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Lutz, Tom. American Nervousness, 1903: An Anecdotal History. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Macdonald, Barrie. Imperial Patriot: Charles Alma Baker and the History of Limestone Downs. Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams, 1993.
Macrate, Arthur. The History of the Tuna Club. Privately printed, 1948.
May, Stephen J. Maverick Heart: The Further Adventures of Zane Grey. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000.
———. Zane Grey: Romancing the West. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1997.
McNitt, Frank. The Indian Traders. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
———. Richard Wetherill: Anasazi Pioneer Explorer of Southwestern Ruins. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1957.
Mitchell, Laurie D. “Taking the World’s Record Tuna.” Field and Stream 29 (January, 1925), 22–24.
Mitchell, Lee Clark. Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Fact. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Mitchell-Henry, L. Tunny Fishing at Home and Abroad. London: Rich & Cowan, 1934.
Mott, Frank Luther. Golden Multitudes: The Story of Best Sellers in the United States. New York: Macmillan, 1947.
———. History of American Magazines. 4 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960.
Mowrey, Marshall. “From G-R-A-Y to GREY.” Zane Grey Review 11 (June, 1996), 6.
National Cyclopedia of American Biography. 12 vols. New York: James T. White, 1971.
Nesbitt, John D. “Uncertain Sex in the Sagebrush.” South Dakota Review 23 (Autumn, 1985), 15–27.
Netherby, Steve. “Zane Grey—Author, Angler, Explorer.” Field and Stream 76 (January, 1972), 52–53, 85–88.
Nichols, John Treadwell, and Van Campen Heilner. “World’s Record Catches with Rod and Reel.” Field and Stream 29 (October, 1924), 16–17.
———. Field and Stream 33 (October, 1928), 32–33.
———. Field and Stream 37 (January, 1933), 31.
———. Field and Stream 40 (January, 1936), 26–27.
———. Field and Stream 43 (January, 1939), 31.
North, Dick. “Zane Grey’s Mysterious Guide.” New Zane Grey Collector 1 (Fall, 1985), 9 and 11.
Ortho, George W. (ed.). History of Athletics at Penn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1896.
Overholt, Alma. The Catalina Story. Catalina, Calif.: Catalina Island Museum Company, 1962.
Patrick, Arnold. “Getting Into Six Figures.” Bookman 60 (December 1924), 424– 29.
Pogue, Joseph E. “The Great Rainbow Natural Bridge of Southern Utah.” National Geographic 21 (1911), 1048–56.
Rascoe, Burton. “Opie Read and Zane Grey.” Saturday Review of Literature 21 (November 11, 1939), 8.
Reiger, George. Profiles in Salt Water Angling. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
———. Undiscovered Zane Grey Fishing Stories. Piscataway, N.J.: New Century, 1983.
———. Zane Grey: Outdoorsman. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Reilly, P. T. Lee’s Ferry: From Mormon Crossing to National Park. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1999.
Ronald, Ann. Zane Grey. Boise, Idaho: Boise State Press, 1975.
Roosevelt, Theodore. A Book Lover’s Holidays in the Open. New York: Scribner’s, 1916.
———. “Roosevelt on the Nature Fakers.” Everybody’s 16 (June, 1907), 770–74.
Rothman, Hal K. Devil’s Bargain: Tourism in the Twentieth-Century American West. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1998.
Schick, Frank L. The Paperbound Book in America. New York: Bowker, 1958.
Schmitt, Peter J. Back to Nature: The Arcadian Myth in Urban America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969.
Schneider, Norris F. The National Road: Main Street of America. Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1975.
———. Zane Grey. Privately printed, 1967.
Schreuders, Piet. Paperbacks, U.S.A. San Diego: Blue Dolphin, 1981.
Scott, Kenneth W. Zane Grey: Born to the West. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979.
Shi, David S. The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Sierks-Overholt, Alma. “A New World’s Record.” Field and Stream 28 (November, 1923), 804–5.
Simmon, Scott. The Invention of the Western Film: A Cultural History of the Genre’s First Half Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Slide, Anthony. The Big V: A History of the Vitagraph Company. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978.
———. The New Historical Dictionary of the American Film Industry. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1998.
Slotkin, Richard. Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth Century America. New York: Atheneum, 1992.
Stroud, Richard (ed.). National Leaders of American Conservation. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian, 1985.
Tebbel, John. A History of Book Publishing in the United States. 4 vols. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1981.
Thomas, George C., Jr., with George C. Thomas, III. Game Fish of the Pacific. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1930.
Timmerman, Caroline. “America’s Pastime.” Zane Grey Review 11 (June, 1996), 2.
———. “Just the Facts, Ma’am.” Zane Grey Review 11 (October, 1996), 12.
Tompkins, Jane. West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Tuska, Jon. The Filming of the West. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976.
———. “Foreword.” In Zane Grey, Riders of the Purple Sage. Waterville, Maine: Five Star, 2005.
Van Dyke, John Charles. The Desert: Further Studies in Natural Appearances. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1901.
Van Grondelle, Carole. Angel of the Anzacs: The Life of Nola Luxford. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press, 2000.
Van Wagoner, Richard C. Mormon Polygamy: A History. Salt Lake City, Utah: Signature, 1989.
Vickers, Jim, and Ed Myers. “A Special Friendship: Zane Grey and Mildred Smith.” Zane Grey Quarterly 1 (Winter, 1992), 3.
Waddell, J. A. L. “Tarpon Fishing at Tamos, Mexico.” Forest and Stream (March 25, 1905), 235–37.
Wagner, Charles. The Simple Life. Mary Louise Hendee (trans.). New York: McClure, 1904. Originally published as La Vie Simple, 1901.
Weston, Rich, and Frank Bilovsky. The New Phillies Encyclopedia. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.
Wheeler, Don. “Zane Grey and the House of Hardy.” Zane Grey Review (April, 1998), 10–11.
Wheeler, Joseph Lawrence. “Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood.” Zane Grey’s West 7, 32–33.
———. “Zane Grey in Oregon.” Zane Grey Review 14 (October, 1999), 1, 3–11.
———. Zane Grey’s Impact on American Life and Letters: A Study of the Popular Novel. Ph.D. dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers, Vanderbilt University, 1975.
Whipple, T. K. “American Sagas.” Saturday Review of Literature 1 (February 7, 1925), 505–6.
White, G. Edward, The Eastern Establishment and the Western Experience: The West of Frederic Remington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Owen Wister. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968.
Whitfield, Eileen, Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1977.
Wilhelm, Claire. Journal, 1914 (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1916—Long Key (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1916—Arizona (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1917—Catalina (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1918—Long Key (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1918—Out West (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1920—Catalina and Arizona (Pat Friese).
br /> ———. Journal, 1924—Oregon (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1924—Arizona (Pat Friese).
———. Journal, 1925—South America (Pat Friese).
Wister, Owen. The Virginian. New York: Macmillan, 1902.
Yost, Nellie Snyder. Buffalo Bill: His Family, Friends, Fame, Failures, and Fortunes. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1979.
Zane Grey: The Man and His Work. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1928.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Note: Titles of Grey’s works appear under “Grey, Zane: Literary Works.”
Abercrombie and Fitch
Ackerman, Dorothy; first marriage; intensifying involvement with Grey; meets Grey; parting
Adams, Harry
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (Warner Fabian)
Adventure Travel
Aitken, Thomas
Alacanes, Yucatan
Alamo Ranch
Algonquin Hotel Circle
Allen, George
Alma G (boat)
Altadena, Calif.; Grey purchases residence in; Grey’s visit during honeymoon; Mildred Smith’s residence in
American Magazine
American Museum of Natural History; exhibition of Grey’s fish
American Tobacco Company
Anderson, “Broncho Billy,”
Anderson, Louise; breaks with Grey; Grey meets and intensity of his feelings towards; Grey’s objection to her boyfriend; travels to Calif. with Grey
Anderson, Mrs. Nellie M. (“Nelly”) ; adolescent rejection of Grey; reconnects with Grey
Andre, Anna; character reading of Grey; eases Grey’s depression
Antiquities Act (1906)
Arizona; Grey’s final visit; Grey’s first Rainbow Bridge trip; Grey’s honeymoon visit; North Rim Deer Drive; Grey’s trips with Jones; Grey’s visit in 1923; Grey’s visit with MacLean
Arlidge, Francis
Armed Forces Editions
Arnold, Matthew
Arnold, Patrick (“Getting Into Six Figures”)
Artcraft Pictures Corp.
Ashaway Company
Atlantic City, N.J.
Atlantic Monthly
Auckland, New Zealand
Austin, Jane
Austin, Mary (The Land of Little Rain)
Australia; Grey’s first visit; as site of meeting with Lola Gornall; and world record tiger shark
Avalon, Calif. See Catalina
Babbitt, David and William
Bagnard, Gus
Baker, Alma
Baker, Brownella (“Brownie”)
Bakersfield, Calif.
Ballyhoo (Bent)
Baltimore, Ohio
Bantam Paperback Books
Bardon, Clyde
Bargain, The
Barnes Publishing Co.
Bar Z Ranch
Baseball; Grey’s early play; at Penn; semi-pro
Bass, William
Bateman Bay, Australia
Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Beach, Rex
Beard, Dan
Beaver Dam Canyon, Ariz.
Beebe, William; Galapagos, World’s End
Begay, Nasjah
Bent, Silas
Bermagui, Australia
Bestseller list; ascendance of term “best-seller,”; Lone Star Ranger as first novel on annual list; origin of; Riders on monthly lists
Betty Zane (boat)
Biddle, J. Dexter
Biltmore Hotel (Phoenix)
Blackton, J. Stuart
Blairsville, Pa.
Blakeley, John
Blue Book
Blue Fin (boat)
Boats owned by Grey: Betty Zane; Fisherman; Fisherman II; Frangipani; Gladiator; Marshall Foch (Mapleland); Moorea; Sky-Blue II; Tahiti
B-Ocean reel
Boerstler, Sid
Bok, Derek
Book-of-the-Month Club
Boschen, William O.; Grey’s envious respect of; Grey’s reaction to his record broadbill
Boston Transcript
Bowen, Ed; accompanies Grey to Australia; expanded responsibilities; fired by Grey; hired by Greys; role in Zane Grey Inc.; travels with Dolly
Bowen, Marge
Briggs, William H.
Bright Angel Trail
British Columbia
British Sea Anglers’ Society
Broun, Heywood
Bryce Canyon National Park
“Buffalo Bill, King of the Bordermen” (Buntline)
Bullen, Charles
Buntline, Ned
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burroughs, John
Burt, A. L.
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
“Calamity Jane.” See Anderson, Louise
California Institute of Technology
Camel cigarettes
Campbell, Berenice; breakdown; hired by Grey; success with finances; literary collaboration with Zane
Camp Fire Club
Canby, Henry Seidel
Carlin, Claire. See Wilhelm, Claire
Carlin, Phillips
Carlisle Indian School
Carnegie, Andrew
Carney, Bob
Castleman, Harry
Catalina, Calif.; Grey builds residence; Grey’s early fishing success; Grey’s first visit; Grey’s 1914 return; Grey purchases residence; Wrigley development
Catalina Island Company (CSI)
Catalina Islander. See Islander
Cavalier-All Story Weekly
Cavalieri, Lina
Cecil, Lady John (Cornelia Vanderbilt)
Chaplin, Charles
Charles Francis Press
Chicago Cubs
Christmas Island
Chula Vista Golf Club
Churchill, Winston
City League of Columbus baseball teams
Clemente Island, Calif.
Coconino Sun
Cocos Islands
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,”
Coin Exchange (New York)
Collins and Bell
Colorado River
Columbian Exposition of 1893
Columbia Teachers College
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus Capitals baseball team
Columbus Dispatch
Conrad, Joseph
Coogan, Danny
Cook and Manor
Cooper, James Fenimore
Coronado Hotel
Country Gentleman
Covered Wagon, The
Coxe, J. A.
Crown Point, N.M.
Cummings, Byron
Currie, Barton; brings Grey to Ladies’ Home Journal; criticizes The Thundering Herd; hires Grey for Country Gentleman; parting with Grey
Curtis Publishing Co.
Curtiz, Michael
Curwood, James Oliver
Daily Eagle (Brooklyn)
Dalrymple, Nick
Dana, Richard Henry
Danielson, O. I.
Davis, Robert; counsels Grey to avoid business matters; early fishing with Grey; ends professional relationship with Grey; as Grey’s agent; proposes theme for The Light of Western Stars
Death Valley Junction, Calif.
Defiance baseball team
Delaware (Ohio) baseball team
Delaware House (hotel)
Delaware River
Delphos, Ohio; Grey paternity suit in
Delphos Herald (Ohio)
Delphos Reds
DeMille, Cecile B.
Dennison College baseball team
Dentistry; Grey
abandons as career; Grey’s early experience; New York certification; offices
Desert Inn
Destry Rides Again
“Dick Powell’s Zane Grey Theatre,”
Dilg, Will; aids Grey’s travel and career; campaigns for Kaibab deer problem; founds Izaak Walton League; meets Grey in Tampico
Dilg, Mrs. Will (Marguerite Ives)
Dix, Richard
Dodd, Mead (publisher)
Doheny, Edward
Don Carlos (horse)
Dorance, Jack
Doubleday, Frank
Douglass, W. B.
Dow Jones Average (DJA)
Doyle, Al
Doyle, Lee
Dreiser, Theodore
Duneka, Frederick
Dunn, A. Duncan
Eastern League (baseball)
Eaton, A. E.
Edison Company
Eighth Ward School
El Paso, Tex.
El Tovar
Emett, Emma
Emett, Jim; Grey’s slighting in Plainsmen; and polygamist marriages; supervisor of Lee’s Ferry; trial for cattle rustling
Emmeline; agitates Grey’s girlfriends; gives journal to Dolly; as “wild erotic creature,”
Essanay Corp.
Everglades, Fla.
Fabian, Warner. See Adams, Samuel Hopkins
Famous Players’ Film Co.
Famous Players–Lasky Corp.
Farnsworth, George
Farnum, Dustin; offended by R. C.’s article; role in Mrs. Spalding incident
Farnum, William
Farrar, John
Faust, Frederick (“Max Brand”)
Fellows and Stewart
Fergerson, Mildred
Field and Stream; lists of world record fish; Warner acquires
Fiji Islands
Findlay, Ohio, baseball team
Fisherman (boat)
Fisherman II (boat)
Fishing Gazette, The
Flagstaff, Ariz.
Flaming Youth (Fabian)
Flat Tops Wilderness (Colo.)
Flower Point, Tahiti; Grey purchases; 1931 turmoil
Flying Sphinx Grapefruit Ranch
Forbes, Malcolm
Ford, John
Forest and Stream
Forgey, James
Formad, Robert
Forms of Prose Literature (Gardiner)
Fort Apache
Fort Fincastle
Fort Henry
Fort Meyers, Fla.
Fox Film Company
Frangipani (boat)
Franklin Field
Frazeyburg, Ohio
Fredonia, Ariz.
Furnace Creek, Nev.
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