Mastering Love

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Mastering Love Page 18

by Morticia Knight

  After grabbing a fistful of Evan’s hair, Ned tugged his head back. He wasn’t harsh, only firm enough to reiterate the possession of his boy. He kissed him, seeking out the sweetness that was Evan. No candy could ever compete with his taste.

  “It’s time to leave, precious boy. Let’s collect your things so we can begin our new journey together.”

  Evan gave him a wide smile and it filled Ned with joy. He wanted to give Evan every happiness there was. His boy deserved the best.

  Chapter Twelve

  Evan had jumped in the shower first at Ned’s insistence. His disappointment that they wouldn’t be sharing one was tempered when Ned took a long, deep kiss then whispered that he wanted them to save any further love for when they got to Ned’s house. Evan shivered when he remembered how Ned had promised him all of his attention that night for as long as Evan could stand it.

  After they’d both showered and Ned had been forced to admit that his rumpled and dirt stained suit couldn’t be made any more presentable, they’d moved on to the next dilemma—how to transport Evan’s few possessions. Evan had suggested bundling everything up in a sheet, but Ned hadn’t seemed very taken with the idea. They were on their way down to the party to let everyone know that Evan would be leaving and to see if they could perhaps borrow a satchel or suitcase for his clothing.

  His nerves had begun to play havoc with him the closer they got to the main house and he was grateful for Ned’s hand at the small of his back. Ned had already reiterated that they had nothing to be ashamed about and that he was so proud of Evan’s bravery in sharing his deepest desires with him.

  Ned wanted him. Wanted to be his Master. It was all too exciting and joyful and scary at once. He wasn’t concerned with whether he was making the right move with Ned—it was exactly what he’d hoped for. But he knew he had a tendency to get lost in his thoughts and to worry whether he was good enough. He didn’t want to scare Ned off after the three months were up.

  Ned slid his hand up Evan’s back, then wrapped it around his nape. They were close enough to see everyone out on the lawn—the scene not much different than when he’d left the party almost two hours earlier. Ned’s grip around his neck comforted him. It reminded him that he was Ned’s and that Ned would make sure he was protected. Logically, he knew that none of the men in the yard would ever hurt him, either physically or emotionally, but it was good to have the reassurance of his Master. Ned had been right when he’d said that the men of Hampton Road would never allow Ned to hurt Evan either. He was incredibly lucky to have landed where he did with so many wonderful people surrounding him.

  The minute Sam came into view, his friend darted into the house. Ned squeezed his neck then leaned over to speak into his ear. He must’ve felt his tension.

  “That doesn’t mean anything, boy. Sam is a submissive who gets led around by a leash while naked in a public club. I hardly think he takes issue with two men fucking in a secluded part of his yard.”

  Evan drew his eyebrows together. It seemed reasonable. But he didn’t know Sam well enough to tell what kinds of things made him uncomfortable. Maybe catching his friend like that was something that would make Sam cry mercy.

  Sam’s abrupt departure had seemingly alerted everyone else to their presence, and the gazes trained on him did nothing for his libido. He wasn’t ashamed of Ned or even all that concerned about whether Sam had told them what he and Ned had been doing. What did embarrass him though was how crazy and emotional he’d been all week. The fact that he’d also left the party earlier because he’d been too distraught to stay had him worried that they’d think badly of him. He didn’t want that.

  They’d almost reached the crowd, and right when Francesco looked like he was about to speak from where he was perched on Theodore’s lap, Theodore clapped a hand over his mouth. Francesco stilled immediately, but his frown was still quite visible. Ned chuckled next to him and he was relieved that Ned seemed completely at ease.

  Aaron stood, smiling. “Let me go help Sam. I’ll be right back.”

  Evan was confused. Was Sam really that upset? Then they’d all resent him for sure. He’d never be able to go to the club with Ned. What would Ned think of that? He probably wouldn’t like it, not when he’d moved to Los Angeles to go to Hampton Road. Would he change his mind about their three month agreement?

  They’d come to a halt, and Ned squeezed his neck again. Ned whispered in his ear as Thomas stood. “I see you, boy. Whatever you’re thinking about right now, I want to discuss with you later. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Even as he’d answered Ned, he’d kept his gaze trained on Thomas. His ex-Master advanced toward them, but he didn’t seem bothered in any way. He’d actually broken into a full smile.

  “Ned, Evan. Glad you could join us.” Thomas arched his eyebrows at them and Evan saw that he seemed rather intrigued with the appearance of Ned’s suit. “Odd. I could’ve sworn your clothing wasn’t in such a state of disarray when you first arrived.”

  Evan let out an audible sigh. Thomas wasn’t mad. He glanced around. Everyone else appeared really happy too. Well, except for Francesco, who was still being held down by Theodore. That still didn’t comfort him with regards to Sam though.

  “I’m afraid this ensemble is marked for the rag bin.”

  Both men laughed amiably, offering Evan further relief from his worries.

  “When Aaron returns though, I need to ask if he has a valise we might borrow. We need to pack Evan’s things to bring to my home.”

  “Oh?” Thomas regarded Evan with a twinkle in his eyes before turning back to Ned. “I take it he isn’t angry with you anymore?”

  Ned snorted laughter. “I’m very fortunate to have his forgiveness. He had every right to be angry.” Ned slid his hand back down Evan’s back, rubbing it with soft circles. “But if he’s living with me, it’ll give me plenty of opportunity to make it up to him.”

  “I imagine so.” Thomas dragged his gaze up and down Ned’s attire again. “It appears you’ve already begun.”

  Evan’s face heated. He was still getting accustomed to being around his ex-Master as a friend.

  His attention was drawn toward the house as he saw Sam appear from the kitchen door with a large paper bag. He had one hand under it in support, using the other to hold the rolled down top closed. Aaron trailed behind him with what looked like a very large purse. Apparently, Sam had been so upset with him he’d asked Aaron to kick him out. It was a good thing Ned had already invited him to stay with him at his house.

  “Hello, Master Ned.” Sam presented Evan with the paper bag. “You’ll have to be careful. I might’ve packed too much, so be sure you hold the bottom.”

  “I, uh…” Evan turned to Ned, who merely gave him a warm smile. He faced Sam again. “What is it?”

  Sam giggled. “Sorry. It’s the leftovers. You didn’t have much to eat and Ned didn’t get any at all. But now you’ll both have something for when you get home.”

  Evan’s gaze darted around to all the men. They all seemed ridiculously happy. No one acted as if they thought he should be tossed out. Evan was completely lost.

  “Uh, gee, Sam. Thank you. But you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Sure I did. Plus, you helped make half of it.”

  Evan gave a small shrug. “That’s okay. After all, I owe you guys for everything you’ve done for me.”

  “No you don’t, Evan.” Aaron seemed to regard him with genuine affection. “We only want to see you happy.”

  Tears threatened. How could everyone be so kind to him? He’d been a stranger then a whole mess of trouble to boot. Aaron handed the small suitcase over to Ned.

  “Sam told us that you’d both made up and that he was pretty sure you’d need this for Evan’s things.”

  Evan caught Sam’s eyes. He gave a small shake of his head, winking. Whatever he’d told the others, it hadn’t been the whole truth. It had been just enough to convince them that he and Ned would be togeth
er from then on. The best thing that had ever happened to him was when Gabriel had shoved him on a bus with only a few cents in his pocket and sent him to a strange city. He thought about writing him a thank you note.

  * * * *

  It had been a week since Ned had taken him home and it was their first time back at the club since then. Evan waited for his Sir in the same room they’d trysted in on their first night together. During one of their many long talks, Evan had confessed that in his anxiousness to impress Ned with his expert submission, he’d gotten into position too soon and it had hurt his knees. Ned had ordered him to undress then wait on the chaise longue and remain relaxed until Ned joined him. He was filing the agreement they’d signed with Saul and had told Evan he wasn’t sure how long he’d be. When they’d told everyone prior to leaving the lawn party what they planned to do, Saul had been beside himself with excitement. He planned to bring it up at the next board meeting as something they could offer to other interested members.

  Their original intent to get the agreement to the board immediately had been over zealous as it had turned out. They’d drafted and discarded so many templates for the damn thing before they’d ever even gotten to the part that talked about what they did or didn’t want and what they did or didn’t expect from the other for their first three months together. Evan knew it was only the first and that there’d be many more. He was sure he’d detected the same thing from Ned. More than once he’d said ‘when’ we extend the agreement instead of ‘if’.

  As Ned had continued to remind him, it was a journey they were on together. Ned wanted to make sure that Evan knew he could change his mind about acts they engaged in as they learned more about each other. What had really filled Evan’s heart though was when Ned had also added that they were more to each other than Master and submissive. He reiterated that they were also lovers.

  The latch to the door opened and Evan immediately fell to the floor on his knees and assumed a submissive stance. With his eyes lowered, he could only track Ned’s whereabouts in the room from the sounds he made. There wasn’t a sound from the cabinet. Ned had brought his bag with some of the items they used at home—most specifically, the flogger and the various oils. Ned used a clean oil to slick Evan up for any type of penetration and scented oils for when he massaged him after they were done for the day. He already felt spoiled.

  Not that Ned hadn’t set up a list of tasks for him to complete—he had. His first week of being cared for on a continuous basis by a Master had been challenging and wonderful at the same time. In their agreement, Evan had consented to hand over all the decisions regarding their daily lives and how the household would function—which included Evan’s role within it.

  Based on Evan’s years of restaurant work, he’d been put in charge of the arrangement and preparation of their meals. The kitchen was to be Evan’s domain, and he would also be responsible for its upkeep and tidiness. They would share in the rest of chores. Even though Ned could afford a housekeeper, Ned wanted to not only maintain their privacy, but to reinforce their bond as partners in the home.

  The tender contact of Ned’s hand on his crown always centered him. It was the signal that they’d begun. Ned lightly stroked the strands of his hair, lifting a few then letting them fall.

  “How’s my beautiful boy this evening?”

  “I’m wonderful, Sir.”

  “Excellent. Our agreement is locked away in Saul’s study. Everyone who witnessed us sign that piece of paper knows that you belong to me for three months. You’re mine. No one can touch you but me, and I alone Master you. They all acknowledged that I’m forbidden from training or touching another boy for the length of our agreement.”

  Evan swallowed. It was heady, reassuring, but as always, his disjointed thoughts intruded in on something that should be a moment of great joy.

  “I see you, my precious boy. Exist for now. I have faith in our union. Allow yourself to fully submit to me and you’ll get what it is you desire.”

  Calm enveloped him again. He took a deep breath. ”Thank you, Sir. I have faith in us too.”

  Ned petted his head. “Good boy. We’ve discussed several aspects of what ‘more’ might mean for you this past week. So far, the structure of meal preparation and taking care of the home has been very good.” Ned caressed his cheek. “Even the green vegetables haven’t been too bad, hmm?”

  “They haven’t been very good either, Sir.”

  “Perhaps not, but they’re good for you. I want to make sure my boy stays healthy and strong. We’ll keep trying different ones until you find the ones that are the least displeasing, then we’ll stick only with those.”

  Whatever made me agree to that?

  “The morning exercise has been excellent too.” Ned purred. “Especially when you do it naked.”

  Evan’s cock twitched. Ned always exercised too, but still made sure to take time to watch Evan stretch, do knee bends, sit-ups and push-ups. The morning before, Ned had stroked himself to completion, splashing his seed across Evan’s chest as soon as he’d finished his final round of sit-ups. Then he’d allowed Evan to lick him clean.

  Ned continued to card his fingers through Evan’s hair. “Yes. I remember too. Your warm, soft tongue lapping at my balls and spent cock. It was perfect.”

  It had been close to perfect. When they interacted sexually, Ned never allowed Evan to touch him. He either restrained him or ordered him to hold on to something and not let go. In the case of cleaning his lover’s groin with his mouth, he’d been told to keep his hands clasped behind his back.

  Yet, they touched each other constantly at all other times. Ned never restricted him then. Ned roamed his body with his hands every time they were near. He would kiss his face, neck, lips and never stopped Evan from doing the same, responding eagerly whenever Evan initiated contact. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t reciprocate when they made love.

  “Are you ready to try one of the new things we discussed? One of the other possibilities for more?”

  “Yes, Sir.” He tried not to wiggle.

  “Good boy. I’m going to warm up your flesh with our favorite flogger. Then after I’ve checked to see how you’re doing, we’ll move on from there.”

  Ned stepped away. A padded bench had been brought in for their evening together. Evan had been spanked on one before when he’d been at the club in Santa Barbara—Gabriel had used it a couple of times. Typically, Gabriel had preferred to either tie or chain him to a wall then fuck him from behind. On occasion, he’d use a flogger before breaching him, but Evan had always gotten the impression that spanking was generally too much trouble for Gabriel.


  Evan rose, his grace noticeably improved even in the short amount of time he’d been exercising.

  “Position yourself on this side. That’s it.”

  The odd piece of custom furniture slanted higher at one end and Ned had directed him to drape himself over it so his butt was elevated. He was still able to comfortably rest his knees on cushioned pads that were like a runner along the side. Ned rested his hand at the small of his back then traced his fingertips up Evan’s spine. He shivered at the contact. Ned’s touch awakened his nerves, brought him back to the awareness of his body, readied him for the impact of the flogger.

  The swish of the leather instrument could be heard as Ned warmed up his wrist. The first time they’d played with the small, multi-tailed whip, Ned had explained every step to Evan. He’d tried to protest that he’d been flogged many times before, that Ned’s explanations were unnecessary. After reminding Evan that Ned was the Master and made all the decisions regarding Evan’s well-being, he’d continued by telling him that he always warmed up first. He didn’t want Evan to mistake the sounds of the implement whooshing through the air as a sign they’d started. Ned promised to always verbally alert him when he was about to begin.

  After that lecture, Evan had been made to suffer through broccoli and spinach. He would never let on to Ned, but he wa
s secretly pleased Ned made such a fuss over his need to eat healthy. It was another way that Ned conveyed how much he cared about him and Evan wanted every bit of that he could get.

  “Be ready.”

  The thwack of the leather strips sounded in the room as they made contact with his skin. He registered the faint sting, dulled by the thickness of the strands and his Master’s controlled touch. Ned quickly picked up a rhythm across Evan’s flesh. Using the majestic figure eight pattern Ned had demonstrated for Evan on the leather couch in their home, he moved the whip up and down Evan’s back before turning his attentions to Evan’s exposed ass.

  Heat built under Evan’s skin. He sunk into the sensations the flogger produced as the sting spread across the surface of his body before permeating deeper within him. The attention paid to his fleshy rear by the whip had aroused him as it always did. Ned moved away from that area, striking him on the back of his thighs, careful to keep his touch lighter there. Evan had confessed that while he adored the impact of the leather on his back and rear end, he had a more difficult time accepting too much sensation on his legs. Like with everything else, Ned respected his boundaries.

  But they’d be trying something new that night. They’d discussed how much a harsh spanking and a strong beating on his ass with the flogger excited him. Ned had already made him come from a spanking alone and had only needed to give him a few quick tugs after a concentrated flogging to his backside. To get Evan ready for the addition of a new component to their play however, Evan had foregone the spankings and whipping for a few days. Ned wanted to make sure that Evan’s feeling about the experience wasn’t influenced by residual pain.

  Ned ceased flogging his legs, moving the implement back up to his butt cheeks. Evan relaxed again, the sensation having built to the point where he’d begun to float a little above himself. It was the part he always looked forward to and Ned was much better at getting him there more slowly than Gabriel ever had.


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