Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1)

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Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1) Page 9

by Geri Glenn

  “Spread your knees wider, baby.”

  I spread my knees as wide as I can, Ryker slamming into me from behind, finger still strumming my clit. The sounds and screams coming from my throat are loud and unintelligible. My head swims with pleasure, my mind lost to Ryker. My orgasm comes over me slow, but hard. Ryker slows his hips, continuing to glide in and out, my pussy clenching him like a vise. I’m still coming when his cock gets impossibly bigger and his body tightens behind me. Growling, his hips stutter before he calls out my name in a raspy groan. “Charlotte. Fuckin’ Christ.” He stills, burying his face in my neck.

  I whimper when he pulls out, not wanting it to end. He lays down beside me, gathering me to his chest, hands back in my hair. Squeezing me tight, he kisses the top of my head, both of us trying to catch our breath. I look up at him, a grin spread across my face. “So I take it you don’t mind my morning breath?”

  His face breaks out into the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen, that amazing dimple making an appearance before he answers. “Yeah, baby girl. I don’t mind your morning breath. Not at all.”

  My smile widens and I press my face into his chest, emotions overwhelming me. He’s almost too good to be true. He takes away all of my inhibitions and fears, making me feel like the only woman in the world.

  Looking up at him again, I find him staring down at me. He places a kiss on the tip of my nose before pulling back slightly to look in my eyes. Then he’s kissing me again, the fire in my belly building once more.

  After a few minutes he tears his lips away from mine, stopping to place another kiss on the tip of my nose. Butterflies dance in my belly. That’s the third time he’s done that now. I think those three kisses are my favorite kisses of all.

  “Alright woman. Enough molesting me. We got shit to do today.” He grins at me, knocking the wind out of me with his dimple once again.

  I just stare at him stupidly, my brain still wrapped up in our kiss, my body wanting more. He chuckles, kisses my nose and climbs out of bed. “I’m gonna shower, then it’s your turn.”

  I nod and he chuckles again. “So fuckin’ cute,” he mutters, shaking his head as he walks out of the room.

  I lay there and smile, my body still recovering from the most amazing sex I’d ever had. My mind wanders lazily, until I find myself thinking about my sister. I try to wrap my head around what I’d learned the night before. Ryker and the Kings had called the Devils off me, but they still want their fifteen thousand from my sister. The Kings are going to hide her until she can come up with the money. What did he mean by hide her? And, I would be staying with Ryker, but able to go to work as long as there was a “man on me.” I guess I would have to get Ryker to elaborate because I was still a little confused about what all of that meant.

  After just a few minutes, Ryker comes striding back into the room wearing nothing but a towel. My mouth goes dry. Good God. Beads of water cling to his arms and torso. His hair is wet and messy. Tattoos cover his arms and chest and I want to trace each and every one individually with my tongue. “You’re up, baby girl.”

  I pull myself together and manage a nod. Climbing out of bed, I grab my backpack and head for the shower. As I pass, Ryker reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me into him. His wet chest presses against my t-shirt clad one, my nipples hardening on contact. Staring down at me for a moment, his eyes search mine. Not sure what he’s looking for, I can only blink at him. He smirks and shakes his head before leaning in and touching his lips to mine.

  He releases me then and I stumble out of the room, dazed by his affection. I swear I hear him chuckle, but I’m too busy grinning to care.



  Waking up with Charlie in my arms was new for me. I’ve never actually slept with a woman before her. I’d had sex – a lot of it – but when it was over, they left. End of encounter. Waking up, seeing her looking at me like she wanted to climb me like a tree was sexy as fuck. This was getting complicated. I can’t have a relationship with her – I won’t. But I can’t seem to stop myself. She is amazing. Being with her just feels right somehow. Those sexy noises she makes when I’m fucking her don’t hurt either.

  After her shower, Charlie calls her work and tells them some bullshit story about a car accident. That will make explaining her cuts and bruises much easier. They seem to buy it and she has to be to work by three this afternoon. She exhales after she gets off the phone, like a giant weight had been lifted. I’m glad for her. Charlie is good at her job – if it brings her happiness, she needs to be there.

  I’d explained to her that we were going to see her sister next, and that it was likely the last time she’d see her for a while. We need to get her out of town, and fast. The Devils don’t fuck around when they’re looking for you. She’s being sent to stay with another chapter of our club, in Quebec. She’s going to work for them in their bar, earning money so she could pay off her debt and be rid of the Devils once and for all. In the meantime, we’re going to ensure they couldn’t find her and collect in blood.

  Charlie climbs on the back of my bike like she belongs there. Her arms around me, chest pressed to my back, feels so fucking good that I have to remind myself not to grin while I drive. I’m a badass biker. I have a rep to maintain.

  It’s almost noon by the time we pull into the clubhouse parking lot. A few of my brothers are outside smoking or working on their bikes. I give them all a chin left, grab Charlie’s hand and head into the building.

  Walking into the common room, the first person we see is Lucy. Fucking figures. Lucy’s a club whore and a pain in my ass. I’d hit that shit multiple times. Lucy’s wild and likes it any way she can get it. She’s a whore though and aside from fucking, I didn’t have much to do with her. Lately, she’d been clingy as fuck, so I’d been sure to stay away from her. No way was I getting caught up in her shit.

  The seductive smile she puts on when she sees me falters a bit when her eyes land on Charlie. She recovers quickly though, turning it back on. She smiles directly at me, ignoring Charlie completely. “Hi Ryker. Where’ve you been, baby? I’ve missed you.”

  Missed me? What the fuck is this bitch playing at? I haven’t talked to her in weeks, and even then it was just to tell her to find another cock to ride because I wasn’t interested. I nod in her direction, pulling Charlie along as I mumble my greeting. “Lucy.”

  She glares at Charlie as we pass, but I ignore her and her bullshit, continuing on until we come to the door of the room Anna’s been staying in. I haven’t seen her since that night – I don’t care to see her now. This stupid bitch almost got Charlie raped to save her own skin. I don’t care who she is. Sister or not, she doesn’t deserve to even be in Charlie’s breathing space.

  I knock once on the door. When I hear Anna call out, I push it open and look down at Charlie. “I got shit to do. Visit with her for a bit. She’s leaving this afternoon, and I don’t know how long she’ll be gone.”

  Charlie looks me in the eye then nods, her lip quivering a bit. I plant a kiss on the tip of her nose, leaving her to visit with her skanky sister.

  Chapter Eleven


  Walking into the dingy room my sister occupies, I’m surprised to see her looking happy and well. In my mind, I’d pictured her falling apart – it’s just the way she is. She falls apart, and I hold her together while I go about fixing everything. That role had fallen on me at an early age and I’ve never questioned it. This time though, she had made a mess I could not fix. It’s reassuring to see her in control of herself.

  “Char! Hi!” She smiles at me, wrapping me in a hug before holding me out at arm’s length to look at my healing face. Her smile falls away, eyes filling with tears. “Oh, sweetie. I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

  I smile tightly. “I know. I’m ok.”

  Nodding, she moves to the bed where she sits on the edge, looking at me with concern showing in her deep brown eyes.

  “Anna? I need to know. Why did you borrow
all that money from the Devils?” I have to ask. There’s no way to ease into this conversation. I need to know and, I’m tired of everybody keeping me in the dark.

  Anna’s eyes go to the floor in front of her feet. She sighs and doesn’t speak for a few seconds, searching for the right words. “It’s so stupid. I never meant for it to go so far. I got a couple of credit cards using Mom’s name.” She swallows thickly. “She was pretty sick at the time and didn’t even know about them. After she died, nobody else knew about them either … so I just kept using them. I kept buying more and more shit; clothes and jewelry and stuff. Those couple of trips I took to Vegas were all put on those credit cards. They were maxed, they cut them off and were about to send them to collections. I knew if that happened, I’d be in a lot of shit for using a dead woman’s credit cards, so I borrowed the money to pay them off.”

  I stare at her. All this shit is happening because she wanted dangly earrings and tube tops? What an idiot! “So what you’re telling me is, you stole from Mom, even indirectly before she died and continued to do it afterwards … so you could buy clothes and trips to Vegas?

  She looks at her feet and nods her head. I’m still confused though. “Why on earth did the Devils even lend you that money? I mean, it’s not like they’re a friendly group of guys looking to help a woman in need.”

  She looks up at me, tears falling down her cheeks. “I guess it’s ‘cause I was kind of their favorite. I’m … I don’t know. Flexible? The couple of guys I was sleeping with were the ones to lend it to me.”

  Revulsion washes over me. “Ew! Even Krueger?”

  She nods her head and continues to cry silently. I can’t even hide my shiver. Disgusting. I force myself to push that horrible mental image to the back of my mind and decide to let it all go for now. Anna has always been greedy, so that part’s no surprise. I figure that will never change either. Anna’s leaving tonight and I don’t want to fight with her. Especially when I don’t know when I’ll see her again.

  “So now you’re off to Montreal?” She nods again. “Well, Ryker tells me you’re leaving soon, so let’s get you packed up.”

  Meeting my eyes, she gives me a soft, relieved smile before nodding her head.



  I glance at my watch one more time. This church meeting is taking way longer than I expected. I need to get Charlie home to get her shit, then get her to work for three o’clock. All of my brothers are sitting around the long wooden table that sits as the centerpiece of our club’s meeting room.

  “Well, now that we got that settled, there’s one last order of business to see to.” Gunner’s voice breaks through my thoughts. Snapping back to attention, I see his gaze on me. As the president of the Kings of Korruption, Gunner Munroe is a force to be reckoned with. He’s not a man whose attention you want aimed in your direction.

  I stare back at him, waiting to hear what he has to say. I don’t have to wait long.

  “Some crazy shit went down the other night, Ryker.” I nod. Crazy shit did go down. “Some of our brothers helped you deal with that shit. That’s cool – that’s what brothers are for.” I nod again, waiting to see where he’s going with this. “What I wanna know now is, you want more help dealing with this shit, to protect a couple of civilian bitches that have no affiliation with this club. You claiming one of these bitches as your own?”

  “No.” My answer’s immediate. Memories of this morning flash through my mind. Charlie moaning sweet for me, coming on my tongue, and then again around my cock. Charlie smiling her mega-watt smile at me, causing the breath to catch in my chest. I want nothing more than to claim her as my own, but that shit just can’t happen. Gunner cocks his eyebrow at me. “I don’t know.” I stab my fingers through my hair. “I just … fuck. I’m not claimin’ her. I don’t want an old lady, and Charlie’s not going to get involved in our world.”

  “Seems to me she’s already involved,” Tease drawls.

  I glare over at him. “She is. Her sister’s a fuckin’ cunt. The type of cunt who’d sell her own sister to fuckin’ Krueger, of all people, to use as a goddamned sex slave. All over a few thousand fucking dollars.” I glare around the room, looking each one of them in the eye. “Charlie’s a good person. She was good to Smokey before he died.” I stand my ground as they all stare at me, each one looking skeptical. I decide to pull out the big guns. “Smokey liked her. He would have wanted us to protect her.”

  Ten sets of eyes lower to the table, looking thoughtful. “Look. I just can’t let him take them. We have the resources to fuckin’ help these women. Krueger’s been a pain in our ass for as long as I can remember. He’s been raping our whores for years, and last year he cut that one bitch up so bad, she was in the hospital for fuckin’ weeks. Maybe this whole situation will allow us to get rid of him once and for all.” Silence fills the room.

  My chest grows heavy as the tension in the room builds. Regardless of what these fuckers say, I’m going to take care of Charlie. That cocksucker Krueger, is not getting his hands on her.

  “I’m in.” This comes from across the table. Jase. That crazy son of a bitch always has my back. I nod at him in appreciation.

  “Me too.” This comes from Tease. Tease is just a prospect and his vote doesn’t count for shit, but he’s one tough son of a bitch. Having him at my back will be a definite advantage. I give him a chin lift.

  “Alright, let’s put it to a vote,” Gunner says. “All in favor of helping Ryker protect his pretty little nurse and her cunt sister, and hopefully getting our hands on Krueger in the process, say aye.”

  The room resounds with a unanimous round of “aye’s.” Relief washes over me. I would’ve protected the Daniels sisters no matter what, but with my brothers helping me, it won’t be nearly as difficult.

  “It’s unanimous. Ryker, you’ve got the club’s help when you need it. I will say though, somethin’ else comes up that needs our attention, the club comes first and those bitches will be left on their own. We clear?”

  I nod my head, not about to argue. I’ve got the club’s help and that’s all I can ask for. Hopefully nothing else comes up, but if it does, I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Gunner bangs his gavel, adjourning our meeting. Fucking finally.

  I stand, moving to follow my brothers out of the room when someone places a hand on my arm. Turning, I see Reaper standing there, not looking happy.

  “Ryk. We need to have a word.”

  I really need to get out of here and get shit done, but the seriousness of his tone has me curious. Nodding my head, I turn back to the room, waiting silently as everyone clears out. When the room’s empty, I look to him again. “What’s up?”

  “I want to talk to you about these women.” My body stills as I wait for him to continue. “I got a bad feelin’ about this shit, brother. It’s not gonna end well for you. You say you’re not claimin’ her, but you’re swingin’ all our asses out there to protect them. And for what?”

  Anger flashes through me. “What do you mean, for what? You want to leave two defenseless women to Krueger, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants to them? That shit’s fucked, Reap. Even for you.”

  “You seem to be gettin’ awful attached to that pretty little nurse of yours, but I gotta say it.” He leans in, putting his face directly in mine. “She ain’t from our world, Ryker. Gettin’ attached to a bitch like that is fuckin’ insane, and you know it.”

  He’s not saying anything I haven’t thought myself already, but having someone else voice it out loud is like a physical punch to the gut. “You think I don’t fuckin’ know that?” My face twists with anger. “If we don’t fuckin’ help them, Krueger is gonna use her like a goddamned sex slave. Can you live with that? With knowing that he’s raping her every goddamned night? We have the power to stop him, and I’m going to. No way in hell am I stepping aside.”

  I glare at him, a clear challenge to argue with me. I’m wound so tight, I know that if he does, I’ll snap. He glares
back at me. “See what I mean? Fuck, Ryker. You’re willin’ to take me on right here and now for even suggestin’ we don’t help them. You’re too fuckin’ attached to her.” He sighs, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m not tryin’ to be a heartless dick, but you need to see the big picture here. You’re our VP. You’re next in line to be the fuckin’ president of this MC. Gunner’s leavin’ soon and we need you. Not a doubt in my mind, you’re gonna be the best prez we’ve had, but bein’ with a bitch like that makes you vulnerable. In your position, bein’ vulnerable is a fuckin’ liability. You should know that better than anybody.”

  My heart clenches. Fuck. My mom. Reaper’s right. I can’t get involved with Charlie. I should never have touched her last night, and I definitely shouldn’t have fucked her this morning. I’d fucked up royally, but it’s not too late. I know I can still protect Charlie and Anna, but I need to do it while maintaining my distance from them both.

  “I’ll help you out. Take her to my place. Protect her myself.” His words snap me out of my thoughts. No way in hell is he taking Charlie to his place. Not only is she fucking terrified of him, but the thought of Charlie sleeping in Reaper’s bed instead of mine has me wanting to take a swing at the son of a bitch.

  I try to maintain my cool. “Not happenin’. I got this. Shit stays as is. Charlie will stay with me, and Anna is out of here tonight. We’ll get that fucker, then life can go back to business as usual.”

  Reaper just stares at me. I know he doesn’t believe my act. Is my affection for Charlie that clear by the look on my face? Fuck. Charlie. My liability.


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