Jason Steed Royal Decree

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Jason Steed Royal Decree Page 12

by Mark A. Cooper

  “Jason, you have another guest coming. You may want to meet this one yourself.”

  Jason was sat on the floor with his other friends. He lifted himself to his feet and came out into the hallway. His grandmother caught him and fussed with his hair.

  “Tuck your shirt in, Jason, and put your shoes on,” she scolded in her Scottish accent.

  “I’m not going out,” Jason said. He glanced out the front door. A black Rolls Royce pulled up outside the house. A smile ran across his face. He walked out barefoot onto the drive.

  Princess Catherine stepped out of the back. She wore a tight fitting black dress and carried a gift and a card. She mirrored his grin when she saw him.

  They gave each other an awkward kiss and looked at each other.

  “I didn’t think you would come. You never replied to my invitation, and it was a bit short notice,” Jason said.

  “It was either visit a new maternity ward with my mother that she is opening or come here and see you. Looks like you won,” Catherine said. “One wasn’t sure what to wear; you never mentioned it. Jason, if you invite me, I need to know stuff like that.”

  “You look great. I like your dress. You look so…” He paused, trying to find the right words as he looked her up and down trying not to be too obvious in areas where she was growing. “Mature.”

  Catherine smiled. Her dress was lower than she would normally wear but now she was getting older could wear it comfortably. “Should I leave my shoes in the car?” she joked.

  Jason laughed at her and took her hand. “No, we were sat on the floor playing truth or dare. Sorry, it’s all boys apart from the adults.”

  “Truth or dare?” She said it so it sounded like a question.

  “Yeah.” Jason laughed. “But we will have to stop that now you are here. Some of the stuff my friends reveal isn’t really the type of thing you would want to hear. It’s boys stuff and pretty gross.”

  Jason and Catherine stayed together most of the time. Scott stayed with the other boys. Catherine caught Jason staring at her.

  “What are you looking at?” she asked.

  “I’ve missed you and forgot how...” He stopped trying to get the courage to say what he wanted to without sounding foolish. “I forgot how pretty you are in person. We haven’t seen much of each other and drifted apart.”

  “I still feel the same about you, Jason. You have grown a little too. And it’s the first time we’ve spoken face to face now your voice has broken. I know it’s hard for us, and it won’t get any easier the older we get. The media would love to take pictures of us together and would say sorts of stuff about us. I still consider you as my boyfriend and would never go out with anyone else.”

  She paused before continuing forlornly. “My mother does not realize that as much as she tries to keep you at a distance from me, it will not lesson my deep affection for you.”

  “Good, then I’ll find a way to hang around and annoy her for a long time.”

  “Would you ever go out with anyone else?” she questioned.

  Jason looked down and quickly forced himself to look at her in the eyes. “Good, I feel the same. I wouldn’t go out with anyone else myself.” As soon as he said it, he felt guilty. He had grown close to Cailin and had enjoyed kissing her. He tried to convince himself that Cailin was just part of the mission, but he could never tell Catherine. The worst part was he still missed Cailin and when he was with her he enjoyed himself. Now he was with Catherine, he was just as happy but confused.

  After a few hours, his friends started to leave. Jason walked Catherine round to the side of the house away from prying eyes.

  “Why did we come here?” Catherine asked.

  “Your chauffer was watching, and I’m sure my gran will be watching,” Jason said.

  “She is really sweet.” Catherine held both Jason’s hands and looked at him. His deep sapphire blue eyes burnt into her. She was lost in him, the same emotion she felt when she had first seen him. They shared a private moment for few minutes before returning to the front of the house holding hands. He thanked her for coming and his gift, a silver necklace with a cross.

  He walked into his home and was greeted by Scott. “So how did she get over the news about you and Cailin?” Scott teased.

  “She was happy for me and surprised I only had one girlfriend,” he said before his smile changed to a serious look. “I didn’t tell her. Cailin was just a girl I met on a mission that doesn’t count. I forgot how much I like Catherine.”

  “You know if she ever finds out, they will send you to the Tower of London and lock you up, probably cut off your lips so you can’t kiss another girl. Maybe cut something else off too.” Scott laughed.

  Brenda interrupted the two boys. “Jason, I heard you and Princess Catherine were friends, but until today I never knew you were that type of friend. I’m impressed. She seems really taken by you. You seem to have girls all over England and Ireland fancying you.”

  “Why of course, just look at what they get.” Jason laughed, flexing his arms in a muscle man pose.

  “Huh typical boy. Well be careful; girls at her age can be hurt,” Brenda said.

  “Yes mum,” Jason said as a joke but wanted to get his father’s reaction who was in ear shot.

  Ray smiled and said nothing.


  Jason’s life soon got back to normal. After school, Jason attended sea cadets. His recent missions meant he had been at different schools learning new subjects and syllabuses. He had slipped further behind the rest of his class. It didn’t help matters when they took mid-term exams. He hadn’t been at school to learn the history project on Oliver Cromwell and the English civil war. The consequence was he came bottom in history. He had been average at math but had slipped behind St Joseph’s high standard.

  Jason soon found himself where he was some six months earlier, struggling at a school he hated. Scott’s brilliance at all subjects compounded the matter, and Jason actually resented Scott who would immediately throw his arm up at any question asked in the classroom.

  Raymond Steed was given a promotion from Lieutenant Commander to Commander and given a shore-based position in Portsmouth. The promotion meant he would be home most weekends. Jason was happier, but Ray now spent much of his spare time with Brenda. Jason tried to hide his ill feelings towards her and keep them to himself. On one hand, he was happy for his father. On the other, Brenda was always in his home. Rather than come across as an angry teenager, he took his frustration out by deeply submersing himself in martial arts.

  Jason continued to train hard. The tennis machine firing balls at him on full speed was no longer a challenge. He had his father purchase him another and set them up facing each other some thirty feet apart. He stood in direct line of both machines, and as they spat out balls one after another, he blocked the balls, sending them in all directions.

  Occasionally, he could be heard cursing at himself when he had missed and been caught in the face or body by one of the tennis balls. Mrs. Beeton, the housekeeper, was concerned about Jason’s behavior. She tried mentioning it to Ray who shrugged it off as a phase he was going through.

  When help came, it was from the last person Jason would suspect, but he welcomed it.

  Ray came home for the weekend and booked a table at an Indian Restaurant. He would take Brenda and Jason out for dinner. Jason said nothing in the car on the journey over. If he was spoken to, he simply grunted a few replies.

  “Jason did you get that black eye from the tennis machines?” Ray asked, gently touching the side of his sons face.


  “And the bruises on the back of your hands?”


  “Isn’t that a little extreme son? And don’t just give me a yeah or no.”

  “How else can I train? I want to improve,” Jason snapped.

  “Why do you need to, aren’t you good enough already?”

  “No, I can now defend myself from two tennis machi
nes. Imagine that was two or four people attacking me. I have fast reactions. Wong Tong said you must embrace your gift. My gift is my speed.” Jason said. He enjoyed talking about karate. It was the most words he had said to his father in a long while.

  Brenda cut in. “You’re not happy at school, are you Jason?”

  “I hate it. I can’t spend another five years doing that. I will leave school at sixteen,” Jason said as a matter of fact.

  “What, sixteen? No you’ll stay until you are eighteen and graduate. From there, you can go to college or if you still want a military career, you can join as an officer cadet in the Navy. Or, of course, if you prefer Marines, Army, or Air-Force,” Ray said.

  “I can join the Navy at sixteen,” Jason argued.

  “That is for regular crew, not officers. You will train as an officer when you leave at eighteen.”

  “I would leave school now if I could. I hate it. Stupid teachers who have done nothing but go to college and become teachers. They think they know it all. They haven’t been shot or seen friends killed or injured. None of them have fought for the country, slept in a jungle, or under a tree. What can they teach me? Nothing. I will be leaving school at sixteen. Legally, I’m allowed.”

  Ray looked in his rear view mirror at Jason and glared at his son. “I’m not arguing with you tonight, Jason. We are going out for a nice meal. We will talk about it later.”

  “Fine, but when I’m sixteen I’m joining,” Jason said folding his arms and making sure he had the last word.

  During the meal, Jason said nothing. He picked at his food and looked miserable.

  “Actually, I have a suggestion that may work, and before you both snap at me, let me finish,” Brenda said. Both Ray and Jason nodded.

  She held Rays hand and placed her other hand on top of it. “Ray, I’m not blind. Jason is not happy with his school he hates it, and I don’t blame him.”

  “What?” Ray said before Brenda put her finger to his lips to shut him up.

  “Ray, the poor boy has been used. George Young used him on mission after mission. You even allowed him to go undercover to find a runaway girl. And let’s not forget when you were captured, he flew half way around the world to get you out, and he did it alone. He just came off another mission and learnt his uncle is an arms dealer. He witnessed George Young and Bradan O’Neill getting shot in front of him. He took on a group of thugs, and with Scotts’ help, worked out who was smuggling guns and explosives.”

  “In return, we send him to a private boy’s school that he hated long before he went to the American military academy,” Brenda said before Jason interrupted her.

  “I liked it at the military school,” Jason said.

  “Jason isn’t like other boys. He can fly a plane, kill with a single punch, take on four or five adults, and has seen more death and destruction than any adult should see. Putting him at St. Joseph’s School is like using a thoroughbred racehorse to give kiddies donkey rides or like trying to use a fighter jet to spray crops.”

  Jason was surprised by Brenda’s words, but he welcomed them. “It’s nice to be referred to as a fighter jet or a racehorse.” He smiled. “See Dad, even Brenda agrees St Joseph’s School is a dump.”

  “No, that is not what I said Jason. It’s a very good school and expensive, but any normal school you go to will be difficult for you.” Brenda paused. She took a large sip of wine and placed her hand back on Rays. “I have something to suggest. I was going to leave it until after the weekend, but now is as good a time as any.”

  Ray and Jason looked at her waiting to hear more.

  “I know I said unlike George Young I would never use Jason on a mission. Well I wouldn’t. Two days ago the Americans, well the CIA to be precise, contacted SYUI. They requested a little help from us,” Brenda said.

  Jason’s face lit up. His right knee uncontrollably bounced up and down at a rapid pace while he waited with anticipation to hear more.

  “Ray, I also made a promise to you I would never use him on a mission. I intend to keep that promise. MI6 were very interested in Jason’s statements regarding Stuart Steed. They shared some with the CIA. We now know that his contact was in Turkey. Istanbul, to be exact. Turkey borders Iran, Iraq, and Greece. For years, MI6 and the CIA have suspected weapons, bomb making equipment, and even military vehicles pass into Europe via Turkey.

  “We suspect this is where Stuart Steed and others bought weapons from. The CIA have several suspects in Istanbul. They supply the likes of Stuart Steed who was supplying to military organizations in Northern Ireland. But Stuart was a small player. Others include rebels in Africa including ivory poachers, General Gaddafi in Liberia, and Palestine terrorists. The C.I.A. are planting an undercover team in Istanbul next month. A male and female agent posing as teachers at IICS, Istanbul International Community School. To help with their cover, they requested that they had a child who will also attend the school as a pupil.”

  “IICS is one of the oldest schools in the world. Its students come from around the world. Jason would fit right in. Language is a huge part of the educational system. He would be mixing with German, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, French, and Middle Eastern students. Of course some British also attend. The standard is very good. I doubt you would be bored, Jason.”

  “What would be my role?” Jason asked.

  “No role. You go to school and come home to an apartment after school with your fake parents. You don’t do anything. This is a huge CIA operation. I don’t want you to do any snooping around, just go to school, make friends, and have a nice time. It could last months. If you like the school after the mission is over, maybe you could stay as a boarder.”

  They are not yet married and already the wicked stepmother wants to send me away Jason thought.

  “It seems pointless. They don’t need me. They could take any kid.” Jason shrugged.

  “Not really. There’s a one in a million chance something goes wrong. The CIA would prefer to have Jason Steed as the child of the CIA couple rather than a regular kid,” Brenda said.

  Jason looked at Ray, trying to guess his response. So far, he had said nothing. “Brenda, are you sure? Jason is just a school boy who, if something should go wrong, is able to take care of him? I don’t want him in harm’s way with the type of people you mentioned,” Ray asked.

  Brenda gently squeezed Ray’s hand. “I can’t promise you that. I have been given only what they want SYUI to know. The CIA agents are going in as teachers who are also a married couple with a child. Having a schoolboy with them makes them look normal. They will be teaching English and math. The school itself is famous and has a great syllabus. Jason will be mixing with mostly the children of wealthy parents who either work in Turkey or are there because of the school’s academic achievements.”

  “Still sounds boring, but if I can help the CIA I would like to. When I’m older, and if I start working for MI6, then it will be good to have friends in the CIA.”

  “MI6? I thought you wanted to join the Navy and later the SAS?” Ray asked.

  “Yeah to start with, but MI6 go all over the world and take on the likes of the Russian KGB. That sounds much more interesting, and MI6 agents are allowed to carry a gun,” Jason said.

  “So are SYUI officers,” Brenda argued.

  “No disrespect, but SYUI are just the Intelligence force of the police. Scott said MI6 get paid more, see more action, and can carry a gun. He wants to work for them as well in the intelligence department. So we could still be friends and work together,” Jason said.

  Ray smiled and nodded. “You seem to have it worked out, but for now, Istanbul? I need to know more details before I let Jason go.”


  Two weeks later, Jason sat alone waiting, in a private lounge at London’s Heathrow airport. He flicked through World Karate magazine stopping every now and then to read articles he found interesting. After an hour, he grew bored and decided to take a walk around the airport. As he tried to leave the loun
ge, outside the door was a well-built man with a bald head who stood in his way.

  Jason looked up at him. He looked around thirty. Although he was wearing a dark suit, Jason thought he looked muscular. His arms filled out his jacket. His chest stuck out several inches more than his waist.

  “Sorry son, you have to stay here out of sight,” the man said in an American accent.

  “I’m bored and thirsty. Can I go and get a Coke?” Jason asked, trying to peer around the large man.

  “My orders are to keep you out of sight and make sure no one comes in or out.”

  “What if I need to pee?” Jason asked.

  “Then I can escort you to the bathroom and back,” he said.

  “Awesome, then escort me to the Coke machine.” Jason smiled and pushed passed. He walked a few paces and checked to see if he was being followed. He noticed the large American following him, Jason slowed down and walked alongside him. “So do you work for the CIA?”

  “I work for my country.”

  “Want one?” Jason asked as he fed the vending machine with a ten pence coin.

  The large man looked around to see if he was being watched and looked back at Jason. “Sure, thanks.”

  Safely back in the private lounge, the man opened up a little to Jason. He was called Chuck and explained he was a US marine and was recruited to Special Forces. Jason told him of the time he had spent at the American military school.

  It was another hour before a knock came at the door. Chuck responded cautiously and opened it. He stepped outside. Jason waited. A minute later, a couple walked in with luggage. They looked Jason up and down and smiled.

  Jason took mental notes of them. The woman looked around forty, slim and athletic. She had dark shoulder length hair that had a tinge of grey covering it. She had intelligent, watchful eyes and a thin pointed nose. The man looked a similar age. Apart from some short black hair above his eyes that circled around the back of his head, he was bald. He was slim and seemed very confident. He strode towards Jason and held out his hand with a warm smile.


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