Flash Burned

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Flash Burned Page 27

by Calista Fox

  Then the camera zoomed in on a car—the black BMW. The roof had been torn off and the windows were shattered. There was no driver’s side door and the entire front of the vehicle was smashed in. Really, it was all just a mangled, crumpled mess of metal.

  “The suspect attempted to cross the tracks to elude the FBI,” she said. “A train struck it and sent the car flying over the fencing and into the parking lot of the Lumberyard Brewing Company. The driver was pronounced dead on the scene.”

  “What was left of him,” Kyle muttered. “Holy hell.”

  I felt queasy.

  The reporter added, “The suspect is believed to be Vale Hilliard of the Caribbean country of Curaçao.”

  Kyle let out a strangled sound. “Notice she didn’t say he was identified. There can’t be anything to ID him with but his teeth—and good fucking luck finding those.”

  “I need to sit down.”

  He helped me into a chair as the wooziness took a strong hold of me.

  “How about some water?” he offered.

  “Yes, please.”

  Kyle grabbed a bottle from the mini-fridge at the wet bar and poured some into a glass. My hand shook as I sipped.

  “Hey,” he said. “This is good news. No more public enemy number one.”

  “Yeah, it’s just … really gruesome.”

  And where was Dane? Had that been the call Amano insisted he’d want to take? Had the FBI closed in on Vale and wanted Dane to identify him or somehow be involved? Where was he now?

  Kyle’s thoughts must have run in the direction of mine, because he asked, “Is this why Dane came back tonight? Had the FBI alerted him that they’d located Hilliard?”

  “Not that I know of,” I said. “He came back because Amano figured out I was pregnant and told him.”

  “Shit, that’s low.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “That’s loyalty. Amano might have some toward me, but his priority will always be Dane.”

  “He could have at least asked you why you hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.”

  “Come on, Kyle. He knows why I’ve kept it a secret. He probably thinks he did us all a favor, and he just might be right. I mean … In the long run, I wouldn’t want Dane to die not knowing he left a legacy behind.”

  Fat drops rolled down my cheeks.

  “Ari.” Kyle put his arm around me. “Hey, he wasn’t in the crash. He’s probably just fine. Unfortunately.”


  “Just sayin’. And you should know that if anything happens to him, I’ll be here for you. I’ll help you with the baby.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  My head snapped up at Dane’s voice.

  “That was sort of what the discussion was all about,” Kyle said defiantly. Though his arm around me slipped away.

  I got to my feet, a little shakily. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes.” He crossed the room and took me possessively into his arms. Not before aiming a lethal look at Kyle. Amano did not appear pleased, either.

  I said, “Won’t Vale being dead make it more difficult to pin the explosion on him?”

  “He was just the mastermind,” Dane explained. “The one pulling the strings. Wayne Horton is the key to the bombing. And the fact that Vale is Byrn Hilliard’s son will help with that side of the case. It’ll be easy to prove he acted on behalf of the family—and that part of the society.”

  “Asshole got what he had coming to him,” Kyle said.

  “Yes,” Dane concurred. “And with him out of the picture, Horton will be running scared. Too scared to do more damage. There won’t be anyone to protect him—and no one to bankroll him.”

  “He’s been hanging out in casinos,” Amano told us. “Burning through cash playing poker and blackjack. He’s at Cliff Castle in Camp Verde three times a week. Down in the Valley at Fort McDowell or Talking Stick on the weekends. Made a few trips to Vegas and Laughlin, but he lost big there and hasn’t gone back.”

  Relief washed over me at the news regarding Vale and how it would release us from the threat of Wayne Horton as well. “No more looking over our shoulders.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Amano said. “Yes, we’re all pretty much in the clear. Dane just needs to wrap up these last two indictments.”

  “I haven’t been able to get to my data,” he admitted. “My hard drive’s in a safe-deposit box in a Swiss bank. Hard to get to when you’re a well-known dead man.”

  “What about Amano?” Kyle asked.

  “He’s the one who delivered it there, when I was laid up. But I haven’t wanted him to return.” Glancing down at me, Dane added, “I want him here with you.”

  “I can handle that,” Kyle insisted.

  I cringed.

  Dane scowled. “Yes, I can see that’s your plan. But I feel much better with the current arrangements, thank you.”

  Kyle shrugged. “I think she’s safe with me.”

  “That’s highly debatable,” Dane shot back. “The switchbacks in my car? You could have killed—”

  “Boys,” I said, exasperation in my tone. “It’s a little late in the day to be fighting over me. And no need to fight amongst ourselves.” I gave them my best pointed look. Then asked, “So, why can’t the FBI send someone for your laptop?”

  Dane simmered a little but told me, “I don’t want it directly in their possession. I can’t risk them deconstructing the evidence I’ve gathered. I need it as-is for trial purposes.”

  I tamped down the argh welling in my throat. “Why does this have to be so damn difficult?”

  “Because we’re not simply talking about tax evasion the IRS can invariably prove. This is potential economic disaster of epic proportions. Billions of dollars, many empires, countless lives at risk. The stakes are too high, Ari.”

  “So Batman’s got to save the day,” Kyle said to me, making me smile. For all his angst and the fact he still poached on Dane’s territory, it was quite evident Kyle had reluctant respect for my husband.

  “Batman, hmm?” Dane mused.

  “I kinda like it.” I grinned up at him. “With the exception of the danger, of course. And the long absences.”

  “Which we shouldn’t have to suffer through much longer,” Dane assured me. “This is so close to being over, now that Vale is dead. Horton will crack under the pressure and the lack of protection. We’ll get my data and then … everyone goes down.”

  I squeezed him tight. “Those are exactly the words I want to hear.”

  I yawned, now that the adrenaline had drained from my system.

  Dane said, “You need to rest.” He swept me up in his arms. Kyle rolled his eyes.

  With a soft laugh, I told my friend, “A Glock is definitely out of the question.”

  chapter 19

  Dane spent the weekend. I hadn’t been so perfectly content since our wedding night. Though I knew not to get used to the feeling of normalcy, of us being a couple who filled their days with each other’s company and spent their evenings together.

  It was temporary.

  For now.

  That latter sentiment was what made it possible to lose myself in the time I had with him. I didn’t let the word temporary penetrate my euphoria.

  He made love to me on Saturday morning, and I cooked him breakfast. We ate on the west patio by the pool and waterfall. Kyle and Amano made themselves scarce, which I thought was sweet. Except for the fact that Amano had mentioned something about taking Kyle to the shooting range in Phoenix to see if he could aim straight. Given his quarterback’s arm and training in hitting his target, I suspected he’d do just fine.

  Which would have worried me all the more, had I not been thoroughly distracted.

  Dane suggested a leisurely day of swimming and lounging. I didn’t doubt relaxing was something he currently cherished, since he’d been on the move since December. We settled into the square, elevated alcove where two chaise longue chairs with thick cushions sat in shallow water.

  Dane did
n’t really want to talk about the FBI and the case they were building, but I grilled him anyway, my curiosity running rampant.

  “If the members of the society claim they had no involvement with the bombing—that Vale acted strictly on his own—how will it be proven otherwise, so that they’re held accountable?” I asked.

  “That’s where Horton will come in handy. And honestly, Ari, with all the tabs Amano has kept on him lately, it’s just a matter of days, hours perhaps, before the FBI picks him up. Once they’ve dealt with the aftermath of Vale’s death, he’ll be at the top of their list.”

  “I hate to say this because it’s so evil, but I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “Not more than me.”

  I glanced over at him. Got a little sidetracked with my thoughts as I admired his gorgeous body. Not as tanned as usual, since he’d spent a bit too much time the past couple of months cooped up with the FBI. By the afternoon, he’d have his normal color back, I was sure.

  Regardless, he was mouthwatering. He clearly hadn’t missed a workout. In fact, I thought he appeared a bit buffer. Maybe he’d taken out his aggression and angst weight lifting. I didn’t know. All I could say was that he was sinfully delicious and it was almost impossible to merely sit next to him—not climb all over his hunky body.

  Curbing the urge for the moment, I said, “It’s a wonder Amano hasn’t taken matters into his own hands when it comes to Horton. He was the one to hire him at the Lux, after all. He must be furious. And he’s so dedicated to you, Dane. This must be eating away at him.”

  “Precisely why I issued a strict order for him to leave Horton be. I don’t want anything to interfere with the legal process. Or I’d kill him myself.”

  I gaped.

  “Come on, Ari,” he said, deathly serious. “You can’t be shocked that’s exactly what I want to do.”

  “Dane.” Dark and Dangerous was back. It set me on-edge. “We talked about this. We agreed.”

  “He’s still alive, isn’t he?”

  I drew in a long breath, let it out slowly. “Yes.”

  “I’m not blowing any of this on technicalities. I’m doing exactly what the FBI tells me to do. Everything is by the book. And when the axe drops … Trust me. It’ll drop swiftly and destructively.”

  His stone jaw and the burning need for revenge in his eyes were telltale signs that he and the agents he worked with had this on solid ground. No room for errors or any slipup that would skew the entire justice system.

  I breathed a little easier. Not just because Dane was so certain this would all work out as he wanted but also because my husband resisted his vigilante nature, which I knew took great effort. I’d seen him defend what was his—and knew the compulsion to do it again still raged within him.

  Even walking into the den and seeing Kyle’s arm around my shoulders had sent Dane into that dark place in his mind where I didn’t want him to linger.

  “Enough of the dreary,” Dane said as he stood and took my hand. “Let’s swim.”

  * * *

  Amano and Kyle returned late afternoon. Amano handed over a garment bag, and I eyed him suspiciously.

  “Eleanor took a guess at your size,” he said.

  I crooked a brow. “She knows I’m pregnant?”

  “Yes. I had Jack set up more trusts for the baby.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” Turning to Dane, I asked, “Why do I need a new dress?”

  “Because we’re having a party tonight.”

  My jaw slacked. “I haven’t cooked anything, prepared anything. And Kyle’s been out all day so—”

  “Not here,” Dane said with a coy grin. “Go get ready.”

  Excitement shimmied down my spine at the intrigue. And the opportunity to get all fancy for the evening.

  As I headed toward the hallway, I noted Kyle had a garment bag as well. What, exactly, was Dane up to?

  I showered and did my hair and makeup, again trying very hard not to get overly exhilarated about how right this all felt. Dane here with me, Amano appearing just slightly less like throttling a bad guy, Kyle still looking for that perfect chance—which would never exist—to convince me he was the better choice, yet still wanting to be a part of all of this.

  I understood he came from a dysfunctional family, as we all had. Maybe that was why this particular unit worked for all of us. We might not be related by blood, but we were certainly bound by life-and-death situations. Bound by blood in a different sense.

  We each had the option to scatter, to walk away from the intensity and the high-stakes game we played.

  Apparently, none of us were willing to do so. That spoke volumes. Regardless of our differences and our points of view, we were committed to each other.

  I donned a pretty halter-styled dress with graduating hues in sapphire that led to a fluttery, layered handkerchief hem. Eleanor had excellent taste. She’d sent dainty silver sandals as well and I felt like royalty after months spent in yoga clothes and slippers.

  Dane joined me in the bathroom, his arms sliding around my waist. “Baby, you look gorgeous.” His lips pressed to the side of my neck. “You smell great, too. Maybe I should have made this a private affair.”

  “You can have me all to yourself later. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me what you have planned for the evening?”

  “Not a chance.” He disentangled himself and turned the shower on.

  I assumed Amano had brought him clothes, since Dane never showed up with anything more than a black backpack that likely only housed the absolute necessities.

  I left the room so the humidity from the hot water didn’t wilt my blowout. I found Kyle and Amano in the living room.

  I whistled in appreciation. “So handsome. Aren’t I the lucky girl?”

  Kyle straightened his tie and said, “We clean up nice.”

  Amano poured sparkling water for me, champagne for everyone else. Dane sauntered into the room and I lost my breath.

  He wore a charcoal-gray suit with a black shirt and tie. His hair was a tad longer than usual but still sexily mussed. His emerald eyes shimmered against his bronze skin. I realized I didn’t need a party tonight—didn’t need to be anywhere or with anyone else but him. I could just lie on top of him and admire him all night long. And be the happiest woman on the planet.

  Obviously, he had other plans for us.

  Extending his hand, he said, “Come on.”

  Our fingers entwined and I walked with him to the foyer.

  “Where are we going?” I tried again.

  “It’s a surprise. But it’ll be secluded. Safe.”

  I gazed up at him and smiled. “Okay.” Despite my desire to simply be alone and naked with him, I got a little thrill from the prospect of an outing.

  Knowing Dane and how we were all dressed, I suspected it’d be a stellar evening.

  Amano drove us to the airport and we entered a private hangar. I got my first glimpse at the Learjet Dane and I owned and the breath escaped me on one full rush of air.

  “Holy shit,” Kyle said from beside me, incapable of containing his shock—or the hint of awe.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Welcome to my world.”

  Dane took my hand once more and we walked toward the red carpet, where a flight attendant handed the gentlemen a flute of champagne and me more sparkling water.

  “Thank you,” I said. An SUV pulled into the hangar and I asked Dane, “FBI?”

  “No. Another surprise.”

  Eleanor alighted, followed by Mr. Conaway and Ethan Evans, whom I hadn’t seen since his visit to the hospital in December.

  “A very nice surprise.” I greeted them, accepting their kisses on my cheek. Beaming up at Dane, I said, “This is perfect.”

  “Almost.” Mischief rimmed his green irises. He glanced back at the SUV and my gaze followed.

  My dad climbed out, impeccably dressed in a navy suit with a crisp white shirt that had thin blue pinstripes.

  “Yay,” I said as I clapped and bounced softly o
n my toes.

  He offered his hand to someone else inside the SUV, and Tamera emerged, stunning in a one-shouldered little black dress.

  She crossed to where I stood and gave me her careful hug and air kisses. “Darling, you’re radiant.”

  I was sure she had no idea I was pregnant, especially given the cut of my dress, but if she looked closely enough she’d figure it out. I said, “Thank you. You look sensational.”

  “So does your dead husband,” she said, a hint of what the fuck? in her lovely British voice.

  “Long story. I’ll explain later. For now, please just keep our secret.”

  “Of course.”

  “And this one.” I stretched the material against my stomach to reveal the baby bump.

  “Oh, Ari!” She gave me another hug. “Congratulations, love!”


  “Well, this is all so very clandestine,” she said. “I’m drunk with intrigue.”

  “Make it more fun and have some bubbly,” I told her. The attendant had glasses for our five additional guests.

  Tamera accepted one, but while we were still off to the side, away from any eavesdropping, she said, “I see you’re still palling around with the very sexy Kyle Jenns.”

  “I couldn’t help but notice you admiring him at Meg and Sean’s wedding. At mine, as well.”

  “He’s very easy on the eyes, love. Where do you find all of these delicious men?”

  “I have no idea. But why don’t you wander over and strike up a conversation with Kyle? I think he’d like it.”

  She didn’t need additional encouragement. My dad sidled up to me after Tamera left.

  “So,” he said in a low voice. “He’s alive.”

  I smiled brighter. “Yes, he is. Thank God. Sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. He’s working with the FBI. They’re going to nail those responsible for the Lux bombing. And other criminal activity.”

  “Ari—” His tone was tinged with warning.

  “Dad, don’t worry about it tonight. Let’s all enjoy ourselves.”

  I could see it was a bit challenging to accept the reality standing before them. Even Ethan was taken aback. He clasped Dane on the shoulder and said, “You’d better have one hell of a good explanation.”


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