by R A Browell
‘But only when the adrenaline’s running!’ replied Charlie.
‘And that never happens when you’re with Abbie Parkins?’ he replied before pausing. ‘It looks like Lily’s going to make it a very interesting summer!’
‘Except Lily’s adrenaline would need to be running too,’ objected Charlie. Valens watched them, trying to guess what they were talking about as he forced himself to stop gazing at Lily.
‘Just ignore them Lil, you’re doing really well!’ frequenced Hari. ‘Now, can everybody please focus, otherwise there won’t be any summer to get interesting… Lil, we need you to keep tuned in. Do you think you can manage that? How’s your head?’ he asked, his voice different, somehow more focused.
‘The head’s fine, it’s just that I haven’t had a lot of practise. You guys know about the singing? It’s what they use to disable their prey.’
‘No worries Lil, we’re sorted on that score. It won’t affect us and Valens has his own set of defences.’
Hari paused. ‘So Aurora wants a fight does she?’
‘She sees me as kin, Hari. They all do. As far as they’re concerned I’m now part of their family and they don’t want to lose me, but I don’t think they want a fight, not really, and certainly not Venetia or Mareena.’
‘Lil, I think we all know that this is not going to end happily. You are part of our family, you don’t want to stay here and we’re not leaving without you. It is going to end up with a fight,’ said Hari calmly.
‘Lily, if it gets difficult, we’re going to need to get you back home as quickly as possible.’ James was frequencing as he continued to cast his gaze in Aurora’s direction. ‘We’ve already discussed this with Valens. He’s agreed to take you home, no questions and he knows what to do to keep you safe. You just need to trust him,’ he added firmly.
‘Okay,’ Lily replied quietly, ‘but what about the three of you?’
‘Once we’ve made sure that you’re safe, we’ll follow. It’s all organised and we’ve been given a little added protection against the Seleni’s charms!’ said Charlie, trying to sound confident.
They reached the shaded veranda. Lily looked back out towards the open ocean and the pink clouds. It reminded her of the beach house at Drumgarth and of her dad, sitting on the bench beside the creaky door, staring out across the wide horseshoe bay. Then she thought about her gran, and how she so very much wanted to go home, and the boys; they were putting themselves at risk for her and then her mind finally turned to Valens. She didn’t dare to look at him in case she gave something away. She wanted them all to escape before the growing tension erupted and she wanted this more than she’d ever wanted anything in her whole life.
‘Lily?’ Mareena asked squeezing her hand, ‘Are you alright? You’ve gone really quiet. You’re so difficult to read sometimes. If you want I can show you how we can talk together, silently, without the others, just you and me.’ She was smiling radiantly, her sunny smile and strawberry coloured freckles making her seem even younger than she looked. Lily gazed into the beautiful green eyes, framed with deep red lashes and smiled back.
‘I’d like that Mareena. I’d like you to share your secrets with me,’ Lily added softly, playing her part perfectly as Mareena beamed ecstatically and dragged her over towards the others.
Aurora disappeared, reappearing minutes later with a tray laden with glasses and two large decanters filled with a thick red liquid.
‘Forgive me for playing the housemaid,’ she explained, ‘as you will understand, we value our privacy. Hari, a little light refreshment? James? Charlie? Valens?’ She stared at the Protector as she said the last name, her eyes never leaving his as she poured the viscous fluid into each glass.
The scent drifted towards each of the boys. It wasn’t the delicious warmth of fresh blood, there was no beating of a heart to give the added silkiness that each of them craved, but it was human blood and so it still smelt good. All of them, except Valens, tensed, consciously concentrating on bringing their powerful, all-consuming appetites under control; each fighting to let the initial surge of desire pass.
Aurora lifted two glasses and offered the first to Hari.
‘Aurora, your hospitality is most welcome,’ he said, harnessing all his charm, ‘but as you can see we have all recently fed and Valens is not of our…persuasion.’ He looked meaningfully into Aurora’s blue eyes as she hesitated.
She smiled. ‘I wondered when you were going to mention your fellow traveller. ‘It’s a strange choice of companion for a sanguin,’ she added, relaxing a little as she took a sip from her glass and licked her lips so that not a drop was wasted. She glanced across at James who was deep in conversation with Venetia. He sensed her interest, looked up and returned her gaze with his equally blue eyes.
‘Perhaps this can be settled amicably,’ Aurora thought to herself as she experienced the strength of James’ attention. She was attracted to this fellow predator, she could feel it deep inside and yet she knew they were all measuring each other carefully; circling one another with every word and every nuanced glance.
Lily watched Venetia and James. He was behaving so differently to the James she knew and was uncharacteristically animated as he chatted away to the beautiful girl beside him. Something about him was endearing, almost mesmerizing, and as he spoke, his eyes sparkled in a way that Lily had only ever seen when he’d won a rugby match, found the answer to some particularly difficult problem in chemistry or fixed something that was bugging him with his bike.
Meanwhile, Charlie was caught up whispering with Mareena, their cheeks close together. He occasionally threw his head back and laughed at what she said. She was giggling like a schoolgirl, amazed that he should find what she had to say so interesting and even though Lily’s arm was finally free of the red-haired leech, Lily felt strangely jealous of the girl who had managed to enthral Charlie in such an obvious way. Or was it the other way around?
She was trying so hard not to notice Valens that she hardly heard him talking to her. He was telling her about the joys of the epona and hay-making back at Holmewood. In fact, he was rattling on about anything that was inconsequential to what was happening right in front of them. Lily copied him; playing the game with the best of them as she chatted about school and exams and how she’d missed the cakes at Renfield’s coffee shop.
All the frequencies were quiet; the whole scene calm but perfectly surreal. It could only be the quiet before the storm and Lily’s head was starting to throb with the unresolved tension of it all.
‘Aurora,’ said Hari, his words smooth and sickly sweet, ‘you’ve shown us great hospitality and we thank you, but we must talk about why we’re here.’ He sensed Aurora stiffen. ‘We can see that you’ve taken good care of Lily and that she’s obviously happy here with you, although to my mind she perhaps is a little underfed?’ he glanced at Lily.
‘She was given the opportunity to feed earlier today but felt under the weather,’ Aurora explained defensively.
Hari nodded. ‘I understand. She’s new to our life,’ he agreed amicably, ‘as are we all and it would appear that she’s still not in full appetite.’ He smiled as he looked at the untouched glass sitting in front of Lily. ‘But no matter, she’ll learn. I suspect she may well prefer the milk direct from the cow!’ he added, smirking as he sensed Aurora relax a little. ‘As I said before, we have been asked by the Laudis to accompany Lily back to Pergamont. We are their guests; her departure was unplanned, Unexpected.’
‘Hari, I think you misunderstand the circumstances,’ replied Aurora, her voice low, caressing each syllable. ‘Lily called out to us. Surely you heard her song. Perhaps we could show you?’ she said and moistened her scarlet lips with her tongue as she observed his reaction to her offer; measuring every twitch of his jaw and analysing his every breath.
‘We look forward to it,’ he said without missing a beat. He was relaxed, his face like a master poker player, giving absolutely nothing away. ‘But getting back to Pergamont,’ h
e continued, ‘the gatekeepers have allowed both Lily and ourselves access to the old worlds and Lily has been asked by the Laudis to perform a service which, at present, remains incomplete.’
‘Service?’ asked Aurora sweetly, radiating as much charm as she could muster.
‘Aurora,’ replied Hari, lowering his voice, ‘we sanguins have particular skills that others sometimes find useful. You of all people understand that.’
‘Yet, you yourself have said that she is inexperienced in our ways.’
‘And sometimes, others find such inexperience a positive.’
Aurora nodded thoughtfully.
‘Aurora, you wouldn’t expect us to divulge our business with the Laudis, no more than we would expect you to reveal your work with the Magisterie. In any case, Lily was missing the morning after our arrival and our search led us here. We have a formal request from both the Laudis and the Magisterie that you allow Lily to perform the services that have been asked of her before she decides where to settle.’ Hari pulled out the documents from his jacket and handed them to Aurora. ‘But I am intrigued.’
‘Intrigued?’ asked Aurora, looking up from the parchment.
‘How you had any idea that Lily was your new sister,’ he continued unctuously as he fought to ignore the intensity of Venetia’s gaze and her own delicious, sweet scent. ‘How you managed to find her. She only came within our radar because she was living close by and needed our protection from the humans.’
‘Mort…’ Venetia began but was quickly cut off by Aurora.
‘We were very lucky,’ interrupted Aurora. ‘She called out to us like a fledgling crying for its mother. In fact, you could say that it was Lily who found us. We had returned from hunting and heard her music, calling out to us across the night sky,’ Aurora smiled sweetly as she laid the document carefully on the glass table. Hari knew she was lying.
‘Did you catch the name?’ asked Charlie, his frequencing loud and clear around their affinity group as more and more fight adrenaline was released into their bodies. ‘Shasa mentioned someone called Mortragon when we went back to fetch the bikes. She didn’t mean to, but I think that was the same name Venetia nearly let slip just now. Shasa didn’t want to talk about it and neither does Aurora but I’m sure it’s the same person.’
‘Hari, we’re going to have to talk to Shasa at some point,’ said James. ‘There’s definitely something going on that she hasn’t told us about. The point is, someone knew about Lily, either here or back home and we have a name, but now we need to get Lily out of here as quickly as possible. I don’t think this is going to settle amicably. Can you feel it? They’re getting ready. Lily, can you hear anything? Are they talking?’ asked James tersely.
‘Nothing,’ replied Lily.
‘You okay?’ he asked.
‘I’m fine. I’m just trying to concentrate on doing three things at once, talk about multi-tasking - I think I’m developing three different personalities here, and it’s not easy in this dress!’
‘Lily, you’re doing really well. They obviously don’t feel the need to speak, they’re doing what comes naturally, they’ve hunted together for centuries – they’ll instinctively know what each one of them is going to do. We need to follow our instincts Lil, and you’ve got to trust Valens. He knows what to do and where to go. We’ll see you back at home,’ said James. He sounded primed and ready.
‘You promise?’
‘We all promise,’ replied Charlie.
‘Hari, the documents look in order but we can’t let you take her,’ said Aurora as she set the parchments down. ‘I’m sorry, but on this occasion, we can’t do what you ask. The Magisterie merely ask us to exercise our discretion in this matter. We have no obligation to let Lily go back with you to Pergamont to perform her duties. The Laudis are nothing to us and you should take care. You may not be aware of our history, but they acted against our kind. They ran the sanguins out of Farisia and in some cases exterminated us. They closed the gateways and tried to turn the Magisterie against us. We owe them nothing. The Magisterie leave the decision to help the Laudis with us, and we believe that Lily must stay here on Aldrovanda. She is a young female, and as you say she is underfed. She needs to learn and we are the only ones equipped to provide her with a proper education, here in the safety of her new home. I’m sorry but she must stay with us.’ Aurora concluded calmly as she leaned back, deep into the sofa.
Hari sighed.
‘Aurora, I’m sorry too, Lily’s part of our family. I’m afraid that we really must insist…’
Hari had hardly finished speaking when without warning everything became blurred in a maelstrom of speed, bike leather and brightly coloured silk.
The six vampires propelled themselves with lightning fast reflexes sending the huge, down-filled sofas and wide, glass-topped tables flying high into the air. It was impossible to see who had made the first move. Against the speed of the vampires, the furniture seemed to fall to the floor in slow motion, shattering into tiny pieces which littered the veranda. The six predators were already positioned in fighting pairs around the debris, snarling and hissing, bent low, like wild animal’s ready to pounce.
Valens grabbed Lily and moved her away from the others.
‘Lily,’ called Aurora, ‘Come sister, come sing with us,’ she beckoned as Venetia and Mareena smiled, exposing their long, extended canines.
‘I’m sorry, I can’t!’ replied Lily, looking at each of them. Her face set. ‘I won’t attack my friends!’
‘Lily, Sister, we understand your loyalty and you too will understand ours later. This is for your own good. Now move away from the filthy Farisian Protector!’ Aurora demanded.
Before Lily knew what was happening Mareena had pounced and jumped clear of Charlie, and grabbed Lily by the waist, pulling her away from Valens.
Lily struggled against the tight grip.
‘Mareena, I thought you said that you loved me,’ pleaded Lily.
‘I do!’ protested Mareena. ‘That’s why you must stay. I can’t let them take you away.’
‘But you can’t do this to someone you love,’ screamed Lily.
Mareena relaxed her grip, only slightly, but enough for Lily, using all her strength, to gain leverage and prise Mareena’s hands open, throwing the red-headed girl away from her. Mareena flew through the air, landing perfectly on both feet next to Aurora and Venetia as the sisters began their song, their voices climbing, reaching for those musical notes that no human-being could reach and blending together such a melody that not even the ancient gods could have withstood its sweetness.
Valens automatically closed his ears as Hari, James and Charlie watched, apparently mesmerised. The sisters regained their control and beckoned to each of them with their outstretched arms and waiting lips, drawing them in like an expert angler, totally confident of their imminent success.
What they hadn’t reckoned on was Twizell’s gift of humble beeswax, quickly pushed into their ears.
‘Now!’ shouted Hari as Valens grabbed Lily’s hand and ran for the balcony.
‘No!’ screamed Lily as the stone balustrade and cliff drop drew closer, but it was too late, Venetia had anticipated their escape and was already standing between them and freedom. Valens grabbed Lily round the waist and took a running jump, rising high into the air towards the balcony but Venetia was there. She pounced like a tigress, seizing hold of Valens’ ankle and pulling them both back angrily. They flew towards her, faster than imaginable, crashing in a heap on the marble floor.
Valens kept tight hold round Lily’s waist.
‘Let go! You’re not helping!’ screamed Lily, struggling against him as Venetia flew forwards towards them and made another grab for Lily. Valens anticipated her move and flipped Lily over like a rag doll, avoiding Venetia’s cold hand. All that she managed to catch hold of was a handful of Lily’s silk scarf and the little featherstone pendant suspended on the thin gold chain.
Lily screamed as Venetia dragged her forcibly backwar
ds by the scarf and chain but Valens kept a firm hold, gripping Lily tight around her waist, knowing that if he let go, she’d be lost, carried away by the Seleni forever. Lily screamed again, the pain of being pulled in opposite directions, and with such force by her neck and waist, was excruciating. She could feel the chain as it started to bite into her skin and yet the narrow gold links didn’t break. Lily didn’t think she could stand much more. She concentrated, trying to block out the pain, her screams stifled into muffled moans as her mother’s face unexpectedly appeared in her mind and then she heard it; a bloodcurdling, deep throated scream of agony calling to the heavens as the featherstone started to burn into Venetia’s hand.
The heat was like nothing on earth. Within a second the chain was through her flawless skin, eating into her resilient vampire flesh but still Venetia would not let go. She glanced across at her sisters. Their music, their beautiful compelling voices, had failed to stupefy their opponents and they were now deep in hand to hand combat; vampire against vampire, a blur of sharp unforgiving fangs, powerful accelerated muscle and soft sheer chiffon which seemed to echo every lightning-fast movement and create fearsome shadows in the fading light. Crystalline pots and perfect wooden trellising had been shattered, spilling soft dark soil next to the remnants of smashed furniture that now lay scattered across the smooth white tiles.
And still the featherstone pendant burned hotter and hotter as the air was filled with the smell of Venetia’s charring flesh. The dark-haired vampire screamed, snarling and hissing angrily at Valens as he tossed Lily’s body back and forth like a crocodile with its prey so that Venetia couldn’t exchange hands without risking fully letting go. Lily closed her eyes. Like Ziggy with the zoytail, she had become the flimsy rope in a tortuous game of tug of war. The pain was intense, but the golden chain was strong and refused to break. For a second Lily had the awful image of the chain finally cutting through her neck and her decapitated head rolling free from her body, spraying crimson blood across the warm white tiles and then everything went blank, her body went limp and Lily knew no more.