BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

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BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2) Page 12

by Nicole Rickman

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  Aiden and Aimee sat in the back seat of the car. She wanted to read more of the diary, but it was in the trunk. She couldn’t focus right now anyway. She was worried about the guy at the diner. His stare was scary.

  “You ok?” Aiden laid his hand on her knee, causing her heart to go crazy.

  “Yeah. That guy was scary.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t like how he looked at you.”

  “That makes two of us. I don’t know if reading the diary today has just got us jumpy or what?”

  “No, he was creepy. So, what are your plans while we are down here?”

  “Tomorrow we have our private tour. I just hope you guys don’t get too bored.”

  “Us, never. We can make anything fun, isn’t that right, Colin?”

  “Sure is. This will be the most entertaining day at work you have ever seen.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  The next morning, the group arrived at Orchid Orchards at 8:45. Mr. Ward was waiting by the main gate. He showed them were to park the cars and then took them to the main office. They went into the break room, where they found a full breakfast bar. Mr. Ward explained that every Friday, the employees make a breakfast bar using ingredients from the Orchard and the nearby company farm.

  “We have a farm near here?” Aimee took her place in line.

  “Yes, we do. It is called Amelia’s Farm.”

  “When we are done here can we visit the farm?”

  “Of course.”

  The group sat at an antique table. Mr. Ward explained the table was in storage when Roseednay bought the property.

  After the delicious breakfast, they started the tour. Aimee had asked Piper to bring her camera so she could take phots. Aimee, and the others had their cells and notepads to take notes on what they felt was important info.

  They started in the citrus groves first. Aimee was full of questions about the trees. She was checking on things, like what type of soil was in the orchard, what irrigation system was being used, what they do to help prevent damage to trees from frost.

  She looked for signs of damage to the trees. The others had no clue what she was looking for, so if she seen something not right, she would motion for Piper to take a picture. She walked the entire grove, documenting what was working and what wasn’t.

  For lunch, they ordered from a local diner. Aimee looked at some of the pictures she took with her camera on her cell. The groves were producing fruit now, but some things looked off to her. She sent the photos to Opal and asked her to have Charles look at them and call her back later.

  The apple orchards looked a lot better. Aimee asked a lot of the same questions, only with the apples, she wanted to know about pollination. The farm was using beehives to pollinate the apples. When she asked how many hives to an acre, he told her two. She was ninety-nine percent sure that there needed to be three hives per acre for dwarf trees. She wanted to check for sure with Charles on that as well.

  They were walking back to the store. Jaxson was going to start checking out the IT issues in the store and the main office. Aimee ask Mr. Ward if they could meet in private for a few minutes before they went to the farm.

  “How long have you been in charge of the Orchard and Grove?”

  “I only started in this position two years ago.”

  “Ok. Who had your job before you?”

  “Mr. Asher. He died from Lung Cancer.”

  “Sorry to hear that. I hope his family is ok.”

  “Yes. His wife works in the store. She is off today.”

  “I don’t mean to sound rude when I ask this. What training did you receive to get the job?”

  “I have worked here since I was a teenager.”

  “Ok. Does the company ever send you to training?”

  “No. May I ask why you are asking me this?”

  “I just noticed a few minor problems in the orchard and the grove has some that could cause us problems later.”

  “If you don’t mind me saying, Miss Pittman, you are a nineteen year old kid.

  What makes you an expert on raising fruit trees?”

  “I was raised on the Plantation that the corporation that owns Roseednay Fruits owns. The head of our orchards is Charles, he is like a father to me. I worked the fields with him every day I was on the plantation until last year. I always ask questions.”

  “I see, so what do you suggest we do?”

  “I am sending the photos and notes to Charles. He is calling tonight. I need to talk to Mr. Myers.”

  “Miss Pittman, we heard you had one guy fired already. I have a child starting college this year.”

  “Mr. Ward, I am afraid your staff has been misinformed. I can’t go into details, but no one has been fired. You are not in any danger of losing your job. I only want to ensure that we are providing you and your staff with the resources you need to do your job.”

  “Thank you, mam. I do have to say, it is nice to see someone from management come and walk the Orchards and Groves.”

  “If it was not for the men and women working here and on the farm, we would not have a business. I am well aware of that. That is why I want to ensure you receive all the resources and the training you need to run this Orchard and keep it competitive with our competitors.”

  When they went to the farm, Aimee felt a cold chill go over her body. She felt like something was not right here. The house was smaller than the one on the plantation. Aimee walked around the yard. She spotted a brick sticking out of the flower garden. She bent down and wiped it off. It had the initials H. L. engraved in it. She went pale and grabbed Aiden’s arm.

  He looked at the brick. “Aimee, we don’t know for sure.”

  “Aiden, I have had a cold chill from the second we walked through the gate.”

  He took her hand. “Let’s check out the farm, ok?”

  Aimee held to Aiden the entire tour of the farm. He told Piper to take lots of pictures. James took notes, while Colin and Kelli asked questions. Aimee was in shock. Her eyes were wide. He wanted to pick her up and run away from this farm.

  When the tour was complete, Aimee came to herself. “Does anyone live in the house?”

  “No.” Mr. Ward looked confused.

  “Do you have a key to the house?”

  David, the guy giving the tour, said he did. Aimee asked if she could have the key. He handed it to her. “We have a housekeeper who comes by every two months to clean. She hasn’t been here this month.”

  “That’s ok.” She turned to Aiden and then she went to walk up the steps.

  Aiden ran up beside her. “Are you crazy?”

  “No. I have to know, Aiden.”

  “Let us go in first.” Colin was beside her now.

  Piper and Kelli each placed a hand on her shoulder. “We can follow the guys, Aimee.”

  Aimee turned to Piper and noticed the fear in her eyes, then she handed Aiden the key. The foyer was dark. Colin flipped on the light, revealing the white bare walls. Aiden took Aimee’s hand as they walked into the living room. The floor was wooden and had been stripped and refinished. Aimee looked at the walls, they were all bare as well.

  She looked down at the floor. There was a spot on the floor, near the fireplace, that looked darker to her. She walked over and stood by it and turned herself around. That is when she noticed the front wall had an abnormality in the drywall. She went and took her hand over it. She walked the room. Then, went to the kitchen. It had been stripped and cleaned as well. The garage stunk. But the concrete floor had dark spots on them too.

  Aiden took her hand. “Aimee, you need to get out of here. Come on; you need fresh air.”

  Aimee collapsed in his arms. “This is HAL’s home. This is where MAL shot her.”

  “I know, but we need to leave. You don’t want them staring at you. Colin is taking the key back. I will drive you to the orchard.”

  Aimee and Aiden rode back alone. He was having her doing deep breathing techniques. She could not beli
eve what just happened. To see the house, brought a new light on the diaries. Now she can better visualize what her mom is saying.

  When they returned to the plantation, Jaxson and Lexi were still working on the IT stuff, so she asked to tour the main house. Mr. Ward gave her a key and told her she could keep it. The main house had a full time maid and she could use it whenever she comes down to Mystic Paradise in the future.

  Aimee didn’t have that weary feeling, like she did at the farm, when she entered the house. The foyer looked a lot like the way her mom described. She placed her hand over her chest. She was actually standing in a house her mom lived in as a child.

  She walked into the kitchen and the first thing she noticed was the huge stainless steel pot on the back burner of the old gas stove. It was the same type of pot her Gran used in Savannah. She walked around the table and stood in the exact spot MAL hit her mom.

  Aiden came behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “You ok?”

  “Yeah, I am. I feel great. I think it is awesome I am finally seeing a part of her life.”

  “No anxiety or bad feelings?”

  “None. I promise.”

  The housekeeper came out of the powder room and gasped. “Who are you?”

  Aimee walked over to her. “I am Aimee Pittman. Mr. Ward gave me the key.”

  She sighed. “Yes, you are from the main office. I heard you may visit the house today. I cleaned one of the bedrooms for you, if you choose to spend the night.”

  “We actually have reservations at a hotel near the beach.” Aimee replied.

  “I can fix dinner for you, if you like.”

  “We don’t want to impose.” Aimee smiled at the girl, she was in her thirties.

  “You’re not. I have to work until six. The house is clean, so if you don’t need me, I have to work at the store. I’d much rather stay and fix your food.”

  Aiden took Aimee by the shoulders. “What is on the menu?”

  “Fresh Pork Chops, baked potatoes, fresh green beans, cornbread…”

  “That sounds great. It seems you have planned quite a feast. We would love to stay.” Aiden grinned at her.

  “Yes, sir, I have.”

  Aimee grinned. “You can cook us dinner, but we want you to join us for dinner. We have two more friends with us. Jaxson is from the IT department and he is checking the computers here at the farm.”

  “Ok. But I can eat in the maid chambers.”

  Aimee laid her hand on her chest. “Excuse my manners, I did not introduce my friends. She pointed to each friend and introduced them to her. What is your name?”


  “Susan, I hope you choose to join us. I really love getting to know the employees that make Roseednay Fruits what it is.”

  “I will think about it. If you excuse me, I will start dinner.”

  “We are going to look around. Is it ok if we go and look at the bedrooms?”

  “Yes. Let me know what room you like the best. I will have it ready for you the next time you are visiting.”

  Aimee took in every inch of the view. She had Piper snap pictures of the living areas, mantle pieces, and the detailed glass in the doors that separated the living area from the main dining area. The layout of the house was much like the plantation. The main difference was the master bedroom was upstairs here, instead of downstairs.

  When they went up the stairs, she took care to notice the design in the railing. The hall was long. Aimee stopped and gasped. The hall was just as her mom described in her journal. She went and sat in the window seat that was built on left side of the hall. She looked out the window at the rose garden below. She couldn’t help but to cry.

  Aiden came and sat beside her. “You ok?”

  “Yeah. You can stop asking me that. I just can’t believe I am actually in her house.”

  He took her hand. “Do you want to see more?”

  “Yes, mom’s room is the first one on the right. I want to start there.”

  The four friends walked in the room. Piper got a text from Lexi and shortly they joined them. Aimee sat on the chair at the vanity. “I am so glad you guys are here with me. It is so unreal to be sitting in my mother’s bedroom. We have read so much about this house.”

  Colin yelled. “Aimee pile.” Aiden took her hand and moved her off the chair and unto the floor, wrapped in his arms. Then, the entire group piled on them.

  Everyone was off her now. She was getting ready to raise up, when she noticed a piece of paper taped to the bottom of the seat. She reached and took the envelope from under the chair. The paper was yellow. It had been there for a while. She scooted over and looked under the vanity. She found a key taped under one of the ridges on the bottom.

  She sat up and laid them on the floor. “Wonder what these are?”

  She took the envelope and looked it over. It was addressed to someone named Ryder. Aimee turned it over and broke the seal. She read the letter out loud.

  My Darling Ryder,

  I have loved you for so long. You make every day as glamourous as a sunrise over the ocean. Every day I spend with you, I found something new about myself. Every day is an adventure. I remember our first date and watching the sunset over the ocean. Every time I see a sunrise I think of you and how you always said that every sunrise is the beginning of a new day, a fresh start, a day we can find out more about life and ourselves.

  Our love is like the rose garden we are caring for together. The blooms we produce are magical and wonderful. Every second I am with you, I feet strong and safe.

  I try not to, but I do worry about us. I feel that if this war goes on much longer, we may be separated somehow. I saw the man from the Radicals talking to you. I am not sure what they are trying to bribe you with, but I love that you are standing by me.

  I was reading 1John today, in chapter four, I found a verse that spoke to me. It reminded me of our situation and the fears I have. 1John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

  I really pondered on that verse and what God was telling me. I realized that my fears of the Radicals is not showing the love and trust I have in God. No matter what happens in the days or months coming, we need to rest assure that God is with us. He knows what our future holds, even if we don’t know ourselves and, good or bad, He is going to hold us in His arms.

  I have prayed about my fears and God has shown me that I should not fear. I am trying to calm my fears. I read this verse today as well, and it reminded me of us and our love. Matthew 19:6 - Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

  God has joined us together. This Radical Group cannot tear us apart. I love you with all my heart. There is no place I would rather be, than by your side. I will always see you in every sunrise. I pray for the day the Radicals are captured and we can live our lives the way we planned. I can’t wait until the day God grants us with a child to bring in this world and show them to share the love of God to everyone.

  I have to end my letter. If you find this, we are apart from one another. Remember the love I have for you

  With all my love

  “She didn’t sign her name.” Aimee folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope and then placed it back where she found it, to take it now just seemed wrong to her.

  Aimee sat on the floor and looked around the room. She figured the others were waiting for her to break down, but she wasn’t right now. Her mom loved Ryder and she has known that for some time. She was focusing on the fact that she learned her mother’s first husband’s first name.

  She took the key and placed it in her pockets as she stood. She grinned at her friends as she walked out the door. No one knew what to say, so they all just followed her to the room at the very end of the hall. “According the diaries, this is Gran’s room.”

  Aimee opened the door, it was just as her mom had described in her diary.
Aimee walked around the room. It seemed as unreal to her as standing in her mom’s room. They had kept the furniture that was in the house. All that had changed was newer mattress sets, bedding, and curtains.

  Aimee looked out the window of her Gran’s room. It overlooked the apple orchards. Aimee couldn’t help to think how her room must have smelled in the spring. She sat on a chair near the window and just gazed. She had a lot to take in today. A few questions for Susan at dinner as well.


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