her away by the hand, her world became hazy from the stress of all that had happened. She never realized, she had gone into a faint.

  She was also unaware, when he scooped her into his arms, and carried her unconscious form home.

  Chapter 16

  She had fallen asleep cradled in his arms, but...when Gemma awoke, both men were gone, and Lydi
a lay asleep on another mat across the room.

  Gemma assumed, she knew what these two men would want, but she was unprepared to give it willingly.

  I have to get away from here! I am not property, and I gave no consent.

  She reached for a full length garment, folded at the foot of the mat. Her man had put it there the night before, but wouldn't allow her to sleep in the shift. She slipped it over her head now, tied the drawstring belt.

  Then slipping off the soft mat, she crawled carefully, silently, on her hands and knees, to the double doors at the side of the room. One part of the portal was barred by a green tree branch, braced from the upper corner diagonally to the opposite lower end. Obviously, it was meant to keep others out, not her in.

  There was a door knob on the second side, and Gemma quietly turned this to see if it was locked. It moved, and the door eased open soundlessly. It yawned like a mouth about to swallow her.

  Dare I go through?

  She peered around the corner. Beyond was what appeared to be a treed in garden space.

  No one in sight.

  Gemma stood up. Shutting the door quietly behind her, she cautiously slunk away.

  In all directions stretched gravel roadways, guarded on either side by enormous evergreens, their trunks ten times the girth around of both her arms extended out together. As far as the eye could see, the pathways went, only dotted in the distance, here and there, by a tool shed, or a ladder fashioned against a wall, leading up into the high lofts above, from which a pale sunlight glow filtered down through the heavy branches.

  Up there...maybe? Perhaps, a way out?

  For hours, Gemma wandered about, seeking a way out on the ground floor. She met no one; all seemed asleep at this early hour.

  The pleasurable scenery she passed through, with the vegetable plots, and treed and flowered landscaped areas, reminded Gemma of her time with Sam. He had built her a small pool with a fountain.

  Sam...he made my first dream yard, just after we were married...and these beasts had to kill him!

  Tears formed in her eyes. She hadn't thought of Sam in a long, long time, nor had she ever grieved at his loss. He hadn't seemed gone; his spirit always with her.


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