Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; Or, With the Flying Squadron

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Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; Or, With the Flying Squadron Page 4

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  Jack and Frank sat long by the window, waiting for Ned and Jimmie toreturn. The doors of the adjoining rooms were wide open, so they had afull view of the lower floor.

  There were windows, unglazed like that which looked out on the Gulf ofPechili, too, and the lads could see for some distance along the streetwhich ran parallel with the one upon which the miserable old structurefaced.

  Presently a mist crept over the sky, and black clouds rolled in from thethreatening canopy over the gulf. There was evidently a storm brewing,and, besides, the night was coming on.

  In spite of the fact that they had a good view all about them, so far asthe house and its immediate vicinity was concerned, both boys felt thatalmost indescribable sensation which one experiences when being observedfrom behind by keen and magnetic eyes. They were not exactly afraid,but they had premonitions of approaching trouble.

  "I wonder what's keeping Ned?" Jack asked. "Hope he hasn't gotten intotrouble."

  "Oh, he'll look out for that!"

  "Of course! Ned's no slouch!"

  While the boys cheered themselves with such remarks as these, the roomsgrew darker and the black clouds from off the gulf dropped nearer.

  "What an ungodly country!" Jack exclaimed. "I feel as if I weresurrounded by snakes, and all kinds of reptiles. How would you like totake a New York special, just now?"

  "I'm not yet seared of the job we are on," Frank replied, "but I'd likea half decent show of getting out alive. I feel like we were in a holein the ground, with all manner of creeping things about us. The veryair seems to be impregnated with treachery and cunning."

  "That's the breath of the Orient," smiled Jack, not inclined to continuein the vein in which the conversation had started.

  "I don't know why the breath of the Orient should differ from the breathof the Occident," replied Frank, well pleased at the change of subject."It wouldn't, if the natives of the far East would put bathtubs in theirhouses and garbage cans on the street comers."

  "Well, there certainly is an odor about the East," grinned Jack."Perhaps it is the hot weather."

  "Hot weather has nothing to do with the sanitary conditions of this partof the world," Frank went on. "Peking is in the latitude ofPhiladelphia, or New York. You wouldn't think so to hear people talkabout the Orient back home, but you'll change your mind if you don't getout of this before winter sets in."

  "Somehow I never associated cold weather with the East," Jack said.

  "Why," Frank continued, "this river freezes over about the middle ofDecember and they run sledges on the ice until the middle of March. Insummer it is often 106 above zero, while in the winter it drops to about6 degrees below. If the natives were half civilized, you might get theidea that you were in Ohio, because of the fields of corn."

  "We don't know much about China, do we?" mused Jack.

  This was Frank's opportunity. Before reaching the coast he had spentmany hours studying up on the history of the strange land he was aboutto visit. His father was owner and editor of one of the most powerfulnewspapers in New York City, and the boy had had plenty of inspirationfor historical research from the time he was old enough to read. Hisfather's library had supplied him with all the facilities necessary tothe carrying out of his inclination, and his travels with the Boy Scoutshad brought him into contact with many of the countries whole history hehad studied so enthusiastically.

  Now he saw an opportunity of talking China to Jack, and started in atonce. Jack listened eagerly, for, while interested in the past of thestrange land, he was too busy a young man to spend much time in anylibrary. His father was one of the leading corporation lawyers in NewYork, but the boy's inclinations pointed to mining as a futureprofession--when he had investigated the wilds of the world!

  "We don't know much about China," Frank began, "because for centuriesChina has shunned what we call civilization. This is said to be themost ancient and populous nation in the world, although it seems to methat history goes back farther on the banks of the Nile and theEuphrates than on the western shore of the Yellow Sea.

  "The authentic history of China goes back 2207 years before the birth ofChrist, while Egyptian records and the data found along the Euphratesand the Tigris point to a much older organization of men intocommunities. However, it is said by some that Fuh-hi founded the Chineseempire eight hundred years before the date given, when Yu the Greatbegan to make history.

  "One reason why the story of China is so short, comparatively, is thatChing Wang, the old fellow who caused the Chinese wall to be built tokeep out the Tartars, ordered all books and records previous to his timeto be destroyed. This was to dispose of the stories of wars, in whichChina, before his time, was always engaged.

  "China has always been at war with the Mongolians. In 1300 A.D.,Genghis Khan raised a Mongolian army and captured Peking. Later, oneKublai Khan overthrew the Sung dynasty and established a Mongolianempire. The members of the defeated royal family drowned themselves inthe river at Canton. This Mongolian dynasty lasted until the middle ofthe fourteenth century, when it was overthrown.

  "The Chinese governed their own land, then, until 1644, just beforewhich time the emperor was murdered by native sons. Then the Tartarsgot to Peking, in spite of the Great Wall, and established the dynastynow on the throne.

  "One cause of the growing revolt in China is the fact that the Tartarsare still in power. But the Tartars who were warlike enough when Chinalay before them for conquest quieted down as soon as Sun-chi took thethrone. Peace has been the rule since then.

  "It seem strange, but it is true, that China has not progressed, has notbeen given the respect conferred on other nations, because she wouldnot, or could not fight. Talk about peace all you like, but it is thefighters that win whether in private or national life.

  "China has been kicked about by all the nations of the world, large andpowerful as she is, because it was understood that she could be insultedwith impunity. England put the opium curse on her against only feebleresistance. She has stood for peace, not conquest, and had been treatedcondescendingly, like a big booby of a boy at school who is afraid oflads half his size. The secret organization now forming in this countrymay overthrow the Manchu dynasty, but if it does it will build a Chineserepublic and not a new Chinese empire.

  "It is claimed by some that the United States is favoring this newChinese party of liberty, that the gold recently lost in the Pacific wasour contribution to the cause--by the roundabout way we have heard somuch about--and that the Washington government will be the first torecognize the new republic.

  "I don't know whether all this is true or not, but father says it is,and he ought to know. Anyhow, there will be plenty of fighting beforethe present rulers release their grip on the royal treasury. It may bethat our mission here is to find out something more about this newmovement.

  "You see," he added, "if our government is for the new movement, thenation which rammed the gold ship, which set the conspirators at work,which sent a great statesman, as we believe, to negotiate with theconspirators, is against it, and Uncle Sam possibly wants to know whatpower it is that is likely to assist the present Emperor of China inholding his job. If Ned can get the proof he needs to establish what healready knows and suspects, he will do a good piece of work."

  "I wish he would return," Jack said, with an apprehensive look about theroom. 'I don't see what is keeping him."

  "Here he comes, now!" Frank cried, "or it may be Jimmie," he added,"blundering through the window."

  Both boys arose and hastened to the door of the room from which thesounds of approach had been heard. The apartment was dark and still,save for the whipping of the wind at the open casement. While the boysstood there, expecting every instant to hear the voice of one of theirchums, rain began to fall, and a sharp zigzag of lightning cut acrossthe sky.

  By this natural searchlight the lads saw a figure crouching just underthe window. The illu
mination lasted for an instant only, and it was notpossible for them to see whether the visitor was dressed in native orEuropean costume. His face was not in sight, and only the barestoutlines of his figure were discernible.

  Jack was for rushing forward on a tour of inspection, but Frank took afirm grip on his friend's arm and held him back. He not only preventedhim springing upon the crouching figure, but drew him away from the opendoor-way, believing that both had been observed by the intruder.

  "We ought to get him!" Jack panted, in a whisper. "We ought to find outif he is one of our enemies or only a common thief."

  "Much good it would do to capture him!" Frank whispered back. "Wecouldn't force the truth out of him, and the things they call courts ofjustice here would soon be after us."

  "Then what can we do?" demanded Jack.

  Frank did not reply, for footsteps, now plainly heard above the sweep ofthe wind and rain, were approaching the room where the boys werestanding, with automatic revolvers in their hands.

  "He's got his nerve!" Jack said. "Why doesn't he come into the placewith a brass band? Shall we sneak out of a window, or remain here andfind out what he wants?"

  "I'm for getting out!"

  Frank leaped from the window as he spoke, and in a second Jack camepiling out on top of him.

  "Gee whiz!" Frank whispered. "Why don't you knock a fellow over?"

  "What are you trying to do?" demanded Jack.

  "Not a thing," was the reply. "Say, but we'll get a nice soak if weremain here."

  "You'll get a nice soak on the coco, if you don't stop pulling mearound," came back from Jack.

  "Then keep your hands off me!" Frank responded.

  But in a moment both boys knew that they were not struggling with eachother. A brilliant flash of lightning cut the sky, and by its lightthey saw each other lying on the ground under the window, each with acouple of men in native costume perched on top.

  Jack fired, but the pressure on his back was not lessened. Instead, hefelt a snaky hand slip down his arm, seize his fingers and twist the gunaway.

  "Frank!" he called out. "Frank! Shoot at the heathens! I missed, andone of them has my gun."

  Frank obeyed the suggestion, and three reports were heard. Jack, thoughnot naturally bloodthirsty, was overjoyed at the sound of a groan whichcame from the spot where Frank lay.

  "Don't try that again, son!"

  "That will be enough!"

  Both sentences were spoken in English. Then the boys were carriedbodily into the house and sat down against a wall. Then a lightedlantern was brought in, and the prisoners saw six sleepy-lookingChinamen grinning at them.


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