Jason Steed Royal Decree

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Jason Steed Royal Decree Page 17

by Mark A. Cooper

  “You look like you just won the lotto,” Connor laughed. “You’re not seriously going to go tomorrow to learn Turkish Martial arts? I thought you already had about twenty black belts in various forms.”

  “No, we are. I have three black belts, two of them are third Dan. Only three styles and Judo of course. I may learn something and you will,” Jason said.

  “We’re on a mission, not training,” Connor said.

  “We have to stay fit, and besides, if I can learn something new I will. It will do you good. Martial arts frees the mind and keeps you alive.”

  “Yeah well, if you jump off a wall like you did today and get swallowed up by the sea again, all the martial arts in China won’t save you.”

  The debriefing took an hour with both Connor and Jason. Dexter wanted to know everything. Both boys never mentioned Connor’s slip up, but both gave concerns regarding Ela. It was clear they both liked her and neither wanted that to jeopardize the mission. Dexter told them he would think on it.

  Just after nine thirty, both boys climbed into their beds. Dexter knocked at the door and walked in. Both boys glared at him.

  “Why bother knocking?” Connor said. “I bet you don’t just barge into Mosquito Bites’ room like that. Talking about her, what did she do today? Go shopping? Paint her nails?”

  “Actually, Cameron was taking pictures all day. She pretended to be taking pictures of Bodrum, but she got many of our target, and she met him today. We are all boys together. Don’t be so sensitive,” Dexter said, sitting on the bottom of Connors bed before continuing.

  “I have been thinking about the Ela situation. You have both complicated things. You are supposed to just make friends with the twins. However, this could be an advantage, and I think it’s wrong for me to choose. If we truly want to get her trust that could lead to information, then let nature fight it out.”

  “Gladly.” Jason smiled.

  Connor looked horrified.

  “No. Not literally fight, Jason. Just let nature take its course. If she prefers one of you over the other, she will make her thoughts clear,” Dexter said.

  “You’re not so tough, Steed. I saved your life today,” Connor said.

  “No, you just helped me. I would have got out eventually,” Jason said.

  “Good point, Connor. Jason, that was pretty damn reckless. Don’t do that again. We pride ourselves on keeping our teen agents alive. It’s not very often we lose one. Even during the Second World War we never lost an agent. To lose one on an act of stupidity would be a shame,” Dexter said.

  Jason sucked his lips together before giving a tight-lipped smile. “Sorry.”

  “Accepted. Now, you boys get to sleep. You both need your beauty sleep if you are going to woo Ela.”

  “Connor would need to sleep for a year.” Jason laughed.

  “You would need to sleep for ten years just to catch up with me,” Connor said, throwing his pillow at Jason. Dexter folded his arms and looked serious again.

  “Jason, the Turkish karate is a no go. If you went, you could bring attention to yourself,” Dexter said.

  “What! That’s stupid.” Jason cursed and leapt from his bed. “Why not? Am I supposed to just hang around and do nothing? I haven’t done Sayokan before. I’ll be a novice. That won’t bring any attention.”

  “Where martial arts are concerned, Jason, you are no way a novice. That’s my decision you can practice karate with Connor in the back yard.”

  “But I can learn something new. I won’t hurt anyone or expose myself,” Jason whined before Connor interrupted.

  “Eeewwww don’t expose yourself, Jason, that’s disgusting.” Connor laughed.

  Jason turned to Connor. “I didn’t mean exposing myself like that.”

  Connor laughed at Jason but quickly stopped when Jason glared at him. “It was just a joke,” Connor said.

  Dexter walked out and left the two boys arguing. Jason chased after him into the hallway.

  “Dexter, I told the guy at the Sayokan studio I would be going tomorrow. I won’t blow my cover,” Jason argued.

  “Ugh put some clothes on,” Cameron tutted when she noticed Jason in the hallway wearing just his boxer shorts. She was eating a packet of chips, picking them out with her fingertips.

  Dexter swung around and strode purposely towards Jason. “That’s my final word on it. I don’t want to hear another word about Sayokan. Get to bed.” Dexter pointed towards Jason and Connor’s bedroom.

  Jason stood still for a few moments, thinking what he should do next. Cameron tilted her head and smirked at him before popping another potato chip into her mouth. That made him angrier. Dexter stared at Jason, his finger on his outstretched arm still pointing towards the bedroom. Jason thought back. His uncle Stewart had always told him to obey orders. However, now his uncle no longer had Jason’s full respect. Jason was unsure what to do. He didn’t want to back down, but he enjoyed being at Infinity.

  “Well, what is it to be?” Dexter asked.

  Jason reluctantly nodded. “Yes, sir. Sorry, I’ll forget about Sayokan karate.” He plodded back into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Connor watched him climb into bed.

  “Jase mate, we can do karate in the back yard if it means that much to you. I may not be as bloody good as you, but I still have a black belt in Judo. So does Mosquito Bites,” Connor said.

  “Yeah fine, thanks,” Jason said, pulling the cover over himself. He wasn’t happy with Dexter’s rule but figured it was best he did as he was told.


  The next two weeks passed by faster than they could have imagined. Connor kept his promise and worked out with Jason most evenings, performing karate katas and Judo holds. Jason found it better than he expected. Connor’s strength made him a tough opponent for Judo. Although, when Jason was in trouble and held in a lock he couldn’t get out of, he would switch to karate and punch or kick Connor out of the way. The two of them could be heard grunting one moment, cursing at each other the next, followed by giggles and laughs the next moment.

  Cameron had got closer to William Weinstein. She told him she was a student vacationing with her family and was taking photographs of Bodrum for a book she wanted to publish. Weinstein was interested in buying more property, so he employed her to take hundreds of pictures of various buildings in the city. She had been seeing him most days with her results.

  Both Connor and Jason were invited by Farah and Ela to their father, William Weinstein’s, birthday party. Jason was getting closer to Ela, but as things started to get to the holding hands stage, he stated to get second thoughts.


  The party was being held at Weinstein’s home, a large, old castle that was converted into a luxury home where Farah, Ela, and their father stayed for the summers. The castle was built into the top of a steep rock face that swept steeply down to the sea. At sea level, it had a small private jetty and a small cave. The Weinsteins used it to dock their boats.

  Jason and Connor wore a shirt and tie, It was a great evening. They declined a taxi ride from Dexter and walked.

  “I guess you won with Ela, mate. She really seems into you,” Connor said with his head down and hands in his pockets.

  “I need to talk to you about that. I need to pull back and let you get closer to her,” Jason said. He lifted his hand up to his chest and felt the silver cross Catherine had given him through his shirt.

  “Why mate, lost your bottle?” Connor asked.

  “No, I like her,” Jason said before pausing, fiddling with his cross. “I guess I like all girls, but I kinda have a girlfriend and feel guilty getting close to other girls.”

  “Girlfriend, really? Who?”

  “In my real life, I have a best friend called Scott and a girlfriend, she is called Catherine,” Jason said. He smiled when he thought about Scott and Catherine.

  “Catherine, that’s a nice name. What’s her full name?”

  “Um. Well she doesn’t really have one.”
  “Of course she does. We all have a surname. For now on this mission you are Jason Delong. I read your file. On your last missions you have used the name Jason Norris, but you are really called Jason Steed.”

  “Yeah, but Catherine doesn’t use a surname,” Jason said.

  “Is she that ugly you don’t want me to know? I thought we were friends,” Connor asked.

  “Another ugly remark about Catherine and you’ll be going to the dentist tomorrow.” Jason grinned. “I think they sometimes use the name Windsor.”

  Connor stopped in his tracks and caught Jason by his arm. He had a huge grin on his face. “Are you giving me bull? Are you joking or what? You mean Princess Catherine? No way.”

  “Shush, keep your voice down.”

  “Seriously, you and her go on dates and stuff?” Connor asked.

  “It’s not easy. She has a body guard, and in public she has to wear a hat and glasses to hide her face, but yeah,” Jason said.

  “Oh so now you feel guilty all of a sudden and want Connor to bring on my chick pulling skills and save the mission?” Connor laughed.

  “Something like that. But you need to understand, if you get close to Ela, when this mission is over, you won’t see her again. It’s not easy doing that,” Jason said.

  “Sure, I can handle that,” Connor said.


  The castle was decorated in flowers and brightly colored sheets that hung from the exterior walls. Guests were greeted at the main door by two butlers dressed in traditional Turkish guard uniforms. Connor said they looked like they were wearing nightshirts with slippers on. Jason burst out with laughter when he looked for himself. Whey wore the royal guard uniform and had fluffy balls of wool on the toes of each shoe.

  Connor told him the British Palace Guard looked just as stupid with bear skin hats on. Jason wasn’t sure what the dress code was for New Zealand guards to get back at Connor, so he settled with thumping Connor in the arm instead.

  The inside of the castle was decorated for the party. One long table was covered with dishes of fresh strawberries. In the center was a huge model of a strawberry that stood nearly six foot. It was made from literally hundreds of strawberries that had been carefully pinned together.

  Another table had a fountain of champagne, another had a fountain of chocolate. Some guests held strawberries under the chocolate and covered them in the sweet brown molten liquid.

  Around the large dance room, several of the guards in traditional costume stood upright with their hands behind their backs. Jason noticed all of them carried a Turkish sword. He had been told they were called a Kilij. At first, he assumed it was part of the uniform, but as he walked close to one, he noticed it was very real and long. He was unsure why the guards all needed to be armed.

  Cameron was already mixing with other guests. She wore a long tight fitting scarlet red dress that hung tightly to her slim body. The dress had a slit up the side that ran up just below her underwear line. Both Connor and Jason’s mouths dropped when they saw her.

  “Holy cow you look…” Connor said, trying to find the right words. “You are going to start a fire, you look so hot.”

  “Is that a compliment or is there a crude punch line?” Cameron asked, standing with her hand on her hip.

  “A compliment,” Connor said.

  “Don’t try and come onto me. Just the thought of it will make me hurl.”

  “As much as it hurts me to say it, you look nice Cameron,” Jason said.

  “Wills has asked me to sit with him during dinner, so I had to make an effort.” Cameron smiled.

  “Oh it’s Wills is it? Remember who he is,” Connor warned.

  “Yeah and remember how old he is. He’s old enough to be our father,” Jason said.

  “You guys know Cameron?” Farah said, walking towards them.

  “Yeah she’s our sis,” Connor said.

  Farah looked surprised. “Oh wow what a small world. You never said you knew Connor and Jason,” he said to Cameron.

  “You never mentioned them. Besides, I try to forget about them.” She sneered before walking off.

  All three boys watched her walk off. “She’s helping my Dad with pictures, although I’m sure he likes her for more than that. He’s always got a new girlfriend. They seem to get younger each time,” Farah said glumly.

  “She’s like a cross between an onion and donkey,” Farah said.

  “Why?” Jason and Connor asked simultaneously.

  “Cause she’s a piece of ass that will bring a tear to your eye.” Farah laughed.

  Jason stayed close to Farah. He kept his distance from Ela. He hoped she hadn’t noticed his coldness towards her. He gave her one-reply answers. He was nice to her, and slowly she got the message and sat with Connor while they ate dinner.

  After dinner, Farah and Jason sat under a parasol at a table, sipping fruit punch out on a sundeck that looked over the Mediterranean Sea and Bodrum. Weinstein’s castle was once a monastery. In ancient times, it was used for hiding people from invading armies. Even during World War Two, local Jewish families had used it to seek refuge in its protective walls.

  Farah and Jason leant on a brass rail which surrounded the sundeck looking out at a yacht in the distance. Below, the sea kissed the rock face with each wave. While enjoying the view, they flicked grapes into their mouth, trying to catch them, each time flicking them higher. William Weinstein stepped out onto the sundeck and tried himself. He missed his grape and spilt some of his wine he was holding.

  “So Farah, is this the same Jason who dived off the wall?” William Weinstein asked in his strong Russian accent. He placed his hands on the brass rail and deeply inhaled the sea air.

  “Yeah he’s loco. It’s almost as high as this balcony. He’s loco with a capital L.” Farah laughed.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he is just courageous, and then again, maybe he is foolish. What is it Jason?” William Weinstein asked.

  “Um. It was foolish. I was showing off,” Jason said.

  William Weinstein held out his hand shook and Jason’s enthusiastically. “I like the reply. You are honest. My children speak highly of you and your brother. I’m pleased. Tell me Jason, what does your father do?”

  “He’s an art expert. He looks at really ugly paintings for people who want him to value them or check they are authentic,” Jason said. It was Dexter’s undercover job, and Dexter actually did like art. He’d amassed a great knowledge of art and artists. It would be helpful, should anyone ask him a question.

  Weinstein nodded and seemed un-interested.

  “What do you do, sir?” Jason asked.

  Weinstein was taken aback by the question. He popped another grape into his mouth and paused before answering. His eyes narrowed.

  “Farah, you tell Jason what your father does for a job,” Weinstein asked his son.

  “Nude model?” Farah said as if it was a question. “I don’t know, you just tell us business.”

  “Teenage humor, so crude and disrespectful.” Weinstein sighed shaking his head disapprovingly. “Business, I buy and sell commodities.”

  “Stocks and shares?” Jason asked.

  “Not quite, a commodity is an item that is needed by someone who is prepared to pay for it. I buy and sell such items.”

  Cameron walked out onto the sundeck. Weinstein took her hand and kissed it.

  “Dad, did you know Cameron is Jason and Connor’s sister?” Farah said.

  “No,” Weinstein said looking at Cameron and back at Jason. “Your mother must have been very beautiful to have beautiful children like you.”

  “Dad, you need your eyes tested.” Farah laughed.

  Weinstein ignored the remark. He was looking down at the ocean and at a small boat that was just off shore getting closer to the rock face. A small landing for boats could just be seen where two men waited for the boat. Cameron looked down at it and watched someone on the boat throw a rope to one of the waiting men. The small boat disappeared into the
mountain river out of sight. Then a small speed boat came from inside the mountain estuary and was tied up to the jetty.

  “I have to go and take care of some business. I also sell rare wine. That small boat has a buyer interested in a special fine wine I have. Farah, please entertain our guests while I’m gone.”

  Weinstein marched off. Jason noticed he signaled to one of the guards who followed him.

  “I better go and mingle with the other guests while he is busy,” Farah said, walking back into the busy dance room. Jason and Cameron looked at each other. Connor joined them.

  “Weinstein seems to have taken an interest in you. That seems a little sick. He’s old enough to be our dad. You’re much too young to be receiving a guest in the cellar,” Connor said. Cameron laughed at his remark and blushed. She leant on the waist high concrete wall and looked down at the azure sea, trying to get sight of the small boat that had gone into the opening in the rock face below. Suddenly, someone pushed her and pulled her back.

  “Don’t,” Cameron shrieked.

  “I bet that made you jump?” Connor laughed.

  “Connor, you are so immature sometimes. What happened, did Ela get tired of your stupid jokes?” Cameron snapped back aggressively.

  “No, she is mingling with the guests while her dad takes care of some business. Someone has come to pick up some fancy wine,” Connor said.

  The three of them chatted on the balcony, enjoying the welcome cooler fresh air that came as the day started to come to an end. Connor and Cameron continued to bicker, much to Jason’s amusement.

  After fifteen minutes, the boat pulled off and appeared again and slowly set off out to sea.

  “Looks like the guy got his bottle of wine,” Connor said. “I like the dolphins painted on the side of the boat.”

  Jason looked and studied it. “That’s a different boat.”

  “No, it’s the same one. But I didn’t notice the dolphins before either,” Cameron said.

  Jason looked again at the blue colored dolphins painted on the side of the boat that were just above the water line. The dolphins where painted so it gave the appearance that they were leaping from the water. “If that is the same boat, the reason why we can see the dolphins now is because it is lighter. It has just unloaded something very heavy that was keeping it low in the water and hiding the dolphins.”


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