Logan (Bachelors And Babies Book 2)

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Logan (Bachelors And Babies Book 2) Page 14

by Margaret Tanner

“Thank you for a lovely meal, Kate,” Jemma said. “I really enjoyed it, especially the part where I didn’t have to cook it or clean up afterward.”

  After Kate went to attend another customer, Max drew a slightly grubby looking envelope from his waistcoat pocket. “This is yours, Logan.”

  “Thanks, but you shouldn’t have….”

  “It’s not from me. Doc gave it to me. It’s from Sam.”


  “Yeah, it’s his Will. All in order apparently. Doc witnessed it and kept it safe for him.”

  “Do you know what’s in it?”

  “Yeah, more or less. Doc told me after the funeral. He had planned to give it you then, but you left before he got the chance.”

  Logan shrugged. “Nice of Sam to think of me, but what could he possibly have to leave anyone?”

  “His ranch.”

  “What!” Logan’s eyes widened with shock, a pulse convulsed in his jaw. “He left me his ranch?”

  Jemma couldn’t believe her ears.”

  “How could he afford to buy a ranch?” Logan asked, not even trying to hide his incredulity.

  “You’ve heard of the Homesteaders Act of 1862?”

  “Yeah.” Logan took the folded paper out of the envelope.

  “Sam would have got over a hundred acres from the government for less than twenty dollars.”

  “I can’t believe it.”

  “Well believe it, Logan, it’s yours, free and clear. He might have lived like a hermit, but he owed nothing when he died.”

  “I still can’t believe this,” he said, bewilderment edging his voice.

  “There’s about sixty acres left, he must have sold off the rest over the years.”

  “This is a lifesaver for us, Max. I wouldn’t normally mention it, but I’m running real low on money.”

  “You plan on selling it?” Max asked.

  “Yeah, I guess I will. It’s too small for my purposes and I can’t afford to run two places. I just can’t believe Sam owned the place or that he would leave it to me.” Logan sounded so shocked and bewildered, Jemma rested her hand on his.

  “You don’t have to decide anything straight away,” she said.

  “Jemma’s right. Sleep on it, Logan. It’s a mighty big decision, but can I ask you something?”


  “If you decide to sell the place, give me first offer.”


  “Yeah, I don’t plan on being Sheriff for too much longer. I’ve been training up the Deputy to take my place, and when he’s ready I’ll leave. It’s not a big parcel of land, enough for me, though.”

  “You’ll get first offer. You have my word on it.” The men shook hands.

  “I’ll give you market value, about five dollars an acre. If you need money quickly, I’ve got a bit put aside. You can have that for a deposit while I get the rest from the bank.”

  “Sounds fair. I never thought of you as a rancher.”

  “Born and bred on a farm.”

  “A sheriff turned sodbuster,” Logan jeered good-naturedly.

  When they decided to leave, Max walked out of the diner with them, and Kate came to wave them off.

  “Call in when next you come to town and bring Jemma with you,” she said.

  “I will.”

  “Goodbye, Kate, thank you so much for your kindness, the meal was delicious.”

  Jemma was surprised when Kate leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. As they walked away she heard Kate say. “See you for supper, Max.”

  With Alice settled into her cradle for the ride home, Logan lifted Jemma on to the wagon seat and jumped up beside her.

  “Do you think Max and Kate are courting?” she asked.

  “I do.”

  “You’ve said that twice today Logan McGregor.”

  He laughed, released the brake on the wagon and they set off for home.


  Two years later.

  A cold blast of wind preceded Logan as he stepped into the cabin. “Brr, it’s cold out there. Supper ready?”

  “Pa, Pa.” Alice toddled up to him as fast as her chubby little legs would carry her.

  “How’s my wee gal doin’?” He swung her up in his arms and she squealed with delight.

  “Shush, don’t make so much noise, you’ll wake the baby.” Jemma glanced over to the cradle where six month old Samuel Daniel McGregor slept. Logan had turned Alice’s wooden box cradle into a rocking cradle. He had extended the loft area into a main bedroom and a smaller bedroom for the children.

  Jemma was supremely content. All the bad things in her life had been swept away by the happiness she now felt. Alice had grown into a pretty, mischievous child, while baby Samuel was beginning to show the same determination as Logan, even at such a tender age.

  Their ranch was prospering now Logan had more money to spend on it. They were even able to pay for hired help when things got busy – Max, who was now married to Kate and living on Sam’s old place, which they hard markedly improved.

  Sam’s old soddie had been fixed up and extended into a comfortable home.

  Jemma and Kate had great fun shopping for both their homes. Kate was still running the diner, but had employed a woman to help out, so she could spend more time helping Max.

  Life was good. From the ashes of a deliberately lit fire, she and Logan had overcome many obstacles to find happiness together.

  Now and for always.

  The End

  If you enjoyed reading Logan and Jemma’s story, a short review on Amazon would be much appreciated.

  Books in the Bachelors and Babies Series


  Book 1 ~ Pam Crooks ~ https://www.amazon.com/Trace-Bachelors-Babies-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07RZ9WXSC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1IVKZN1VL2QXG&keywords=trace+bachelors+and+babies&qid=1559962847&s=digital-text&sprefix=bachelors+and+babies+-+Trace%2Cdigital-text%2C404&sr=1-1


  Book 2 ~ Margaret Tanner ~ July 1


  Book 3 ~ Cynthia Woolf ~ https://www.amazon.com/Carter-Bachelors-Babies-Book-3-ebook/dp/B07S5CG1FG/ref=sxbs_sxwds-stvp?crid=20VE3J4HFHO94&keywords=trace+bachelors+and+babies&pd_rd_i=B07S5CG1FG&pd_rd_r=d1226ab5-f26f-4127-bc6f-96a40ede2709&pd_rd_w=t3FMX&pd_rd_wg=3MxDL&pf_rd_p=a6d018ad-f20b-46c9-8920-433972c7d9b7&pf_rd_r=5NMESVJG9XGY01C6B835&qid=1559963109&s=digital-text&sprefix=trace+-+bachelors+and+babies%2Cdigital-text%2C379


  Book 4 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ September 1


  Book 5 ~ Cyndi Raye ~ October 1


  Book 6 ~ Winnie Griggs ~ November 1


  Book 7 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ December 1


  Book 8 ~ Linda Carroll-Bradd ~ January 1


  Book 9 ~ Zina Abbott ~ February 1


  Book 10 ~ Caroline Clemmons ~ March 1


  Book 11 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ April 1


  Book 12 ~ Hebby Roman ~ May 1


  Book 13 ~ Carra Copelin ~ June 1


  Book 14 ~ Cheryl St.John ~ July 1

  Margaret Tanner’s Website: http://www.margarettanner.com

  Margaret Tanner’s Amazon Kindle Page: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=margaret+tanner&i=digital-text&ref=nb_sb_noss_1




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