Cameron, Paige - The Alluring Billionaire Country Doctor [Wives For The Western Billionaires 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Cameron, Paige - The Alluring Billionaire Country Doctor [Wives For The Western Billionaires 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 9

by Paige Cameron

  “You come from a medical family?”

  “My father’s a retired doctor, and two brothers are doctors. Plus, my one sister is a nurse. The other four of us have different professions.” She picked up her purse. “I’m going to shop the stores for toys, anything to entertain children, and some up-to-date magazines for the adults.” She went to walk by him.

  Andy caught her arm. “You don’t like me.”

  She pulled free. “I don’t know you. Tell Rand I’ll help out the rest of the week as needed.” She glanced down the hall. The door to the exam room he was in remained closed. Marian started to leave. “Can I borrow your key? I’ll bring the stuff back here and leave the key by the desk.”

  “Sure. I’ll have Rand get a new one made for me. Whoever we hire as receptionist ought to have one of their own.”

  She nodded and left before having to see Rand again. She wanted him to wonder what she was thinking. A little mystery helped, so she’d heard.

  The toy store was fun. All the new gadgets, talking figures, and sirens blowing on cars were entertaining, but many would only add to the noise level she wanted to lower. She browsed further and found games, puzzles, and more books. Something for every age group.

  Her arms were full when she left the store. She’d take these back to the office and then get the magazines while she waited for Chelsea to pick her up. She unlocked the front door and stepped inside to put the toys in the back. She called Chelsea and arranged to meet her in front of the local drugstore in about thirty minutes. She’d snapped her cell closed and started back out toward the front when she heard a knock at the back door. Not thinking, she opened it. Two men pushed her back and rushed in.

  “Told you she was alone. Lock the front so no one else wanders in,” the tall, bulky man ordered his partner.

  “What do you want? Neither doctor is here.”

  “We know. We’ve been scouting this place a few days. When we saw you return, we had our opportunity. You”—he leaned into her face—“are going to give us all the narcotics.”

  “I don’t know where they’re located.”

  The slimmer man shoved her. “For your own sake, you’d better find them fast.” He waved a gun in her face and started to pull her down the hall.

  “Help her look for the safe or wherever they might hide the stuff.” The bigger man’s hands shook, especially the one holding his gun. “I’ll keep a watch out. Hurry.”

  Marian’s heart pounded. She had lied, hoping they’d leave. But seeing as they were both armed she doubted they’d leave peacefully without the drugs. And even when they found the medicine, they still might shoot her.

  She’d seen Rand get pills out of a locked cabinet in the equipment room. She took her time pretending to look. They started at the reception area and walked through each exam room.

  “Hurry up.” The man following her grabbed her hair and put the gun to her temple. “We aren’t kidding. Get us the stuff or we’ll kill you and move on to another town.” He sneered. “We’ve killed once, so it doesn’t matter how many times after that.”

  A chill ran through her. These weren’t local boys looking for a high. She’d known that at the first. But she feared as soon as she showed them the cabinet and opened it her life would be forfeit.

  The clock on the wall told her Chelsea should be at the drugstore. She prayed her friend would call Rand and not come here to look for her.

  Marian had run out of time. She’d better think of a plan to save herself, and quick.

  Chapter Ten

  Rand and Andy had split up the afternoon home calls, which also gave them time to go by the hospital first before heading out. Rand had checked on his three inpatients and gone to his car. He drove back through the downtown area. His first patient lived about fifteen miles away in that direction. When he saw Chelsea waving, he pulled over and parked.

  “What’s up?”

  “Marian called and said she’d meet me here fifteen minutes ago. The druggist and Abby at the cash register said she never came in.”

  “It’s a small town. Did you check around? She may have decided to go in one of the other shops.”

  “Marian’s reliable. If she did, she’d never leave me waiting this long.”

  He glanced down both sides of the street. “Where did she call from?”

  “Your office, I think. She said she was going to leave toys she’d bought there and go to the drugstore to get magazines to bring in tomorrow.”

  “I can’t imagine what would hold her up this long at the office. I’ll check. Go inside the drugstore and wait for my call.”

  “I’m worried.”

  “She’s fine. She probably forgot the time arranging what she bought.”

  But he didn’t believe what he said. From Chelsea’s expression, neither did she. Once Chelsea had gone inside, he crossed the street and went to the sheriff’s office.

  “What can I do for you, Doctor?” Sheriff Grady asked.

  “I’ve got a missing receptionist.” He told the sheriff what Chelsea reported to him. “There’s probably a simple explanation, but if not I’d like you and your gun handy.”

  Sheriff Grady stood and walked to his gun cabinet. He handed Rand a rifle and a set of handcuffs. “I know you can shoot. I might need help. Look at this flyer, it just came in about an hour ago. I was going to contact you when you got back to town.”

  Rand looked at the two men pictured on the paper.

  “Those two guys have been hitting pharmacies and doctors’ offices in this state and others. We’ll be prepared just in case they’re in your office with Marian. Maybe we can take them as prisoners. But they killed the last person to give them drugs. So they’ve escalated to being very dangerous. Shoot if necessary.”

  Rand’s heart jumped. They left the sheriff’s office and walked toward his. He had a bad feeling that the robbers were there. And they had nothing to lose. If they killed Marian, they’d have no witnesses.

  * * * *

  When Marian knew she couldn’t put it off any longer, she went into the equipment room. The robber yanked pictures off the wall and found the locked cabinet behind one.

  He pulled Marian tight against his thin, smelly body. “You knew where this was hidden. You’ve been taking us on a wild-goose chase.” He shoved the gun under her chin. “Open the damn thing before I blast the top of your head off.” He let go of her and waved the gun in her direction. “Hurry.”

  When he shot the gun, Marian fell to the floor. His partner ran into the room. “What the hell? You want to announce we’re here, and you haven’t even got the damn drugs yet.” Wildly, he shot at the door to the cabinet.

  Marian heard their voices. It sounded like they were talking through a long tunnel. Was she dead? She didn’t hurt. Her right ear rang from the sound of the shot. No, she was alive. But she lay very still and watched them through a slit between her eyelids. Every time they started to look down at her, she closed her eyes.

  “Damn woman fainted when I pretended to shoot her. She said she didn’t know the numbers to the lock.”

  * * * *

  Rand and the sheriff ran when they heard the shots. Rand’s heart stopped then beat so hard he thought it would come right out of his chest. He pictured Marian in a pool of blood, dying.

  Sheriff Grady pushed past him and went in the front door first. They heard the men talking in the back and pounding on the locked cabinet.

  Rand whispered, “Let me lead the way. I know which room they’re in.” He stepped lightly down the hall, and the sheriff was right behind him. When he got to the door of the equipment room, he stopped. Rand saw Marian lying on the floor. Fury shook him. He’d been taught to preserve life, but right this minute he wanted to shoot the men standing over her.

  Sheriff Grady yelled around the door, “Drop your guns and come out. We have you surrounded.”

  The bulky robber whirled and raised his gun. Marian threw her legs up and kicked. He sprawled on the floor. His gun flew across the
room. The sheriff shot the other robber’s gun out of his hand.

  Rand ran to Marian’s side and pulled her into his arms. “I thought you were dead or badly wounded.” His hands ran across her body. “You’re not hurt?”

  “Not except for some ringing in my right ear.”

  “Handcuff that guy lying on the floor. I’ve got this one,” Sheriff Brady said. “You two can talk later.”

  “Sorry.” Rand jumped up and put his handcuffs on the other thief.

  Marian stood. “The skinny one scared me. He had the gun at my throat, then he shifted his position and shot. I briefly fainted. When I woke I wasn’t certain if he’d wounded me or not. It took me a second to realize he’d moved the gun farther away at the last moment.

  “I pretended to be unconscious. They said they killed someone at their last robbery.” Tears filled her eyes. “I was afraid they’d do the same to me.”

  “You did great, little lady. You’d fit right in with the other women in this town. They’re real spunky,” Sheriff Grady said.

  Rand hugged her. “When I heard the shots, I was sure they’d wounded or, worse, killed you.” He hugged her tighter.

  “I didn’t know if anyone would arrive in time. I’d already decided to go down fighting. But I hoped Chelsea would get worried and send help.”

  “She did. She hailed me down, and I got the sheriff.”

  “Help me walk these two over to the jail. My two deputies are on patrol.” The sheriff grinned. “I can’t wait to tell Jack, the sheriff in Wagon Wheel, that I got the outlaws. He was sure they’d come to his town, then he’d get the glory. Since you weren’t hurt, Miss Gaenor, I don’t suppose you’ll mind me ragging him a little.”

  “Have all the fun you want, Sheriff. You and Rand saved my life.”

  Rand nodded toward the drugstore. All the people had come out of the buildings on hearing the guns. Chelsea saw her and came running.

  “You are my other hero,” Marian said to Chelsea. “Can we go home? I feel weak and sick.”

  “A reaction to all of this,” Rand said. “But as soon as I’m finished here I’ll come check on you.”

  “No, please. It’s not necessary. I’ll stay with Chelsea. She’ll take care of me. You have calls to make.”

  “May I come after my calls?”

  “All right.” She didn’t want to sound too eager, and she really did feel bad. On the plus side, the ringing in her ear had almost stopped.

  * * * *

  Rand rushed through his calls. He had to see Marian and check her before he’d be completely convinced she was all right.

  The sound of the bullets still echoed in his head. A feeling of loss had smothered him. His feet wouldn’t move fast enough.

  Finally, he waved good-bye to his last patient. The ranch wasn’t far. He’d go there from here. After calling Dr. Neels and Andy, they had decided to meet at the office at seven. That gave him two hours to visit with Marian. Visit? Hell, he had to hold her body close, to feel her heart beating against his. He stopped at Chelsea’s house first.

  “She went to the cabin about an hour ago. She was tired and needed to lie down,” Chelsea said.

  “I’ll go check on her.” Rand jumped in his truck and drove the short distance.

  The front door was locked. He knocked. No answer. The bedroom was at the back left corner. Maybe she left a window open and he could climb through. But he might get shot after what she went through today. He pounded on the door.

  “I’m coming,” a grumpy voice called out. In a few minutes, Marian stood in the entranceway. Her golden hair was tousled. She wore a short, thin cotton nightgown. “I thought it was you. Anyone else would have left after the first knock.” She gave him a sleepy-eyed frown.

  Rand stepped in, locked the door, and pulled her into his arms. He took a deep breath of her sweet, floral fragrance.

  “You’re hurting my ribs.”

  “Sorry.” He loosened his grip just a bit. “I’ve been crazy wanting to get here and see you again. I needed to reassure myself you were really all right.”

  He scooped her into his arms and headed to the bedroom. “I’m going to take off that gown and check your whole body.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m fine. Just tired, and a little bruised and sore from falling to the floor.”

  Rand laid her gently on the bed. He pulled the thin nightgown over her head. After that he stripped his clothes off. Starting at her feet, he checked for soreness and bruises. Touching her soft skin had his dick hard as a rock.

  “Is this how you check all your patients?”

  “Heavens no.” He’d seen the teasing light in her eyes. “You’re special.”

  His hands caressed her legs, and his mouth trailed a line of kisses up to her lower lips. He went around that area and stopped to check her abdomen. He heard a sound of annoyance.

  “I must be thorough.”

  “And kissing’s part of the checkup?

  “Only for you, darlin’.”

  When his hands cupped her breasts, she sighed. He bent and licked the pink, rounded nipples. “You have beautiful breasts.”

  “I’ve heard that before.” When he frowned, she smiled. “From you, darlin’.”

  His frown switched to laughter. He straddled her body. “You’re good for me. You lightened me up.”

  She started to say something but didn’t. He suspected he didn’t want to hear what she’d been about to say.

  His hands moved her head around, feeling her neck. “Any pains in this area?”


  “Turn over.” He moved away so she could do as he asked.

  Rand ran his fingers through her hair and felt for any bumps. “Headache?”

  “A little, but I haven’t eaten much today.”

  “I’ll give you a back rub. Tell me if anyplace hurts.” He started to rub straight down. He stopped, seeing a bruise on the right side of her back. He touched it gingerly.

  “That hurts a little, not much.”

  “I’ll avoid that area.”

  She moaned with pleasure as he massaged the rest of her backside. His hands kneaded her sweet ass, and he slipped his fingers between her folds and into her tight, wet pussy.

  She clamped her inner muscles around them.

  “As you might have noticed, I want to make love to you. Do you feel up to it?”

  “You’re the doctor. You tell me.” Her sultry voice made his heart race.

  “I’m under the influence of a sexy female. My decision might be for my own benefit.”

  Her soft laugh warmed him all the way through. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure I get my benefit out of it, too.”

  Rand put his arm under her waist. “Get on your knees, darlin’. This might be the best position. My weight won’t press down on you so hard.”

  Her ass came up and against his hungry dick. He wanted to enter her right them, but he slowed himself. Reaching forward, his fingers rubbed across her pebbled nipple. With his other hand, he separated her folds and put pressure against her nub.

  “That feels so good.” Her ass pressed harder against his cock.

  Trying to ignore the demands of his dick, Rand slid two fingers into her pussy opening and rubbed across the most sensitive spot. Her buttocks moved hard against him. He thrust his fingers in and out and pinched her nipple. Her breathing had quickened.

  He positioned his cock and slid inside her warmth. Her inner muscles grabbed tightly around him. His cock pulsed, and his balls ached for completion. She met his back-and-forth motion, taking him deeper. When the ripples began to flow over his cock and her muscles squeezed the hardest, her body stiffened and she shouted his name. He let himself go and surged forward. Pleasure shot up his spine and to every cell in his body.

  It barely registered in his brain to roll to the side so he didn’t hurt her with his weight. He held her close and rubbed her silky bottom. Every time was better. What was he going to do? She’d be leaving soon. Their time together was too sh
ort to make permanent decisions. And yet he remembered his mother’s words. Still, she’d admitted she and Dad had been lucky it worked out.

  “You’re very quiet.” Marian had raised up and stared at his face. “Deep thoughts?”

  He grinned. “Just trying to get my breath, darlin’,” he lied, and he suspected she knew it.

  “Shall I cook some bacon and eggs for dinner?” Marian asked.

  Rand glanced at his watch. “I have a meeting at seven with Dr. Neels and Andy at the office. I’d better shower and go.” He kissed her. “I hate to rush off. Don’t worry about coming in tomorrow, rest. I’ll see you in the evening.” He got up and took his clothes into the bathroom.

  * * * *

  Marian went to the closet and put on a warm robe. She tied the belt snug and went into the kitchen. The coffee was perking when he came out. She poured coffee into a to-go cup for him.

  “You can take this with you.”

  “Thanks.” With his other arm he pulled her close. He kissed her lips. “Until tomorrow night. I’ll call.”

  She locked the door and leaned against the wood. Tonight she couldn’t watch his lights disappear for the last time. She was pretty sure what he’d been thinking. After all that had happened, he still couldn’t admit she was special to him. He continued to pull away after making love.

  Marian put the eggs and bacon she planned to cook back in the refrigerator. There was a pint of chocolate ice cream in the freezer and her favorite Fig Newton cookies in the cupboard. She seldom allowed herself to splurge, but tonight was the exception. With all her goodies in hand, she settled on the sofa.

  This time had been the best yet. His gentle, slow seduction had her whole body responding hungrily to his touch and to his gentle invasion. But afterward, she’d sensed his deep thoughts. She’d known although he’d been caught up in the lovemaking he still wasn’t sure about his feelings or didn’t want to admit them. He resisted sharing his thoughts. Maybe to him it was just good sex. We women always want to make it more.

  She put a large spoonful of the ice cream in her mouth. The chocolate melting temporarily raised her spirits. But she had to blink her eyes to keep the tears back.


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