Jason Steed Royal Decree

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Jason Steed Royal Decree Page 8

by Mark A. Cooper

  “It’s nice to meet you, Jason. Maude told me all about you. That’s a nasty bruise you have there,” Father Doherty said, pointing at Jason’s face.

  “Yes he was up to mischief and will pay for it,” Maude said.

  “Only God can judge us if we misbehave,” Father Doherty preached.

  “Really? Then Santa has some explaining to do,” Jason said.

  Father Doherty gave Jason a disapproving look but never came up with a reply. As they headed down the church path, Shamus noticed someone.

  “Maude would you look at the state of Delaney? Looks like he’s been in a car accident or been hit by a bus,” Shamus said, striding towards him. Maude and Jason followed.

  “Delaney what in God’s name happened to you? You look like you’ve been thrown over a cliff and dragged back up again by your face,” Shamus barked. The man Shamus called Delaney looked up. Jason was on the opposite side of Maude. He peered past her. His heart skipped a beat. It was one of the Creggan Cleaners he had fought the night before. He ducked back, trying to hide.

  “Maude can I go home now? I’m tired,” Jason said.

  “That’s your fault for being out half the night with Gobnait. Let me find out what happened to Delaney first,” Maude said.

  Jason watched as Shamus and Delaney shook hands. He kept his head down and tried to hide behind Maude. Delany had his arm in a sling. His nose was bandaged, and he was walking with what looked like a painful limp.

  “What happened?” Shamus asked.

  “Shamus O’Neill, nice to see you and Maude.” Delaney coughed and spat on the ground. “Don’t ask. I’m trying to put it behind me,” Delaney said.

  “Well it looks like you had the stuffing beaten out of you. Were you on alone?” Shamus asked.

  “No I was with…” He paused and looked around to make sure no one else was in earshot and looked back at Shamus. “With the others. We were just keeping the neighborhood safe, and well, let’s just say, appearances can deceive you. What you think is a tiny mouse can have a bite bigger than a lion. That’s all I can say about it.”

  “Ah well top of the morning to you.” Shamus grinned. He watched Delaney limp away.

  A large lady came out of the church. Shamus nudged Jason. “Just imagine,” he said, jerking his thumb at the large lady, “being married to that!”

  Jason spent most of Sunday afternoon catching up on his sleep and doing his homework for Monday. Occasionally, he came close to breaking down when he thought of George. Jason enjoyed most aspects of working undercover and knew there would be times when people he cared for would get hurt. That was something he would have to try and get used to. What was hard was keeping the act up in front of Shamus.


  “Uh-oh, looks like you bumped into the Mcgintys?” Gobnait asked when he saw Jason at the school gate. He took a closer look. “Jeez, looks like you really got your head kicked in.” He placed his hand on Jason’s shoulder.

  “Agh, don’t Gober,” Jason said, pulling away. “My shoulder is really bruised.”

  “Sorry, I guess the Kung Fu stuff didn’t help this time?” Gober sniggered.

  “I guess not.” Jason shrugged.

  “I heard you won your race at the pool and Shamus and Reverend Flanagan were seen shaking hands,” Gobnait said, squeezing a zit on his chin.

  “Yeah, I was swimming with Cailin, his daughter. The team lost, but we managed to win our race.”

  “Cailin Flanagan? I’ve seen her. Not bad looking for a Unionist.”

  “Gober, I went out Saturday night on my own. You know, like we did when I stayed at your place? I kinda got into a scuffle… Anyway, I told Maude and Shamus I was with you,” Jason said sheepishly.

  “Me? So if Maude sees my mom then I will get my ass whacked on a count of you lying,” Gobnait said.

  “Um, I’m sure that won’t happen, but I’m grounded for two weeks and now she thinks you’re a bad influence on me.” Jason sniggered.

  “Me? I was home in me bed and now I’m a bad influence and caused you to get beat up like that?” Gobnait walked ahead. Jason ran after him and pulled him back.

  “Hey sorry Gober. I was in a pile of trouble. I was trying to dig myself out of a hole,” Jason said, smiling at him while raising his eyebrows.

  “Why are you smiling at me like that? Your pretty blue eyes won’t help,” Gobnait said.

  “Look sorry. Please just tell this white lie for me if they ask? I’ll owe you big time,” Jason said. He was disappointed his smile didn’t work. It always seem to work on his father, girls, or Scott.

  “I’ll think on it but if I get my butt whacked you will owe me ten favors,” Gober said.


  Monday night was swimming night. As usual, when Jason walked up the steps to the pool, a mirror was positioned as the swimmers entered the pool area so they could make final adjustments to swim wear if they needed. He paused and studied his shoulder. It was severely bruised, a dark purple color.

  “Jason, what happened to your face?” Cailin smiled, looking concerned. “Oh and your shoulder! Were you in a car accident?”

  “Hi Cailin. No, I got into a fight with someone,” he said.

  “I’m guessing you lost. It’s looks painful, is it?” she asked.

  “I want to be brave and say nah, but yeah, my shoulder is agony if I touch it,” Jason said.

  “Then I suggest you don’t touch it.” Cailin laughed.

  “Oh we have jokes! I noticed your mum dropped you off. Can I walk you home? Maybe get some hot chips on the way?” Jason asked.

  “I’m supposed to walk back with Coach Gloria. She lives near us, but I can tell her mom came after all.”

  “Oh,” Jason said embarrassed. “About the chips… I don’t have any money.”

  Cailin smiled at him as they walked to join the rest of the group. She allowed the back of her hand to rub against his. Jason retaliated and applied a small amount of pressure. To anyone watching, they were just walking close. Cailin felt as if she was holding his hand.

  They joined the rest of the swimming group and started swimming widths with the others under the strict instruction of the coach. Jason noticed Scott up in the spectator’s balcony watching them. He later met Jason when the swimming session was over. Seeing Jason up close, his shoulder looked worse. The bruise was as dark as a ripe plum and spread down his arm.

  “Oh that looks nasty. Does it hurt?” Scott asked as Jason came out the shower.

  “Nooooooooooo. Of course it hurts. Are you some kind of Eejit?” Jason said, doing his best to sound Irish.

  “What did you call me? Eejit? That Battle Axe Brenda wants to send me back to England. I don’t like her she’s so serious. For now I can stay, but not sure how much longer,” Scott said.

  “Battle Axe Brenda?” Jason laughed. “As soon as we can find out who this SS guy is and get out of here, I’ll be happy. I can’t stand being under the same roof as Shamus. Maude is nice. She cares about me.”

  “Maude is nice she cares about me is like saying Hitler liked puppies so he was nice. She knows what Shamus is doing, buying and planting bombs blowing up people, shooting George and anyone else they want. Yeah she sounds really nice,” Scott said.

  Jason stopped getting dressed and looked at him. “Yeah you’re right. I forgot that bit. It’s difficult living with the enemy. It’s like living in a Wolf’s Lair.”

  “Wolf’s Lair? Sounds like you have been learning your history finally. That’s what they called Hitler’s secret bunker,” Scott said.

  “You’re not the only one with a brain.”

  “I told Battle Axe Brenda I would probably walk back with you half way home tonight. She was concerned I wouldn’t get back to the barracks safely and asked me to call if not.”

  “Call her. You can’t walk with me. I’m walking Cailin home. That reminds me, have you got some money I need to buy chips? I hate having no money. How are you supposed to take a girl out if you are skint?”
r />   “You want me to call Battle Axe Brenda and go back with her and give you my money so you can impress some girl you are walking with so you can cheat on Catherine? I thought we were close friends.”

  Jason wrung his wet shorts out and studied his friend. “Scott, you and I are best friends. I’m not cheating on Catherine. We are no longer going out. We drifted apart. We never see each other. We are just friends. I’m undercover, so I have to make friends here and make it real,” Jason said. “I find it hard having no money.”

  “What if she wants to make out?” Scott asked. “What would you do then?”

  “I hope she does. I really like her.” Jason grinned.

  “Jason Steed, you’re an animal. Typical son of a navy man. You want to have a girl in every port. You’re like a girl addict.” Scott said. “I wonder if girlaholic is the correct word. If it’s in the dictionary, I bet it says: Girlaholic, someone like Jason Steed.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  Scott thought for a moment and grinned. “Make sure they have a friend for me too then.”

  Cailin waited for Jason outside the entrance to the pool building. She dug her hands in her pockets, trying to keep warm. Jason kept her waiting while he was trying to get his hair just the way he liked it. The chlorine made it feel flat and greasy, even after a shower. He finally appeared and smiled at her. He thought she looked beautiful. She wore a red knitted hat to keep the cold night air off her wet hair. Jason studied her as he approached. Her breath sent out a delicate steam circle around her face that gave her an angelic saint like appearance.

  “And they say girls take a long time to get ready. I’m freezing,” Cailin said.

  “They also say good things come to those who wait,” Jason said, taking her backpack from her and throwing it over his right shoulder with his. His left hand took her right hand.

  “So you think you’re a good thing?” She led the way.

  “Sure, but then I need to be, to hold hands with the best looking girl in Belfast.”

  Cailin concealed her smile. She held his hand firmly. Jason wasn’t quite sure when it happened. Or how it started. All he knew for sure, was he was falling in love and he could only hope she was feeling the same as him. His fingers wrapped around her hand. They occasionally glanced at each other and could do nothing other than smile at each other.

  “The fries at the fish shop are normally greasy. There’s another one a bit further along,” Cailin said. “Although what kind of boy asks you out for fries and then says he has no money?”

  “I have money. I borrowed it from someone.” Jason hoped Cailin would not ask who it was from. He didn’t want to lie to her. He was enjoying the moment. Her hand felt small and soft in his.

  “You didn’t have to do that Jason. I know you’re fostered. It’s not your fault. My dad has more money than most. I can pay.”

  “I know, I’ve seen your home. Maybe I should be a vicar when I grow up. Looks like you get paid well.”

  “I can’t see you wearing a dog collar. Besides, what religion would you be, Protestant or Catholic?”

  “I was joking,” Jason said, changing the subject.

  They walked further and came to another fish and chip shop. Jason noticed how busy it was. He thought that others must have the same opinion as Cailin regarding the chips. He ordered a large serving of chips and two pickled onions. They walked out together, sharing the chips.

  “I might not like pickled onions,” Cailin said.

  “Oh, I never thought. Well, I won’t eat one either then.”

  “You could eat them both.”

  “No, because if I did we wouldn’t be able to…” he trailed off.

  “Wouldn’t be able to what?”

  Jason stopped and looked at her. “If I had onion breath I would be able to do this.”

  He moved closer to her, his face just inches away from her. They stood motionless. Jason looked deep into her eyes. He tore away her barriers and locked eyes. His nose two inches away, he slightly tilted his face and looked at her lips. She slightly turned her face at the opposite angle.

  Jason moved closer, his lips just an inch away from hers. She closed her eyes. Jason knew she was his. His warm lips connected to her, a small kiss followed by lips locking. Cailin was passive. Jason pressed harder against her lips. The chips and paper wrapping fell on the ground. He pulled her close to him. After a few seconds, he pulled back, tilted his head the other way, and kissed her again. After almost thirty seconds, they pulled back and smiled at each other and locked foreheads.

  “I dropped the fries.” Jason laughed.

  “Was that ok?” Cailin asked. “Did you like it?”

  Jason looked at her wide-eyed. He pulled his bangs away from his eyes. His eyes wide open, face glowing. “Yeah I really did. Did you?”

  “I haven’t really kissed a boy before, but I liked kissing you. I suspect you have kissed quite a few girls?” she said it like a question.

  “No, well I have kissed a girl. I had a girlfriend once. Why do you think I have kissed a few girls? Was I that awesome at it?”

  “Jason, you have good looks, blue eyes, blond hair, and you are the best male swimmer in our club for your age. All the girls talk about you.”

  Normally, Jason would color up after such a remark, but his cheeks were already glowing from the cold night air and excitement of making out with a girl he liked.

  They walked back to Cailin’s home holding hands. It was a twenty-minute walk, but it seemed to pass in seconds. They walked up the path the front door opened. Cailin’s mother smiled at them.

  “Hello Jason. Cailin where is Coach Gloria?” she asked.

  Before she could answer Jason cut in so Cailin would not have to lie to her mother. “She had to help someone so I walked her home Mrs. Flanagan. I hope that was okay?”

  She nodded. “Well you should have called, but you’re home safe now. Say your goodbyes. Don’t be all night; you both have school tomorrow.”

  Cailin gave her mother the look. There is no scientific explanation of the look. Every child aged ten and older has it and only his or her parents can understand the code. Basically, Cailin told her mother to get back in the house and leave her alone to say good night to Jason. Her mother quickly translated it and went back inside, leaving the door slightly a jar.

  “Have we got to wait until next Monday to see each other again?” Cailin asked.

  “I won’t be able to get out on a school night, only Mondays for swim club. Maybe Saturday or Sunday?” Jason said.

  “Sundays are out. I go to church all day, with morning service and other activities. Unless you want to come to church with me?”

  “I don’t think my foster parents would allow that. They take me to a Catholic church. It wouldn’t go down well. Seems pointless to me. It’s the same God and Jesus I bet most of the hymns they sing are the same.”

  Cailin leant back against the door frame. Jason put his hand over her shoulder on the frame and moved closer to her again. He was determine to kiss her again before he went home. Cailin submitted. The couple kissed again before Cailin broke it off. Jason pushed back and carried on kissing her.

  Cailin responded for a few seconds and gently pushed him off again. “I can’t meet you Saturday. Dad has a business meeting at the house with someone. I have to go to my grans with mum. The meeting is with this really important man. He comes to see dad about twice a year. Father is always nervous before he comes.”

  “Who’s coming, the Pope?” Jason asked and kissed her again not, letting her answer. She grinned the kissed away, trying to speak while Jason continued to try and lock lips with her again.

  “No, some English guy he calls SS,” Cailin said before her lips were smothered again by Jason’s.

  Jason carried on kissing her and abruptly stopped and pulled back. “Did you say he was called SS?” His smile was gone. He was looking serious.

  “Yes,” Cailin said, expecting Jason to try and kiss her again. He notic
ed the disappointment in her face when he held back.

  “Who is he?”

  Cailin pushed herself off the doorframe and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “He’s just a business associate of my father. Why, do you know him?”

  “No, I’ve just heard the name before,” Jason said. He stopped asking questions. Any more would look suspicious. Cailin’s father came back to the door and opened it.

  “Okay, go in now Cailin. It’s getting late. And you better come with me, Jason. I will run you home in the car,” Rev Flanagan said rattling his car keys.

  “Can I come with you to take Jason home, Dad?” Cailin asked.

  “No, you have spent enough time saying goodnight. Off to bed with you.” Jason followed him down towards his car.

  Rev Flanagan opened the driver’s door and climbed in. He opened the front passenger door for Jason. Before Jason climbed in he threw a kiss to Cailin.

  “So Jason, you like my Cailin it seems?” Rev Flanagan asked.

  “Yes Sir, Reverend Flanagan.”

  “Well let’s hope by the time you two are older all the troubles of Northern Ireland are behind us. Are you happy with your foster family, the O’Neill’s?”

  Jason grunted a short reply. His mind was spinning so fast he couldn’t think straight. He wanted to know more about the person they call SS. Was it the same one that was working with the IRA and selling arms to Shamus and Braden? If it was, why does he visit Rev Flanagan? And why are the meetings so important Cailin has to go out? Why is Rev Flanagan so wealthy? When can I see Cailin again? She was a much better kisser than Catherine. It was more grown up. Is she my girlfriend now? What happens after the mission is over? Am I in love with Cailin? He rested his forehead on the window and gazed out, not taking notice of the scenery.

  Rev Flanagan stopped his car outside the O’Neill’s home. Jason thanked him and climbed out. A few curtains twitched up and down the narrow street. Maude opened the front door. She wore curlers in her hair. She smiled at Jason and sneered at the driver of the car.

  “Oh it’s you. Well, thank you for running Jason home,” she said to Rev Flanagan.


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