Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel

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Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel Page 10

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Jesus,” he breathed against my skin, kissing and laving this tongue along the top of my panties. He was driving me crazy, and my hands fell into the silky strands of his hair. His hot breath rushed over the skin below my bellybutton, and he rested his forehead on my ribcage. He was holding back, and I could feel it. My body arched of its own volition, wanting… seeking anything to assuage the throbbing ache deep inside me.

  Finally, he moved above me, his eyes full of glittering intensity in the darkness. I slid my hands up his arms as he braced himself over me, reveling in the feel of him. He was so strong, but, somehow, he was as vulnerable as I was.

  “I want you, Melissa.” His use of my full name in that guttural tone was perfect. This was serious, and we both knew it. The gravity of it hung in the air between us like a thundering calm before a violent storm. Our eyes locked as I kneaded his flesh with my willing fingers and I hooked one heel behind his thigh, exerting enough pressure to let Jensen know what I wanted. I felt wanton, wanting to give pleasure to him, knowing he’d give more than he took. I felt safe in giving myself. I licked my lips and nodded. “Yes.”

  His brow dropped. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Admitting it was as if I’d set myself free. I was flying in this man’s arms. I moved the sole of my foot up and down his muscled thigh, as my fingers fluttered down his back and pressed harder into his naked ass. “I want you, too.”

  He bent to begin an onslaught of kisses, each one deeper than the last. His mouth played, teased and sucked on mine for what felt like forever. When he finally pushed his tongue deep inside the recess of my mouth, I sucked it in further loving the taste of him. He was as delicious as I knew he would be. Jensen groaned and brought his body down on mine, fitting perfectly into the cradle of my body. The feel of his hardness pushing against my soft, moist folds was exhilarating. I wanted him in a way that I’d never wanted a man in my entire life. My body craved his, yet he took his time teasing my body with his erection, nudging and hinting at the pleasure to come. Our kisses became more passionate, and my fingers pulled at his arms and shoulders to bring him closer. We continued to move together; the friction building, and the tension growing until I was gasping. Both of us knew where it had to lead.

  It was like we were two kids making out in our parent’s basement, so anxious for our first time together. I didn’t know where we were, and I didn’t care. My world was filled up by this beautiful man whose fingers, mouth and body brought me to the brink of orgasm and had me begging him to take me. “Jensen…” His name was like a prayer on my lips.

  “Uh uh. I want to make it good for you.” His words rolled over me like a warm wave. His fingers slid down my torso and into my panties.

  My legs fell further open as he parted my slick flesh. I was ready for him, but his fingers moved in small circles until I was panting and arching upward. “Mmmmm,” I moaned. The building was slow and purposeful, and I knew the orgasm at the end of it would be the hardest I’d ever had. I was going to come; my heart ready to burst at his unselfishness and utter tenderness. Never had a man touched me with such reverence.

  I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I was disoriented as I sat up in bed, with my body throbbing. I huffed in frustration and fell back on the pillows back into my sex-craved stupor. I cursed the phone until I realized it might be Dylan. It wasn’t. It was my mom, and I punched the pillows, angry that she disregarded the three-hour time difference and interrupted the delicious conclusion I was craving.

  For so long, I’d been terrified to be with a man, and I’d deliberately sabotaged any possible relationship. Several of Ben’s friends had asked me out over the past two years, but I wasn’t ready, and now I was finally completely attracted to someone, and it couldn’t happen. Except in my dreams. It was cruel irony, and it was not lost on me.

  Just like the day before, I was following Jensen around, listening to every word he said, but today, my body was buzzing the entire time. It was to the point of getting uncomfortable, and I was sure lust was written all over my face. Damn dream, I cursed.

  At the moment, he was speaking with the Rams quarterback, Jared Goff, asking him how he was getting along with the new offensive coach that the Rams had recently hired. It was clear that the two men knew each other and might even be friends, but the minute the camera started to record, Jensen was all business. Goff was an all American kid; clean cut, tall and blond, but my eyes were glued on Jensen; polished perfection in his suit and tie, his hair perfectly in place and the make-up for the camera giving his complexion a bit more color under the lights.

  I watched him interview some of the other players the day before, but today it was only the one-on-ones with the quarterbacks and coaches from both teams that needed completion before the game. The rough film would be rushed over to Michelle who would then edit it and get it ready for airing. At the same time, the rest of us went up to the booth to get situated for the live game. Michelle spliced everything together at the speed of light, adding graphics, player stats, and lead-ins where necessary. That girl was amazing at her job, and I was in complete awe of her.

  The previous night at dinner, Jensen told me that ESPN had a booth at every major sporting venue in the country, but the cameras were operated across the field, and all edited live from the board in the booth. It was a lot to take in, but these people all worked together like a well-oiled machine. It was clear that whoever took Jensen’s place would have big shoes to fill.

  Sitting next to Michelle and Liz in the booth, I watched the game on the monitor. It was no different than watching the ESPN feed live on the network. Listening to Jensen and his partner, Jarvis Webber, commentate throughout the game, it was clear they had a distinctive rhythm and in-depth knowledge of the players and the rules; surely more than just the cheat sheet version. I’d have to learn fast if I landed this job. I didn’t want to get fired soon after for lacking the skills. My heart sank. I was sure that I was smart enough to learn everything but wondered if I’d be able to get up to speed quickly enough, or whether I’d have as much passion for the sport that these two did. It showed in every syllable of every word they uttered.

  It was just another reason I should be working behind the camera, not in front of it and I found myself wishing, again, that I could be part of this crew. Jensen said he would speak to Mr. Walsh about another job, but I realized I’d never have a chance like this again. Besides, another position might not pay enough to support Dylan, my mother, and me.

  After the game, I’d be taking a plane from L. A. to Jackson Hole and Jensen would take a separate flight back to Atlanta to give his report to his boss, who would then decide if he was going to offer me a position. And what if he didn’t hire me? Would I ever speak to Jensen again? My heart fell into the pit of my stomach, and I couldn’t attribute it to excitement at being in the booth.

  My head said I shouldn’t care about the job offer, one way or the other. There would be other opportunities and maybe some without the worry of falling for my boss. Sometime boss, I reminded myself gratefully. I sucked in a deep breath as I watched the monitors where Jensen and Jarvis were discussing first downs, old injuries, punts, fumbles, recoveries, and mad-dashes to the end zone. I had my laptop out and was taking down notes as fast as my fingers could type.

  “You know, the games are all recorded.” Liz leaned over to mention. “You don’t have to get it all down the minute it happens.”

  “I know, but I’m also taking notes on what’s going on in the booth. There is so much to learn.” Also, I hoped to keep focus and not let my thoughts wander to a more personal track about the man in front of the camera.

  “If you get this job, all you’ll need to remember is what goes on behind that desk and in the interviews. Keep your eyes on Jensen.”

  I gave an involuntary eye roll. As if I could help it. He was absolutely magnetic.

  “Liz,” I asked hesitantly wanting confirmation of Jensen’s marital status. “He speaks of his little girl, Remi, a lot.
Do you think his wife would be up for a play date for Remi and Dylan? I mean, if I get the job? He won’t have any friends if we move.”

  Liz smiled. “Oh, I’m sure she would. Teagan’s a peach, but they’re not married, hon. Now, there’s a long story, for ya!”

  So, I was right. He wasn’t married. I remembered the photo in his office of the little girl with Jensen, Chase Forrester, and a beautiful dark-haired woman, and realized she must be Remi’s mother. A loud roar from the crowd in the stadium beyond the glass startled me and followed by a boisterous statement from Jensen.

  “The Broncos fumble! Martinez snags it! The Rams tailback recovers the ball and Martinez is off! He’s at the forty, the thirty!” Jensen shouted. His enthusiasm made me smile. “Oh, my God! He’s a rocket! This could be the game!”

  “The Bronco’s linemen can’t catch him! Twenty, ten!” Jarvis Webber yelled. “That’s it! Touchdown! The Rams come from behind to win it!”

  The crowd in the stadium went wild for their home team, and I wanted to jump up and down and scream right along with them. I couldn’t get into football from the living room sofa, but this was altogether different. Adrenaline was pumping through the veins of everyone in this booth. “This is fantastic!” I gushed to Liz.

  “The Rams win 45 to 42 for another regular season win! This amazing play by Martinez coupled with some incredible passing earlier by Goff squeaked out the difference,” Jensen said. “This is what I call a game!”

  “Yes! We’ll see how the Ram’s management’s investment in Goff’s growth pays off for the rest of the season,” Jarvis added.

  The pair of them seemed like a Fred and Ginger in a sort of vocal dance, passing the verbal baton back and forth. I sat star-struck by the whole experience, as they wound up the end of the broadcast. As soon as it was over, Jensen stood and began yanking off his tie at the same time as he and Jarvis approached me at the back of the booth.

  “So? What’d you think?” Jensen asked with a brilliant smile. His cheeks were flushed with excitement and his deep blue eyes sparkled. “Awesome, right?”

  “Yes! I loved it!” I couldn’t keep the elation from my own voice, or the shudder that ran through me at his nearness. He smelled so good; his heady cologne mixed with the clean scent of shampoo. “Though, I’m not sure I can do as well as you two!”

  “This is Jarvis Webber,” Jensen introduced. “You’ll be working with him. Jarvis, may I present, Melissa Ellington?”

  The big ex-football player extended a hand. He was easily six-foot-six, and two hundred fifty pounds, maybe more, with massively wide shoulders. He was the kind of guy you imagined would have a mass of hair growing on his back from his ass to his head, but like Jensen, his face was clean-shaven, and the hair on his head was well groomed. He was respectful, courteous, and athletic; though Jensen was leaner. Other than that, there was a night and day difference between them. I paused, letting his words sink in. Did he mean he was going to recommend me for the position?

  “Nice to meet you, Melissa,” Jarvis stated warmly. “I hope you get the job.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Mills. I have a lot to learn.”

  “Not to worry!” he said jovially. “We’ll get you up to speed in no time, but call me Jarvis, Little Bit.”

  I smiled at the nickname. Jarvis was at least ten years older than Jensen and me, but his eyes were just as kind. Hope unfurled inside me. Maybe I’d be able to take this job and have the guidance necessary to succeed, and possibly Dylan and I would be safe surrounded by all of these people. There was still a part of me that said I had to proceed with caution and not be too trusting too fast, but I wanted this job; I wanted this life. I was excited at the possibilities opening up to me.

  The rest of the afternoon flew by as we all packed up equipment and loaded everything into the vans that would take us all to the airport. The rest of the crew was all flying out on the same airline and leaving before my flight, so they were dropped off at United Airline’s, first.

  The driver got out as well as the new friends I’d made over the weekend, and I said my goodbyes to them amid their wishes of good luck. Many commented that they hoped they’d be working with me soon. Liz hugged me unexpectedly in a sincere expression of friendship. Jensen had said they were like a big family, and it felt good to be a part of it. I hugged her back; hopeful I’d see her again, soon.

  When everyone was out and heading in, Jensen poked his head back into the sliding side door of the van. “Have a safe flight.” His eyes met mine; it was as if he’d physically touched me.

  I felt a sudden sadness come over me. “I will. You, too. Thanks for everything, Jensen. You’ve been great.”

  “If you have any questions; give me a call.” We already had each other’s phone numbers because we texted each other to coordinate throughout the past couple of days. He paused awkwardly.

  “I will.” Only the driver and I remained inside the van. My heart was heavy. My mind was already processing that if I didn’t land this job, this could be the last time I’d see this incredible man.

  “Call me,” he said again.

  “Sure. Let me know what Mr. Walsh says.” I was trying to find an excuse for him to call me, too.

  “Will do.” Jensen winked, and reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a football, leaned in and handed it to me. “I had Jared Goff sign this.” His eyes flashed up to mine. “I thought you might like to give it to your little boy. Kids always like presents when their parents go on trips. At least, Remi does.”

  My mouth fell open in surprise. Never, had his Derrick done something so kind for my son. “That’s….” My eyes burned with tears and my vision blurred as I took the ball from him. “Amazing. Thank you. I’m sure he’ll love it.”

  “My pleasure. See ya, later.” He flashed a brilliant smile and wink before sliding the heavy door closed. When it locked into place, Jensen hit the side of the vehicle with the flat of his hand and then walked into the terminal. I couldn’t tear my eyes off of him as he disappeared into the building and the van pulled away from the curb.

  Would I see him later? Oh, my God. My heart hoped so.


  I was sure of one thing; I didn’t want to be Melissa Ellington’s boss.

  I didn’t want her reporting to me because I was completely attracted to her and I didn’t know if that was good, or if it put me in deep shit. I counted at least fifteen times I had a raging boner in the past two days.

  I mulled it over as I made boxed macaroni and cheese for my dinner. My thoughts had been filled with Missy ever since I’d left her at the curb at the airport with her eyes glistening with tears. She was so fucking gorgeous. I surprised her with the ball for her son, and that pleased me very much. It meant that I’d be on her mind, just like she’d be on mine.

  I wanted to make sure that Bryan offered her a job, but which one? I wanted to offer her my old correspondent position, but I wasn’t sure if Bryan was going to put me in charge of that team on occasion or not. I couldn’t supervise her if I wanted to date her. And, I did want to date her. I also had this protective vibe going on with her… I sensed there was more to her story; something that put her on guard with men and something that made her wary of the camera. I had to find out what it was that held her back.

  Anger welled up inside without even knowing the extent of it. She admitted her husband had been abusive, but how badly had she been hurt? How badly had he hurt her son? As a parent, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Hatred for the faceless bastard surged up inside me.

  I’d offered Missy my number hoping she’d call me about the job and then I could delve deeper into getting to know her.

  I dumped the absurdly bright orange noodles into a cereal bowl and left the wooden spoon inside the pan, setting it back on the stove. I took a beer from the fridge, a fork from the drawer, and made my way into the living room before forking up a bite of my mac and cheese.

  I set the bowl on the coffee table and picked up the remote and flipped o
n the TV. This was a far fucking cry from my dinner two nights before at Revolutionario with Missy. I’d gotten used to boxed dinners and frozen entrées the past few years when Remi was sick. Teagan and I spent most of our free time at the hospital, and other than laundry, we didn’t have much time for the household chores. As much as I missed Remi, I couldn’t say I was sorry that I was divorced, or that Teagan was now married to my best friend, Chase. Without Chase coming back to Atlanta and into all of our lives, Remi wouldn’t be with us. He saved her life, and I was thankful for that. There was no way I could begrudge him anything then, or now. After everything, he was still the best friend I ever had.

  Flipping through the channels, I was careful to avoid ESPN. I preferred to get away from the network, and sports in general, on my off hours. I continued to look for a movie to watch and finally landed on a classic; Indiana Jones.

  Finishing my dinner, I took a swig of beer and leaned back on the sofa. I’d changed into old grey sweats and a white V-neck T-shirt the second I’d come home and settled in just as the movie began. I was tired, and lay down on the sofa, flinging an arm over my head. Indiana Jones had barely made it out of the cave with the giant rolling ball and was being chased by the Bushmen when my phone buzzed from its resting place on the oak coffee table. As I watched it move across the wood due to the vibration, I was tempted to let it go, but habit made me reach out and pick it up. Glancing down, I saw that it was Bryan. I should have expected him to be impatient and not wait until the morning to talk. He’d want to ask me about the weekend.


  “Are you back in Atlanta, yet?” There was a lot of noise in the background of the call, like people milling around and glasses clinking. He didn’t give me a chance to answer his question before he was firing off the real reason he called. “How’d it go with Melissa? Do you think she’ll be a good addition to the team?”


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