Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 12

by Morticia Knight

  “Evan? You seem pale. Are you feeling poorly?”

  “I—uh, yes. I’m sorry, Sir, but I’m not well.”

  “Oh dear. Let me get a staff member to see to you.”

  Franklin left him to speak with the attendant in the hall and Evan was relieved when Franklin bade him well then approached the two talkative boys instead.

  “Shall I alert a board member that you require medical assistance or arrange for your transportation home?”

  Evan shook his head. “No, thank you. But could you escort me to the collared boy’s room? I need to speak with someone there.”

  “I would have to get permission first. Would you like wait here or in the library while I locate either Master Saul or Aaron?”

  “The library’s fine. But, uh, do you know if Master Thomas is here tonight?”

  When he’d arrived with Sam and Aaron at the beginning of the evening, he hadn’t noticed them anywhere before he’d gone to the den.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. I’ll inquire for you if you’d like.”

  “Thank you.”

  Evan silently followed the staff member downstairs to the library where he’d first met Ned. It seemed like a lifetime since he’d been there.

  After he was let in and the door had been closed behind him, Evan took a seat on the same sofa he’d sat on with Ned the previous week. The images from that night played through his mind and he thought he really would go mad. The latch clicked, then the door slowly pushed open. He sighed, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. It was both Thomas and Aaron. He rose from his seat.

  “Please sit down if you’re not feeling well.” Thomas regarded him with naked concern. “What’s ailing you?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you both.”

  Aaron approached him then patted his shoulder reassuringly. “No trouble. Our first concern always lies with our boys.”

  Evan scrunched his eyebrows together. “But…but I’m nobody’s boy.”

  “Every boy who’s a part of Hampton Road’s fold is our responsibility. If Saul wasn’t tending to Kenneth after a very emotional interaction with him, he would’ve been here as well.”

  His heart swelled. Maybe he wasn’t as alone as he’d assumed. He might not belong to a Master, but he hadn’t been cast aside as if he was nothing.

  “I only wanted permission to visit with Sam and Linus in the collared boy’s room.”

  Thomas and Aaron exchanged glances. Thomas regarded him. “Then you’re not ill?”

  Heat filled his cheeks. “Not like that.” At the men’s questioning gazes, he continued. “I have a lot on my mind, and I thought… You see…” He exhaled with an exasperated sigh. “I don’t want to go with any strange men right now. I’d just like to speak with my friends.”

  He’d surprised himself by referring to Sam and Linus as his friends, but he was glad he’d said it, because it was true.

  Aaron gave him a warm smile. “Then I think you should go visit with them.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Another thought occurred to him. “I’m not ruining your night, am I? I mean…”

  He’d noticed the stamps on both their hands. Pictures of what the Masters might want to do with their submissives passed through his mind, threatening to heat his skin once more.

  Thomas chuckled. “Aaron and I watched Saul and Kenneth in the ballroom a while ago and are waiting for a group of three to perform momentarily. You’ll have plenty of time to chat with your friends still.” Thomas winked at him.

  “Thank you both.”

  Evan knew the relief must be evident in his voice, and he was grateful that such good men existed in his world. What amazed him even more was the fact that one of them had been his ex-Master and hadn’t abandoned him when he’d needed help.

  He trailed behind both Aaron and Thomas, wondering if he ever got to be with Ned whether he’d train Evan to walk to heel. He’d seen Sam and Kenneth do it, but since Thomas had never required him to do such a thing when they’d been together, he wondered if Thomas had trained Linus that way. When he’d asked Sam about it, he’d explained that Thomas and Linus only did those sorts of things at the club.

  It was all very fascinating to Evan how the different couples interacted with one another. They’d all been drawn together by their clearly understood mutual needs. It had been a bonus when they’d found love as well. He’d been intrigued when Ned had explained the difference between discipline and punishment the week before. The conversation had planted the seed of what he might’ve needed more of when he’d been with Thomas.

  They reached the room on the third floor where Sam and Linus would be and Evan had a moment of trepidation over whether he’d be doing the right thing by discussing his idea about Ned. He didn’t want them to think he was desperate or needy.

  Ned said it was okay that I needed a lot of attention.

  Even though he’d lived with two Dominant men for over the course of five years, in some ways, he felt as if he was only just learning about what it truly meant to be submissive. If things went his way, perhaps Ned could teach him.

  Aaron had led the charge into the room. “Boys? Evan would like to spend some time with you until after the next demonstration.”

  A gorgeous, olive-skinned young man shot up off the elegant, long couch that was placed at the end of the large room. Evan had never seen him before.

  “Where’s Master Theodore? Is he behind you?” He clapped both hands over his mouth. He let them drop then lowered his gaze. “Sirs.”

  Aaron chuckled lightly. “I believe that’s up to Master Theodore. Perhaps he’s teaching you the value of patience? Do you think that’s a possibility, Francesco?”

  “Yes, Sir. I think you might be right.”

  Francesco’s voice had been so sad that Evan had the unusual compulsion to hug someone who was a complete stranger to him.

  “Go on, Evan.” Aaron patted him on the back. “I’ll check on you when I retrieve Sam. If you need a ride back to the house, you can let me know then.”

  Both men embraced and kissed their submissives before turning to leave. Francesco had remained in a proper stance, except that he was like an excited puppy with all the squirming and wiggling he couldn’t seem to control.

  Thomas had gone ahead, but Aaron paused in the doorway. “You boys behave. And Francesco?” Aaron waited until he had Francesco’s attention. “Good luck.” He winked then left.

  Evan glanced over at Francesco, whose mouth hung open. He snapped it shut then flitted his gaze back and forth between Linus and Sam.

  “What did he mean by that? Is he going to tell? Do you think I’m in trouble? I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I was only excited, that’s all.”

  Sam scowled at Francesco. “Of course you’re in trouble. Now we won’t get to go to the beach next week.”

  Francesco crossed his arms. “You don’t know that. And anyway, it’s not like Aaron will punish you for anything. You’ll be at the beach being cooked until you turn a bright shade of red. I’ll be at home and the only thing turning red will be my ass.” Francesco narrowed his eyes and gave him an evil grin. “Somehow, I think I might get the better deal.”

  Sam’s scowl turned to a look of sadness. “Don’t you want to go to the beach with me?”

  Francesco’s expression changed to one of guilt. “I’m sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean it. Don’t be mad at me.”

  Sam frowned then stomped over to the couch. He plopped himself down, angling his body away from them all. Francesco scampered over to that end of the room. He dropped onto the sofa next to Sam, placing one hand on his shoulder. Sam shrugged it off.

  “I’m not talking to you right now.”

  “Oh come on. Don’t be such a baby.”

  “You need to think about what you say before you say it.” Sam still wouldn’t face Francesco.

  “Yeah? Well you need to learn not to take everything so seriously.”

  “Who are you, my Master?”

  The b
ickering picked up heat, Sam finally twisting his body around to glare at Francesco. Evan was worried. He’d never seen submissives so agitated with each other when they weren’t arguing over a man. Even that was something he’d rarely encountered.

  Evan turned to Linus, speaking low. “Are they always like that?”

  Linus sighed. “I’m afraid so. This could go on for a while. They’ll be crying and begging each other’s forgiveness eventually.”

  “Really?” Evan was perplexed. He’d never seen any men, submissive or otherwise, act like that. It did remind him of growing up with his siblings though. They’d loved to yell and wrassle with each other all the time.

  Linus regarded him. “I know. It might not seem like it right now, but they’re really close. They’re like brothers.”

  “It’s a good thing they didn’t grow up together. I’d hate to think what they’d be like if they were under one roof.”

  Linus nodded, chuckling. “I’m sure they realize that. They just both get bored easily and have a lot of energy. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He let out a long breath. “It’s exhausting. Their Masters should probably fuck them more.”

  Evan let out a loud gasp then sputtered into laughter at the mischievous look on Linus’ face. He decided Linus was a nifty fellow after all.

  Linus turned to him. “Is everything okay? I mean, I understand if you don’t feel comfortable talking with me because of Thomas, but everyone’s been worried about you.”

  Evan bit his lip. He didn’t want there to be hard feelings between him and Linus. “I didn’t mean to worry anyone. And I do want to be friends with you. Everything’s just been real sudden and confusing lately.”

  Linus nodded with a sympathetic expression. “I understand. I was pretty confused by all of this when I first got here.”

  The argument between Sam and Francesco was still going strong. It was hard to concentrate. Linus indicated to the window seat farther away from the loud submissives. “You wanna sit down?”

  Evan chuckled. “Seems like a good idea.”

  Once they’d settled, Evan found himself very curious about all that Linus had been through. He knew a few things from talking with Sam, but only bits and pieces.

  “Can I ask you some personal questions? Not about Thomas.” He’d added that quickly, remembering how Thomas had made it clear that what he and Linus shared was private.

  “If I can, I will.”

  Evan fidgeted. They were sitting close, but not touching. The size of the window seat dictated their proximity. “I heard Ned brought you here, right?”

  Linus gave him a secretive smile. It told him something he’d suspected. Everyone knew he’d spent the evening with Ned.

  “Yes. He was very nice to me. Um, you, um, you know what I was doing when I met him, right?”

  Evan had noticed that every once in a while, Linus would have trouble getting out what he wanted to say. It seemed to only happen when he was nervous. Evan didn’t want to add to his nervousness, but he had to know if Ned was as good as he thought he was—and anything else he could learn about the Master from Linus. Maybe if he found out that Ned was actually a cad, he could get over him easier if his plan to see him didn’t work out.

  “Yes, I know. It doesn’t bother me.”

  Linus nodded, his cheeks pinking slightly. “When I got here from Oklahoma, it wasn’t as easy to get a job making costumes as I’d thought. So, um, I listened to some other fellows who said going on dates with men would help pay my rent. If the men bought me dinner—that was even better.” Linus glanced up at Evan. “I um, I needed money… I um…”

  “It’s okay, Linus, you don’t need to tell me about that if you don’t want to.”

  “I only did certain things. I never let them, um, you know, have me all the way. Some tried, but I said no.”

  “I believe you.” Evan wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to his next question. “Did Ned try?”

  Linus shook his head as if to emphasize what he was about to say. “Never. He paid for me to have dinner with him, and we um… We danced a few dances at a pansy club. We talked a lot.” Linus gave him a lop-sided smile. “Well, he asked me a lot of questions and I talked the best I could. I um… I sometimes have a hard time getting my words out. It’s much better now since I’ve been with Thomas.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad he’s helped you.” Evan meant it.

  “Thank you.” Linus laid a hand on top of his then quickly drew it back. His cheeks pinked again. “So, um… Ned said he thought Hampton Road was someplace I’d enjoy, and he brought me here.”

  “That was it?”

  “For the most part. He also warned me to only give my pleasure to a man I cared about. He said that it was mine and not to squander it on someone who gave me money.”

  “He never wanted to train you? Never wanted you for his boy?”

  Linus shook his head again. “He was a complete gentleman.”

  His conversation with Linus underscored the impression he’d gotten of Ned. He was a good man—not a predator, not an abuser. It didn’t make him feel any better though. The knowledge only reinforced Evan’s desire for him. What he couldn’t understand though was why Ned had fucked him but hadn’t even tried anything at all with Linus. It Ned hadn’t liked Linus that way, it made sense. But if he’d liked Evan that way then didn’t want to see him anymore after they’d…

  “Oh, no.”

  Linus eyed him with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I understand.”

  It meant that Ned hadn’t been pleased with him. The sex—or the submission or both together—hadn’t been good enough. He hadn’t been good enough. Just like with Gabriel once he’d spotted Albert. It’d been Gabriel’s signal to kick out the boy who wasn’t worth keeping when there was someone so much better.

  All the intensity and passion they’d shared must’ve been one-sided, built up in Evan’s mind because he’d fallen so hard for Ned. His lip threatened to do its worst, as usual, and the last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of Linus. He wondered if everyone would think he’d lost his mind if he wanted to sit alone in the changing room on the first floor again.

  I’m never coming back to this awful, awful club again.

  “Hey, isn’t that Ned’s breezer?”

  Francesco was leaning out of the other window that was on the same wall as the one he was seated on with Linus.

  Linus gave him a quizzical look. “I didn’t know Ned had a convertible. He didn’t when I knew him.”

  Evan would’ve said something if he hadn’t been in the middle of trying to keep breathing.

  “Master Ned, Francesco. Master. This is why you get in trouble all the time.”

  “Gah.” Francesco twisted his head to scowl at Sam. “I know that. It’s not as if anyone in here is going to say anything.” Francesco glared in their direction. “Right?”

  Linus laughed light-heartedly. “I’m not getting involved in any of your squabbles.”

  Evan chanced a peek out of the window. He caught a sob before it burst free. There was a smaller man in the passenger seat. There was very little light available in the driveway on purpose, so Evan couldn’t tell if he was young, if he wore nice clothes, or even what his actual color of hair was.

  Maybe he’s a friend of Ned’s. That’s all.

  He watched as Ned went to the man’s door then opened it for him. Once what now seemed to Evan to be a very young man had stepped from the motorcar, Ned put his arm around him protectively, guiding him to the side entrance. Tears fell before he could stop them.

  “Evan?” Linus reached for him, but he jumped from the cushioned bench.

  “I’m fine. I need to use the facilities.”

  The room had fallen silent as it became clear that something was wrong.

  “Are you stuck on Ned? Was he supposed to be here with you tonight instead of that boy he brought in his car?” Francesco’s big brown eyes had widened as he spoke.

Sam smacked him on the arm. “Shush.”

  Francesco rubbed it as he frowned at Sam. “Ow. Whaddya do that for?”

  “I’m going to the restroom.”

  Evan marched to the door. Linus grabbed his arm as if to stop him. He shrugged him off.

  “Evan. Wait. You know the rules. You need an escort.”

  “Fuck the rules. I’m never coming back to this stupid club anyway!”

  He flung open the door then stomped away, slamming it behind him. He’d heard the collective gasp from everyone when he’d yelled, but he didn’t care. If Sam was mad at him, Evan could leave the guesthouse and find somewhere else to live. He had a few dollars put aside from his two weeks of work. It would probably be at least enough for a couple of nights at a cheap hotel. He remembered what Gabriel had said about what he could do to make money if he had nowhere to go in Los Angeles.

  Maybe I should find out the name of that pansy club from Linus.

  He grunted, his tears changing from those of hurt to ones of anger. Once he reached the bathroom, he planned to stay locked in there until it was time to leave. He was done with Hampton Road for good.

  Chapter Nine

  Thomas noted that Ned had arrived in the ballroom with a young man in tow—a young man he’d never seen before and who most certainly wasn’t Evan. He’d begun to regret introducing his former lover to the new member. Thomas was at the far left of the room, near the back. Typically, a board member always remained at the rear of the shows to keep an eye on the proceedings. Ned had taken a seat with his charge on the far right, only one row ahead of him.

  He was no longer interested in the threesome on the stage, which was a shame. The Dominant was commanding the two submissives to pleasure each other in various ways, sometimes assisting them into the right position or feeding the cock of one into the mouth or hole of the other. He’d looked forward to it all week. Although he’d originally planned on sharing the enjoyment of the show with Linus, they’d both agreed that he should stay upstairs in case Evan needed some moral support. If the groans and fumblings around him were any indicator, there were several observers enjoying the proceedings quite a bit.


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