Powerless (Finding Love Book 2)

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Powerless (Finding Love Book 2) Page 5

by Paris Hansen

She shrugged, “I lost track a long time ago. It started as a way to get back at my mom, then turned into a way for me to express myself. My tattoos are who I am, they represent me better than anything else could.”

  “I think they’re fucking sexy,” he admitted, loving when he saw the blush fill her cheeks. “Do you have any other piercings?”

  Smiling, she shrugged again, “Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get to find out.”

  Chapter 3


  “Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get to find out.”

  Liam had never wanted to be lucky so much in his life. It’d been a very long time since he’d been as attracted to a woman as he was to the one sitting next to him. And it had been even longer since he’d been as intrigued by one as he was by her. There was something about this woman that drew him in. He wanted to touch her, to taste her, to get to know her better.

  “My name’s Liam by the way. I think we forgot that part during the getting to know you questions.”

  “Finley,” she said as she put down the bottle of Scotch.

  She stuck her hand out, he assumed so they could shake hands. Instead of shaking her hand though, he brought it to his lips, placing a chaste kiss to the back of it. Her skin was soft and smelled of peaches and something spicy. He had to force himself to let go of her hand. What he really wanted to do was use his tongue to trace the tattoos that started near her wrist. He wanted to follow those tattoos up her forearm, to the crook of her elbow, up to her shoulder then into the dip of her collarbone. He wanted to nibble at the delectable spot where her neck met her shoulder, then move to the other side and start all over again.

  She took a deep breath, then another swig of the Scotch. There was a little bit left in the bottle, so he held his hand out for it. Their fingers brushed as she handed it to him, the feel of her skin against his again put him on edge. He downed the last of the Scotch while she watched. Her tongue flicked out to lick her lips before she pulled the piercings in her bottom lip between her teeth. Her nose scrunched up a little and he could tell they were close to being on the same page. Her breathing was heavier and at some point she’d moved closer to him on the bench. He couldn’t be sure when it happened and he was pretty sure she hadn’t even realized she’d done it. For all he knew it could have been him that had moved closer to her. Liam couldn’t be sure.

  At some point they’d gotten close enough that he could feel the heat of her bare leg through his pants. It would be easy to pull her into his lap, to bring her as close to him as he could. His cock twitched at the thought of her straddling his lap so they were lined up perfectly.

  “Look, I don’t know why the hell you make me so nervous. I don’t usually struggle to talk to men, but I can’t seem to tell you what I want. Even the Scotch isn’t helping matters. Apparently liquid courage only works for some people.”

  “What is it you want, Finley?” he asked, his eyes catching hers. He loved saying her name; it seemed to change the dynamics between them. Their situation became more intimate the minute they exchanged names. They still didn’t know much about each other, but having her name was a start.

  She tried to look away, but he reached out, placing a hand on her cheek with just enough pressure she was forced to keep eye contact with him. His pulse quickened when she licked her lips again. He wasn’t sure if she even realized she was doing it, but it was driving him crazy. He wanted to be the one to run his tongue along her lip, to nibble on it and pull those piercings into his mouth. He’d never kissed a woman with a lip piercing before, let alone two, and he desperately wanted to remedy that.

  A blush crept up her neck and onto her cheeks, the skin beneath his palm jumping in temperature by at least 10 degrees. Liam loved that she was as affected by the chemistry between them as he was. She was hot as hell, but he felt something more than just physical attraction sizzling between them. Though they hadn’t spent a whole lot of time talking, Liam had a feeling he could talk to her for hours and never get bored. She was smart and deep and she didn’t just want to talk about his career or all of the people he’d met and worked with throughout the years. In fact, she hadn’t brought up once what he did for a living. He couldn’t remember the last conversation he had where it hadn’t come up. Not even his little sister could go very long without bringing it up at least once.

  Liam watched as her pink tongue darted out to swipe along her plump lower lip again. They were so close, if he leaned in just a little bit he could finally kiss her. He could finally find out if her lips were as soft as they seemed or if she tasted as good as he imagined. From the moment he found her sitting in the gazebo he wanted to touch her and now that he was, he wanted more of her. He wanted to kiss her and lick her until she came apart in his arms. He wanted to explore and discover every hidden tattoo and piercing she had.

  Her cheeks were flushed as she tried to look away from him. She seemed embarrassed, like she knew what he’d been thinking or maybe if he was lucky, she’d been thinking the same thing. His hand brushed against her cheek as he moved it around to the back of her neck. Her mouth opened on an exhale of surprise as he leaned in.

  “I’ll ask again. What is it that you want, Finley?”

  She swallowed the action nearly audible in the silent garden. Liam’s heart was beating so wildly he thought it might break free of his chest. He’d never been so nervous while waiting for an answer from a woman in his life. He wanted her to say that she wanted him in some way, shape or form. Why he had bothered asking, instead of just leaning in and kissing her was beyond him. Although, it probably had to do with the fact that he liked spending time with her and would rather her turn him down and stay, than slap him in the face and run away.

  Finley moved slightly, angling her body so she could get as close to him as she could without actually being in his lap. He fought the urge to wrap her ponytail around his hand or to grab onto her with his free hand. He needed her to answer him before he made any other moves.

  “I want…”

  With the rest of her sentence left unsaid she moved in, rising up on her knee so she could brush her lips tentatively against his. Liam was fine with letting her take control at first, her lips parting against his so she could pull his lower lip between hers. It seemed his lip had a direct connection to his cock, with each suck and nibble, his dick hardened, wishing the attention was there instead of his mouth. He moved slightly so that his back was flush against the bench and he had both feet on the floor. Once he was more stable, he moved his free hand to Finley’s hip. He wanted to run his hands up the bare skin of her legs, but was afraid that would be too much too soon.

  She moved her hands from the bench to his shoulders as she deepened the kiss. The pressure of her lips on his, her hands moving from his shoulders up his neck to grasp his face was driving him crazy. He wanted to slip his tongue into her mouth, run his hand from her hip down her leg, to slip under her dress, but fought to restrain himself, allowing her to take the lead. He only wanted things to go as far and as fast as she was willing for them to go.

  He felt her weight shift slightly then she was straddling him, her chest pressed against his. A groan escaped him as she lowered herself into his lap, finally fulfilling his earlier wish. The heat from her leg pressed against his was nothing compared to her center pressed against his straining cock. She rocked forward, her tongue darting out to play with his. This was it; everything he’d been waiting for and it was proving to be well worth the wait. Liam struggled against his nature, his hands curling into fists. All he wanted to do was flip her over, lay her down on the bench and fuck her until she was screaming his name.

  She pulled away suddenly, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

  “You can touch me you know. In fact, I highly encourage it.”

  “Shit,” he groaned. Her forehead rested against his, her eyes still closed. Without a second thought, he gripped her hips with both hands for a moment then moved them down over her dress covered thighs.

nbsp; “Are you sure this is where you want to do this?” he asked, his hands coasting under her skirt over her scorching bare skin. He could feel the wet heat of her the closer his hands got to her center. He wanted to sink into it with his fingers or his cock; he didn’t care which as long as he could feel her pulse around some part of his body.

  She rocked against him again and he nearly lost his fucking mind. Lifting his hips off of the bench, he ground against her, loving the moan that escaped her as he did.

  “All I know is that I want you inside me…here, there, wherever the fuck. I don’t care,” Finley growled. “Oh look, I finally figured out how to fucking talk. I’m getting a bit impatient Liam. What are you going to do about it?”

  “While I’d love to push your dress up and fuck you right here on this bench, I have a feeling this won’t be a quiet, hidden garden for long and I don’t fucking share. Do you have a room here?”

  Sucking his earlobe into her mouth, Finley sighed, her warm breath sending a chill down his spine. At some point the woman had broken free of her shyness and become an animal. Her hands were no longer on his shoulders, but had instead made their way under his shirt, which she’d pulled out of his pants at some point. Had he been so distracted by the fact there were only a couple of layers of material separating them that he’d missed her making all the moves he’d been wanting to make?

  “I’ve got a room upstairs; do you have a way to get us around all of the guests so we aren’t stopped?”

  “There’s a separate elevator near the back entrance. Instead of going right when you exit the garden, go left and then enter the hotel. You can’t miss it.”

  His hands kneaded her hips, barely conscious of the thin straps of her underwear. This was actually going to happen. It had been so long since he’d last sunk into a woman, Liam hoped he could make it last.

  “Room 1260. I’ll go first, but please don’t make me wait Liam. I don’t want to have to take care of myself.”

  With a quick kiss, Finley extracted herself from Liam’s lap, leaving him rock hard. She smoothed down her dress, picked up her jacket and gave him a wink before turning away from him. He watched her walk out of the gazebo, down the steps and through the archway of the garden.


  He’d just let the most perfect woman he’d ever met walk away from him with only a first name and a supposed room number to find her. He wanted her so fucking bad and not just because his pants were damp where she’d rubbed against him. He wanted to fuck her, to know her. Never before had he had such a visceral reaction to a woman and he just let her walk away from him.

  Standing, he adjusted himself then pulled his shirt the rest of the way out of his pants. Since he was going commando and his cock was so hard it looked like a tent pole, he was pretty sure his shirt wasn’t going to hide anything. He had to make sure he didn’t get stopped on his way to Finley’s room. As an added buffer, Liam held his suit jacket in front of him as he exited the garden.

  The reception was in full swing; music and chatter filtered out onto the patio from the ballroom. There were a few people milling about, a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other. The door to the elevator he’d advised Finley to use was closed and he could see the red light from the key pad from where he was standing, meaning the door was locked and might not be an option for him. Liam looked around for one of the hotel employees, relieved when he found one headed his way with an empty tray.

  “Hey man, can you help me? My girl went up to our room using my key and now I can’t get in. I need to get up to my room without having to deal with all of that. Could you let me in through the back way?” Liam asked gesturing toward the party.

  “Holy crap man, you’re Liam Crawford,” the kid nearly yelled. “Oh shit. Sorry man. We aren’t supposed to get all star struck or any of that. We’re supposed to pretend like we don’t know who you guys are.”

  “It’s cool. I won’t tell anyone if you just help me get where I need to go.”

  The kid sighed. “I mean, I’m not really supposed to take anyone this way, but this party is a big deal for the hotel. Boss did tell us to do whatever it takes to keep the guests happy, so I’m betting he’d be cool with me letting you use the back elevators. Just don’t abuse it or tell anyone else I let you through this way without proving that you actually have a room. I don’t want to get fired, man.”

  “Thank you. This will be our secret,” Liam promised as he pulled a fifty out of his wallet.

  Looking around, to see if anybody was watching, the waiter grabbed the bill, pocketing it quickly, then gestured for Liam to follow him. At the locked door, he swiped a key card in front of the reader, the light going from red to green. Opening the door, Liam held it so he and the waiter could enter the deserted hallway.

  Once inside, the waiter gave him instructions on how to get to the elevator. Liam didn’t have the heart to tell the kid that he already knew all about where the service elevator was located and how to use it. He’d visited the hotel a couple times with Elijah when it wasn’t completely bought out for a Hollywood party. Back then, they’d been encouraged to use the service elevators to keep the “riots” as the manager called them, to a minimum.

  “Thank you, man. You’ve saved my ass big time. Do you have anything you want signed at all? I could give you a quick autograph if you want.”

  The waiter nodded, pulling an order book and a pen out of his apron. He shoved them both at Liam and asked him to make it out to Bryan with a y. Liam signed one of the sheets, thanking Bryan again for helping him out. He handed the items back before heading down the hallway. The service elevator wasn’t far from the door, which was the only good thing he could say about the shortcut he’d paid for. Pressing the up button, Liam waited as the slowest elevator in history descended to the main floor. He forgot that there was a reason he and Elijah hadn’t ventured off their floor very often when they’d visited before.

  Part of him wondered if it wouldn’t have been easier and faster to have taken the stairs or to have even risked the gamut of people at the reception to fight his way to the main elevator. As soon as the elevator doors started to open, he jumped inside, not waiting for them to open all the way before he was pressing the button for the twelfth floor and then the close door button. He’d already wasted precious time getting to Finley and he feared she was going to think he’d decided not to follow her if he didn’t get to her soon.

  The elevator took its sweet time moving to the floor he needed. He was thankful it hadn’t stopped at any other floor. Once again as soon as it stopped he didn’t wait for the doors to fully open before he got off. Quickly he figured out the direction he needed to go in then practically jogged down the winding hallway until he found himself in front of room 1260.

  He barely had a chance to knock before the door was thrown open and a hand reached out to grab the front of his shirt. She pulled him into the room then used her foot to close the door behind him.

  “Did you get lost?” Finley asked as she started to unbutton his shirt.

  His heart pounded against his ribs, while he fought the urge to take control. Liam loved how forward Finley was, that she wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted. But what he wanted was to flip her around and push her up against the door. He wanted to strip her naked and lick every inch of her delectable body. He wanted to find the hidden piercings she alluded to earlier. He wanted to trace her tattoos with his tongue and then use that same tongue on her pussy until she was begging him to stop. Then once he was done with all of that, he would finally sink into her and fuck her until she forgot both of their names.

  “Side door was locked. I don’t have a room…” he paused to catch his breath, while she sucked one of his newly exposed nipples into her mouth. “Had to bribe some waiter to let me in so I could…get here. Fuck.”

  He groaned as her hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. How he’d missed her unbuttoning and unzipping his slacks, he had no idea. It seemed like every moment they we
re together, he got so wrapped up in her that he missed things entirely. Her warm palm against his feverish skin was enough to make him lose his mind. As she expertly stroked his cock, Liam realized that he still hadn’t touched her. He was letting her have her way with him, but that wasn’t enough. Although he didn’t want her to stop, he didn’t want to be the one to come first and he certainly didn’t want to do it in her hand or her mouth. Liam had no plans of finishing until he was buried balls deep between her legs, her softness gripping him like a vise until he was completely and totally spent.

  “Turn around,” he said trying to gain control of the situation, even though he barely felt in control of himself. His skin was on fire, his nerves shot. Her skin against the sensitive length of his shaft was blowing his mind. Her hot tongue tracing his abs as she went down to her knees wasn’t helping matters. He was on the edge, but he had to stop things before they went too far and he had no choice, but to let her take him all the way.

  Finley’s hand stilled as her eyes met his. “But I’m not done yet.”

  “For now you are. You can suck me off all you want later, but I need that pussy wrapped around me before I lose my fucking mind. Now stand up and turn around,” Liam said his voice much more commanding now that she’d stopped handling him.

  “Yes sir,” Finley said as she stood, her eyes never leaving his.

  Before she could finish doing as he asked, he grabbed her by the waist so he could pull her body against him. His mouth claimed hers in a kiss that was doing nothing to help him step back from the edge. She moaned as her hands roamed up his chest until they wrapped around his neck. He kissed her for all he was worth, his tongue delving into her mouth. She kissed him back with the same intensity as their tongues explored each other. This woman was going to be his undoing and he couldn’t wait.

  Breaking the kiss, he shifted their positions so that he could push her against the door that had been behind him. Then he finally got her to turn around so the front of her body was flush against the door. He placed a kiss beneath her right ear, then against her collar bone and then her shoulder. Slowly he lowered the zipper of her dress down until it reached its end.


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