Blood Moon's Fury: A Young Adult Fantasy Thriller (Curse of the Blood Moon Book 1)

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Blood Moon's Fury: A Young Adult Fantasy Thriller (Curse of the Blood Moon Book 1) Page 18

by Leah Kingsley

She met the unflinching gazes of Johnson’s followers, pleading with each in turn to stop their leader. They were treating this like a joke, as if her sister was merely their evening entertainment. Only Jenkins appeared surprised.

  “What are you going to do to her?” He shifted closer to Susan as Alex yanked her to her feet.

  “Relax.” Alex grinned, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. “The kid will only suffer a little pain before it’s all over.”

  Amy fought frantically against her restraints. Alex shoved her to the floor. “Don’t worry, Amy. We’ll even let you watch.”

  Jenkins scowled. “Cut the crap, Alex.”

  Alex dragged Susan into the center of the room. Amy held her breath. He wouldn’t actually kill her, would he? She was just a child. His threats were nothing more than bravado. Like the tool chest and the power saw. Bile rose in her throat.

  Alex flashed her a toothy grin. “By the way, sweet gun. I’m looking forward to testing it.” He flipped the G19 in his hand and aimed it at Jenkins. “Check it out!”

  “Holy crap!” Jenkins leapt aside. “Get that thing away from me!”

  Alex laughed and turned the pistol on Susan.

  “Stop it!” Jenkins’s hands curled into fists.

  Alex waved the gun at him. “Shut up.”

  Jenkins strode forward and stood directly in front of Susan. “Guys, this has gone on long enough.”

  “Shut up.” Johnson glared at Jenkins from where he leaned unsteadily against the wall. The color had drained from his face. Amy smiled with grim satisfaction. He deserved a world of pain.

  “Leave the girl alone,” Jenkins said with sudden authority.

  They stared each other down until Jenkins looked away. His broad shoulders slumped.

  “Right then.” Johnson rubbed his hands together. “Let’s do this.”

  “I’m not watching.” Jenkins stormed into the living room and slammed the door behind him. The window rattled in its frame.

  “You sure about him?” Alex arched a brow.

  “He’s okay,” Johnson grunted, raising one shoulder in a half shrug. “Better than you two, anyway. At least he thinks for himself. You and Ash do exactly what I say like a couple of well-trained dogs.” Alex’s mouth twitched as if he was itching to argue. Johnson turned his attention back to Susan. “Have you ever experienced true pain?” Susan nodded, too frightened to speak. “Well, you’re about to define pain on a whole new level.”

  “Wait!” Amy pleaded, her voice choked with terror. “Hurt me instead. Don’t touch her.”

  “Don’t worry, Amy. We’re not going to hurt your precious sister.” Alex patted her head. “We’re going to torture her instead.”

  She jerked away from him. “My pistol doesn’t have a silencer. Someone will hear it and call the police.”

  Alex curled his lip. “Unlikely. We’re pretty far from the neighbors. Still, it never hurts to play it safe. Arms out,” he told Susan, an excited twinkle in his eye.

  “Huh?” The strange command shocked her into speaking up at last.

  He grabbed her wrist and placed her hand palm down on the table.

  “Stop it! Leave her alone!” Amy strained against the ropes. Her face heated from exertion, her jaw clenched so hard her teeth threatened to crack, and her raw wrists wept tears of red where the rope had worn away her skin. And still, her bonds refused to break.

  Alex spread Susan’s fingers and pressed a butcher knife to her pinky. The blade was crusted with Amy’s dried blood.

  Jenkins burst into the room with Amy’s iPhone in his hand. “You’re going to want to take this.”

  “You answered her phone?” Johnson roared, spittle spraying from his lips. “You idiot! If it’s the cops they’ll have traced it by now.”

  “It’s not the cops. It’s Zack Donnellson.”

  Amy gaped. Why the hell was Zack calling her? He needed to lose this obsession. It had become life-threatening. Realization hit her like a fist to the gut. Her stomach lurched and her breath caught in her throat. She had been talking to Chris when she had gotten Johnson’s call. What if Chris had said something to Zack? “Hang up,” she blurted. “Zack’s not your problem.”

  “He is now. Since Jenkins was stupid enough to answer your phone.” Johnson glowered as Alex laughed.

  “Please.” Amy struggled for a beseeching tone. “Leave him out of this. He doesn’t know anything.” The thought of any harm coming to the surprisingly kind football jock made her heart ache.


  ZACK RAKED A hand through his hair and anxiously scanned the airport parking lot. Where the hell was Amy’s brother? He blew out a breath, worry spiraling within him. He had texted Justin a picture of his car and even dropped a pin to mark his location. Why hadn’t he shown up? He stared at his silent phone and willed it to ring.

  He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel and scanned the parking lot again. A dark-haired guy in jeans and a UBC sweatshirt broke from the crowd and made a beeline for his car. He was about five ten with thick onyx hair and smoky gray eyes. He had a friendly smile that made Zack think of Susan, and he was the only passenger without luggage. He rapped on the window, and Zack rolled it down.

  “Zack Donnellson?” The guy extended a hand.

  “Yeah.” They shook.

  Justin skirted the front bumper and joined Zack in the car. “Explain everything you know and make it fast.”

  Zack launched into the story, relaying everything from Nathan’s death threats to Susan’s disappearance.

  “You did the right thing when you called me.” Justin scrubbed a hand over his forehead. “So, you called Amy before I told you not to. But no one answered, right?”

  “Yeah.” Zack raked a hand through his messy hair. “Guess I wasn’t thinking.”

  Justin nodded and closed his eyes. A crease appeared between his brows. “Okay, call her again.”

  “But I thought you said not to.”

  “Since you already called her, there’s no harm in trying a second time. Chances are no one will answer, but if someone does, we might pick up background noises that help identify where they are.” Zack shot him an admiring look. He snatched his phone and dialed Amy’s number. “You have my sister’s digits memorized, eh?” Justin teased with a twinkle in his eye.

  They waited, tense and silent, as the phone rang once, twice, three times. “They’re not going to answer,” Zack said with his finger on the end icon.

  The line crackled as someone accepted the call. Zack froze. Justin hadn’t told him what to say. “Um, Amy? You there?” The line sputtered, went quiet, and picked up muffled shouting. “What do I say?” he hissed out of the corner of his mouth.

  “Stay calm,” Justin said, not the least bit calm himself.

  A taunting voice spoke in Zack’s ear. “Well, well, well. Have a date with Amy tonight? I’m afraid she has other plans.”

  “Who is this?”

  Justin pointed to his phone and mimed putting it on speaker. Zack pressed the button and placed the phone on his knee.

  “Now we’re gonna have to mess you up too. You people need to learn to stay out of our way.” Zack recognized Nathan’s twangy Southern drawl.

  “Let me talk to Amy.”

  “As I told your little girlfriend, neither of you are in any position to make demands. I suggest you shut your mouth and listen to someone else for a change.” His voice dripped smug, sadistic glee.

  Rage simmered deep in Zack’s chest. His hands curled into fists. “I won’t do anything you say until I talk to Amy.”

  Fabric rustled against the phone. Her words tumbled out rushed and breathless, but her voice was strong. “Zack, don’t listen to them. We’re at three two three four—” Amy screamed, and the phone clattered to the floor. Shock lanced through him, swiftly followed by a red-hot bolt of rage. What had they done to her?

  “Okay, Donnellson.” Nathan was breathing hard. “Since you’re so keen to rescue your Amy, sweet Amy, how ‘bo
ut you join us?”

  Zack forced an offhand tone, fighting to calm the storm of hate raging within him. “Sure. Tell me where you’re at, and I’ll cruise on over.”

  “Cute,” Nathan said in a mocking tone. “But you’ll have to try harder than that if you ever want to see Amy again. Alive, at least.”

  Justin flinched. Zack gripped the edge of the seat to avoid putting his fist through a window. Anger hummed through his veins as his gut twisted with fear. “Come on, man. You’re not serious.”

  “That you will never know until it’s too late.” Zack imagined Nathan’s stupid, sneering face and longed to punch his lights out.

  He gritted his teeth and looked to Justin for help. “Ask to talk to Amy again,” he mouthed.

  “I need to talk to Amy.”

  “He’s gonna need more convincing.” Nathan chuckled.

  “No.” Justin made a grab for the phone. Zack held it out of his reach.

  “No, leave her alone.” He clenched his phone in his fist so hard he feared he’d crack the screen.

  “Relax, Donnellson,” Nathan drawled. “This is for your own good. Give her the phone.”

  Amy struggled to speak. Her words were muffled as if there was a hand over her mouth. There was a thump and a terrible, bone-crushing crack. Amy screamed, a piercing, heart-wrenching wail of agony. She whimpered once and gasped for air. Zack’s knuckles had gone white from crushing his phone. His muscles tensed with the instinct to do something, anything to help her. His heart thudded against his ribs, as adrenaline with no outlet rushed through his veins. He needed to get to Amy. He had to keep a clear head.

  Justin was half out of his seat, staring at the phone as if it was burning him. “Say something,” he hissed. “Anything!”

  Words poured from Zack’s lips like vile-tasting acid. “Okay, stop, that’s enough. I’ll do whatever you want. Tell me what you want, you bastards!”

  “Watch your mouth.” Nathan chuckled. “Get into your car and drive north toward the outskirts of the city. We’ll call you back with more instructions. And Zack, if you bring company, or if you fail to arrive within twenty minutes, Amy’s dead.”

  Zack’s hands shook with rage as he jammed his keys into the ignition. “Get out.”

  “Huh?” Justin’s face was a mask of wild-eyed shock. Even his calm had limits.

  “They don’t know you’re here. Get out and call the cops while I find out where they’re keeping Amy and Susan.”

  “Take this.” Justin produced a tiny speaker and thrust it into Zack’s palm. “Put it in your shirt pocket, and I’ll hear everything you say. Maybe even what people around you are saying if you’re close enough.”

  “Okay. Now go.” Zack jerked a thumb toward the passenger side door. “They’re going to call at any second.”

  Justin hesitated. “How well do these guys know you? Would they be able to tell the difference if I went instead?”

  Zack started his Lexus. “They’d know. I go to school with them.” He shot Justin a sympathetic look. He had only met Amy a few days ago, and he was so worried about her and Susan it made him sick. How awful must Justin feel? “I’m sorry, man. It has to be me.”


  AMY FOUGHT TO breathe, struggling to think through the pain in her side. She had never experienced such agony. Her chest caught fire with every shallow breath and every throb of her heart. Noises were distorted as if she lay under water, and the room warbled in nauseating loops whenever she tried to focus. She strained for another agonized breath, and the room dipped and swayed. The cobwebs of pain cleared for an instant. Susan was crying. Amy had to reach her. She gritted her teeth and struggled to stand. Big mistake. One white-hot bolt of pain from her ribs and she crumpled to the floor again.

  “On your feet. Shut the girl up.”

  Susan’s screams grew muffled and drifted off. Someone yanked Amy to her feet and carried her after her sister. A crippling spasm made the world go black. She struggled blindly and received a slap across the face. He deposited her in a corner of the living room next to Susan and slammed the door on his way out. The floor dipped so violently, she feared she would slide away.

  “Amy,” Susan sobbed. “Oh God, the blood. Please tell me you’re okay.” Amy tried to answer but only produced a strangled moan. An avalanche of words poured from Susan’s lips. “This is all my fault. They told me Justin had come to my school. I thought he was here to surprise us. I was so excited, I just jumped into the car. I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

  “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. Explain later.” Amy clung to the shag carpet as the floor rose and fell with her shallow breaths. Her world went dark.

  Someone was shouting. She tried to cover her ears, and fire scorched her ribs. She bit back a yelp of pain and lay still. The voices were coming closer. A gust of icy wind made goose bumps rise on her skin.

  “Zack!” Susan exclaimed.

  Thick white fog swirled in Amy’s mind. Zack? Zack wasn’t there. Was she hallucinating? Why would she dream of Zack? Bad subconscious. Bad, stupid subconscious. She willed him to disappear.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Zack asked in a demanding tone. Amy made a disgusted noise. He was rude, even in her hallucinations.

  “I don’t know. I think she’s unconscious.” Susan whimpered.

  Amy opened her eyes to reassure her sister. Zack was crouched beside her, his crystal blue eyes deep pools of concern. From this angle, he looked almost cute. Her insides went all squishy. “Hi,” she rasped. “Miss me too much to stay away?”

  He stared at her like she had lost her marbles. Amy lost herself in the deep blue of his eyes.

  “Okay, enough chitchat. Now you’ve seen her. You happy?” Johnson’s grating voice made Amy’s head pound.

  “No.” Zack stood to face him. Amy gazed blurrily up at Zack. Up and up and up. He was so tall. How had she never noticed his buffness?

  Johnson chuckled. “I doubted you’d be pleased. Will you cooperate now, or do you need more convincing?”

  Zack cocked an eyebrow. “Sure, what the hell. What’s next? Do I get to be tied up too?”

  “Lose the sense of humor, or his finger might slip.”

  Amy raised her head off the floor. Alex had her pistol trained on Susan. Amy pouted resentfully. Why did he have to use her own weapon against them? They had other guns.

  “Okay. Just chill.” Zack backed down immediately. “I’ll do whatever you say.”

  “That’s more like it.” Johnson’s mouth twisted unpleasantly. “We wouldn’t want anyone to have to hurt the sweet little child.” His tone made Amy’s skin crawl. “Jenkins, tie Zack up with the girls.”

  Zack sat between Amy and Susan and placed his hands behind his back.

  Alex pointed at Zack’s chest. “What’s that in his pocket?”

  Zack spun away from Susan and Amy and clutched the object in his fist. They tied him up after a blurry, violent struggle.

  “What the hell is this?” Johnson held up a tiny speaker.

  Alex took one look at it and flinched. “It’s a bug!”

  “The cops will be here any second.” Zack grinned.

  They moved so fast, it made Amy’s head spin. Alex clocked Zack in the jaw. Ash and Jenkins raced for the front door. Johnson turned to run, thought better of it, and grabbed Susan.

  “Stop, stop!” he roared. “You go out that way, you’ll be arrested. Get back here.” He snapped his fingers, and they scampered to his side. “Here’s what we’re going to do. You and you.” He pointed at Ash and Alex. “Take her.” He thrust Susan into Ash’s arms. Ash gave a startled yelp and nearly dropped her to the floor. “Get her to the car.” They sprinted for the back exit. Johnson glared at Amy and Zack. “Move.”

  Move? She could barely crawl. She tried to sit up. Bad idea. She collapsed to the floor on a crippling spasm. Jenkins lifted her into his arms and carried her out to the car. He did his best not to jostle her. She still blacked out.

  When she next ope
ned her eyes, Jenkins was setting her down in the trunk of a 2015 Audi A7 sedan. She gaped. Which one of these lunatics was rich enough to afford a luxury vehicle? Maybe they had stolen it. The trunk was dark, dusty, and housed the three prisoners with room to spare. The spacious compartment had a carpeted floor, tinted windows, and strangely, a back wall where the seats ought to have been. Amy frowned. Most Audis featured large, luxurious interiors, but they never had entirely enclosed trunks. Assassin’s Honor had modified the car so they were able to keep illegal things, like hostages, out of sight.

  “Jenkins, watch them and take this.” Johnson passed him the .45. Jenkins clambered into the trunk, and Johnson slammed the hatchback.

  Zack helped Amy over to the back wall. She leaned against it and sagged onto his shoulder. Susan cuddled up to his other side. Amy closed her eyes and fought to stay conscious. She focused on Zack’s even breathing and tried to match her breaths to his.

  Doors slammed as the gangsters piled into the sedan. Amy clenched her fists so hard her nails broke the skin. Where the hell were the police?

  A rumble shook the floor, and the sedan’s engine purred to life. They sped down the street and around the corner. The skies opened up and drenched the city once more. Police sirens were painfully, deafeningly absent.


  CHARLES CLAWED HIS way up from unconscious oblivion. He opened his eyes to inky blackness and shivered in the cool, damp air. His ears were ringing and his mouth was full of the metallic taste of blood. He was covered in bruises and scrapes with a swollen eye and a nasty lump on the back of his head.

  He staggered to his feet to explore his surroundings. Slimy rock walls, sticky cobwebs, and a muddy concrete floor. Alex had imprisoned him in an underground cellar. His lips curved into a smile. What better place to stash a prisoner than in a giant hole in the ground? He smirked. There was no better place unless that prisoner controlled the elements. With a little magical manipulation, he’d have a dirt tunnel to freedom. Nice try, Alex. Charles pumped a fist and set to work. Finding flaws in a Dark’s plan was akin to locating the Holy Grail.


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