It's Her Love

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It's Her Love Page 4

by Tory Baker

  “You don’t stop wiggling that ass of yours, I won’t be responsible for what happens next,” I murmur into her ear.

  She tilts her head to look back towards me as she says, “Maybe I want you to do something about it.”

  “Fuck, Sophia, I’m only so strong,” I tell her as I nuzzle her neck. I can feel the goosebumps raise on her skin, and I’ve noticed it’s one of those things she loves and makes her tick.

  “Fine, I’ll stop. I guess,” she says with a smart-ass tone.

  “Appreciate it, Babe,” I kiss her neck as she settles back in and as much as I’d love to take her up on her offer, I have something planned for when I take her for the first time.

  Chapter 17


  I wake up and instantly feel cold, while I’m usually warm when I’m wrapped around Vince. I move my hand over the sheet and feel that it’s cool to the touch, meaning Vince has been up for a while now. I get up, and go to his dresser, finding a shirt and throw it on, go to the bathroom and take care of my morning stuff, and then head for the kitchen. I’m still half asleep when I stop in my tracks, Vince is outside in a pair of cut off sweats. His back is on display, and boy oh boy is he a work of art.

  I veer off toward the kitchen, grab a cup of coffee, and then make my way out towards him. I try to be as silent as possible, allowing him to enjoy the peace and tranquility, but as if he can feel my presence, he reaches out for me. I snuggle into his side and we stand, taking in the view and sipping quietly on our morning coffee.

  “Got any plans today?” he asks me in a whisper like tone, as if he doesn’t want to break the calm and serenity around us.

  “Today is massage day. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while now,” I look up at him so he can see the glee in my face. I’m actually really looking forward to it. I’ve yet to have one and I’m excited to see what it’s all about.

  “Make sure it’s a woman massage therapist,” he says with a grunt. The moment of peacefulness is now over as I’m bent over at the waist dying of laughter.

  I hear him say, “Oh you think that’s funny,” then he comes up behind me, grabs me by the waist, and picks me up and somehow my stomach is now over his shoulder, and his hand is kneading my bare ass cheek as he walks down the hall. I’m still giggling and my hair is a hot mess. When he brings his hand off of my ass, I grumble. I like his hands on me, but when he brings it back with a slap, I can’t help but moan out loud as he puts pressure back on it. I can feel myself become wet, so much so that it’s smeared on the inside of my thighs.

  “Fuck, Soph. You smell so damn good,” he groans, as he tosses me on the bed, immediately coming in between my now spread thighs. He looks down at where my shirt is now rucked up and over my hips and I’m completely bare to him.

  “Gonna make you mine today, taking my time, and make sure you enjoy every fucking moment,” he grumbles before he’s sliding down my body and his tongue is on my clit in an instant. When he brings his fingers into the mix, slowly stretching me, with the pleasure and the pain, it feels so fucking intoxicating.

  “Oh god, Vince, please more,” I moan out as I feel my whole body shiver, as he continues manipulating my clit, and using two fingers inside me. I can feel and hear the wetness between the two of us. When he bites down lightly on my clit, I detonate. I grasp him by the shoulders and bring him to where he’s on top of me and where we’re now face to face and I lean up and kiss him, tasting myself on him, and it only makes me want him more.

  Chapter 18


  The taste of Sophia, it’s something I’ll never get enough of. When she tastes herself on my lips, I know this is it. Everything I had planned for tonight, the candles, the romance, it’s all thrown out the window. I whisk her shirt over her head, and my mouth goes directly to one of her nipples, as I shove my shorts down.

  She arches into me, rubbing her pussy along my taut stomach muscles, and as wet as she is, I know this will still be painful for her, “Ready, Babe?” I ask more for myself than for her.

  “Yes, Vince, I want you so much it hurts,” she whimpers out.

  My hand is wrapped around my cock as I bathe the head in her wetness, coating it before I slowly enter inside her hot and tight pussy. I move my hand off of my cock, and bring my thumb in to play with her clit, trying to make sure she receives as much pleasure as possible, even though I know this is going to hurt.

  “You okay, Soph? If you need me stop at any time I will. I don’t want you in pain,” I tell her as I slowly move my cock deeper inside of her. When my dick comes in contact with that thin skin that I know is her barrier, I almost lose control and slam inside of her, wanting to take what’s mine. Except I don’t. I sit right there, allowing her body to adjust to my size, before I take things further.

  When I feel her walls start to relax, I lazily thrust in and out, until she’s writhing and begging for more, “Please, I need more.” Her hands are digging into my shoulders. I keep my thumb manipulating her clit between our two bodies, my lips find hers, trying to keep her from feeling the pain, and then I thrust further inside and break her hymen.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she screams out as she rips her mouth away from mine. I stop immediately. If she were to say it hurts too much, I’d be out of her body an instant.

  “Want me to stop?” I ask her, as I sit back on my haunches.

  “No, can we just stay like this for a little bit?” she asks, and the tears I did see gleaming in her eyes are gone.

  “Yeah, you let me know what you want Sophia, and it’s yours,” I tell her as I lean down and take a kiss from her. I’m not gentle in taking her mouth. I’ve learned Sophia likes that bite of pain, and it only makes her hotter when she receives it.

  When she starts squirming beneath me, I slowly and lazily drag my cock in and out of her pussy.

  “Better now?” I question before I can make us both feel good.

  She nods her head yes. “I want the words, Soph.” I demand.

  “Yes, please, I need it now,” she whimpers.

  I take her slowly, and there’s nothing better than being inside of Sophia even if it means taking her at an agonizingly slow pace, but I’ll always give her what she needs. And if this is what she needs, she’ll get it.

  Her hips start tipping up to meet mine, and that’s when I know she’s ready for more, my thumb goes back to her clit. I want her fucking screaming my name when she comes. I use my fingers and pinch her clit on and off until she’s coming. I thrust hard and deep a few more times before I’m emptying myself into her.

  I fall on top of her, making sure I don’t hurt her, and bring her up and on top of me, as I lay on my back.

  Fuck, this right here, my semi hard cock, still in her swollen pussy, with my seed slowly dripping out of her. This moment, it’s now ingrained in my memory forever.

  “Uh, Vince. You should ummm…know, I’m on birth control,” she mumbles out coherently and fuck, I should have protected her, and I fucking didn’t.

  “I wasn’t even thinking. Fuck! Sophia, I’m sorry. I should have used protection,” I tell her honestly. What if she wasn’t on birth control and I took her choice away. Sure, I’d love to see her belly swollen with my child, but I don’t want her to feel obligated either.

  “We both should have talked about it, but it’s okay. I promise and well, I love the feel of you inside me without anything between us.”

  “Same, Babe. I think your cunt took all of my coherent thoughts, and for that I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry for being inside of you,” and that’s the fucking truth.

  “Vince,” she moans out as I start to slowly get hard again while I’m inside her.

  Chapter 19


  I’m relaxing on the massage table, a towel draped over my body, my muscles relaxing, except in between my legs. I’m thinking back on this morning when I gave Vince one of the most intimate pieces of me. We lazed in bed together, him on his back, me on my side our hands entwined
and sneaking kisses from each other. Neither one of us ready to leave the room and start our day.

  He eventually got up, as his phone was buzzing on the night stand next to the bed. He reads the email and said, “Fuck, duty calls.”

  I heard the water turn on, thinking he was starting the shower. So, he could get up and ready for the day, but when he came back out with the water still running, he came to the bed and picked me up, bridal style and ever so slowly, placed me inside the bath tub. He didn’t join me unfortunately, but he got into the shower beside the bath tub, and I got an unobstructed view of his body as he showered.

  He got out faster than I thought he would, and was dried off, teeth brushed, shaved, and dressed in under ten minutes. Men have it so easy, I swear.

  He comes back in and kisses me thoroughly, “Feel free to stay however long you want, and don’t forget what I said about your massage therapist,” he grunts before he kisses my forehead and he’s off.

  It still makes me giggle as Maria massages my arms, back, and shoulders thoroughly. As much as I’m supposed to be relaxing and enjoying this moment, it’s now day six of my fourteen days of vacation and I’m dreading leaving next week. As much as Vince says we’ll make this work until we figure out where my next stop is after leaving New York, I’m still apprehensive to see if we can actually make this work.

  I know for sure. I’m leaving New York. It was a great stepping stone, but I’m not meant for the city life. I was meant for more, I was meant to be able to stop and enjoy the sights and scenes surrounding me, something I only had weekends to do, if that, while I’ve been working and busting my ass as a fashion journalist.

  With that thought, when I get back to my hotel room, I’m going to look into possibly becoming my own boss. Maybe become a fashion blogger, and dip my toes into that scene. I love all things fashion, and I think it’s something I would love to do. The plus side, I can do it from anywhere; a beach, a condo, a townhouse, on land with acres for miles, or even on a boat.

  I get back to relaxing now that I have a solid plan and enjoy my massage.

  Chapter 20


  I’m tugging at my shirt collar while sitting behind my desk. I should be going over emails that are pouring through, but I can’t. My thoughts are consumed with a certain blonde-haired beauty that I had to leave to get into the office. The resort may run itself with the help of some amazing managers, but some details require me to be here.

  If I wasn’t in this damn office, I’d be the one massaging Sophia right now, not one of my employees. I let out a huff of breath, knowing I’ll get to see her in just a few hours, and get back to work.

  It’s hours later, my stomach is grumbling and I’m getting ready to go out to the restaurant inside the hotel lobby, when I get a phone call from my secretary.

  “Mr. Prescott, you have a visitor,” she says in a cheery voice, and I’m almost pissed because I know that means my lunch is now going to take a back seat.

  “Who is it?” I grumble into the phone.

  “Sophia, Sophia Johnson,” she says.

  “Send her in, please,” I hang up the phone, straighten up my desk, and go to the door and open it, just as I see her walking down the corridor.

  She starts to walk faster as she sees me standing in the doorway waiting for her. When she reaches me, I pick her up by her waist, walk into my office and slam the door shut before my mouth lands on hers. I kiss her like I’m desperate for her, as if this is the last kiss I’ll ever receive from her.

  When we break apart she says, “I brought lunch, I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving,” I tell her mischievously. It’s then I notice she has a to-go bag from our restaurant. My stomach grumbles at the smell of food.

  “I guess you really are hungry,” she says with a laugh.

  I guide her over to the small table and chairs I keep in my office, for instances like this. There’s nothing worse than eating at your desk and food dropping on hotel contracts. I groan when I see the food she picked up. My mouth waters over the meat packed sandwiches.

  “Babe, thankful as fuck for you bringing food. I was about to gnaw off my damn arm, and you being here, it’s the icing on the fucking cake.” I grumble as we sit down. I’d have Sophia in my lap if I could, but I know trying to eat this mammoth sandwich with her perfect shaped ass in my lap wouldn’t make it very easy. Plus, simply stated I’d want to fuck her instead of eating, and I know she’s sore. I’m already making plans on how to spoil her tonight, at my house.

  I finish eating before her and sit back and watch her eat. She glances up at me and blushes, as if she has a dirty thought running through her head.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” I ask her. I want to know everything I can about her.

  “This morning. I know it’s crass to say thank you, but really Vince, it was like a dream come true,” she says as she takes the last bite of her sandwich. I reach for her hand and grasp it in mine, pulling her towards me. Moving the trash away, I set her right in front of me. I slide her legs open, making room for me to stand and to take her mouth in a searing kiss.

  “Love that you loved it, Babe. You deserve it more than anyone in this world,” I say with brutal honesty. She leaves shortly after we make plans for tonight, and then I get back to the work I’ve been neglecting.

  Chapter 21


  Vince asked me what I wanted for dinner, and all I could think of was a big greasy pizza, and laying on the double lounger he has outside, and watching the sunset. I don’t want to be surrounded by others when I know our time is limited, which is going to lead to some pretty freaking big questions and answers. Ones I’m going to need soon. I don’t want to base my future solely on him, but I also want to take a chance, and jump in head first.

  I’m lost in my head when I’m walking down the path to Vince’s place when my hand is grabbed and engulfed in another’s.

  “Shit, you scared the pee out of me,” I admonish and play around as if I’m going to swat at him.

  He chuckles, and then we’re both leisurely walking together. He must have just gotten off work. His sleeves are folded back to his forearms and now that I know where those tattoos lead, it makes me salivate even more.

  We make it to his place, and he leads me to the side door. I head for the kitchen, already knowing I’m going to order pizza for us tonight, my treat. He heads toward the master bedroom, I’m already dressed for comfort tonight in a pair of loose drawstring shorts, a bralette, and another one of my oversized shirts. When Vince comes out, he’s in his signature cut off sweats and nothing else. He brings me into his chest, giving me a hug, and looks down at me and says, “Get those crazy thoughts out of your head. This is real. This is meant to be, and I don’t care if I have to travel to New York every week, until you find the next place you really truly want to live. I’ll follow you, Soph.”

  “I’d follow you anywhere too, Vince. I don’t care that this is happening so soon. All I know is I’m not ready to say goodbye,” I tell him with emotion clogging my throat.

  “Then when your vacation is over, it’s not goodbye. It’s a see you later, and Sophia, I’ll be at your place the very next weekend I leave Cancun,” he tells me and it’s reassuring.

  I let out a sigh of relief before I lean up to kiss him on the lips, “I’m not sure how lucky we got in meeting each other, but I’ll take a layover in an airport any day if it means being with you.”

  “Anytime. Anyplace. As long as you’re there, that’s where I’ll be,” he murmurs out and then his hands are on my hips and his lips are pressed against mine.

  Chapter 22


  Fuck, it’s now Sophia’s last night here with me, and, as much as I told her I’d be seeing her as soon as possible, I’m still going to miss the shit out of her. Waking up with her, talking to her face to face, and falling asleep with her in my arms, it’s enough to make my heart drop to my stomach. I’m not ready for her to go
back to New York.

  With it being her last night here, I’m taking her out on the town. Sophia loves to dance, and I’m man enough to admit the way she dances, it’s enough to make me stop in my tracks. I rush home to change from my suit and tie, into a pair of jeans, black tee shirt, and shoes. Sophia said she’d be getting ready in her hotel tonight. I think it’s a waste of money that she kept her place this whole time when she’s basically been living with me, but I wasn’t going to make her feel obligated to stay with me either. She’s got a streak of independence, and after Nick fucked her over, I can understand that. I grab my wallet, lock the door and head to Soph.

  I’m so lost in thought, I’ve already made it to her room and knock on her door. I hear her say, “Just a second.” Moments later the door swings open and there she is in all her stunning beauty wearing a dress that’s floor length, short sleeves, a modest neck line, but the slit that nearly comes to the highest part on her thigh. That’s what has me swallowing my tongue.

  “Damn, Babe. You’re taking my breath away,” I tell her as I grasp her hand and spin her around in a circle, seeing her in this dress and the heels that only make her legs look that much longer. Soph is smiling and laughing by the time I bring her back to looking at me.

  “You look handsome yourself,” she tells me, going on her toes to kiss me, as I bend down slightly to meet her.

  We break apart, head down stairs, and I ask the bellhop to grab us a taxi.


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