Cook,Robin - Mortal Fear.txt

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Cook,Robin - Mortal Fear.txt Page 16

by Mortal Fear (lit)

  pace, content to just keep her in view. When she turned onto Concord, he

  speeded up, knowing she was almost home. When she reached Craigie Arms

  Apartment Complex, Juan was right behind her. A quick glance up and down

  Concord Avenue suggested the timing was perfect. Now it depended on what

  was happening inside the building.

  Juan paused long enough to be sure the inner door had been opened. With

  split-second timing he was in the foyer and had one foot over the

  threshold of the inner door. It was then that he spoke.

  "Miss. Brennquivist?"

  Momentarily startled, Helene looked into Juan's darkly handsome Hispanic


  "Ja," she said with her Scandinavian accent, thinking he must be a

  fellow tenant.

  "I've been dying to meet you. My name is Carlos."

  Helene paused fatally, her keys still in her hand. "Do you live here?"

  she asked.

  ~"Sure do," Juan said with practiced ease. "Second floor. How about


  "Third," Helene said. She stepped through the door, Juan directly behind


  "Nice to meet you," she added. She debated using the stairs or the

  elevator. Juan's presence made her feel uncomfortable.

  "I was hoping we could talk," Juan said, coming alongside her. "How

  about inviting me up for a drink?"

  "I don't wink that ..." Helene saw the gun and gasped.

  "Please don't make me angry, miss," Juan said in a soothing voice. "I do

  things I regret when I'm angry." He hit the elevator button. The doors


  He motioned for Helene to enter and stepped in behind her. Everything

  was working perfectly.

  As the elevator clanked and thumped upward, Juan smiled warmly. It was

  best to keep everything calm.

  Helene was paralyzed by panic. Not knowing what to do, she did nothing.

  The man terrified her, yet he seemed reasonable, and he was very well


  He looked like a successful businessman. Maybe he was associated with

  Gene, Inc., and they wanted to search her apartment. She thought briefly

  about screaming or trying to run, but then she remembered the gun.

  The elevator grated open on the third floor. Juan graciously motioned

  for her to proceed. With her keys in her shaking hand, she walked toward

  her door and opened it. Juan immediately put his foot over the

  threshold, just as he'd done downstairs. After they'd both entered, he

  closed the door and locked it, using all three latches. Helene stood

  dumbly in the small entrance hall, unable to move.

  "Please," Juan said, politely motioning for her to enter the living


  To his surprise, a plump blonde was sitting on the sofa. Juan had been

  told Helene lived alone. Never mind, he thought. "What is that saying

  you people have?" he murmured. "When it rains, it pours. This party is

  going to be twice as good as I expected."

  He brandished his weapon, motioning for Helene to sit opposite her

  roommate. The women exchanged anxious looks. Then Juan yanked the

  telephone line from the wall, leaving the three color-coded wires to

  dangle nakedly in the air. He went over to Helene's stereo and turned on

  the tuner. A classical station came on.

  Figuring out the digital controls, he switched to a hard-rock station

  and turned up the volume.

  "What kind of party is it without some music?" he shouted as he took

  some thin rope out of his pocket.

  Jason got to the hospital early Monday morning and suffered through


  No one was doing well. After he got to his office, he began calling

  Helene at every spare moment. She never answered. At midmorning he even

  ran up to the sixth floor lab only to find it dark and deserted.

  Returning to his office, Jason was irritated. He felt that Helene had

  been obstructive from the start, and now by not making herself

  available, she was compounding the problem. Jason picked up the

  telephone, called personnel, and got Helene's home address and phone

  number. He called immediately. After the phone rang about ten times, he

  slammed the receiver down in frustration. He then called personnel and

  asked to speak to the director, Jean Clarkson. When she came on the

  line, Jason inquired about Helene Brennquivist: "Has she called in sick?

  I've been trying to reach her all morning."

  " I , m surprised," Ms. Clarkson said. "We haven't heard from her, and

  she's always been dependable. I

  don't think she's missed a day in a year and a half."

  "But if she were ill," Jason asked, "you would expect her to call?"


  Jason hung up the phone. His irritation changed to concern. He had a bad

  feeling about Helene's absence.

  His office door opened and Claudia stuck her head in. "Dr. Danforth's on

  line two. Do you-want to talk with her?"

  Jason nodded.

  "Do you need someone's chart?"

  "No, thanks, Jason said as he lifted the phone.

  Dr. Danforth's resonant voice came over the line: "I'd say Good Health

  had better start screening their patients. I've never seen corpses in

  such bad shape. Gerald Farr is as bad as the rest. He didn't have an

  organ that appeared less than one hundred years old!"

  Jason didn't answer.

  "Hello?" Margaret said.

  "I'm here," Jason said. Once again he was embarrassed to tell Margaret

  that a month ago he'd done a complete physical on Farr and found nothing

  wrong despite the man's unhealthy lifestyle.

  "I'm surprised he didn't have a stroke several years ago," Margaret


  "All his vessels were atheromatous. The carotids were barely open."

  "What about Roger Wanamaker's patient?" Jason asked.

  "What was the name?"

  "I don't know," he admitted. "The man died on Friday of a stroke. Roger

  said you were getting the PP 'ase.

  "Oh, yes. He also presented almost total degeneration. I thought health

  plans were supposed to provide largely preventive medicine. You people

  aren't going to make much money if you sign up such sick patients."

  Margaret laughed. "Kidding aside, it was another case of multisystem


  "Do you people do routine toxicology?" Jason asked suddenly.

  "Sure. Especially nowadays. We test for cocaine, that sort of stuff."

  "What about doing more toxicology on Gerald Farr? Would that be


  "I think we still have blood and urine," Margaret said. "What do you

  want us to look for?"

  "Just about everything. I'm fishing, but I have no idea what's going on


  "I'll be happy to run a battery of tests;' Margaret said, "but Gerald

  Farr wasn't poisoned, I can tell you that. He just ran out of time. It

  was as if he were thirty years older than his actual age. I know that

  doesn't sound very scientific, but it's the truth."

  "I'd appreciate the toxicology tests just the same."

  "Will do," Margaret said. "And we'll be sending some specimens for your

  people to process. I'm sorry it takes us so long to do our


  Jason hung up and went back to work, vacillating between self-doubt and
  the discomfiting sense that somethingwas going on that was beyond his

  comprehension. Every time he got a moment, he dialed Hayes's lab. There

  was still no answer. He called Jean Clarkson again, who said that she'd

  call if she heard from Miss. Brennquivist and to please stop bothering

  her. Then she slammed down the phone. Nostalgically Jason remembered

  those days when he got more respect from the hospital staff.

  After seeing the last morning patient, Jason sat at his desk nervously

  drumming his fingers. All at once a wave of certainty spread through

  him, telling him that Helene's absence was not only significant, it was


  In fact, he was convinced that it was so serious that he should inform

  the police immediately.

  Jason traded his white coat for his suit jacket, and went to his car. He

  decided he'd better see Detective Curran in person. After their last

  encounter, he didn't think Curran would take him seriously over the


  Jason remembered the way to Curran's office without difficulty. Glancing

  into the sparsely furnished room, he saw the detective working over a

  form at his metal desk, his large fist gripping his pencil as if it were

  a prisoner trying to escape.

  "Curran," Jason said, hoping the man would be in a better mood than he'd

  been the other night.

  Curran glared up. "Oh, no!" he exclaimed, tossing his pencil onto the

  uncompleted form. "My favorite doctor!" He made an exaggerated

  expression of exasperation, then waved Jason into his office.

  Jason pulled a metal-backed chair over to Curran's desk. The detective

  eyed him with obvious misgiving.

  "There's been a new development," Jason said. "I thought you should


  "I thought you were going back to doctoring."

  Ignoring the cut, Jason went on. "Helene Brennquivist hasn't been at

  work all day."

  "Maybe she's sick. Maybe she's tired. Maybe she's been sick and tired of

  you and all your questions."

  Jason tried to hold on to his temper. "Personnel says she's extremely

  reliable. She'd never take a day off without calling. And when I tried

  her apartment, there was no answer."

  Detective Curran gave Jason a disdainful look. "Have you considered the

  possibility that the attractive young lady might have taken a long

  weekend with a boyfriend?"

  "I don't think so. Since I saw you I've learned she was having an affair

  with Hayes."

  Curran sat up and for the first time gave Jason his full attention.

  "I always felt she was covering for Hayes," Jason continued. "Now I know

  why. And I also believe she knows a lot more about his work than she's

  saying, and why his places were searched. I think Hayes made a major

  breakthroughand someone is after his notes-*

  "If there was a breakthrough."

  "I'm sure them was," Jason said. "And it adds to my suspicions about

  Hayes's death. It was too convenient."

  "You're jumping to conclusions."

  "Hayes said someone was trying to kill him," Jason said. "I think he

  made a major scientific discovery and was murdered because of it."

  "Hold on!" Curtan shouted, banging his fist on his desk. "The medical

  examiner determined that Dr. Alvin Hayes died of natural causes."

  "An aneurysm, to be exact. But he was still being followed."

  "He thought he was," Curran corrected, his voice rising in anger.

  "I think he was too," Jason said with equal vehemence. "That would

  explain why someone ransacked his apartment and his-"

  "We know why his apartment was tossed," Curtan interrupted. "Only we

  found the drugs and the money first!"

  "Hayes may have used cocaine." Jason was shouting now. "But he wasn't a

  dealer! And I think those drugs were planted, and-" He started to

  mention his conversation with Carol, then stopped. He wasn't ready to

  tell Curtan that he had persisted in seeing the dancer. "In any case,"

  he said mom quietly, "I think the reason the lab was torn apart was that

  someone was searching for his lab books."

  "What was that about a lab?" Curran's heavy-

  lidded eyes opened wide and his face turned a mottled red.

  Jason swallowed.

  "Dammit!" Curran yelled. "You mean to tell me Hayes's lab was tossed and

  it wasn't reported? What do you people think you're doing?"

  "The clinic was concerned about negative press," Jason said, forced to

  defend the decision he did not condone.

  "When did this happen?"

  "Friday night."

  "What was taken?"

  "Several data books and some bacterial cultures. But none of the

  valuable equipment. And it wasn't a robbery." Jason watched Curran's

  hound-dog face for some sign his concern for Helene was vindicated.

  "Any damage, vandalism?" was all he said.

  "Well, they turned the place upside down 'and dumped everything on the

  floor. So the lab was a mess. But the only deliberate destruction

  involved those, uh, animals."

  "Good," Curtan said. "Those monsters should have been destroyed. They

  made me sick. How were they killed?"

  "Probably poisoned. Our pathology department is checking that out."

  Detective Curtan ran his thick fingers through his once-red hair. "You

  know something?" he asked rhetoxically. "With the amount of cooperation

  I've gotten from you eggheads, I'm god damned glad 1

  turned this case over to Vice. They can have it. Maybe you'd like to go

  down the hall and rant and rage at them. Maybe they'll get a charge out

  of the fact that your mad scientist was humping his lab assistant as

  well as the exotic dancer-* "Hayes and the dancer were no longer


  "Oh, really?" Cur-ran asked with a short, hollow laugh that ended in a

  belch. "Why don't you go over to the Vice department and leave me alone,

  doctor. I have a lot of genuine homicides to ponder."

  Curran picked up his pencil and went back to his forms. Enraged, Jason

  returned to the ground floor and surrendered his visitor's pass. Then he

  went out to his car. Driving along Stortow Drive, with the Charles River

  lazily spread out on the right, Jason finally began to calm down. He was

  still convinced something had happened to Helene, but he decided that if

  the police weren't concerned, there was little he could do.

  He pulled into the GHP parking lot and went back to his office. Claudia

  and Sally hadn't returned from their lunch break yet. A few patients

  were already waiting. Jason changed back to his white coat and called to

  check on Madaline Krammer's cardiac consult. Harry Sarnoff had agreed

  with Jason's appraisal, and Madaline was having -an angiogram.

  As soon as Sally returned, Jason went to work seeing his scheduled

  patients. He was on his third afternoon patient when Claudia ducked into

  the exam room.

  "You have a visitor," she announced.

  d4who? p Jason asked, tearing off a prescription.

  "Our fearless leader. And she's foaming at the mouth. I thought I should

  warn you."

  Jason handed the prescription to the patient, tossed his stethoscope

  around his neck, and walked down the corridor to his office. Sh
irley was

  standing by the window. The moment she heard Jason she turned to face

  him. She was without question furious.

  "I certainly hope you have a good explanation, Dr. Howard," she said. "I

  just got a call from the police. They're on their way here to get a

  formal statement on why I didn't report the break-in of Hayes's lab.

  They said they heard about it from you-and they're threatening

  obstruction of justice."

  "I'm sorry, " said Jason. "It was an accident. I was at the police


  I didn't mean to mention it ..."

  "And just what the hell were you doing down at the station?"

  "I wanted to see Curran," Jason said guiltily.

  ed, fty?"

  "There was some information I thought he should have."

  "About the break-in?"

  "No," Jason said, letting his hands fall to his sides. "Helene

  Brennquivist hasn't shown up today. I found out that she and Hayes were

  having an affair, and I guess I jumped to' conclusions. The break-in


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