The Mismeasure of Man

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The Mismeasure of Man Page 29

by Stephen Jay Gould

  The standard measure of correlation is called Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient or, for short, simply the correlation coefficient, symbolized as r. The correlation coefficient ranges from +1 for perfect positive correlation, to 0 for no correlation, to -1 for perfect negative correlation*

  In rough terms, r measures the shape of an ellipse of plotted points (see Fig. 6.1). Very skinny ellipses represent high correlations—the skinniest of all, a straight line, reflects an r of 1.0. Fat ellipses represent lower correlations, and the fattest of all, a circle, reflects zero correlation (increase in one measure permits no prediction about whether the other will increase, decrease, or remain the same).

  The correlation coefficient, though easily calculated, has been plagued by errors of interpretation. These can be illustrated by example. Suppose that I plot arm length vs. leg length during the growth of a child. I will obtain a high correlation with two interesting implications. First, I have achieved simplification. I began with two dimensions (leg and arm length), which I have now, effectively, reduced to one. Since the correlation is so strong, we may say that the line itself (a single dimension) represents nearly all the information originally supplied as two dimensions. Secondly, I can, in this case, make a reasonable inference about the cause of this reduction to one dimension. Arm and leg length are tightly correlated because they are both partial measures of an underlying biological phenomenon, namely growth itself.

  6.1 Strength of correlation as a function of the shape of an ellipse of points. The more elongate the ellipse, the higher the correlation.

  Yet, lest anyone become too hopeful that correlation represents a magic method for the unambiguous identification of cause, consider the relationship between my age and the price of gasoline during the past ten years. The correlation is nearly perfect, but no one would suggest any assignment of cause. The fact of correlation implies nothing about cause. It is not even true that intense correlations are more likely to represent cause than weak ones, for the correlation of my age with the price of gasoline is nearly 1.0. I spoke of cause for arm and leg lengths not because their correlation was high, but because I know something about the biology of the situation. The inference of cause must come from somewhere else, not from the simple fact of correlation—though an unexpected correlation may lead us to search for causes so long as we remember that we may not find them. The vast majority of correlations in our world are, without doubt, noncausal. Anything that has been increasing steadily during the past few years will be strongly correlated with the distance between the earth and Halley’s comet (which has also been increasing of late)—but even the most dedicated astrologer would not discern causality in most of these relationships. The invalid assumption that correlation implies cause is probably among the two or three most serious and common errors of human reasoning.

  Few people would be fooled by such a reductio ad absurdum as the age-gas correlation. But consider an intermediate case. I am given a table of data showing how far twenty children can hit and throw a baseball. I graph these data and calculate a high r. Most people, I think, would share my intuition that this is not a meaningless correlation; yet in the absence of further information, the correlation itself teaches me nothing about underlying causes. For I can suggest at least three different and reasonable causal interpretations for the correlation (and the true reason is probably some combination of them):

  1. The children are simply of different ages, and older children can hit and throw farther.

  2. The differences represent variation in practice and training. Some children are Little League stars and can tell you the year that Rogers Hornsby hit .424 (1924—I was a bratty little kid like that); others know Billy Martin only as a figure in Lite beer commercials.

  3. The differences represent disparities in native ability that cannot be erased even by intense training. (The situation would be even more complex if the sample included both boys and girls of conventional upbringing. The correlation might then be attributed primarily to a fourth cause—sexual differences; and we would have to worry, in addition, about the cause of the sexual difference: training, inborn constitution, or some combination of nature and nurture).

  In summary, most correlations are noncausal; when correlations are causal, the fact and strength of the correlation rarely specifies the nature of the cause.

  Correlation in more than two dimensions

  These two-dimensional examples are easy to grasp (however difficult they are to interpret). But what of correlations among more than two measures? A body is composed of many parts, not just arms and legs, and we may want to know how several measures interact during growth. Suppose, for simplicity, that we add just one more measure, head length, to make a three-dimensional system. We may now depict the correlation structure among the three measures in two ways:

  1. We may gather all correlation coefficients between pairs of measures into a single table, or matrix of correlation coefficients (Fig. 6.2). The line from upper left to lower right records the necessarily perfect correlation of each variable with itself. It is called the principal diagonal, and all correlations along it are 1.0. The matrix is symmetrical around the principal diagonal, since the correlation of measure 1 with measure 2 is the same as the correlation of 2 with 1. Thus, the three values either above or below the principal diagonal are the correlations we seek: arm with leg, arm with head, and leg with head.

  2. We may plot the points for all individuals onto a three-dimensional graph (Fig. 6.3). Since the correlations are all positive, the points are oriented as an ellipsoid (or football). (In two dimensions, they formed an ellipse.) A line running along the major axis of the football expresses the strong positive correlations between all measures.

  6.2 A correlation matrix for three measurements.

  6.3 A three-dimensional graph showing the correlations for three measurements.

  We can grasp the three-dimensional case, both mentally and pictorially. But what about 20 dimensions, or 100? If we measured 100 parts of a growing body, our correlation matrix would contain 10,000 items. To plot this information, we would have to work in a 100-dimensional space, with 100 mutually perpendicular axes representing the original measures. Although these 100 axes present no mathematical problem (they form, in technical terms, a hyperspace), we cannot plot them in our three-dimensional Euclidian world.

  These 100 measures of a growing body probably do not represent 100 different biological phenomena. Just as most of the information in our three-dimension are xample could be resolved into a single dimension (the long axis of the football), so might our 100 measures be simplified into fewer dimensions. We will lose some information in the process to be sure—as we did when we collapsed the long and skinny football, still a three-dimensional structure, into the single line representing its long axis. But we may be willing to accept this loss in exchange for simplification and for the possibility of interpreting the dimensions that we do retain in biological terms.

  Factor analysis and its goals

  With this example, we come to the heart of what factor analysis attempts to do. Factor analysis is a mathematical technique for reducing a complex system of correlations into fewer dimensions. It works, literally, by factoring a matrix, usually a matrix of correlation coefficients. (Remember the high-school algebra exercise called “factoring,” where you simplified horrendous expressions by removing common multipliers of all terms?) Geometrically, the process of factoring amounts to placing axes through a football of points. In the 100-dimensional case, we are not likely to recover enough information on a single line down the hyperfootball’s long axis—a line called the first principal component. We will need additional axes. By convention, we represent the second dimension by a line perpendicular to the first principal component. This second axis, or second principal component, is defined as the line that resolves more of the remaining variation than any other line that could be drawn perpendicular to the first principal component. If, for example, the hyperfoo
tball were squashed flat like a flounder, the first principal component would run through the middle, from head to tail, and the second also through the middle, but from side to side. Subsequent lines would be perpendicular to all previous axes, and would resolve a steadily decreasing amount of remaining variation. We might find that five principal components resolve almost all the variation in our hyperfootball—that is, the hyper-football drawn in 5 dimensions looks sufficiently like the original to satisfy us, just as a pizza or a flounder drawn in two dimensions may express all the information we need, even though both original objects contain three dimensions. If we elect to stop at 5 dimensions, we may achieve a considerable simplification at the acceptable price of minimal loss of information. We can grasp the 5 dimensions conceptually; we may even be able to interpret them biologically.

  Since factoring is performed on a correlation matrix, I shall use a geometrical representation of the correlation coefficients themselves in order to explain better how the technique operates. The original measures may be represented as vectors of unit length,* radiating from a common point. If two measures are highly correlated, their vectors lie close to each other. The cosine of the angle between any two vectors records the correlation coefficient between them. If two vectors overlap, their correlation is perfect, or 1.0; the cosine of o° is 1.0. If two vectors lie at right angles, they are completely independent, with a correlation of zero; the cosine of 90° is zero. If two vectors point in opposite directions, their correlation is perfectly negative, or – 1.0; the cosine of 180° is – 1.0. A matrix of high positive correlation coefficients will be represented by a cluster of vectors, each separated from each other vector by a small acute angle (Fig. 6.4). When we factor such a cluster into fewer dimensions by computing principal components, we choose as our first component the axis of maximal resolving power, a kind of grand average among all vectors. We assess resolving power by projecting each vector onto the axis. This is done by drawing a line from the tip of the vector to the axis, perpendicular to the axis. The ratio of projected length on the axis to the actual length of the vector itself measures the percentage of a vector’s information resolved by the axis. (This is difficult to express verbally, but I think that Figure 6.5 will dispel confusion.) If a vector lies near the axis, it is highly resolved and the axis encompasses most of its information. As a vector moves away from the axis toward a maximal separation of 90°, the axis resolves less and less of it.

  We position the first principal component (or axis) so that it resolves more information among all the vectors than any other axis could. For our matrix of high positive correlation coefficients, represented by a set of tightly clustered vectors, the first principal component runs through the middle of the set (Fig. 6.4). The second principal component lies at right angles to the first and resolves a maximal amount of remaining information. But if the first component has already resolved most of the information in all the vectors, then the second and subsequent principal axes can only deal with the small amount of information that remains (Fig. 6.4).

  Such systems of high positive correlation are found frequently in nature. In my own first study in factor analysis, for example, I considered fourteen measurements on the bones of twenty-two species of pelycosaurian reptiles (the fossil beasts with the sails on their backs, often confused with dinosaurs, but actually the ancestors of mammals). My first principal component resolved 97.1 percent of the information in all fourteen vectors, leaving only 2.9 percent for subsequent axes. My fourteen vectors formed an extremely tight swarm (all practically overlapping); the first axis went through the middle of the swarm. My pelycosaurs ranged in body length from less than two to more than eleven feet. They all look pretty much alike, and big animals have larger measures for all fourteen bones. All correlation coefficients of bones with other bones are very high; in fact, the lowest is still a whopping 0.912. Scarcely surprising. After all, large animals have large bones, and small animals small bones. I can interpret my first principal component as an abstracted size factor, thus reducing (with minimal loss of information) my fourteen original measurements into a single dimension interpreted as increasing body size. In this case, factor analysis has achieved both simplification by reduction of dimensions (from fourteen to effectively one), and explanation by reasonable biological interpretation of the first axis as a size factor.

  6.4 Geometric representation of correlations among eight tests when all correlation coefficients are high and positive. The first principal component, labeled 1, lies close to all the vectors, while the second principal component, labeled 2, lies at right angles to the first and does not explain much information in the vectors.

  6.5 Computing the amount of information in a vector explained by an axis. Draw a line from the tip of the vector to the axis, perpendicular to the axis. The amount of information resolved by the axis is the ratio of the projected length on the axis to the true length of the vector. If a vector lies close to the axis, then this ratio is high and most of the information in the vector is resolved by the axis. Vector AB lies close to the axis and the ratio of the projection AB’ to the vector itself, AB, is high. Vector AC lies far from the axis and the ratio of its projected length AC’ to the vector itself, AC, is low.

  But—and here comes an enormous but—before we rejoice and extol factor analysis as a panacea for understanding complex systems of correlation, we should recognize that it is subject to the same cautions and objections previously examined for the correlation coefficients themselves. I consider two major problems in the following sections.

  The error of reification

  The first principal component is a mathematical abstraction that can be calculated for any matrix of correlation coefficients; it is not a “thing” with physical reality. Factorists have often fallen prey to a temptation for reification—for awarding physical meaning to all strong principal components. Sometimes this is justified; I believe that I can make a good case for interpreting my first pelycosaurian axis as a size factor. But such a claim can never arise from the mathematics alone, only from additional knowledge of the physical nature of the measures themselves. For nonsensical systems of correlation have principal components as well, and they may resolve more information than meaningful components do in other systems. A factor analysis for a five-by-five correlation matrix of my age, the population of Mexico, the price of swiss cheese, my pet turtle’s weight, and the average distance between galaxies during the past ten years will yield a strong first principal component. This component—since all the correlations are so strongly positive—will probably resolve as high a percentage of information as the first axis in my study of pelycosaurs. It will also have no enlightening physical meaning whatever.

  In studies of intelligence, factor analysis has been applied to matrices of correlation among mental tests. Ten tests may, for example, be given to each of one hundred people. Each meaningful entry in the ten-by-ten correlation matrix is a correlation coefficient between scores on two tests taken by each of the one hundred persons. We have known since the early days of mental testing—and it should surprise no one—that most of these correlation coefficients are positive: that is, people who score highly on one kind of test tend, on average, to score highly on others as well. Most correlation matrices for mental tests contain a preponderance of positive entries. This basic observation served as the starting point for factor analysis. Charles Spearman virtually invented the technique in 1904 as a device for inferring causes from correlation matrices of mental tests.

  Since most correlation coefficients in the matrix are positive, factor analysis must yield a reasonably strong first principal component. Spearman calculated such a component indirectly in 1904 and then made the cardinal invalid inference that has plagued factor analysis ever since. He reified it as an “entity” and tried to give it an unambiguous causal interpretation. He called it g, or general intelligence, and imagined that he had identified a unitary quality underlying all cognitive mental activity—a quality that could be
expressed as a single number and used to rank people on a unilinear scale of intellectual worth.

  Spearman’s g—the first principal component of the correlation matrix of mental tests—never attains the predominant role that a first component plays in many growth studies (as in my pelycosaurs). At best.g resolves 50 to 60 percent of all information in the matrix of tests. Correlations between tests are usually far weaker than correlations between two parts of a growing body. In most cases, the highest correlation in a matrix of tests does not come close to reaching the lowest value in my pelycosaur matrix—0.912.

  Although g never matches the strength of a first principal component of some growth studies, I do not regard its fair resolving power as accidental. Causal reasons lie behind the positive correlations of most mental tests. But what reasons? We cannot infer the reasons from a strong first principal component any more than we can induce the cause of a single correlation coefficient from its magnitude. We cannot reify g as a “thing” unless we have convincing, independent information beyond the fact of correlation itself.

  The situation for mental tests resembles the hypothetical case I presented earlier of correlation between throwing and hitting a baseball. The relationship is strong and we have a right to regard it as nonaccidental. But we cannot infer the cause from the correlation, and the cause is certainly complex.


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