Loving You Through Our Differences

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Loving You Through Our Differences Page 11

by Tucora Monique

  “Bitch. You’re the last person on God’s green earth that can pretend to forget something. I know your X-Men memory isn’t as sharp as when we were kids, but you know exactly who I’m talking about. Latif’s fine ass friend. Jupiter already told me you two have been going out, so don’t front.”

  She gasped for air like she was in the middle of the ocean, struggling to come up for oxygen, then her mouth dropped.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You fucked him. You fucked David Beckham!” she shouted like she’d just won money for that realization.

  “His name is Leiland, Eleven. You call him everything except that. And I did not have sex with that man. You and I both know if I did have sex with Leiland, I would have no problem saying so,” I confessed, sliding into a parking space.

  “Yeah, okay. Tell me anything. But I know your ass,” she said, reaching for her bag. “I have never seen you take a man serious. Like ever! Aside from Jackson, I don’t think I’ve witnessed you being faithful to any man. Let alone a white boy. You and I both know he is just a nationality to check off your ‘fucket’ list.”

  “I would have to be in a committed relationship for what I do to be considered cheating. I’m nobody’s girlfriend or wife, so I am free to do as I please.” I corrected her, reaching back to lock my doors.

  “And besides, the dudes I kept in rotation weren’t angels either, baby girl.”

  She stopped walking. “Kept? As in past tense? Oh shit, check Billie out. Ryan Gosling must really be doing his thang.”

  Without saying anything else to fuel her patronizing ass, I headed to the door.

  Recognizing a few familiar faces, we went over to the other ladies that would be participating in this morning’s session. It was being held at Sky Zone, a trampoline oasis.

  Teal, the owner of Wake it and Shake it holds class at unique locations once a month. From jogging on the beach to flag football with one of the local junior college teams, Teal makes you want to work out.

  I found out about her services after we met during a Strip and Strut class. We actually went to the same high school and had mutual friends, including my cousin Jupiter. Teal was three months out from her own wedding at the time and hit StrutinLA to learn a few moves for her hubby, Avery.

  I was curious to get into the workout. I wanted to know what the hell she was going to have us doing this morning.

  I felt somebody slap my ass and was prepared to put my pepper spray to work until I saw it was Jupiter’s silly self.

  “Girl, you almost got blinded tapping on this donkey,” I told her, popping my booty.

  She laughed. “Nasty. You guys need to go get your socks. They’re required for jumping.”

  “What the hell does Teal have us up here about to do? And how did she get access to this place?” Eleven questioned, walking over to take socks.

  “Networking. Y’all know she has her degree in business management from USC, and her father ran for city council years ago. When I asked how she is always getting such exclusive locations for our sessions, she said her daddy’s connections. She uses his rolodex, but she makes all the calls, and she has her own feet pounding the pavement.”

  “Hell, I need to get with Teal and see if any of those connections may be interested in investing in Crunch. I have literally sixty-four thousand saved, and I know Mr. Hooker is down to invest. I’ve been talking to him about my business since I started working at the cemetery. I would like to have at least half of my money solidified before I go begging the bank. I need a good three hundred thousand to startup, and that’s if I go the food truck route.”

  I saw the instructor was motioning for us ladies to follow, so we grabbed our belongings and got ready to sweat.

  That is exactly why I put my hair into six plats and styled it with a flower crown detailed with miniature lilies throughout. I knew after this workout my hair would be a mess. Considering I braided it up, I should be able to get away with a decent twist out for my date with Leiland.

  My stomach turned into a knot then a burst of butterflies fluttered through at the thought of him.

  I warmed at the remembrance of his hand trailing my lower back right above my ass upon greeting me.

  And I lost all hearing at the flattery I felt when Sparx came from his lips.

  As we walked into the large open space, Eleven whispered she was going to the ladies’ room. Jupiter got close to me, “How’d your date with Leiland go? Latif said Lei was singing “Sweet Lady” by Tyrese as they walked to the parking lot yesterday. So I hope that means things with you guys have been going good.” She blushed.

  “We’ve really only done coffee in the last two weeks, but the first date was everything, Jupiter.”

  If there was anyone in the world I could be honest with, it was Jupiter. She was closer to me than my own sister and had never judged me for being myself, even when she didn’t agree with the decisions I made.

  “Leiland was a complete gentleman, and at first, I thought that I wouldn’t be attracted to that. I didn’t think I’d like a nice guy, but after getting to know him, I realized I only thought that way because I never give ‘em a shot. And his ass isn’t as innocent as I initially thought. Come to find out, he used to be a part of a motorcycle club and got caught up in some hot shit before leaving.”

  Jupiter stopped walking, and I did the same, looking at her strangely. Her eyes were closed and hands were up like she was giving praises to God.

  “What’s wrong with you girl?” I asked, looking around to see if people were watching.

  “Just thanking God that you finally see the light. I’ve been trying to get you to understand that concept for years! But I get it, some things you gotta learn on your own, so for that, I’m grateful. I’ll take that. Totally forgot to tell you about his being a part of The Shepherds. Well used to. I don’t really know why he left exactly, but I know it had to do with something they did to him or someone close to him. Something like that. But like you said, you’ll get all the deets on that. Where’d you guys go? You know I live for this type of stuff.”

  After quickly sharing the information they were drooling for, Jupiter gave me a skeptical look.

  “I have to ask, did you have sex with him?”

  “First off, uh fuck you. And for your information, like I told this one right here, I didn’t have sex with Leiland. He took me to eat at a few different restaurants in Long Beach—”

  El cut me off. “I thought you said you guys only went to eat once?”

  “We did. He had me meet him at a central location, and other than The Attic, we went to a soul food place called WBee’s and had drinks and dessert at Cakes. It was pretty dope.” I knew I was blushing because I felt my cheeks begin to bubble.

  “Well, does he have a brother? Because I’m not at all afraid of adding a little milk to my coffee.”

  “Nope. But he has three sisters, and one is into chicks, so if you’re serious, you know I got you.” I joked, scrolling through my contacts.

  “I’ll pass.”

  “I bet.


  “Hey, Pappy. You know we can’t go too long without seeing our favorite person,” I teased, trying to smooth things over. I hadn’t stopped by in almost three weeks, and ever since the trouble I got into when I was younger, Pappy felt the need to micromanage my moves. I knew it came from a place of love, so I take it in stride. I was happy Jupiter suggested we come see him after class. I didn’t have to be to work until eleven, so I had some time to hang with the old man.

  “Yeah. Yeah. That’s why I haven’t seen none of y’all in months.” He chastised, going back to his seat.

  He literally only saw Carmen once or twice a year but was always on us.

  Eleven sat down on one of the three aluminum, folding chairs beside our grandfather. Ju and I took the other two.

  “So you’re going to act like I didn’t just come by to check on you Saturday morning, Pappy?” El asked while reaching for a handful of his sunflower s

  “Your high-yellow ass gone act like you came over here to keep me company, but it was really because you had too much of that brown liquor and couldn’t make it home. Yo’ ass not slick, Eleven. I done had to pull over and sleep it off plenty in my days, gurl,” he said, taking his bag of seeds from her.

  Jupiter and I just giggled at him refusing to let her get away with murder.

  “You done forgot who yo’ Pappy is girl. And I guess yo’ momma too. Now her ass could teach us all a thing or two. Dropped you and your sister off one morning and said she was going to a job interview. She was dressed in her Easter suit and all and never came back. Now that’s some damn game. Lil’ wench,” he mumbled, sipping from a glass that I was positive held dark soda and ice to the rim.

  At this point, we were all on the porch in tears from laughing so hard. It had taken years for us to get to this point. Being able to make light of a situation that was darker than anything they’d experienced. Having an angel like Pappy could instill strength into even the most fragile. That’s why we’re able to laugh. The trauma is now trivial, and we won.

  “Pappy, why do you always have to give us a hard time, huh? You don’t do Carmen like that.”

  Pappy had been the mother and father we all needed. My cousins had moved in with our grandfather when Eleven was seven and Ju was two years younger. Their mother, my auntie Ella, didn’t want to be a mother and looked for many ways to avoid the job. Attempting to kill her own daughters being one of them. That was something that didn’t come out until she disappeared, but that’s another story for another day.

  “I had to stay on y’all’s asses. I was an old man raising two girls and a few years later, two moe. Carmen was already a teenager, but the people let me take her, so she was my baby too. If I didn’t stay on y’all’s asses, then no one else was going to. Back in my day—"

  “I’m sleep.” Eleven hurriedly interrupted.

  “Bet if I tell you I got some fried chicken, eggs, and toast in there, you’d wake your behind right up.”

  “Burrnnnn. Why you get at her like that, Pappy?” I teased.

  “Chile, please. Eleven better not have a thing to say about me commenting on her love for fried chicken wings. If that BBW song came on she wouldn’t be looking stupid at no name calling. She’d embrace it then.”

  Eleven had her arms folded over her chest.

  “You know you my favorite,” he tried to whisper.

  “You know you can’t whisper without the entire neighborhood hearing what you’re talking about,” Jupiter added.

  El had the nerve to speak up. “Y’all need to leave my Pappy alone.”

  “Bit—” I closed my mouth as soon as Pappy glared at me with a look that dared me to finish the word.

  “Billie Grace, since you want to be the center of attention, how about you tell your grandfather about your new boyfriend.” El smiled, telling my business.

  “Leiland is not my boyfriend.”

  “Leiland? He from ‘round here?”

  Now it was Jupiter and her sister’s turn to get a laugh at my expense. Like I said before, Pappy grew up in a different time, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure how he’d feel about me dating a white man.

  “Yes. He’s from here. Actually, been living in Gardena since he was younger.”

  “Tell him what he looks like, BG,” Eleven said, and Ju elbowed her in the side.

  I cut my eyes at Eleven. Her ass had one more time before I told Pappy she had a one-night stand with a woman and liked it. She thought no one knew, but she was sadly mistaken. I saw her leave the Saddle Ranch one night with a woman who looked like a dude. Based off their interaction, I could tell they weren’t just friends. That was the real reason I asked if she wanted to meet Leiland’s sister, Preston.

  “Leiland is white, Pappy. That is what Eleven is dying to let roll off her tongue.” I rolled my eyes at her nosy ass.

  “Leiland is around six foot five, built like a football cornerback, more tattoos than you may like, and he’s half Irish, half Hispanic,” I said with finality. Though I respected his opinion, I wasn’t going to allow Pappy’s preference in color to steer me away.

  His gray and black eyebrows were up as if waiting for the climax to this thriller. “That’s it?”

  Crossing his legs, he waved me off.

  “Girl, hush. I may be old school about a lot of stuff, but dating outside of black ain’t a big deal to me. Too much other stuff going on ‘round the world for folks to be worried about who you attracted to. Yo’ Pappy done got his swirl on once or twice when I was in the military and needed some good lovin’. Humph, to tell you the truth, all men are the same, no matter the color. Timmy gone get on yo’ damn nerves just as much as Tyrone. Watch what I tell you.”

  I didn’t know I was holding my breath until I walked over and bent down to hug my grandfather.

  I squatted in front of him and held his hands in mine. “I really like Leiland, and it’s been a long time since I’ve liked someone, so giving me your blessings—well, until you actually meet him—means the world to me.”

  I kissed the center of his palms like Leiland did me and smiled when I realized I was already picking up his habits.

  “Well, that didn’t work,” Eleven exclaimed with an annoyed exhale. “I know you were just talking mess, but seriously, did you really cook some fried chicken?”

  We could do nothing but laugh, and the silliest part was, he actually had some ready.

  Jupiter and Eleven went inside, and as I was walking behind, Pappy pulled me back out to the front.

  “I got a letter from your daddy a few weeks back,” he said.

  “Me too,” I responded, kicking the extra sunflower shells settled on the porch that had obviously missed his bag. Pappy pulled my face from the concrete up to him.

  “Don’t you dare look for the floor when discussing that fool. Now, did you open it?”

  I shook my head no.

  “Well, I think you should. Carmen called and said she got a letter and talked to your auntie. Long story short, y’all Grammy passed from a heart attack some months ago and left y’all something.”

  I hadn’t heard from or spoke to my Grammy since I was behind bars. She would send me holiday cards, and I’d send that shit back… return to sender. My teenaged heart couldn’t have anything to do with the folks who were in relation to the man that took my mother from me and my sister. I have always been torn with I truly believe happened that night.

  “Where did Grammy get all this money to leave everyone?” Stunned at everything I was being told, I found a seat.

  “Your sister said she won a scratcher a few years ago. Invested in some good property and bam! Betty den went out with a bang!”

  “Can Carmen still get her portion if I don’t respond?” I asked in a somber voice. This was the type of shit that made memories bubble up. I felt like a kid again, deciding whether I wanted to believe what people said about my father or hold tight to the relationship we shared. But the older I’ve gotten, the more flawed that relationship appeared. The times I thought we were spending quality time together, he was coming up. The times I thought I was his partner, I was his pawn.

  “That I don’t know, sweetheart. You gotta call the lawyers to figure all that out,” Pappy said, rubbing my temples how I loved. He used to do that for me when I was younger and experienced migraines from straining my brain.

  “I’ll think about it and let you know what I decide. I know Carmen has her own stuff going on, but I can’t stop her from collecting what’s hers,” I told him.

  “Let’s go get us a glass of Kool-Aid. That always use to make you feel better. Well, that and that clay stuff, and I don’t got none of that.”

  I laughed. “Cherry flavor?”

  “Of course, anything for my favorite.”

  “I heard that!” Eleven yelled out to us.

  Pappy and I just snickered quietly before going to join them in the house for breakfast, but with the news I’d jus
t heard, I didn’t have much of an appetite.


  It had been easily a decade since I’d gone to World on Wheels, so I was excited to hear they were reopening the place. If you’re familiar with LA, then you know the skating rink is a landmark. Everybody from Jay-Z to Too Short had visited, and it’s usually packed. Tonight was no exception.

  It was close to eight, and though I offered to pick Billie up, she again refused. I thought we had been moving in the right direction, so stuff like that threw me off. We’d been out a few times since The Attic, and she had me texting more than I ever cared to. I knew she hadn’t had much experience with dating—seriously anyway—so I was being patient with her. The difference between her and the previous women I’d dated is I wanted to wait for Sparx.

  Seeing all the people parking and lining up, I decided to wait for her outside near the entrance. Feeling my phone vibrate, I pulled it from my smoked grey 501s. I silently prayed it wasn’t Billie saying she couldn’t make it.

  It was obvious I had spotted her before she saw me, so I used that time to admire her fine ass without looking like a perv if that was possible. If you had eyes, it was pretty apparent why I was staring at the woman with the red and black hair so hard.

  I requested for her to come out with her shoulders exposed. She did well with instructions. She looked sexy as fuck dressed in an off the shoulder black AC/DC shirt that she tied at the bottom corner. Her shorts were little but not enough for her ass to hang out, though the fishnet stockings she’d wore made her look even sexier. The black and white platform Vans that added not many inches to her short frame caused her calves to flex with each step. Her shiny, two-toned hair was slicked and pulled back in a ball sitting at the back of her neck. The red rose in her hair looked gorgeous and with silver hoops so big they could probably be worn as a necklace, she looked what my sister call urban chic.

  “Hi beautiful,” I acknowledged before handing the cabbie a twenty I was sure would cover her fare and tip.

  Judging by how swiftly her arms went around my neck, there was no warning necessary. The cucumber-melon scent that danced around her was tempting, and it was taking a lot to restrain myself from agreeing with her that drifting off course a little wouldn’t hurt much.


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