The King's Raven (Immortal Ireland Book 1)

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The King's Raven (Immortal Ireland Book 1) Page 18

by Kristen Cobb

  “The man I love.” She slid her body up onto his manhood, feeling it swell.

  “You are an evil woman.” A hesitant but playful gleam returned to his eyes as he said it.

  Nessa moved her hips until the tip of his shaft lay poised at her opening, welcoming him into her body, wanting so badly to join with him but needing to hear him say the words. “Ask me again?”

  He was looking into her eyes as if searching for something. “Will you be my wife?”

  The intense vulnerability in his gaze conveyed the importance of her answer. “Yes.” She leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Now make love to me husband. I need you.”

  Conri lifted his hips, slowly sliding his entire manhood into her all at once. She yelled out so loud they probably heard her downstairs. The world seemed to go dark as a swell of sensations overwhelmed her mind and body.

  Unbelievably a knock sounded at the door as she threw her head back yelling out in pleasure as Conri filled her again.

  Whoever it was began pounding even louder when no one answered. “Ness, Conri, this is important. Rory needs you downstairs.” Conor’s voice sounded on the other side of the door.

  “We could just ignore him.” She did not want the world to intrude on this extremely intimate moment.

  Conri stopped moving beneath her. “This castle better be under siege.” He flipped her over onto her back then slowly pulled out. “Cover yourself.” She barely had time to pull the blankets up to her neck before Conri was at the door. Lifting the heavy wooden bar he flung it to the floor as if it were no more than a twig. Throwing open the door it slammed against the stonewall with a loud cracking sound. “What?”

  The look of shock and embarrassment on Conor’s face almost made her laugh. “Will is here claiming to be Nessa’s husband. Rory wants to see you both in the hall, immediately.”

  “He is not her husband and we are not coming down.” Conri started to close the door.

  Conor inserted himself into the doorway, preventing Conri from slamming it in his face. “Eachan and Alana are down there. They are advocating for Will’s rights as a husband. I tried to tell Rory it is not true but I have been here as a hostage. My word is not good enough.”

  She knew there was no way around this. Will would never give up. They needed to go down there and deal with it. “We will be down shortly. Just let us get dressed.”

  Conor nodded then disappeared into the stairwell. Conri slammed the door so hard it flew open again. Slamming it again he held it in place this time, leaning his head against the door for a moment.

  Nessa threw off the covers, sliding across the bed until she sat on the edge. She set a bowl of water and a rag on the bedside table earlier. “Come here husband. Let me wash you.” Dipping the rag into the bowl of water she rung out the excess.

  Conri turned around but did not immediately walk over to her. “Rory will order me to stay away from you until he can sort this out.”

  “All will be well. Come here please.” She waited patiently for him to do as she ordered.

  After staring at her for a moment Conri sighed and walked across the room. A journey that only took about three strides. “No, it will not, because I refuse to stay away from you.”

  She laid a hand on the side of his hip, her fingertips touching the edge of his muscular buttocks. With her right hand she began gently washing his now sleeping manhood. “Rory will already have sent a messenger to Laurence asking his permission for us to marry. I told him about the circumstances of my birth and I am certain he will consider Laurence my guardian. It is only a matter of waiting until the reply arrives. Laurence will give his approval which will also prove I am not married to Will.” She dipped the rag in the water again then rung it out.

  “That does not solve the immediate problem but I may have a solution. What if we go to see my grandfather? We could come back just in time for Samhain. Laurence’s reply will have arrived by then.” It seemed a good plan. His grandfather being one of the oldest immortals he knew everything there was to know about his people.

  He watched Nessa’s face shoot up quickly to look at him, eyes opened wide in surprise. “You want to visit your family?” Her hand stilled on his manhood.

  “We can ask my grandfather what he knows about the ancients. Maybe find out more about who you are. I will leave first and take your extra set of clothing with me. You can change into some kind of bird and meet up with me once I am a safe distance from the castle. No one will even know we are together.” He watched as she dipped the rag into the water and started to clean herself.

  “I would never ask you to do that.” Nessa was much faster with her own ablutions than she had been washing him. She wiped herself one last time then threw the rag into the bowl.

  “You are not asking. I am offering.”

  Nessa laid a hand on his hip, looking up at him. “I do not deserve you.”

  “If you continue looking at me like that we will never make it downstairs.” He had never been so happy, even with the situation they were about to face. The ramifications of her true identity were finally starting to sink in. She would not age and grow old in the blink of an eye, leaving him to mourn her for centuries. No longer would he have to wander through life alone. He had a partner. Someone who loved him exactly as he was. She knew he could not change form and did not seem to care. Hearing her say come here husband and let me wash you left him almost breathless with emotion. The moment was exceeded only by watching his wife gently wash the sex from his shaft. They did not need a ceremony or anyone else’s permission. Mortal laws held no real bearing on their union.

  Fighting the urge to kiss her he walked over to the trunk. Nessa grabbed her tunic off the bed then followed him. He watched her slip the tunic over her head before picking up her pants. Opening the wooden lid of the trunk he pulled out a dry set of clothes for himself. They dressed in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Nessa helped him adjust the leather strap across his chest that held his sheath and sword. It was a task he’d done thousands of times by himself but he liked having her tend him. A swell of warmth flooded his body as she fussed over getting the leather strap just right. When Nessa finally nodded in satisfaction he walked over to the lit candle on the bedside table, blowing it out.

  There were still men lounging about at some of the tables in the hall, talking and drinking. There was also a line of people in front of the dais ready to air their grievances against her. Will and a young boy that looked to be Donal were standing with their backs to her at the moment. They’d obviously been traveling in the rain all day because they were absolutely soaked. Conor stood next to Will, Alana and her father off to the side. Of course Alana had a hand in this. She should have known. Conri was right, there seemed to be three of her. How could she already have snagged Will and talked him into claiming to be her husband. This was far too devious a plan for Will to come up with on his own and not at all his style. This fiasco fairly screamed Alana.

  She had the very childish urge to go over and kick Alana as they walked toward the dais. Rory sat in one of the upholstered chairs, four guards standing directly behind him. They would be extra vigilant with a stranger in their midst. There was no such thing as too much caution when protecting a king.

  Rory watched the archway for their arrival while everyone else had their backs to it. The look that Rory gave her upon entering the hall was a cross between amusement and frustration. It almost made her smile, almost. Nothing about Alana and Will teaming up to keep her away from Conri could ever prove amusing. She refused to give him up under any circumstances. That sudden realization was life altering. Nessa stopped walking just before they reached the dais.

  Conri turned around when he reached the dais, holding out his hand for her. For a moment she could only stand there looking at him, overwhelmed by emotion. Conri meant more to her than anyone or anything else. She already loved him well beyond what most people would consider rational or prudent. Betraying him could no longer be an option. The pl
an needed to change. She could not kill Rory. She silently vowed to dump out the poisonous potion tomorrow.

  Walking over to Conri she placed her hand in his. “Do you remember when I told you that I would eventually betray you?”

  Conri nodded with a grin. “It was not that long ago.”

  “I have changed my mind. I will never betray you.” She needed him to know that. It could not wait. Looking into his eyes, willing him to see how very much she meant those words, Nessa lifted her free hand, laying it gently against the side of his face. “Under any circumstances.”

  “Can you imagine being of such low morals as to act that way with another man in front of your husband?” Even Alana’s venomous voice could not ruin the moment.

  Conri stared intently into her eyes, letting her know how much the impromptu declaration meant to him. Leaning over he whispered in her ear. “I will be sleeping by the river.”

  She could not contain the enormous smile that spread across her face. His message was clear. He had no intention of allowing them to be apart for even a night. She could change form and sneak out to meet him with no one being the wiser.

  “If you two are done we have a few things to discuss.” Rory’s voice sounded more amused than angry.

  “William is not my husband. I have never been intimate with anyone other than Conri so William has no right to claim even the most casual of marital relationships. I have already turned down his proposal and Laurence would never force me to marry.” She called him William knowing how much it would bother him. She never called him William. They were much too close for such formality. Until now that is.

  “We had sex all the time. She is lying.” Will’s light brown hair lay wet and flattened against his head. His hair was generally in wild disarray from the wind on the ship, even when he returned to dry land. Donal stood next to him looking equally wet and bedraggled.

  She wanted to stay mad at Will but seeing his current state softened the worst of her anger. After all that effort he was destined to lose this fight. She would end up with Conri no matter what Will did to try and keep them apart. “I love him. Please tell the truth and end this.”

  “Nessa is my wife which means she belongs to me. He needs to get his hands off her. It is my right to order it so.” Will never even glanced her way. He appealed directly to Rory as if her feelings were irrelevant.

  “If she were your wife she would belong to you. I am inclined to believe Nessa and Conor.” Eachan started to speak but Rory held up his hand to stop any interruption. “I have been advised to err on the side of caution so I am ordering both of you to stay away from her until I get confirmation from Laurence. I have already sent a messenger in regards to Nessa and Conri’s marriage. He is the closest thing she has to a father and will be considered her guardian until such time as she marries. Laurence’s reply will clear this up.” Rory looked directly at Will now. “You are not welcome within my castle walls. I do not know you nor do I trust you.”

  “My king, if I could interject.” She could not have Will roaming around outside the castle walls if she intended to meet Conri by the river. There was also the matter of Donal. The boy certainly did not deserve to be in this situation.

  “You may.” Rory’s tone sounded much more cordial when he spoke to her, making it clear whose side he was on.

  “While I agree that Will has not exactly made an exemplary first impression by lying to you he is generally a good person. I have known him since I was a child and do not believe he poses a serious threat. It is raining outside, he has nowhere to stay, and there is a young boy traveling with him. I ask only that you allow him to sleep with the men and eat in the hall.” She would not be here anyway.

  Rory turned his attention to Will. “I am willing to honor her request and allow you to remain within my walls, temporarily. The very instant I receive confirmation from Father Laurence that you are not Nessa’s husband you will no longer be welcome here.”

  Conri tightened his grip on her hand momentarily then released it. “Father Laurence’s reply will likely not arrive for at least a week. I think this might be a good time for me to visit my family. It will make staying away from Nessa easier if I am not even here. I will assign someone to take over my duties until I return. Nessa can have my chamber. I will sleep elsewhere tonight and leave tomorrow.” Conri looked straight ahead at Rory as he spoke. Although his tone was respectful none of his comments were phrased as a request.

  “I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Post two guards at the entrance to the tower to ensure that Nessa is not bothered. I want her guarded while you are away, for her safety. I also want Conor guarded while you are gone.” Rory stood up to leave, indicating he was through discussing the matter.

  “Allister and Sedric have already been assigned as Nessa’s guards when I cannot be with her. Conor’s guard rotation will be put back in place.” Conri turned and motioned to someone at a table behind them.

  “Excellent. Then everything is settled.” Rory stepped down off the dais followed by his four personal guards.

  Two men Nessa recognized from the training field suddenly appeared at her side.

  Conri leaned down to whisper softly in her ear. “Until later wife.” With that he walked away.

  Nessa watched Conri until he disappeared through the double doors leading to the inner ward of the castle. She felt someone pulling on the hem of her tunic. Donal stood next to her desperately attempting to command her attention. As always Conri pulled her into their own little world. She barely noticed other people when he looked into her eyes or kissed her. “I am sorry Donal. I was a bit distracted.”

  “By the man with the sword?” Donal pointed toward the heavy wooden doors Conri just exited through.

  “Yes.” Nessa could not help but smile. Just thinking about Conri made her happy.

  “Do you think he would teach me to use a sword?” Donal’s question sounded oddly mature for a boy his age, devoid of childish enthusiasm.

  Will walked up behind Donal. Nessa tried to ignore him for the moment. “You are a bit young to learn how to use a sword.”

  Donal looked down, nodding that he understood. Disappointment obvious in the way he continued looking at the ground.

  Something was seriously wrong here. Remembering the overwhelming presence of death in Donal’s house Nessa finally looked at Will. She mouthed the words his parents with a question in her eyes. Will shook his head, an unmistakable look of sadness in his eyes. She mouthed one more word, Dermot. Will nodded.

  Her heart broke as she watched Donal stand there looking down at the floor, kicking at the rushes. She understood the boy’s sudden desire to protect himself and those he loved. “I will talk to him about it. Perhaps while Conri is gone I can get one of his men to begin teaching you.” Allister and Sedric came to mind. They would not be busy guarding her if she were not even here. Actually that was something she needed to discuss with Conri. They should make certain Allister and Sedric would not be in trouble with Rory when she suddenly vanished.

  Donal immediately looked up at her, eyes filled with excitement. “Really?” He turned around to tell Will. “Did you hear that? I am going to be a real warrior someday.”

  Will tried to smile but the effort fell short. Blue eyes met hers. “Could we please talk?”

  “No.” Turning her back on him she walked away, followed closely by the two men Conri assigned to guard the tower entrance. A part of her wanted to cry. Things with Will were not supposed to end this way. She did love him, just not the way she loved Conri. As always thoughts of Conri brightened her spirits. Her pace quickened as she visualized meeting him at the river, knowing exactly where he would be. The spot he took her to bathe. Since it was raining Alana would not be out tracking him.

  Conor caught up with her as she strode through the archway. They walked down the hallway and up the stairs together without saying a word. The two guards remained at the bottom of the stairs. Nessa opened the door to Conri’s chamber then
stopped. She turned around and watched Conor climb the stairs toward his room. For just a moment she considered calling him back and telling him about her vision. Part of her believed he should know but would that really be for the best? Would she want to know if the situation were reversed? The answer was an emphatic no. She hated knowing the future. It never brought her anything but grief. Conor would end up spending the rest of his life worrying about his impending death rather than living. Watching him disappear into the winding stairwell without saying a word seemed the better choice. Their relationship was already strained due to her continued interference in his life.

  Walking into Conri’s chamber she immediately barred the door from the inside. Unlatching the wooden shutters she threw them open, leaning on the stone sill to look outside. This particular tower was on the front of the castle. She could just make out a white horse riding off into the distance away from the stables.

  Quickly undressing she threw her clothes onto the bed then focused all of her energy on changing form. She hadn’t turned into another creature since her days at the monastery. The very instant her body changed form and she became a raven was indescribably liberating. One good flap of her wings took her up to the sill. Jumping off the stone embrasure she threw out her wings and began slowing flapping them up and down, soaring through the air. In no time at all she caught up with Conri, flying high above him as he rode over the drawbridge. Soaring out ahead she reveled in the feel of the wind whipping against her feathers, wings pumping to gain more speed. The rain finally stopped, making it a gorgeous night to be out flying.

  She hadn’t felt this free in a very long time. Since she was a child to be exact, before Laurence convinced her never to change into a raven again. He said people would fear her, putting her life in danger. The pure joy she felt right now could be attributed solely to Conri’s presence in her life, the first person who ever accepted her abilities without fear or condemnation. He called her a god rather than an abomination. For the first time she felt proud instead of afraid. Releasing a sound that expressed pure joy and freedom for a raven she soared back around to locate Conri.


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