UNDRESSED: Soul Catchers MC

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UNDRESSED: Soul Catchers MC Page 8

by Zoey Parker

  “Mmm, yes,” she groaned softly, reaching behind her back blindly with one hand to grab the back of Brent’s leg, wordlessly urging him to come closer. Brent complied with her request, shoving half of his cock inside of her.

  “Ah! Fuck!” Kira cried out, whimpering pathetically, as if she was in pain. Brent wondered to himself if he should check in with her to make sure that everything was okay, but then the next second Kira began to bear down on his cock, pushing her ass out further to take more of him into her sweet, almost unbearably tight cunt. “Do it. Fucking do it,” she grunted out, panting hard for breath as Brent began to pull out slowly. He shoved himself in again, this time burying himself to the hilt.

  “Mmf,” Brent grunted out, making his first noise so far, biting down on his lip to keep himself from shouting out in pleasure. She was so unbelievably tight, so wet and warm and soft, like silk wrapped impossibly intricately around him, tugging him in deeper on every stroke. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He had to give Kira all of himself.

  “Yes!” Kira cried out a bit loudly a second later as Brent started up a rhythm, hammering into her fast without any build-up, pounding her so hard she stumbled forward a little bit onto the kitchen counter in front of her. Brent couldn’t stop himself long enough to check that everything was still okay, though. He kept going, bracing his hand on the back of her neck and squeezing lightly as he fucked his cock deeper inside of her, pressing up against her inner walls.

  “Mmm, shit, yeah,” Kira mumbled, rocking back into his touch, thrusting back every time he pulled out to make him stay inside of her as long as possible. “Yeah, baby, fuck me. Give it to me.”

  Brent laughed a little under his breath, overwhelmed by how ready and willing she was, how prepared she was to take all of him in. It was like she was made to do this, so strong and soft at the same time. He knew that she could have thrown him off at any minute if she wanted to. She could have turned the tables on him, refusing to be dominated. But she didn’t. Instead, she submitted to his power, choosing to let him be in control. So hot, so fucking hot, Brent thought to himself as he switched up his angle slightly, hitting a new spot inside of Kira that made her howl in pleasure like an animal.

  “Mmmm, oh, God, yes, oh, God!” she called out, growling a little as she thrusted her ass backwards, taking him in as deep as he could go. “Mmm, harder!”

  Brent’s hand traveled along the other side of her neck, grabbing at her throat and squeezing gently, careful not to cause any unnecessary pain. You’re mine, Brent thought as he shoved in and out more quickly, pounding at the exact right angle that kept making Kira’s spine stiffen and her breathing come out more raggedly. You’re all fucking mine to do with as I please.

  “Oh, shit, right there, right fucking there, baby, yes, yes, do it, please, ugh, shit, ugh, mmf, fuck,” Kira rambled, her voice a little muffled as she buried her head into her arms on the counter, her hips banging into the hard surface. He was probably bruising her, marking her up, but that just made Brent grunt harder in satisfaction as he sent her body sliding forward on the countertop. “Ugh! Please!” Kira whispered hoarsely, her voice sounding like a muffled scream as she began frantically bouncing her ass back against his crotch, giving it back to him as hard as he was fucking her.

  Brent squeezed Kira’s neck a little harder and focused all of the energy in his body on fucking her at the right spot inside of her, moving faster and faster, pounding her so hard that her knees kept loudly banging into the cabinet underneath the counter. She was clenching harder around him, sucking him in like she needed his cock to survive, and just when Brent thought he couldn’t hold back any longer, her cunt twitched around him. He only felt soft vibrations at first, her pussy impossibly tightening around him even more, but then as her breath caught in her throat and a high-pitched whine left her mouth, her cunt began to spasm frantically, clenching around him powerfully like her very heart was swallowing him whole.

  “Oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, oh, fuck!” Kira cried out, her last word transforming into a guttural, mindless scream as her cunt exploded around his cock, shockwaves cascading into his dick and triggering his own orgasm.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” he moaned out loud as he pulsed inside the condom, wave after wave of cum leaving him, trying to pour itself into Kira’s welcoming body. Stars burst apart behind his eyes as pleasure shot through every cell in his body, his muscles quivering with the sheer force of the sensations coursing through his flesh.

  He collapsed on top of Kira’s sweaty back, his shirt clinging to her as he pressed himself as close as he could get, nuzzling the back of her neck with his nose and mouth. Brent’s body was still gripped by the aftershocks of his orgasm, his fingers shaking as they traveled underneath Kira’s body to find her hands. He had to grip on to her, to use her as a life raft or an anchor to keep himself securely in place as the pleasure he’d just experienced became gradually less intense.

  For a long time—maybe just a couple of minutes, maybe half an hour—they just lay there, sticking together with the adhesive of their shared sweat. His cock eventually fell out of her, but he kept his hands wrapped tightly around hers, keeping her in place as he kissed the back of her neck lazily, licking up the leftover sweat before the air around them cooled it all off. He needed to taste her, to swallow her, to drink her in. He needed to remind himself that what had just happened was real. He hadn’t dreamed it up. He hadn’t fantasized about it in the shower. He’d fucked Kira, dominating her with his whole body, without even saying a single word. His body was singing, all of the molecules composing his skin dancing with joy, mindlessly buzzing with leftover pleasure. God damn it, I feel so fucking good, Brent thought to himself, allowing his mouth to curve up into a smile as he pressed his lips to the back of Kira’s neck again and again.

  But slowly, his mind woke back up, his thoughts rushing back into the emptiness of his brain as fast as they’d abandoned it. He pulled himself off of Kira, his hands falling away from her limp fingers, bile rising in his throat as one thought consumed him: What the fuck have I done?

  Brent cleared his throat, tugging his whole body away from Kira’s, even though she shifted underneath him, still awake even if her body was utterly demolished after the brutally rough fuck session they’d just had together. He slipped the used condom of his cock, tossing it in the direction of the trash, grabbing his jeans and boxers off the floor before leaving the room and heading straight for the stairwell.

  Brent’s heart pounded in his chest again as he ran up the stairs towards his bedroom, but this time it wasn’t because he was excited. Terror clutched at his heart like a fist, clenching around him so tight he thought he was going to choke to death on his own blood.

  I fucked up, he thought as he went into his bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him for good measure. I fucked up so fucking bad. He’d fucked the nanny. He’d complicated things forever. There was no going back.

  Chapter Nine


  Kira let herself sag against the kitchen counter even though her knees screamed in pain and her back ached after being bent in one position for so long. She licked her lips and gasped for air, her lungs burning as she struggled to suck in as much oxygen as possible. Her ears strained for any sound from upstairs. She knew that Brent had gone up there, but after hearing his door shut she couldn’t make out any other noises from him.

  “Fuck,” Kira whispered to herself as she finally summoned the energy to peel herself off the counter, stumbling on her feet for a moment before she caught her balance. Her heart still thumped inside of her pussy, her hole aching as a result of the rough fucking she’d just experienced but still glowing with pleasure after her amazing orgasm. The sensations she’d felt had ripped through her like a million knives, but in a good way, tearing through all the pain and exhaustion in her muscles until her body surrendered to the pleasure that Brent’s cock gave her. God, he has such an amazing cock, Kira thought as soon as her brain became capable of putting words together coher
ently once again. So big. So thick. So fucking hot. Her cunt felt the memory of his cock’s shape, the way he pressed up against her special spots inside, making her feel a thousand different sensations at once. She’d never felt anything like it in her life. It was like being on a rollercoaster, except she hadn’t been afraid. Not really.

  But she couldn’t say the same thing for herself now, standing naked, shivering slightly despite the heating system the kitchen full of warmth. Kira just stood there for a long moment, rubbing her own shoulders and trying to make sure that she didn’t freak the fuck out and run screaming out of the house. I could, you know, she thought to herself. Lucian is at his father’s tonight. I could leave here and never come back. I never have to face Brent again if I don’t want to.

  She knew it might be the best option. What were they going to do, continue to work together after Brent had fucked her senseless and then left her without saying a single fucking word? But despite that, she couldn’t seem to force her legs to move, and not just because they ached as a result of the endurance exercise Brent had just put them through.

  I don’t want to leave, she realized with a cold, detached certainty. I want to stay. And it wasn’t just because of the money or the stability of the job, either. I want to see him again, Kira thought. I want to see if he looks at me any differently. I want to see if he liked it as much as I did.

  What a fucking idiot, Kira thought a moment later, scoffing out loud and rubbing her own forehead in frustration. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she muttered to herself, slowly walking over to the other side of the room to get her clothes off the ground.

  This could never happen again. She was so foolish for ever letting it happen once, but there was no way that she could do a repeat performance, even if it had been the most wild, untamed sex she’d ever had in her entire life. She had to make it clear that this couldn’t happen. For Lucian’s sake. For the first time in his life he had a stable home, a place where he could feel safe and secure. She couldn’t risk that by fucking her boss.

  Maybe I’ve already fucked it all up, she thought to herself as she slowly shrugged back into her clothes. Maybe he’s about to fucking fire me because I’m such a filthy whore.

  Still, she had to try to make things right. She made a promise to herself as she walked back over to the counter, where the cutting board still sat with its half-chopped vegetables. In the morning, before Brent could leave for work, she would find him and tell him that what happened could not ever happen again. She would set a clear boundary, making sure that they didn’t fuck up and their new, still fragile arrangement could go on undisturbed.

  I can do this, she said to herself as she cleaned up the kitchen, her eyes beginning to grow heavy with exhaustion. I can be strong for my son. I can sacrifice for him. I can be a good mother, rather than a selfish brat who risks it all just for a little slice of happiness.

  She felt stronger just by saying the promise to herself, but deep inside of her, hidden behind her heart, there was some part of her that went cold, like all of her hope had just slid away. She’d had a taste of something magical, something that could take her out of her body, save her from the bleakness of her dreary life, but she couldn’t have it ever again.

  I’ll get over it, she promised herself. She finished cleaning up and headed upstairs to her room. It’ll be like it never happened.


  Kira was waiting in the living room the next morning, gripping her coffee cup so hard she worried she might break it with the sheer force of her nervousness, when Brent came running down the stairs.

  “Hey, Mr. Barkley!” she called out when he was halfway to the door, jumping to her feet and following him.

  Brent didn’t stop moving, though, and he had his hand on the doorknob before she could even catch up with him.

  “Mr. Barkley, I need—” Kira started to say, but Brent cut her off by opening the front door.

  “We can discuss whatever it is later,” Brent said, his voice stiff and formal. “I’m late for work.”

  Before Kira could think up a response, he walked through the front door, slamming it hard behind him. And he was gone.

  “What the fuck?” Kira whispered to herself, feeling immediately drained, like someone has sucked all of the energy out of her with a vacuum cleaner.

  As she walked back over to the couch, her body sagging against the cushions, she realized that she felt more than annoyed. She felt…hurt, her skin prickling like someone hit her.

  So he doesn’t want to talk about it, Kira realized, forcing herself to take a sip of her coffee in the hopes of restoring some of her lost energy. He doesn’t want to acknowledge that anything happened. He doesn’t want anything to change.

  She should have felt relieved, even grateful that she wouldn’t have to have an awkward conversation essentially telling a guy that he wasn’t going to get laid again. But she felt weirdly uncomfortable, almost nauseated as she thought of what Brent must have been thinking about the events of the previous night.

  It was just a fuck to him, Kira thought. It was just a random thing that he did to let off steam, and he doesn’t think of me as special in any way. I was just a receptacle for whatever he was going through at the moment. It wasn’t about me at all.

  She slowly sipped at her coffee, feeling numb and a little empty as images from the night before flashed through her mind’s eye along with memories of the sensations she’d felt creeping up through her arms and legs. Kira sighed deeply and shook her head at herself. She shouldn’t have felt disappointed at all. She didn’t want a relationship, especially not with someone like Brent, who barely even talked to her let alone treat her with respect.

  Men are fucking useless, Kira said silently to herself. All they do is disappoint you. They build you up and then let you down, letting you fall on your ass without even offering to help you up. They aren’t worth my time.

  She repeated the words on a loop in her head, over and over again until she felt like she really believed them. “I’m okay,” she said out loud to herself as she finished her coffee and got to her feet to stretch, pulling her body this way and that like she could undo the memory of fucking Brent. “I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.”

  As soon as Dylan woke up, walking downstairs with a big smile on his face as he saw Kira, she plastered on a fake grin and pretended that she actually believed her own mantra. I’m not okay, she thought to herself as she set about making Dylan breakfast.

  I am not fucking okay.

  But it didn’t matter. She was a mother. She wasn’t allowed to be “not okay.” She wasn’t allowed to be anything at all, and she would just have to learn to get used to that. There was no use being sad about a love affair that was over before it even started, one that she wasn’t even sure she actually wanted.

  It never happened, she said to herself. It never happened, and I should be glad of that.

  But no matter how hard she tried, she could never quite convince herself that that was true.

  Chapter Ten


  Later that day, Kira dropped by her ex’s house to pick Lucian up. She had to take Dylan with her even though she knew that Larry was going to have questions she didn’t want to answer. “Come here, big boy, let Kira hold you,” she said as she scooped Dylan up into her arms, carrying him all the way up to Larry’s front door.

  “You’re late,” Larry said by way of greeting as he opened the door. He looked like shit, like even spending fifteen hours with his kid was too much for him. Kira didn’t really have any sympathy for him, especially after all he’d put her through when they were married.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just get him out here,” Kira said, hitching Dylan up higher in her arms.

  “Who’s this?” Larry said, pointing at Dylan and narrowing his eyes at Kira suspiciously. Kira was tempted to scoff, annoyed at the implication behind Larry’s question. What, does he think I had another fucking kid while he wasn’t paying attention? Kira thought to herself, biting dow
n on her own bottom lip just to keep herself from laughing at Larry. He was such a fucking idiot. What had she ever seen in him in the first place?

  “My new job,” Kira replied. “Will you bring me my son, please?”

  “You can come in for a minute, you know,” Larry said, opening the door wider to let Kira inside.

  Kira just shook her head, staring blankly at Larry until he sighed and backed away into his house to get Lucian. “It’ll be just another minute, Dylan, and then we can go back home and bake brownies,” she said.

  “Okay,” Dylan said, beaming up at her. Sometimes, when Dylan was particularly sweet, Kira doubted that Brent was really his father. He looked like him, at least from certain angles, but in terms of personality they were so different. Dylan was so sweet and generous, always making sure that Lucian had as much food as him and got to play with Dylan’s toys as much as he wanted. By contrast, Brent was a cold hard shell of a person. He was like this robot, his metal skin impenetrable. Looking down at Dylan’s sweet, happy little face, she knew for sure that it had been insanely stupid of her to ever think that Brent would be interested in her in any romantic way. If Dylan—lovely, perfect, kind Dylan, who had a heart way too big for his tiny body—couldn’t get past Brent’s many shields, there was no way anyone was getting in there.


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