Cook,Robin - Mortal Fear.txt

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Cook,Robin - Mortal Fear.txt Page 13

by Mortal Fear (lit)

  into other cages, seeing distortions of familiar creatures that made him


  It was science gone mad: rabbits with several heads and mice with

  supernumerary extremities and extra sets of eyes. For Jason, genetic

  manipulation of primitive bacteria was one thing; distortion of mammals

  was quite another.

  He retreated back to the central part of the lab, where Shirley and

  Helene had been checking the scintillation cultures.

  "Have you seen the animals?" Jason asked Shirley with disgust.

  "Unfortunately. When Curran was here. Don't rem mind me."

  "Did the GHP authorize those experiments?" Jason demanded., "No,"

  Shirley said. "We never questioned Hayes. We never thought we had to."

  "The power of celebrity," Jason said cynically.

  "The animals were part of Dr. Hayes's growth hormone work," Helene said


  "Whatever," Jason said. He was not interested in any ethical argument

  with Helene at the moment. "At any rate, they're all dead."

  "All of them?" Shirley questioned. "How bizarre. What do you think


  "Poison," Jason said grimly. "Though why anyone searching for drugs

  would bother to kill lab animals beats me."

  40 Do you have any explanation for all of this?" Shirley said angrily,

  turning to Helene.

  The younger woman shook her head, her eyes darting nervously about the


  Shirley continued to stare at Helene, who was now shifting uncomfortably

  from foot to foot. Jason watched, intrigued, by Shirley's suddenly

  aggressive behavior.

  "You'd better cooperate," she was saying, "or you're going to be in a

  lot of trouble. Dr. Howard is convinced you're keeping something from

  us. If that's true and we find out, I hope you realize what that can do

  to your career."

  Helene's anxiety was finally apparent. "I just followed Dr. Hayes's

  orders," she said, her voice breaking.

  "What orders?" Shirley asked, lowering her voice threateningly.

  "We did some free-lance work here ..

  "What kind?"

  "Dr. Hayes moonlighted for a company called Gene, Inc. We developed a

  recombinant strain of E. coli to produce a hormone for them."

  "Were you aware that moonlighting was specifically forbidden under Dr.

  Hayes's contract?"

  "That's what he told me," Helene admitted.

  Shirley glared at Helene for another minute. Finally she said, "I don't

  want you to speak of this to anyone. I want you to make a detailed list

  of every animal and item missing or damaged in this lab and bring it

  directly to me. Do you understand?"

  Helene nodded.

  Jason followed Shirley out of the lab. She had obviously succeeded where

  he had failed, in breaking through Helene's facade. But she hadn't asked

  the right questions.

  "Why didn't you press her about Hayes's breakthrough?" he said as they

  arrived at the elevator. Shirley hit the down button repeatedly,

  obviously furious.

  "I didn't think of it. Every time I think the Hayes problem is under

  control, something new comes up. I had specifically demanded the

  no-moonlighting clause in his contract."

  "It doesn't much matter now," Jason said, boarding the elevator after

  Shirley. "The man is dead."

  She sighed. "You're right. Maybe I'm overreacting. I just wish this

  whole affair was over."

  "I still think Helene knows more than she's telling."

  "I'll talk to her again."

  "And after seeing those animals, you don't think you should call the


  "With the police come the newspapers,", Shirley reminded him. "With the

  newspapers comes trouble. Aside from the animals, it doesn't appear that

  anything terribly valuable is damaged."

  Jason held his tongue. Obviously, reporting the break-in was an

  administrative decision. He was more concerned about discovering Hayes's

  breakthrough, and he knew the police and newspapers wouldn't help in

  finding that. He wonderled if the breakthrough could have involved the

  monstrous animals. The thought gave him a shiver.

  Jason started rounds with Matthew Cowen. Unfortunately, there'd been a

  new development. Besides his other problems, Matthew was now acting


  Only a few minutes earlier the nurses had found him wandering in the

  halls, mumbling nonsense to himself. When Jason entered the room he was

  restrained in the bed, regarding Jason as a stranger. The man was

  acutely disoriented as to time, place, and person. As far as Jason was

  concerned, that could have meant only one thing. The man had thrown

  emboli, probably blood clots, from his injured heart valves into his

  brain. In other words he'd had a stroke or perhaps even multiple


  Without delay, Jason placed a call for a neurology consult. He also

  called the cardiac surgeon who'd seen the case. Although he debated

  immediate anti- coagulation, he decided to wait for the neurologist's

  opinion. In the interim, he started the patient on aspirin and

  Persantine to reduce platelet adhesiveness. Strokes were a disturbing

  development and a very bad sign.

  Jason did the rest of his rounds quickly and was about to leave for home

  and for some much-needed sleep when he was paged by the emergency room

  for one of his patients. Cursing under his breath, he ran downstairs,

  hoping whatever the problem was, it could be easily solved.

  Unfortunately, that was not to be the case.

  Arriving breathless in the main treatment room, he found a group of

  residents giving CPR to a comatose patient. A quick look at the monitor

  screen told him there was no cardiac activity at all.

  Jason stepped over to Judith Reinhart, who told him the patient had been

  found unconscious by her husband when he tried to waken her in the


  "Did the EMTs see any cardiac or respiratory activity?"

  "None," Judith said. "In fact, she feels cold to me.#'

  Jason touched the woman's leg and agreed. Her face was turned away from


  "What's the patient's name?" Jason asked, intuitively bracing himself

  for the blow.

  "Holly Jennings."

  Jason felt like he'd been hit in the stomach. "My God!" he murmured.

  "Are you all right?" Judith asked.

  Jason nodded, but he insisted that the ER team maintain the CPR long

  past any reasonable time. He'd suspected trouble when he'd seen Holly on

  Thursday, but not this. He just couldn't accept the fact that, like

  Cedric Harring, Holly would die less than a month after her fancy GHP

  physical told her she was okay, and two days after he'd seen her again.

  Shaken, Jason picked up the phone and called Margaret Danforth.

  "So once again there's no cardiac history?" Margaret asked him.

  "That's correct."

  "What are you people doing down there?" Margaret demanded.

  Jason didn't answer. He wanted Margaret to release the case so they

  could do the autopsy at GHP, but Margaret hesitated.

  "We'll do the case today," Jason said. "You'll have a report early next


  "I'm sorry," Margaret said, making a d
ecision. "There are questions in

  my mind, and I think I'm obligated by law to do the autopsy."

  "I understand. But I suppose you wouldn't mind supplying us with

  specimens so we can process them here as well."

  "I suppose," Margaret said without enthusiasm. "To tell the truth, I

  don't even know the legality. But I'll find out. I'd rather not wait two

  weeks for the microscopic."

  Jason went home and fell into bed. He slept for four hours, interrupted

  by a call from the neurologist concerning Matthew. He wanted to

  anticoagulate and CAT-scan the patient. Jason implored him to do

  whatever he thought was best.

  Jason tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn't. He felt shell-shocked

  and anxious. He got up. It was a gloomy, late fall day with a slight

  drizzle that made Boston look dreadful. Fighting a depression, he paced

  his apartment, searching for something to occupy his mind. Realizing he

  couldn't stay there, he put on casual clothes and went down to his car.

  Knowing he was probably asking for trouble, he drove over to Beacon

  Street and parked in front of Carol's apartment.

  Ten minutes later, as if God had finally decided to give him a break,

  Carol emerged. Dressed in jeans and a turtleneck, with her thick brown

  hair gathered in a ponytail, she seemed the young college student the

  Club Cabaret advertised. Feeling the light drizzle, she opened a flower

  print umbrella and started up the street, passing within a few feet of

  Jason, who scrunched down in his car seat, unreasonably afraid she'd

  recognize him.

  Giving her a good lead, Jason got out of his car to follow on foot. He

  lost sight of her on Dartmouth Street, but picked her up at Commonwealth


  As he continued to follow her, he kept a sharp eye out for the likes of

  Bruno or Curran. At the comer of Dartmouth and Boylston, Jason stopped

  at a magazine stand and thumbed through a periodical. Carol passed him,

  waited for the light, then hurried across Boylston. Jason studied the

  people and the cars, looking for anything suspicious. But there was no

  indication that Carol was not alone.

  She was now passing the Boston Public Library, and Jason guessed she was

  heading for the Copley Plaza Shopping Mall. After buying the magazine,

  which turned out to be The New Yorker, Jason continued after her. When

  she folded her umbrella and went into the Copley Plaza, Jason quickened

  his step. It was a large shopping and hotel complex, and he knew he

  could easily lose her.

  For the next three-quarters of an hour, Jason busied himself by

  pretending to study window displays, reading his New Yorker, and eyeing

  the crowds.

  Carol happily hopped from Louis Vuitton to Ralph Lauren to Victoria's

  Secret. At one point Jason thought she was being tailed, but it turned

  out the man in question was simply trying to pick her up. She apparently

  rebuffed his advance when he finally approached her, because he quickly


  At a little after three-thirty, Carol took her bags and umbrella and

  retreated into Au Bon Pain. Jason followed, standing next to her as they

  waited to order and taking the opportunity to note her lovely oval face,

  smooth olive complexion, and dark liquid eyes. She was a handsome young

  woman. Jason guessed she was about twenty-four.

  "Good day for coffee," he said, hoping to start a conversation.

  "I prefer tea."

  Jason smiled sheepishly. He wasn't good at pickups or small talk. "Tea's

  good, too," he said, afraid he was making a fool of himself.

  Carol ordered soup, tea, and a plain croissant, then cartied her tray to

  one of the large communal tables.

  Jason ordered a cappuccino and then, hesitating as though he could find

  no place to sit, approached her table.

  "Do you mind?" he asked, pulling back a chair.

  Several of the people at the table looked up, including Carol. A man

  moved several of his packages. Jason sat down, giving everyone a limp


  "What a coincidence," Jason said to Carol. "We meet again."

  Carol eyed him over her teacup. She didn't say anything, but she didn't

  have to. Her expression reflected her irritation.

  At once Jason recognized that his whole act appeared to be a come-on and

  that he was about to be sent packing. "Excuse me," he said. "I don't

  mean to be a bother. My name is Dr. Jason Howard. I was a colleague of

  Dr. Alvin Hayes. You're Carol Donner, and I'd like very much to talk

  with you."

  "You're with GHP?" Carol asked suspiciously.

  "I'm the current chief of the medical staff." It was the first time

  Jason had ever used the title. At a regular academic hospital it had

  great significance, but at GHP the job was a bothersome sinecure.

  "How can I be sure?" Carol asked.

  "I can show you my license."


  Jason reached behind for his wallet, but Carol grasped his arm.

  "Never mind," she said. "I believe you. Alvin used to speak of YOU. Said

  you were the best clinician there."

  "I'm flattered," Jason said. He was also surprised, considering the

  little contact he'd had with Hayes.

  "Sorry to be so suspicious," Carol said, "but I get hassled a lot,

  especially the last few days. What would you like to talk about?"

  "Dr. Hayes," Jason said. "First, I'd like to say that his death was a

  real loss to us. You have my sympathy."

  Carol shrugged.

  Jason wasn't sure what to make of her response. "I still have trouble

  believing Dr. Hayes was involved with drugs. Did you know about that?"

  he asked.

  "I did. But the newspapers had it wrong. Alvin was a minimal user,

  usually marijuana but occasionally cocaine. Certainly not heroin."

  "Not a dealer?"

  "Absolutely not. Believe me, I would have known."

  "But a lot of drugs and cash were found in his apartment."

  "The only explanation I can think of is that the police put both the

  drugs and the money in the apartment. Alvin was always short of both. If

  he ever had extra cash, he sent it to his family."

  "You mean his ex-wife?"

  "Yes. She had custody of his children."

  "Why would the police do such a thing?" Jason asked, thinking her

  comment echoed Hayes's paranoia.

  "I don't know, really. But I can't think of any other way the drugs

  could have gotten there. I can assure you, he didn't have them when I

  left at nine o'clock that evening."

  Jason leaned forward, lowering his voice. "The night Dr. Hayes died he

  told me he'd made a major discovery. Did he tell you anything about it?"

  "He mentioned something. But that was three months ago."

  For a moment Jason allowed himself to feel optimistic. Then Carol

  explained that she didn't know what the discovery was.

  "He didn't confide in you?"

  "Not lately. We'd kinda drifted apart."

  "But you were living together-or did the newspapers get that wrong too?"

  "We were living together," Carol admitted, "but in the end just as

  roommates. Our relationship had deteriorated. He really changed. It

  wasn't just that he felt physically ill
; his whole personality was

  different. He seemed withdrawn, almost paranoid. He kept talking about

  seeing you and I tried to get him to do it."

  "You really have no idea what the discovery was?" Jason persisted.

  "Sorry," Carol said, spreading her hands in apology. "The only thing I remember was that he said the breakthrough was

  ironic. I remembered because it seemed an odd way to describe success."

  "He said the same to me."

  "At least he was consistent. His only other comment was that if all went

  well, I would appreciate it because I was beautiful. Those were his

  exact words."

  "He didn't elaborate?"

  "That was all he said."

  Taking a sip of his cappuccino, Jason stared at Carol's face. How could

  an ironic discovery help her beauty? His mind tried to reconcile that

  statement with his guess that Hayes's discovery had something to do with

  a cancer cure. It didn't fit.

  Finishing her tea, Carol stood up. "I'm glad to have met you," she said,


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