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by Bronze Age Pervert


  There is story from Heian period in Japanese history that I always found amazing. Japan was still ruled by the Imperial court and there were local administrators and so on, like any Oriental centralized despotism. But there was also warrior class. They inherited this from some steppe invasions that changed their society a few centuries before. Anyway as always happens, the Imperial bureaucrats grew useless and weak and by the end of this age, all the actual physical power was with the samurai. What I find amazing is how long it took them to figure out they no longer had to listen to the weak commands of the Imperial hierarchy, and that they were actually the rulers. Words like “legitimacy,” “soft power,” “rights,” or, in their time honor, duty, divine right and so on are all delusions meant to distract and obscure men of power from their own strength and aims, and put them in service to someone else. Such men are more likely than others to be driven by notions of honor and responsibility. And this sense is therefore very easy to abuse…and such men can be manipulated for some time. Eventually they do realize, however, that they don’t have to listen, and that they are actually the ones who rule. This moment, when “the game is up,” the moment of revelation, is what I’ve always found very amazing. In the modern world everything moves much faster….I expect that not long from now such men will awaken in the West and I suppose other parts of the world, and wonder why for so long they had listened to complete cretins give orders...and give orders too with such weak pretexts, much weaker than the bureaucracy of Imperial Japan. In Fiji the natives became relatively recently outnumbered because a hundred years before the English imported their favorite cheap labor, the Tamils. Eventually these outbred the natives and became the majority. So under democracy rules, they took over the state. The natives, however, still controlled the military. They saw no reason why they must follow this “democracy” into giving their lands away to aliens brought in by oppressors. So they took over the state, and did so very easily. I think it’s inevitable that this will become the rule all over the world, and very soon. Democracy and ethnic diversity don’t mix, but the ethnic nationalists are wrong when they think that the result of all this will be secession. Low-grade ethnic warfare is a terrible thing, but to break up entire nations into smaller pieces, as much as the city state is to my taste, isn’t likely to happen. You must look to South Africa where the whites and coloreds could have asked for their own state in Cape Town, and agitated for this, but instead they wanted to keep the country together. The reason for this is that any such secession would have meant giving up all parts of the country rich in gold, diamonds, and many other things. South Africa is an extreme case and secession, where a minority is five or ten percent of the population….here it might happen. But it’s a net loss to have the Boers migrate out of the land their ancestors tamed and built, and it would be a net loss in America if it had to happen what some of you want, to cede the southwest to Mexico, or whatever other schemes are discussed. If indeed you do manage to get a white population that is as mobilized and self-aware as you want, they won’t feel it a great victory to give up land and resources their ancestors won by their valor. The greatest president was Polk. But what’s likely to happen long before any mobilization by white populations in their home countries is military rule: democracy will go before pure ethnostates are formed. I think this happened many times in history in ages of national decline, not just because of ethnic or religious diversity, but for many other reasons, and most of all because the military form of government is natural to human species. Those generals will be most successful who mix power with personal flair, like Duterte or Peron did. This is very difficult in America because of the types of men who get promoted in the military. Some will be able to affect, however, the charisma of Roman stern old man.


  Given the inevitability of military government, I see already how nationalists and many similar men, sympathetic to the cause of freedom and high life, will join the armed forces and rise through the ranks, and my guess is that many are already doing this. In some way this had already happened, and at the middle ranks the armed forces are still relatively full of patriots throughout the western world. In France the military and security services, including the CRS, support the National Front of Le Pen, overwhelmingly. It’s only a matter of time. In the Anglo world it’s somewhat more complicated. The upper ranks have long been purged of men who could offer resistance to the hidden hands that rule: it started with the Tailhook “scandal,” and even before then, and only accelerated after. Even at the level of captain or major, many men are traditional conservatives and not exactly nationalists. I think it’s unnecessary to address such men directly: events alone will convince them. But many are being persecuted as it is, and run out of the military, in the same way that police departments are being purged. This process is very slow. It won’t work out well in the end for the lords of lies: all the technology in the world won’t save a “diverse” military if it should ever be in a conflict: they’ll turn the missiles on themselves by accident or run submarines into the ocean floor, as has already happened in South Africa. Still, America is pretty well isolated from danger, and you fool yourself if you think they will “reform” anything even if they suffer disastrous defeats abroad. They fear men of power within the country more than they do any foreign army. It’s difficult to solve this problem. The military is already so full of homofaggotry that it will be very unpleasant for any man who is a man to join its ranks at the moment. He might have a hard time advancing in its hierarchy, even affecting the views of a traditional religious conservative or a mainstream Trumpist which is, I suppose, as far as you could go right now. I would hate also to see any free man killed or maimed in the service of this military that’s been turned into a Hessian merc force for Gulf nabobs, for various ethnic groups, for the idiotic schemes of international financiers and the benefit of machine politicians looking to advance their families’ fortunes abroad. Then there is also the extreme boredom you should expect from any kind of military life, which even under the best circumstances consists in busywork. That said, military training is very valuable. Even in a situation—precisely in the case where men of any worth will have a tough time becoming generals and such…then it will be even more valuable. Military training and the brotherhood with other men in battle that comes from it is a lifelong advantage, and a great benefit to any cause. I can’t give advice to anyone for how to live, but those who would be willing to deal with the evils of the modern military and are aware of all the drawbacks, but still find themselves suited for it, would do a great good for themselves and for their peoples if they joined. It goes without saying that they will have to practice good judgment and discretion while in service; but the military can’t simply be abandoned to mohawked Latinx traps and neo-Leninist activists. Nationalists, I have no doubt, will join and attempt to reform both the ranks and the academies in the western world. Then there are also things like the French Foreign legion, although the discipline they practice is terrible. It lasts seven years, and they reserve the right to pursue you in any country if you desert. Many ex-SS men and other Germans from World War II joined the legion and fought in Vietnam, and some committed suicide because of the rigors of this unit. Although it’s possible now that they’ve relaxed somewhat.


  Everything that is said now about Russia is pure projection. In fact it’s America and the western world that is run by spooks and intel agencies. They’ve placed their assets and compromised patsies in the corporate world no less than in other government agencies and among elected politicians. Many, like Obama for example, are entirely creations of this or that faction inside the security system. These in turn are allied to oligarchs and often to foreign interests and powers, so that it’s hard to think many western nations have anything but a parody of freedom and national sovereignty. “Representative democracy” plus a bureaucratic state is often criticized by conservatives as destructive of personal freedom and initiative, which it is; but
given that most people who go into public life are poor and weak-minded, it also just means indirect rule by spooks, oligarchs, and whatever foreign nation or interest can funnel more money or influence or threat here or there. Many of these people in the west screaming about Russia are puppets of China or the Gulf States—even when they’re not directly on the take or compromised, they expect sinecures and great wealth that will come in the future. Most of the media is similarly compromised, although the average schmuck journalist is probably deluded by the platitudes of “free press” and the humanitarian doxies that have been banged in their heads. Inside head they have central vacuole full of fluid, no brain. I have no doubt that things like “pizzagate” are real simply because, if I was a spook, or a rich man with spooks available, I’d find it very easy to compromise the officious, status-hungry low people who have been attracted to government in our time. These people arrive in the capital cities with a hungry look in the eye and, being full of the feeling that “they’re in on things” and that they’ve made it, have a very tough time controlling their appetites or behavior. Many are chosen and groomed precisely because they begin with demented appetites to begin with. This isn’t to say there aren’t patriotic factions within the security services that actually run the west, or patriotic oligarchs who can’t offshore their wealth, and whose interest is in some sense then tied to the land and the people. I foresee a time anyway when nationalists, those who are capable of it, will begin to join these services. They will do themselves, their friends, and their country a great good through this. Some who are suited to math and technology will no doubt join those types of agencies. Others are already learning foreign languages—Tibetan has many uses! But there are other languages and area studies for those who go to college, to study and do well in. Arabic, Russian, Persian, Chinese, Indonesian—many opportunities! Given the very low talent pool in government or available for recruitment, they will be able to join those other types of agencies, of which there are a few, with some ease. Here it would be necessary more than in the military to hide one’s power level, and even to affect the left-internationalist doxy at times. Any nationalist or populist would be wise to affect at most the style of a Mueller should he want to be “on the right.” Not all are capable of this, and I think the strain will be considerable. Such people will often have to work alone and remain quite isolated for years, holding their aim and star as a precious hidden possession, and never confuse the short-term for the final goal. Few will be able to or want to deal with the nonsense…this has been the problem of the Anglo conservatives all along, though. They’ve always preferred to get a tan, play tennis, and make money. They’ve wanted to be left alone, so that the state was taken over by vermin. I expect such things will change, regardless of what I or anyone else says, simply because some people want to survive, and not to die out. They will no doubt slowly, one way or another, join and change the face of such agencies. The power of the modern world remains, for the foreseeable future, in such agencies. A fateful comet like a Caesar and Napoleon is a hard thing to hope for. And such a man would need allies, anyway.


  Government work can be too boring for men of adventure. Some say that the CIA, for example, exaggerates its incompetence in movies, or in known events—the failure of 9/11, of Iraq, their endless humiliations at the hands of the Soviets—to hide its true power and appear weaker than it is. But I think this isn’t true, and if you’ve met ex-CIA people you’ll understand that the rumors about their disability aren’t exaggerated at all. After James Jesus Angleton they were thoroughly fucked in every hole by the Soviets and others. All his warnings came true. He was a unique American, of rare secretive character in a people that enjoys openness and display; for this he is now maligned in mean-spirited movies. He wasn’t very typical of his people, the Anglo-Saxon, and I suppose it’s possible that through his Spanish blood there came a strain of Habsburg court intrigue, or something like this. The Russians and others are very good at intelligence work, because they grow up in a world of secrecy and learn to take great joy in subterfuge of this kind. Most Americans who try this are just playing games, and affecting a manner. Full of Mormons and various cripplettes who put on a high Wasp manner, full also of soccer moms and neuters, the intelligence services are in fact quite incompetent, despite their considerable power. Both can be true. And you can see this in their very clumsy attempts to affect public opinion inside America. I won’t talk about speculation over false flag attacks and such, which I’m sure happen. But it’s without a doubt that they’ve tried to get into the “meme” business, and had units dedicated to this kind of visual propaganda, especially during the last election. We all saw their efforts and we laughed. I think the biggest threat the right presented to this system came from something like 4chan, which showed it can be an intelligence agency of its own, and far superior to what the formal spooks could do. How they located obscure objects, places, and people from photos is something that formally-trained agents couldn’t normally do. The memes put a spike of fear in the hearts of all the constipated spooks. A couple of images spread by Ricky Vaughn or some channers made the news and were many times more effective than the government’s own propaganda efforts, and you can see, in shows like Homeland and others, the really titanic hatred these people had for the army of right-wing autists that messed up their plans. They work hard to dox, for this reason. You must understand where your strengths lie. If government or military work isn’t appropriate, learn this art of the visual communication and share it with your friends, work with each other to perfect it. Don’t be lame. Learn to make videos and photos—there are various tools around, many editing programs. You can start with cheap camera if you need. Work in groups…in “labs” to develop, perfect, and target these videos and images. I assure you this frightens them, and is many, many times more effective than marching in public and playing the clown they want you to play. The long game of persuading the public is far from won. Keep the eye on the task, far from accomplished: to discredit authorities, to mock all public pieties, to show the leaders of government, bureaucracy, finance, corporations, big tech, and media for the pathetic ghouls they are. Many gains have been made lately, but their dishonor in the eyes of the normies is far from accomplished. When they try to make you expose yourself and to make positive claims, they win. Keep up the pressure of true samizdat.


  Some people like to meet and display in public, and I think this can be done, if done well. But there are very few groups that do this well. They exist all over the world—a couple in America and Europe, some in South America and in Japan. The few nationalist organizations that do it well have much care for appearance and also don’t engage in ideologies, symbols and behaviors that are bizarre or hostile to the customs and wishes of the people. A Japanese nationalist can invoke Shinto imagery and oppose this nationalist mode to the “foreign” religion of Buddhism, but that’s because these two traditions have been in a push-pull game throughout the history of that country, and still are. But no independent pagan tradition exists in the western world, and play-acting in that way is going to fail. Offending Christians in political movements is stupid, when they’re one of the last bastions against a common enemy. If their beliefs are corrupted, they can be reformed. Above all I believe that any public movement will be most effective if it is not political at all, and remains “implicit.” I think there can be much good done in public, but should be promoted in the form of a social movement, not a political one. Nationalists must present a healthy alternative to the eternal rule of ugliness in our time: promote nature, beauty, physical fitness, the preservation of high traditions of literature and art. In regards to the latter, it’s even a necessity because there’s no school or university that will give you a worthwhile education. There are a variety of ways to approach this but I think given the collapse of the Boy Scouts, that a scouting and nature-preservation movement would be one of the best. Hiking and the protection, preservation, and admiration of p
ublic and national parks would put youth in the wilderness and inspire a sense of boundlessness and awe in them. It would teach them many skills, build camaraderie, and emphasize the connection between the people and the land both for the participants and as a matter of image for others. It’s without a doubt that any public organization will be infiltrated by feds, hostiles, and agents provocateurs, and therefore it’s necessary to avoid and condemn any imagery or message of violence, and to ostracize people who exhibit tendencies in that direction or who try to convince others to idiotic “action.” One can do this at the same time that such groups can engage in self-defense martial arts training and indeed, in an urban setting, work for the creation of private boxing and wrestling clubs. The risks are considerable either way, but it’s not out of the question that through the path of the promotion of health and beauty you will be able even to persuade feds to your side: they too can self-improve! This would be a movement of peace. The right can at the moment furthermore easily take over the doctrine of peace—of nonintervention abroad—and of the protection of nature, and these things would be great achievements…this would go some way to convincing youth to your side. I would also recommend that you don’t engage in outright racism of a useless sort, for example, the deliberate exclusion of friendlies from different races and so on; they would in any case be very few. This can happen at the same time that you openly appeal to white youths and defend them from racial attacks and teach them the greatness of their history and their literary traditions. Women, on the other hand, must be absolutely excluded from such groups, and rather encouraged to have their own. The presence of women in any group like this will totally destroy its social function, by introducing sexual competition, and by the fact that it’s in their blood to play on men’s misplaced chivalry to cause friction for their own advantage. Such a movement would be a living rebuke to the constrained and low, anxious life promoted by the regime of the crippled. Once developed and with some reach, but maybe even in the beginning, they can engage in local welfare projects of various kinds, for example helping opiate addicts by providing them with gyms and by breathing into them the desire for life, helping old people who are alone, keeping the streets and parks clean, and many other such things. I also think that claiming public spaces in cities should eventually be tried, in the same way that members of Generation Identity in Europe often patrol the subways and streets to show they won’t be intimidated. But for this to happen there must be good-will built first for the public. There will of course be many attacks made on such groups, but what matters is whether the majority will believe them. If you remain firm as a social movement of peace, of the promotion of natural beauty, healthy living, and healthy nationalism, any attacks on such groups can be made to appear for what they are, the fears of the paranoids and hatreds of the resentful and ugly.


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