biological determinism, 19–50
biological potentiality vs., 358–59
cultural evolution and, 355, 357
current resurgence of, 60, 347–50
defined, 52
meliorism vs., 419
recapitulation as general theory
of, 144, 146–47
sociopolitical conditions and, 28–32–367
as theory of limits, 60
biology, human nature and, 354–64
Bird, Larry, 379
Bischoff, T., 126
blacks, 30, 41, 367–90, 417
arguments for racial ranking of, 63–82
army mental tests and, 226, 227, 228, 233–34, 255–56
Bean’s evidence for low intelligence of, 109–14
in Broca-Gratiolet debate on brain size, 115, 120, 129, 130
children’s brains compared with brains of, 135, 144–45
in corrected values for Morton’s 1849 tabulation, 98, 99
deficient calf musculature seen in, 145
in Egypt, 84–85, 93–96
foramen magnum of, 132–35
front vs. back of brain and, 129–30, 134–35
genealogical unity and, 397–400
hereditarian fallacy and, 186–87
monogenist vs. polygenist views of, 71–74
Morton’s rising mean in brain size of, 96–98
neotenyand, 148–51
olfactory predominance seen in, 109
physiological defects seen in, 102–3
racial classification and, 402, 404–5, 407, 408–10
in recapitulation theory, 72, 144–51
as separate species, 52, 76–82, 101
Spearman’s g and, 300–301, 349–50
white children and women compared to, 144
women’s brains compared with
brains of, 135
see also Bell Curve, The; slavery
Blumenbach, J. F., 49, 64n, 69, 401–12
Boas, Franz, 140, 230
Bolk, Louis, 148, 149–50
Boring, E. G., 225–26, 233–34, 235, 242, 246–47, 253
brachycephalics, 131, 132, 140
corpus callosum of, 109, 112, 113, 129
front vs. back of, 109, 129–30, 134–35
in reification of factors, 319–20
brain size:
body size related to, 93–96, 100, 121
Broca-Gratiolet debate on, 112, 114–15, 120, 121–24, 125, 129, 130
of criminals, 126–27, 160–62
culture and, 355
evolutionists vs. creationists on, 142
of Germans vs. French, 121–24
of Indians, 88–92, 96
of “men of eminence,” 120, 124–26
racial ranking by, 83
rise of European civilization and, 127–28
sex differences in, see women’s brains
Brazil, slavery in, 417, 422–23
Brigham, Carl C., 52, 229, 232–33, 295
monograph on American intelligence, 254–60
recantation of, 262–63
Brinton, D. G., 145
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 45
Broca, Paul, 23, 26, 46, 57, 58, 112, 124–39, 142, 154. 162, 354–355
bias in anthropometry of, 118–19
Binetand, 175, 177
craniometric method of, 116–24
in debate with Gratiolet, 112, 114–15, 120, 121–24, 125, 129, 130
in foramen magnum controversy, 132–34
on front vs. back of brain, 129–30, 134
on increase of brain size through time, 127–28
as quantifier, 106
on Tiedemann’s craniometry, 116
women’s brains studied by, 58, 135–39
Brown, W., 333
Browne, Sir Thomas, 49, 391–98, 400
Buck v. Bell, 365–66
Buffon, Comte de, 71, 84
Burnet, Thomas, 42
Burt, Sir Cyril, 23, 26, 45, 52–53, 59, 246n, 264–69, 302, 303–26
arguments for discounting environment by, 306
background of, 264–65, 266, 309
blinding biases of, 311–14
charges of fraud against, 47–48, 265–67, 304, 309
on delinquents, 312–13
on environments of poor, 311–12
factor analysis and, 303, 315–26, 328, 330, 332, 333, 334, 335
four-factor theory of, 317–18, 321
hereditarian synthesis and, 303–26, 337
initial “proof” of innateness made by, 304–9
innateness as fixed idea of, 303–4, 307, 309–9
later work of, 309–11
on left-handedness, 313–14
parapsychology and, 321–22
political use of innateness by, 304, 314–15
political uses of Spearman’s gand, 322–26
in reaction to Thurstone, 337–40
on reification of factors, 318–22
source of hereditarian views of, 303–4
Spearman and, 265, 267–69, 302, 303–4, 315–18, 319, 320, 322, 330, 344–45
Bury, J.B.,56, 189
Campanella, Roy, 397
Cartwright, S. A., 59, 102–3
category mistakes, 33, 395–98
Cattell, J. M., 214, 217
Caucasian race, 369, 397, 398, 417
derivation of term, 49, 401–2, 409, 410–12
Chamberlain, A. F., 146
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 380, 383
Chesterton, G. K., 20
black, neoteny and, 134
delinquency in, 156, 312–13
hereditarian vs. antihereditarian views of, 182–88
mental age of, 179–80
white, “inferior” groups compared with, 135, 144, 145–51
white, under neoteny vs. recapitulation, 149–51
Chinese, Morton’s views on, 89, 98–99, 101
Chomsky, Noam, 45
Chutzpah (Dershowitz), 19–20
civil rights movement, 36, 38
Clay, Henry, 147–48
climate, racial differences attributed to, 69, 71, 78, 407–8
Colbert, Ned, 413
Combe, George, 83–84, 99
Common Ground (Murray), 37
Cope, E. D., 81n, 82n, 105n, 115, 145, 146–47, 150
corpus callosum, 109, 112, 113, 129
correlation, 43, 46, 269–85, 373, 374–76
causality and, 269–73, 281
in more than two dimensions, 273–75
negative, 270
positive, 269, 281, 286–87
zero, 270
see also factor analysis
correlation coefficient (r), 270, 275, 376
early use of, 286
Cox, Catherine M., 214–18, 219n
Crania Aegyptiaca (Morton), 85, 93–96, 101
Crania Americana (Morton), 84, 85, 88–92, 93, 96
craniometry, 23, 41, 46, 52, 57
Broca and his school of, 114–41
cranial index in, 130–32, 140
facial angle in, 130–32
intelligence testing and, 140, 176–78
Morton’s method of, 85, 89–92, 96–97
structure vs. brain size in, 111
see also brain; brain size
creationism, 23, 29, 36, 393, 407
degenerationist view of, 71
human mind and, 70, 142
human unity and, 77–78
recapitulation theory and, 142–43
Crick, Francis, 32
criminal anthropology, 142, 151–73
anatomical stigmata in, 156–62, 163, 164, 166–68, 173, 179
animals studied in, 159–60
brain disorders and, 175
capital punishment justified in, 169–70
craniometry in, 160–62
influence of, 165–72
recapitulation theory and, 155–56
al stigmata in, 162
XYY chromosomes in, 173–75
Criminal Man (Lombroso), 154, 156–57.
criminals, brain size of, 126–27, 160–62
criminology, “positive” vs. “classical” schools of, 170–72
Cro-Magnon skulls, 131–32
cultural diversity, 423–24
cultural evolution, 355, 357
Custer, George Armstrong, 424
Cuvier, Georges, 66, 69, 74, 117–18, 120, 124, 125, 126, 352
Darwin, Charles, 19, 23, 27, 32, 37, 69, 70, 104, 106, 109, 352, 354, 390, 413–24
abolitionism of, 422–23
Fuegians as viewed by, 417, 419–21
paternalism of, 416, 419–20, 423
racial attitudes of, 50, 416–20
sexual differences as viewed by, 418
Tahitians as viewed by, 413–16
Darwinian evolution, 36, 41, 367–70, 390
Darwinian theory, death penalty and, 169–70
Davis, Bernard D., 45
Dayton Daily News, 38
learning from, 352–53
as positive science, 351–52
Declaration of Independence, 402, 412
degenerationists, racial views of, 71, 407–8, 409, 410–11
De generis humani varietate nativa (Blumenbach) , 401–2
democracy, army test data and, 252–54
Dershowitz, Alan, 19–20
Descent of Man (Darwin), 69, 416–17, 418, 421
Descent of Woman (Morgan), 139
dichotomization, 27, 33–34, 389 Dinosaur in a Haystack (Gould), 50
diseases, genetic, 32–33
Dole, Robert, 21
dolichocephaly, 131–32, 140
Donahue, Phil, 38
Donne, John, 413
Down, John Langdon Haydon, 164–65
Down’s syndrome, 33, 164–65, 218
Dracula (Stoker), 152, 156n
education, 368, 376–77, 384, 385
Bean on “failure of Negro schools” in, 112
IQ testing in, 41, 179–84, 386–88, 389
Pygmalion effect in, 387
racial differences applied to, 60, 79
recapitulation in, 143
social class and, 305–8
special, 179, 182–84
system of examination 11+ in, 318–26, 334, 344
women and, 137
egalitarianism, 29, 368, 405, 422
primary mental abilities (PMA’s) and, 332–37
racial ranking vs., 63–70
Egyptians, brain size of, 93–96, 100, 101 Eight Little Piggies (Gould), 50
Einstein, Albert, 40
Eliot, George, 61, 129
Ellis, Havelock, 147, 149, 154
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 74
Eskimos, 99, 101, 118–19
Essai sur I’inégalité des races humains (Gobineau), 379–83
American translation of, 380–81
ethnology, Lombroso and, 154
eugenics, 22, 54, 57n, 368
army mental tests and, 231
Galton’s coinage of term, 107
Goddard and, 198
European immigrants, mental deficiency and, 194–98, 227, 233–34
evolution, 36, 41, 45, 367–70, 390, 417
concept of progress in, 56, 189
creationism vs., 70, 77–78, 142–43
cultural vs. biological, 355, 357
human, flexibility in, 363
Lamarckian, 37, 408
Lombroso’s theory of criminality and, 152–73
natural selection in, 37, 41, 70, 356
neoteny and, 148–51, 363
quantification allied with, 105–6
Experimental Study of Intelligence (Binet), 180
Eysenck, H. J., 150–51, 265, 298
factor analysis, 43–44, 46–48, 57–58, 371, 372–76
bias and, 373–74
bipolar factors in, 283, 316–17
Burt and, 303, 315–26
definition and goals of, 275–80
four-factory theory and, 317–18, 321
group factors in, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 327–29, 332–33
mathematical vs. theory-bound aspects of, 329
Pearson and, 267, 268
for pelycosaurian reptiles, 278–80, 281
R2 in. 375–76
reification fallacy in, 268–69, 280–82, 298–99, 326
rotation and nonnecessity of principal components in, 282–85
simplification and explanation achieved by, 280
Spearman’s invention of, 267–68, 281, 284, 287
Thurstone on the uses of, 346
Thurstone vs. Spearman-Burt school of, 326–46
two-factor theory and, 286–88, 316, 317, 333
see also Spearman’s g
Factors of the Mind, The(Burt), 320, 326
false beliefs:
category mistakes in, 33, 395–98
exposés of, 391–400
about Jews, 49, 392, 394–98
surrogacy in, 396–98, 418
feeble-mindedness, 27, 188–204, 365–66
Terman on innateness of, 210–11
see also mental deficiency
Ferri, E., 160, 166, 168, 169–70, 171
ferns, 404
FitzRoy, Robert, 413–16, 420–21, 422
Flamingo’s Smile, The (Gould), 19
Flatland Hypothesis, The (Shearer),
foramen magnum, 135, 149
Ford, Henry, 25
France, Anatole, 124, 150
Franklin, Benjamin, 64
Freeman, Walter, 134–35
brain size of, 121–24, 136
Cro-Magnon compared with, 131–32
Freud, Sigmund, 32, 143
Fuegians, 417, 419–21, 424
Galileo, 54, 333, 334, 360
Gall, Franz Josef, 124
Galton, Francis, 142, 179, 214, 264
British “beauty map” of, 107
quantification and, 107–9
Gardner, Howard, 22, 373
Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 125
Geller, Uri, 36–37
genealogical unity, 396–400
“General Intelligence Objectively Measured and Determined” (Spearman), 287
genetic diseases, 32–33
Genetic Studies of Genius (Terman and others), 213
genius, ranking of, 213–18
Germans, 370
brain size of, 98, 101, 121–24, 136
Gillie, Oliver, 265
Gingrich, Newt, 31
Gladstone, William E., 108
Gliddon, G, R., 380
Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, comtede, 49, 379–86
Gobinism, 379, 384–85
Goddard, H. H., 29, 38, 59, 187, 188–204, 223, 224, 251, 252, 253, 352, 388–89
Binet and, 189, 202, 205
immigrants tested by, 195–98
Kallikak family and, 26, 59, 198–201, 203
Mendel and, 191–93
“moron” identified by, 188–89
social concerns of, 190–92
testing procedures of, 195–97
unilinear intelligence scale of, 189–91
Vineland School and, 188, 192–93, 194, 201
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 40
Goldberger, Joseph, 353
Gossett, T. F., 64
Grant, Madison, 257
Gratiolet, Louis Pierre, in debate with Broca, 112, 114–15, 120, 121–24, 125, 129, 130
great chain of being, 56, 62–63
Guilford, J. P., 22, 273, 287, 334, 339
Hall, G. Stanley, 145–46, 147
Haller,J. S.,Jr., 114
Harrington, Michael, 37
Hausmann, Professor, 125, 126
Head Start program, 30, 376
Hearnshaw, L. S., 266, 267, 288, 294, 304, 308, 314n, 324n
hereditarian fallacy, 185–87
“heritable” equated with “inevitable” in, 1
within- and between-group confusion in, 33, 186–87, 369, 381–82, 396
Hereditary Genius (Galton), 108, 109
heredity of crime, 151–53
heredity of intelligence, 176–263
American attitudes toward, 185–88
Binet’s IQ test and, 178–88
Burton, 303–26
Galton on, 108–9
Goddardon, 188–204
in hereditarian vs. antihereditarian controversy, 182–88
Spearman’s g and, 300–302, 303
Terman on, 204–22
see also Bell Curve, The; IQ
Hermann, Gottfried, 125–26
Herrnstein, Richard, 22, 23, 30, 31–32, 33, 34–36, 37–38, 48–49, 50, 295, 302n, 325n, 347, 350, 367–90, 397
hierarchy, 27
Hindus, brain size of, 92, 96, 100
Hitler, Adolf, 380, 383, 412
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 64n, 83, 365
Homo sapiens:
Linnaean classification of, 404–6
origin of, 398–400
unity of, 39–40, 45–46, 405, 407–8, 411, 421
Hottentots, 88, 99, 100, 117–18, 119, 129
“Hottentot Venus,” 117–18
Howe, Jullia Ward, 79–80
Howe, S. G., 79
Humboldt, Alexander von, 70, 83
Hume, David, 72–73
humors, theory of, 404
Huschke, E., 121, 135
Hutton, James, 42
Huxley, T. H., 105
immigration policy, 144
army mental tests and, 227, 233–34, 254–63, 300–301
morons in, 194–98
Immigration Restriction Act (1924), 187, 261–62, 301, 323
Inca Peruvians, brain size of, 89–92, 98n, 99, 100
Indians, 380, 398, 417
“Barbarous” vs. “Toltecans,” 89
Fuegians, 417, 419–21, 424
Morton’s case for inferiority of, 26, 88–92, 99, 100
racial classification and, 402, 404–5, 409, 411
racial ranking of, 63, 78
intelligence, 20
brain size related to, see brain size; craniometry
as inherited, see heredity of intelligence
as “innate, general cognitive” (i.g.c), 303
“monarchic” vs. “oligarchic” theories of, 286–87
multiple, 22, 372, 373
reification of, see reification fallacy
taxonomy of, 188–89
IQ, 22, 30, 46–47, 367–90
in army mental tests, 222–63
Binet’s and Stern’s methods for calculation of, 179–80
Binet’s fears of misuse of, 29, 180–84, 368, 385, 386–88, 389
Binet’s scale and the birth of, 178–84
hereditarian theory of, 176–263
of identical twins raised apart, 264–66
neoteny theory and race differences in, 150–51
of past geniuses, 213–18
reification fallacy and, 181, 185
social rewards linked to, 211–13
Terman and, 204–22
“within-group variance” of, 218–21
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