Wheels of Justice (Fortress Security Book 4)

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Wheels of Justice (Fortress Security Book 4) Page 9

by Rebecca Deel

“I don’t know. Why?”

  “Just wanted to know if I should grab my bags. Is it possible Maddox is angry because of the hotel?”

  “The reservation is under an alternate ID Maddox knows nothing about. Unless he activated our trackers, he doesn’t know where we are.” Maddox better not have activated the tracker. The whole point of the secrecy was to protect Claire from the clutches of the traitor in Fortress’ ranks. “If we move again, Eli will swing by here and get our belongings.”

  They rode the elevator to the garage. Even with Eli as extra protection, Zane was still vigilant, insisting Claire climb into the van first. Once he was situated inside the vehicle, Remy waited for Eli to climb into his SUV before setting off for Fortress headquarters.

  The miles passed with a tense silence in the van. In the middle of Zane’s circular thoughts, Claire’s small hand covered his and squeezed. He entwined their fingers. Her gesture touched him deeply. He should be the one comforting her. Zane turned his head her direction. Unless he misread the situation. Maybe she was seeking comfort for herself. One look in her eyes and he knew she was focused on him, not on her own circumstances or the disappearance of her brother.

  He raised their hands and kissed the back of hers. Had she thought about what he said before Eli arrived? Crazy though it might seem, Zane didn’t want a pretend dating relationship with her. Pipe dream, most likely. Who wanted to be saddled with someone who came with a barge loaded with baggage? He should probably deep six the idea. An invisible band squeezed his chest at his logical conclusion. Zane couldn’t remember anything he’d wanted more in his life than the woman holding his hand. But would she want him?

  Remy passed through the security checks and stopped at the entrance to the underground elevator at Fortress headquarters. Once Zane was inside, Lily punched the button for the third floor where Maddox’s office was located.

  “Aren’t we going to wait for Remy?” Claire asked.

  His wife smiled. “He’ll catch up. Don’t worry, Claire. Zane and I will keep you safe. We’ll have Eli to watch our backs in a couple minutes as well.”

  Zane rolled out of the elevator and down the hall to the reception area outside Maddox’s office. Nancy, his assistant, glanced up at their arrival. She greeted Lily with a smile and turned to Claire.

  “You must be Claire Walker. It’s nice to finally meet you. Adam has mentioned you several times over the last two years. I’m Nancy West. It’s my job to keep Brent’s schedule straight.”

  “Tough job.”

  “Some days more than others.”

  Her gaze shifted to Zane. All warmth drained from her face. In its place was an expression he couldn’t describe as anything other than frosty. “Nancy, is something wrong?”

  “I’ll let the boss know you’ve arrived,” she said. “Wait here.”

  Stunned at the coldness in her voice, he watched her progress across the room. He’d characterize their relationship as friendly acquaintances. This treatment was unexpected. She’d never been outright rude to him in his time with Fortress. Why all the animosity?

  “What is going on around here?” Lily murmured.

  He shook his head, as mystified as his friend.

  A moment later, Nancy returned. “He’ll see you now.” When Lily started forward, Maddox’s assistant shook her head. “Only Mr. Murphy. The rest of you will have to wait out here.”

  Zane moved forward. “Mr. Murphy? Kind of formal, isn’t it, Nancy?” They might not be best buddies, but there were at least on a first name basis and had been since he’d arrived at Fortress. Zane had been a daily visitor in the office.

  She said nothing as she stepped aside for him to enter Brent’s inner sanctum.

  “Shut the door,” Brent snapped as soon as Zane cleared the threshold.

  Oh, man. He swallowed hard. This was going to be bad, whatever it was. When Brent used that tone of voice, someone was going down. But Zane couldn’t figure out what he’d done to raise his boss’ ire. Once the door was closed, he said, “If this is about the reports….”

  “Shut up, Murphy.”

  Zane’s jaw clenched. Whatever he’d done to tick off his boss, he must find a way to fix it. He loved his job. Though he couldn’t participate in active missions any longer, he did a lot to safeguard his fellow operatives. He’d never take his position for granted. Many combat-modified veterans were unable to find work anywhere. Not many employers wanted to take a chance on them despite their skills. He owed Brent his independence and was as fiercely loyal to Fortress as any other operative with the exception of the traitor in their ranks. Before long, he and Jon would uncover the traitor and tear his life apart.

  Maddox grabbed a yellow legal pad and scribbled something on it. “Why? Why did you do it, Murphy? How could you stab me in the back this way?”

  He blinked. “What do you think I did?” he asked, picking his way through a verbal minefield. From his boss’s hard expression, Zane didn’t know what to make of this. The only thing he knew for sure? His boss was spoiling for a fight. If Zane wasn’t in the wrong, a fight was exactly what Maddox would get.

  “I gave you every opportunity, welcomed you with open arms, and this is how you repay me?”

  “What are you talking about?” he said, his words clipped as frustration and anger built inside him. Maddox wasn’t making sense and the ill treatment was unfair. Zane was one hundred percent loyal to Fortress and always would be as long as they allowed him the privilege of working there.

  “You’re going to make me say it?” Maddox demanded.

  “Guess I am since I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “Fine. Let me lay it out for you. Someone from Fortress has been feeding information to Peter Collins’ organization, inside information that might have cost a valued operative his life.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Zane snapped. “You told me to find the leak.”

  “You wouldn’t have found anything, would you?”

  His eyebrows rose. “You’re doubting my ability now?”

  “Nope, your integrity.”

  That accusation stole his breath. What was going on? A simple breach of protocol by reading mission reports wouldn’t have caused such a scathing verbal reprimand. One thing he had always appreciated about Maddox was his fairness. If his boss thought he deserved a verbal whipping for exercising his own judgment in the pursuit of a traitor, Zane guessed he could handle it, although he didn’t understand why this required Claire’s presence. He’d have preferred to sit through this lecture without her in the outer office. At the volume Maddox yelled, she would hear every word. “Explain.”

  “Did you plan to pin the breach of trust on someone else, Murphy?”

  Heat rose, burning his cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Then let me be crystal clear,” Maddox shouted. “You never would have found the traitor, Murphy, because the traitor is you.”

  “You’re insane, Maddox.”

  “Not insane, furious. I trusted you. We all trusted you and you sold us out to a dirty terrorist.”

  Cold fury rolled over Zane like a tidal wave. No way. He would never do that even if someone held a gun to his head. “A terrorist cell like Collins’ group is the reason I’m in this wheelchair. Why would I turn around and feed them information which might lead to injury or death of an innocent?”

  “Why would anybody do something like that? Money,” he spat out. “If you needed more money, you should have asked for a raise. I would have given it to you, no questions asked. Calls my own judgment into question, doesn’t it?”

  “I would sooner slit my own throat than sell out any Fortress operative. They’re doing the work I would give anything to still be doing.” His voice came out raspy. An expression shot across Maddox’s face and was gone so fast Zane didn’t have time to identify it. “What can I do to convince you I’m not the mole?”

  “Nothing. I have proof. You’re done here, Murphy, and I guar
antee you won’t ever work in the security business again.”

  Pain like none he’d known since his injury in Afghanistan rocketed through him. “You want my resignation?” he asked quietly.

  “Nope. You’re fired.” He slapped the intercom. “Nancy, get a security detail up here to escort Murphy from the building.”

  “That isn’t necessary,” Zane protested. He could and would leave the building under his own steam.

  “You bet it is. I won’t be made a fool of twice.” He reached over and tore off the sheet of paper he’d written on. Striding to Zane, he leaned down and shoved the paper into Zane’s shirt pocket. When he moved to yank out the paper and throw it back in his boss’s face, Maddox caught his wrist and shoved the paper deeper. “Make sure you read the separation agreement, Murphy. Stay away from Fortress headquarters, the safe houses, and my people. If you sabotage my people or operations again, I’ll kill you myself. No one will ever find your body. Get out of my sight. Makes me sick to look at you.” He threw open the door, revealing two Fortress operatives on security detail with stony expressions.


  Claire stood as soon as the door to Maddox’s office opened, her stomach in a knot, shudders wracking her body. After his boss’s last words, Zane rolled through the doorway, flanked by the two gorillas. He was ghostly white. Man, seeing him like this hurt her heart. Didn’t know if she could do anything to help him bear this, but Claire was determined to try. She turned to follow Zane when Maddox grabbed on her arm. “You’ll be assigned a new security team, Ms. Walker, one without a personal agenda that might cost you your life.”

  She twisted away and laid her hand on Zane’s shoulder. He stopped though he didn’t swivel to face her. Shutting out his former boss? Where was the employer her brother so admired? The man of honor and integrity Remy, Lily, and Zane talked about in such glowing terms? “No, thank you. It’s Zane or no one.”

  Maddox’s gaze bored into hers. “You walk out of here with that traitor, none of my people will lift a finger to protect you next time you’re in trouble. Can’t take a chance Murphy might turn on another of my operatives. You shouldn’t, either. Going off with that scumbag will be signing Adam’s death warrant.”

  Zane stiffened. Her hand clenched around his shoulder, offering silent support. These accusations were destroying him an inch at a time. Fury at Maddox nearly swallowed her whole. “I’d rather take my chances with him than you. When Adam comes home, I’ll use every argument in my arsenal to convince him to walk away from Fortress. If this is how you treat one of your most valued employees, I’d hate to see how you deal with one you barely tolerated. You don’t deserve Zane or Adam.”

  Maddox’s face reddened. He shifted his gaze to one of the gorillas. “Take Murphy’s access card.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Ms. Walker, I urge you to change your mind. If you walk out that door with him, you’ll be hanging a target on your back, begging the kidnappers to take you. You won’t escape a second time.”

  “Claire,” Zane murmured. “Take the new protective detail. It’s for the best.”

  That dragged her attention away from Maddox. She swung around, glaring at the back of his head. He wanted to do this with an audience? Fine. She was up for it. Claire removed her hand from his shoulder, noted the subtle change in his attitude. He’d gone from determined to defeated in the space of seconds. Because he thought she believed the accusations against him? The stubborn man was in for a surprise. Claire planned on staking her claim.

  She elbowed aside the ape on Zane’s right and swept around in front of the SEAL. His head snapped up as soon as she moved toe to toe with him. His face was set in stone, but his eyes told a different story. Hurt warred with hope. Claire wanted to believe she was the cause of the hope in his gaze. As for the hurt, she knew where to lay the blame for that. Brent Maddox. Jerk. “Did you mean what you said to me?”


  “Reality instead of pretense.”

  Shock widened his eyes. “Every word,” he whispered fiercely.

  “Then I accept, Zane Murphy.” Claire laid her hands on his shoulders, leaned down the necessary inch and kissed him, despite the gaping audience watching their every move. When she broke their kiss and stared deep into his eyes, heat had replaced the shock and hurt in his. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Remy shifted toward the door, fury all over his face.

  “Doucet,” Maddox snapped.


  “You and Lily are being reassigned. Report to my office.”

  Remy turned, his movements easy and slow. “No, sir.”

  “Excuse me? I must not have heard that right.”

  “Yes, sir, you did. We’re not available for another assignment. We already have one.”

  “If you walk out that door, don’t bother coming back. You’ll be finished at Fortress.”

  Silence reigned in the office before Zane said softly, “Don’t do it, Doucet. Don’t throw it all away for me.”

  “Shut up, Z.” Remy glanced at his wife, who smiled and gave him a slight nod. “Lily and I quit.” He and his wife pulled out their access cards and tossed them on Nancy’s desk.

  Claire held out her hand to Zane and wiggled her fingers. With curving lips, the SEAL reached into his pocket for his wallet and handed her his card. She flipped his access card on top of the others. Done. No one was taking the card from Zane, inflicting more pain. Leaving Fortress was now his choice instead of having the power taken from his hands.

  Eli Wolfe stood by the door, arms folded across his massive chest. Claire knew what he’d said about his partner being more dangerous than he was. Right now she had a hard time believing anyone could be more scary than this man. She wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley with an arsenal at her disposal.

  “What about you, Wolfe?” Maddox growled. “You plan on joining the unemployment line?”

  “I’m taking a leave of absence as of right now. So is Jon.” His gaze challenged the boss, dared him to fire two more operatives he valued. Claire didn’t know him or his partner other than by reputation and through Adam’s assessments. According to her brother, Jon and Eli’s connection to Maddox ran deep and went back a long way. Rumor said the three had served on the same SEAL team, but none of them would confirm or deny. Whatever the truth, she appreciated the support Eli was giving Zane.

  “How long a leave of absence?” Maddox demanded.

  Instead of answering, Eli opened the door and motioned Zane through. Claire kept pace with him all the way to the elevator.

  “Don’t leave the building without me,” Eli murmured as he jogged past them toward the stairs.

  “Where…” Claire began.

  “Wait,” Lily whispered. As they waited for the elevator car, she leaned down and bussed the top of Zane’s head. “I need a root beer float to drown my sorrows.”

  Zane huffed out a soft laugh. “More ice cream, half pint?”

  “Hey, Marilyn Monroe got it all wrong. Diamonds are not a girl’s best friend.”

  “And I suppose ice cream is?”

  “Absolutely.” She glanced at the thugs who stood on either side of Zane. “After a day this bad, you’ll owe me gallons of the stuff for years to come.” She rubbed her hands briskly together. “I think a gallon a week for the rest of my life ought to do the trick.”

  A soft snort was her answer. Claire rolled her eyes at Lily’s obvious ploy to lighten the moment for Zane. She guessed it was equivalent to law enforcement using gallows humor to take their minds away from the horror of crime scenes.

  A chime announced the arrival of the elevator. At Zane’s signal, Claire followed Lily and Remy into the car. Once again, he positioned himself in front of her. His gesture melted her heart. Despite the turmoil and searing loss in his own life, Zane’s first thought was for her safety. How many men would have put their bodies in front of hers for protection? Adam, for sure. No others.

  She laid her hand once
more on his shoulder. He turned his head and rested his cheek against her hand for a moment, a gesture which made her want to cry. This was so unfair. How could Maddox believe something so heinous about Zane? Because of his stupidity, Maddox was ripping away a job for which Zane lived. Yep, she knew it as sure as she recognized her own face in the mirror. No doubt in her mind, if Zane had been capable of carrying out missions like her brother, he would be in the field in a heartbeat. Instead, he protected his teammates the only way he could. At least he had. Now what would he do? Worse, what would happen to the others in the field that he’d been protecting? Who would care for them now?

  The elevator doors opened to reveal the underground garage. Maddox’s two gorillas escorted Zane off the elevator all the way to the van which Remy started with the remote. Once the pad was down and Zane on board, they stepped back, hands hovering over their weapons.

  Claire scowled at them. They treated Zane like a criminal. Unless the security guys threatened her safety, Zane would never draw his weapon on them. Her boyfriend had more honor in his little finger than they did in their whole bodies. She shivered at the term. Hard to believe a man as incredible as Zane Murphy was interested in dating her. Nana was going to love him. Her grandmother had a soft spot for veterans. Her lips curved. Turned out she did, too.

  Lily nudged Claire toward the front of the van. “He won’t activate the lift until you’re safe,” she whispered.

  As Claire climbed in, the stairway door slammed open. Eli Wolfe was followed by a dark-haired, dark-eyed man, one who moved with an economy of motion and purpose. The truly eerie thing was his movements were silent. The gorillas swung around. Claire noticed both men blanch at the approach of the newcomer and then edged away from Zane and the van. Huh. Looked like Eli wasn’t the only one who recognized his partner’s lethal abilities.

  “Who’s manning the comm center?” Zane demanded of the intense man approaching.

  “Not your problem anymore, is it?” was his response. The dark gaze shifted to Claire. He nodded once, then turned his attention to Remy. “Take the scenic route. We’ll be on your six.”


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