We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5)

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We Were Lost (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 5) Page 4

by Michelle Heard

  Emma smiles after her friend. “I swear she’s addicted to the smell.” She walks over to Aiden and presses a kiss to his lips. “How was your day?”

  “Good, and yours?”

  My eyes turn back to the house, and while I vaguely hear what Emma and Aiden are talking about, I try to suppress the urge to go after Chloe so I can explain things to her. Me and my big mouth. I hope our conversation doesn’t make her feel uncomfortable staying here.

  I turn my attention back to Emma and Aiden and catch the end of their conversation.

  “I’m a week overdue already. I wish she would come now,” Emma says, sounding tired as hell.

  “The doctor said he’d induce you if Laurie hasn’t come by Monday. Just three more days.”

  “It feels like an eternity. My feet are swollen to the size of watermelons.”

  “Sit down, Em,” I say. “Take off your shoes and relax a little.”

  “I’ll sit down in a little while,” Emma answers and while Aiden places the steaks on the grill, she walks toward the house. “I’m going to check on Chloe and prepare the salads.”

  As soon as Emma is out of hearing distance, Aiden says, “Do you think Chloe’s upset?”

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up here.”

  “Not your fault. I’ll talk to her later and sort things out.”

  I still feel the urge to try and make things better, and when the words leave my mouth, I shock the hell out of myself. “My place is big, and I’m hardly home. She can always rent one of the rooms.”

  Aiden’s eyebrows pop up, mirroring my surprise. Scrambling to do damage control, I quickly add, “It’s just a thought. It doesn’t mean anythin’. I’m offerin’ for you and Em.”

  “Yeah, right.” Aiden doesn’t miss a beat to tease me. “You keep tellin’ yourself that ’cause I sure as hell don’t believe you.”

  “Don’t start,” I warn him.

  Aiden shrugs innocently. “I’m not startin’ anythin’. You’re the one who brought it up.”

  He’s right. I am. Why though?

  “It’s ’cause I care about Emma.” Feeling pressured, it’s the first excuse I can think of.

  “If you say so,” Aiden smirks, his tone telling me he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying.

  It’s nice sitting out by the pool while grilling some steaks with Aiden. A soft chuckle from him alerts me that he can see the women through the glass door and then my quiet moment shatters.

  “You weren’t joking, Sunshine.” Chloe makes herself comfortable on the arm of my chair, and I just know it’s coming already.

  “About what?” Emma asks all innocently, mischief twinkling in her eyes.

  I’m going to get Aiden and Emma back for this. They’re enjoying my uneasiness way too much.

  “Zac being the silent type.” I have to resist the urge to grab her and throw her in the pool. “Do you think under the silent demeanor there’s a wilder side looking for fun?”

  “That’s it!” I get up and grab Chloe at the waist, easily lifting her much smaller body over my shoulder. The damn woman hardly weighs anything. She should eat more and talk less.

  She grabs hold of my belt and hums all husky, “Hmmm… caveman style. I like this side of you.”

  I definitely underestimated her, because when I try to throw her into the pool, she keeps her hold on my belt and yanks hard, making me lose my balance. It’s a tumble of limbs as we plummet into the cool water. I have a moment of silence under the water and prepare myself for her going off at me for ruining her perfect makeup and hair.

  As my head breaks through the water, I hardly have time to take a breath when Chloe’s on top of me. “That’s the spirit. Let your hair down a bit,” she laughs as she places both her hands on my shoulders. She’s not strong enough to push me back under the water, but I give her points for trying.

  Looking up at her laughing face, shock vibrates through me.


  Smokey-brown eyes capture mine. Her hair hangs wet around her face and with my hands on her hips, I realize just how breathtaking this woman is.

  But I’m not willing to go through the kind of pain of losing a loved one again, so I do what I always do when I see a beautiful woman – I withdraw.

  I let go of Chloe and swim to the edge. In a flash I’m out and drying my clothes as best I can.

  “Ah… forgot somethin’ at the office. I’ll catch y’all later.” I leave them all with the feeble apology, but I don’t care, I just need a moment to breathe so I can calm my racing heart.

  “She’s just another pretty face in an ocean of many,” I mumble to myself as I walk away.



  Since I overheard Aiden and Zac’s conversation earlier, I’ve been thinking about getting my own place. Aiden and Emma have been great letting me stay with them, but they will need their privacy once Laurie’s born.

  I’ve managed to send out my resume to a couple of places, and I hope I’ll find work soon. It will help with getting myself settled down. Going over my bank balance, I know I’ll be able to survive without a job for at least a year, but I really don’t want to use all of my savings.

  Maybe I can find a cheap flat somewhere? Grabbing my phone, I open Google and begin to search for a place to stay. My heart sinks when I can only find apartments in Greenville and Spartanburg. Checking on the map I see it’s not too far from Lyman, but not having a car or international driver’s license will make traveling a bitch.

  I let out a sigh while my mind works overtime to find a solution. A knock on my door has my head snapping up. I quickly call out, “Come in.”

  Aiden opens the door and peeks into the room. “I saw your light on. As you’re still up, you wanna come down for a cup of coffee?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I answer not wanting to be rude.

  I follow Aiden to the kitchen, and when I don’t see Emma, I give him a questioning look.

  “Em’s in the bath. I wanted to talk to you without her hearin’.”

  I sit down at the table while Aiden prepares the coffee, and when he places a mug in front of me, he says, “I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

  I smile to set him at ease. “I know and thank you. I really appreciate it. I feel at home here. You and Emma have been nothing but kind to me. But I can’t stay here forever. At some point, I have to decide what I’m going to do with my future. Rather sooner than later, right?”

  A remorseful look settles on his face. “I wish you hadn’t heard our conversation. We didn’t mean it that way. Zac was just askin’ how you were doin’.”

  Hoping I can lighten things up, I wiggle my eyebrows and teasingly ask, “Ohhh… he asked about me?”

  A puzzled look crosses Aiden’s features, so I quickly add, “I’m joking. Honestly, I’m really okay. You don’t have to worry.”

  “Have you heard anythin’ back on your resume going out?”

  “Nothin’.” I let out a burst of laughter in an attempt to lighten the subject of my unemployment. “Then again, I didn’t think it would be easy finding a job.”

  “There’s always the women’s shelter. I can put in a word for you and help you with the paperwork.”

  “You’ve already done more than enough. I can’t have you take care of me.”

  “You’re Em’s family, Chloe.”

  I give him a thankful smile.

  “So how about it?” he asks, not letting go of the subject.

  Having a job will make things so much easier. It will be half of the problem solved.

  Giving in, I grin at him. “Okay.” I nod to confirm my words, so Aiden will see I’m serious. “I’m going to take you up on your offer because Lord knows, I hate paperwork.”

  He chuckles then takes a sip from his coffee. “Good. I’ll give them a call first thing tomorrow mornin’.”

  “Please don’t feel bad, but do you know where I can check for a place to
rent?” Seeing the dark frown already forming on his forehead, I add, “You’re going to have your hands full once Laurie’s here, and if I move into my own flat, Emma will see it as me putting down roots. She’ll stop worrying then.”

  “I hear ya, but there’s no rush.”

  “No rush,” I repeat with a smile just as Emma walks into the kitchen.

  “What’s not a rush?” she asks. She leans closer to Aiden and takes a deep breath of his coffee. “That smells so good.”

  “You can sniff it all you want,” he teases her.

  She pokes him in the ribs then takes the seat across from me. “What were you talking about?”

  “Me getting a job and finding a place of my own.”

  “Really? So, you’re going to settle down here?” There’s so much hope in Emma’s eyes all I can do is nod.

  “Zac mentioned you’re welcome to rent a room at his place. He’s hardly ever home so that might actually work for you,” Aiden casually mentions.

  “Really?” Emma’s face lights up while I practically freeze. “That would be awesome!”

  With wide eyes, I stare at them, not sure how to talk myself out of the new development. I feel way too attracted to the man and living with him will be a whole different ball game.

  Emma stares at me until I say, “I’ll think about it. I’d like to get my own place though.”

  “But you’ll think about it.” She grins wide as if it’s a done deal.

  “Yes, I will,” I confirm which makes Emma grin happily.

  Living with Zac. Yeah, I don’t think that would be wise. I’d much rather prefer the friends with benefits thing which won’t be an option if we’re living under the same roof.

  “I’ll give your number to Zac so the two of you can talk about it. Are you okay with that?” Aiden asks.

  Not wanting to have them worry about me, I give in and nod. “Sure, that would be great.”

  Hopefully, I’ll find a place to rent in Lyman before I have to speak with Zac.

  Later in the evening, my eyes drift over to where Emma is sitting happily at Aiden’s side. It’s just gone past nine, and I’m bored out of my mind. We did all the catching up there was to do, and now I’m watching them fawn over each other. I love my friend, but there’s only so much I can take before it makes me realize just how empty my life is.

  “I think I should head over to Zac’s and go talk to him about renting a room,” I say.

  Aiden looks at me with surprise and Emma grins. “I’ll write down the directions for you. It’s not far from here.”

  Leaving them to have some time alone together, I go to my room so I can change my clothes. While dragging on a pair of jeans, I think about Zac’s situation. It must’ve been hard on him losing his wife. I can’t imagine how that must feel, and I’m pretty sure a blow like that takes years to heal if it ever does.

  My heart squeezes with compassion for Zac which only makes me more determined to take his mind off the pain.

  Wearing a denim jacket over a lace bra, I zip it up high enough to cover the girls.

  On my way out of the house, I get the directions from Aiden and walk the short distance to Zac’s place.

  The walk is actually enjoyable and not something I would’ve done back home. I love the new-found freedom of being in America.

  Making my way up Zac’s driveway, I notice the house is just as big as Aiden’s. I ring the doorbell and smile brightly while I wait.

  It takes a few seconds before the door opens and I instantly lose my breath. The bloody man has to answer the door shirtless.

  “You always open the door dressed like that?” I push by him, walking into his home.

  “You always barge in on people?” he snaps back, but I don’t miss the fact that there’s no bite to his words.

  “Aiden mentioned something about me renting a room at your place. But honestly, I want to go out and need a partner in crime,” I answer as I take in the sleek décor of steel and leather. I’m guessing he moved or did a major clean out after Laurie died. The only sign of her is a photo on the mantelpiece.

  Shaking his head, he says, “No to the partner in crime thing and going out. Next time don’t waste your time and call, I’ll tell you no over the phone. As for rentin’ a room, you’re welcome to take a look at it.”

  I stand rooted in the middle of his living room and smiling seductively, I reply, “I’ll take a look later. Right now it would be great if you could get dressed, or I’ll take off my jacket and make myself at home.”

  He slams the door closed and stalks toward me, impatience written all over his face. “Take off the jacket and do what you want, I have a date with my bar. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

  I start to unzip my jacket, and by the time I hit my navel Zac’s eyes are jumping between all the bare skin I’m showing and the zip. “You have got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” he growls and then stalks away.

  He’s taking on the wrong girl here. I’ll strip to get him out of this house.

  When he notices me behind him, he spins on his heel. “Come on, zip it up.” He gives me a dark look and heads for a bar. I watch him pour two drinks, and he quickly throws the one back with a few gulps.

  “I’m about to strip down, and the only uncomfortable person will be you,” I say, making my voice raspy. “Either you put on clothes or mine are coming off.”

  I reach for my belt when he throws a hand out to stop me. “Okay, you win. I’ll get dressed. But only one drink.”

  “There now, that wasn’t that hard,” I add a little twirl out of happiness and head over to the bar for my drink.

  While Zac disappears to get dressed, I settle on a bar stool and take a sip of the whiskey. I let the amber fluid burn down my throat and start to wonder how I’m going to get Zac out of his shell.

  “I’m dressed,” Zac grumbles as he walks back into the bar. He waves a hand across the length of my body. “Now, zip up.”

  I’ve forgotten that my jacket is undone and make a show of slowly zipping it up.

  I’ve managed to get two drinks into Zac, and he’s still not loosening up. He’s wound so tight I’m running out of ideas to get him to have fun.

  We decided to stay at his place, and I’m bending over the pool table, getting ready to sink a ball.

  “What’s the use of having,” I line up for another shot, and actually manage to sink the ball. I do a little happy dance, then finish my sentence, “a pool table if you don’t use it?”

  “I use it. I’m just not in the mood right now.”

  I walk over to him and stroking the stick up and down in front of him, I lean closer. “What are you in the mood for?”

  His eyes turn a darker shade of blue. I’m just about to think I finally have him where I want him when he says, “Don’t play this game with me, Chloe,” he warns. “I think it’s time for you to go home.”

  While I’m leaning closer, I take the liberty of kissing his cheek. I don’t beg. “Night, Zac,” I whisper.

  I place the stick against the bar and head out. I need to get laid, and it won’t be happening at this address.



  I wake up feeling like shit and glare around me at the unfamiliar surroundings. I’m still in Chris’ bed.


  I must’ve really got hammered to not go home after the one-night stand and again I don’t remember much of what I did.

  This is a bad habit I have to break. What’s the use of having sex if I’m not even going to remember it the morning after?

  I drag my ass out from under the covers and start to search the room for my clothes. There’s nothing. I expand my search to the rest of the apartment and find my clothes scattered near the door.

  I get dressed quietly so I won’t wake Chris because it’s the last thing I need right now. Once I’m outside and walking down the street while squinting against the morning sun, I realize I have no idea where I am. Pulling my phone from my bag, I dial
Emma’s number.

  “You’re in deep shit,” Emma answers clearly upset. “Why didn’t you answer your phone? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?” She lets me have it, and I can’t blame her because I know I’ve made a mistake.

  “Sorry, Sunshine. I had fun and got carried away. I need directions to get home,” I drop the bomb that’s only going to upset Emma more. I feel like utter shit for doing this to my best friend.

  “What? Bloody hell, Chloe! Do you know how reckless that is? Give me the address, and we’ll come get you.”

  “Hang ten, I need to look for a street name.” Emma huffs loudly and I know I’m going to pay dearly for my stupidity. I walk to the corner and give her the address.

  The sun is blinding me while I wait and I curse myself again for falling asleep here.

  A car pulls up, and to my utter embarrassment, Aiden and Zac are sitting in the front. Once Aiden puts the car in park, Emma climbs out of the back. She scowls at me darkly, and I know she’s going to let me have it all the way home.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Emma’s voice quivers, catching me off guard. I didn’t mean to make her worry. I feel bad for upsetting her so severely.

  She stalks right up to me and grabs my hand. A tear rolls down her cheek making me feel even worse. “Your mom died, and this is your way of coping? I’m here for you to talk about it. Don’t go out and screw every man you can. You’re only hurting yourself more. This is so unlike you, Chloe.”

  Feeling awful and filled with shame, I say, “I’m sorry I didn’t phone. I was just having some fun.” I laugh humorlessly and shrug my shoulders. “There’s no need for you to worry about me.”

  “No need to worry?” She heaves an angry breath. “You don’t even know where you are! You’re too wild. What happened to my caring friend, she’s got to be in there still? I love you too much to watch you destroy yourself.” Another tear rolls down her cheek. I can only imagine how worried she must’ve been. It takes a lot for Emma to cry.


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