Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; Or, With the Flying Squadron

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Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; Or, With the Flying Squadron Page 11

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  "You remember what the consul said regarding trouble on the road toPeking?" asked Ned of Captain Martin as the two took seats under a treenot far from the cooking fires.

  "Yes, and I wondered at his expressing such gloomy predictions. He gaveme quite a scare."

  "I think I understand, now, why he did it," Ned said, with a smile. "Hewas following instructions."

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "I mean that he had been communicated with by the Washington office,during the day, and given instructions."

  "To scare you?"

  "No; to keep me up to the mark in caution."

  "I don't think you needed that."

  "Well," Ned went on, "this is a queer case. At first I could not makeup my mind why the Secret Service people insisted on my making this tripto Peking on a motorcycle, guarded by soldiers like a passenger in timeof war. Now I think I know."

  "Then you have the advantage of me," said the officer. "I've beenthinking that over quite a lot, and the answer is still to find."

  "Unless I am mistaken," Ned replied, "I am expected to do my work on theway to Peking."

  "Come again!" smiled the Captain.

  "In other words," replied Ned, "I'm set up on a motorcycle as a mark forthe diplomats of Europe to shoot at."

  "Then I must be a mark, also," grumbled the Captain.

  "Exactly. How do you like it?"

  "Oh, it isn't so bad!" smiled the other, won into better humor by thelaughing face of the boy. "But why should the Secret Service departmentput you in such peril?"

  "It is my notion," Ned hastened to say, in defense of his superiorofficers, "that they give me credit for sense enough to take care ofmyself. The same with regard to you."

  "But why--"

  "It seems to me," Ned interrupted, "that the department is up against atough proposition. The matter is so delicate that no foreign governmentcan be accused of mixing this conspiracy for Uncle Sam. What remains todo, then, is to spot the tools being used by the power that is mostactive."

  "That's good sense."

  "Well, we can't spot them in Washington, nor in Tientsin, nor yet in theAmerican embassy at Peking. Where, then, but on the road--on the roadwhere they are striving with all their might to block the progress ofthe agent who is trying to land them?"

  Captain Martin mused a moment and then broke into a laugh.

  "And so," he said, "you think we are spread out along this road for theconspirators to grab off?"

  "If they can, of course; but that is not stating the case right. We arespread out along the road to Peking to catch the men who will try tostop us. See? We are here to watch for those who will try to catch us,and to catch them! What do you think of that?"

  "Clever!" exclaimed the Captain.

  "The system is an old one in detective work," Ned explained. "It is nounusual thing for an officer to permit a prisoner to escape in orderthat be may be traced to his confederates. Only this case is somewhatdifferent, of course. We don't know exactly who the criminals we, butwe expect them to reveal their identity by their own acts."

  "Then we'd better be on double guard?"

  "Of course. You know how the consul reiterated the warning he gave us.He couldn't tell us that it was the notion of the Secret Servicedepartment that we would be attacked on the way to Peking, but he couldtell us to look out, and he did."

  "Perhaps he thought the truth would frighten you off?"

  "Perhaps," laughed Ned.

  "Well, I'm glad to have the puzzle solved," Captain Martin said. "Nowwe know just what to look out for. When do you expect to meet withthese foxy chaps?"

  "They will appear in due time, if I am right," Ned replied. "Look outthere on the road," he added, "they may be coming now."

  The Captain looked and saw four men in the garb of priests, approachingthe grove. Their robes were long and of a dirty slate color, and therewas a great star on the breast of the man in the lead.

  "A queer bunch," the officer said, "but not diplomats. They are Taoistpriests, and the chances are that they have a tumble-down temple in thisvicinity. They are not very popular in China just now."

  "Never heard of them," Ned said, watching the men turn from the roadinto the grove.

  "As you know," the officer explained; "I have been on Chinese stations along time. Well, I've taken a fancy to study up the religion of thepeople. Or, to put it right, the three religions. First, there is theConfucian religion, which is not really a religion, for it does not dealwith the spiritual. It is a philosophy, which teaches the brotherhoodof man.

  "Second, there is Buddhism, with its ruined temples and begging monks.This religion is an importation from India. Aged people and women areits chief devotees.

  "Third, there is Taoism, scarcely less popular that Buddhism. Thepriests live with their families in ruined temples and practice allsorts of fool things. They have a mystic alchemy, prepare spells andincantations, and claim to hold communion with the dead. It is saidthat worthless foreigners travel about in the disguise of Taoistpriests, just for the money there is in it, as fake spiritualist mediumstravel about in our own country.

  "The people coming are Taoist priests, all right, for they have thedrums, and gongs, and fifes of their trade with them. Their ruinedtemple may not be far away. If we have time we may witness some oftheir foolish ceremonies."

  Ned's face looked thoughtful for a moment, then cleared. There was asmile on his face as he asked:

  "Do Taoist priests accost strangers on the highway?"

  "Yes; when there is a show of getting money. They are a rank lot, asyou will soon see."

  "These may not be so rank," Ned replied, meaningfully.

  "'Why," began Captain Martin, "you don't suppose--"

  "It seems odd that Taoist priests should arrive here just at this time."

  "If these chaps really I are spies--the spies we have been warnedagainst--the fellows we were sent forth to meet, why, there may be a bitof action here."

  "Well," Ned went on, "let them take the initiative. We shall soon beable to give a good guess as to what this visit means."

  As the four strangely clad figures moved across the little patch offield which separated the highway from the grove, Jimmie came runningover to where the two were sitting, an egg sandwich in one hand and acup of coffee in the other. As he ran the hot liquid jolted out of thecup and came in contact with his hand.

  "Gee!" he shouted. "Just look what's comin'."

  Then he dropped the hot cup on the ground and began to dance up anddown, shaking his blistered hand as he did so.

  "I got it!" he said. "There was only one hot cup in the lot, an' I gotit! Say, Ned, what do you know about them callers you're goin' to have?Look like busted washee-washee geeks from Pell street. Look at 'em!"

  By this time the marines were watching the advancing priests withcurious eyes. Breakfast was nearly over, and some of the men werepreparing for a brief rest in the shady spot they had found.

  The priests, if such they were, entered the grove, passed through thegroup of men without a glance to the right or left, and approached thespot where Ned and the Captain sat. Here they drew up in a line, muchas the fakirs of the East Indies perform, with their crude drams, gongsand fifes in full view.

  "Hello, Sports!" Jimmie cried.

  Ned motioned to the boy to remain silent.

  The Captain addressed the priests in a couple of Chinese sentences, butreceived no immediate answer. One of the fellows, the one with a greatstar painted, or worked, on the breast of his gown, soon advanced andstood directly in front of Ned.

  "We have had warning of your approach," he said. "We have been waitingfor you for many days."

  Ned started, for the words were spoken in English. The Captain mutteredunder his breath:

  "I haven't a doubt of it."

  "What do you want?" asked Ned.

  The four bowed to the groun

  "Attention. The mysticism of the East is open to you if you are braveand strong."

  "Bunk!" whispered Jimmie.

  "Where do you live?" asked the Captain.

  The leader pointed to a pile of broken stones at the edge of the grove.A closer inspection of the heap told the officer that it was what timehad left of a temple.

  "Tell him to get busy," whispered Jimmie. "Can he make a tree threehundred years old in a minute?"

  "Where is this mysticism of the East located?" asked the Captain, unableto get the original notion that they were not what they seemed out ofhis mind.

  Again the leader pointed to the ruined temple.

  "Come!" he said.

  "Now is your chance!" whispered the Captain.

  "You are convinced that these are the people who were sent out to defeatthe purpose of our mission?" asked Ned.

  "Sure," was the reply. "These fellows are not priests. I don't believethe chap who speaks is even a Chinaman."

  Ned did not hesitate long. If he was correct in his interpretation ofthe orders of the Secret Service department, it would be the right thingfor him to go with the strange visitors.

  If, as he really believed, they had designs on his life or his liberty,no better place or time for the test of cunning and strength could havebeen selected. It was early morning, and the highway just beyond thegrove was never long vacant of travelers. Indeed, groups of five or sixwere constantly in sight.

  The travelers were Chinese, of course, and not likely to assist him outof any difficulty into which he might tumble, still the fact that theywere there was something. Even conspirators do not seek audiences fortheir crimes.

  Besides, there were the marines. Ned understood that they would not bepermitted to enter the ruined temple in a body, but he knew that theywould be within call.

  "What's your notion?" Ned whispered to the Captain.

  "Go, and take me with you."

  "Of course you'll go if I do."

  "And what's the matter with me goin'?" demanded Jimmie, who was nearenough to catch the impression that Ned was going somewhere and wasintending to leave him behind.

  "Perhaps the hosts won't welcome three," suggested Ned, in a whisper."Such people, like those who present communications from dead friends,at a dollar per, like to work in private."

  Jimmie did not wait to argue the question with Ned. As usual, hisanswer was direct and to the point. He advanced upon the priests anddemanded:

  "Will you take me along?"

  The four regarded each other in perplexity.

  "Come, now," urged the boy, "be good sports. Be good fellers, foronce!"

  It was finally arranged that Ned, Jimmie and the Captain were to proceedto the ruined temple with the four and there learn something of themysticism of the East! Ned was positive that the time for his test ofcourage had come. Still, he did not waver, for he was prepared. Themarines were instructed to gradually encircle the old temple, and tolisten for orders from the inside.

  While satisfied that he had now come to the turning point in the case,Ned wondered, while on the way to the temple, if he ought to take therisk, whether it might not be wiser to arrest the fakirs, strip them oftheir disguises, and take them, by force of numbers, to the embassy atPeking. Still, if he took that course, he would have no proof againstthem--would not be able to connect the fellows with the conspiracy.

  The only thing to do was to take the risk.

  So, with a premonition of danger in his heart, he turned down the stepswhich led to the temple.

  For the temple was, as has been said, in ruins. There was a heap ofhewn stones on top of the earth, and that was all that showed fromabove. In front a stone staircase led down into a damp andevil-smelling place.

  After a minute's descent Ned found himself in a long, narrow hall, whichhad at some time in the distant past formed the lobby of the temple.

  There was a cold wind blowing from somewhere in advance, and bats flewcroakingly against it in their retreat from the intruders. Ned heardthe clang of a heavy door behind him. Then the current of air was shutoff.

  "This old barn of a place hasn't been used for a hundred years!" Jimmiewhispered, clutching Ned by the arm.

  "What makes you think so?" asked Ned.

  "If in use, there would be something here to show it," was the reply."See, they haven't even got lights here. The ones they are now carryingwere taken from the folds of their robes. And there would be no bats ifthe place was in constant use."

  "Right you are, boy," Ned whispered back. "But we knew what we weregetting into. Hark!"

  It was the dull, rolling sound of a drum that caused the exclamation.One of the men, far in advance, was evidently giving a signal. In amoment the shrill notes of a fife reached the ears of the boys.

  They waited for a moment, wondering, and then a burst of light came fromsome unseen quarter and the four men were seen standing in line on arock which lifted above the sloping floor.

  "Now for the ghosts!" whispered Jimmie. "Who's first?"


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