Hero High: Figure In The Flames

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Hero High: Figure In The Flames Page 26

by Chara, Mina

  “We need you to look nice, and Aya said you liked these people, whoever they are.”

  “Sugar, I’m so glad you’re okay!” D’fwan yelled, placing the back of his hand on his forehead like an overdramatic stage actor. Carol cleared her throat behind him, and he stood up quickly.

  “And Carol was also worried.”

  She nodded in agreement from behind him.

  “Leave us!” D’fwan said clapping his hands together.

  Veronica frowned, but dragged everyone out all the same. D’fwan wheeled in a small suit case, and slammed it down on the bed.

  “Now, I know we’ve given you designer dresses, but I was hoping you’d do me the honor of wearing one of our designs,” he said pursing his lips and raising his chin proudly.

  “Of course.”

  “Good, ‘cuz I only brought one.” he said laughing.

  Carol pulled out the dress, and held it up to me. It was short just like the other one they’d given me, but much fuller in the skirt because the fabric was abundant and thick, it looked cloudy, like frosted glass. Every inch was threaded with beads reminiscent of glittering ice. The richness of the blue changed depending on the angle, giving the dress a high, demure neck and ending it an elegant split cape, not too long for me to trip over.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said. And it really was.

  “We figured blue was your color, and well, the cape was Carol’s idea.”

  “I love it.”

  “Put it on!”

  I stepped out of the chair, and left to change. As soon as it was on D’Fwan and Carol started pressing down the edges, checking it from all angles.


  I stepped out of my hospital room, happy to never come back, and Veronica motioned everyone downstairs onto the bus. the captain helped me on board, and my dad and sister sat opposite.

  “Where are we going?” I asked Veronica.

  “Park celebration.”

  “What for?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Captain?” I said after a half hour of driving.

  He hummed in reply, turning to me cheerfully.

  “What happened to Jake, and Coach Flat?”

  He paused, and took a deep breath. “Frank is in The International Heroes Group holding facility,” he told me, “Jake is awaiting trial since he has no access to the serum.”

  “Has he asked about me?”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, he hasn’t said a word.”

  The back of my head hit the seat as I looked up into the blue sky though the sun roof. “What about Ashley?”

  The Captain cleared his throat, the sound made my head shoot back up. He leaned over to whisper. “Actually, I decided to keep him on.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I believe there’s still a chance we can help him. He’s the son of the man- The point is, I knew that when I accepted him into the school, so I don’t know why it makes a difference now. And besides, we don’t actually have any proof he’s been doing anything illegal.”

  I sighed, trying to decide exactly how I felt.

  “I’m proud of you,” said the captain, “but you know that wasn’t the end. From here on out, you’ll always have to take the high road.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll help you, and so will everyone else.”

  “Thanks, Captain.”

  “Adam,” he said, correcting me with a smile.

  “Thanks, Adam,” I said, and smiled back.

  Veronica hurried off the bus, pulling the captain with her, insisting I stay put, until someone brought my wheel chair. The captain pulled it up, wheeled me out, and thousands of cameras caught my pursed lips and look of distaste. He steered me through crowds of people shouting questions, with my family behind me. Somehow it felt a lot easier to deal with than if I’d been walking by myself. Was that why Veronica had insisted?

  I noticed the pillars of balloons, and families enjoying sandwiches on the summer green grass. The captain steered me towards a stage with several other students, and the mayor in the middle. Two men gripped the wheels of my chair and hoisted me up on stage. Aya took over the handles, and David stood guard. They were both dressed to perfection. The Mayor tapped the microphone, and began to speak to the people. David leaned down to me, his stupid visor in place per Veronica’s request.

  “Need us to catch you up?”


  “We switched teams,” he told me, “we’re all blue now.”


  Aya titled her head, and chimed in. “For some reason the captain transferred him to the Pink team. We still talk, but, you know, we don’t have much time nowadays.”

  “You guys liking the blue dorm then?” I asked.

  “Loving it, the gold dorm was way too stuffy for me.”

  “We already moved your stuff back in,” said David, nodding in agreement. “No pressure though, you don’t have to get back to work straight away.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, “I don’t mind.”

  “Good, because we have some applicants for the blue team!” Aya said over the mayor. Lisa and Barney stepped on stage, but only Lisa stepped towards the mayor who dropped two medals round her neck. This was the first time I’d seen Lisa in a dress, and she looked breathtaking.

  “For the apprehension of Coach Flat and for long term heroic service. Ms. Kisaragi, you are the longest serving superhero. We’re proud to have you in our city.”

  Lisa nodded and waved to the crowd as they clapped. Her kids ran to her, pulling her into a hug before she pulled them over to me. Lisa leaned down as others were called onto stage, and threw her arms around me.

  “I’m proud of you, kid,” she said.

  “You’re proud of me? You’re the longest serving superhero.”

  She smiled and took a place behind me like Aya and David, her kids doing the same before waving hello to me. In front of the mayor this time stood the entire fire department, the policeman who’d cuffed Jake, the medic who whisked me away, and finally June and Kevin, my cameraman. Each one received a medal for their heroics, and a thank you from the mayor.

  My father and sister rushed on stage, my dad taking the handles of the chair from Aya to wheel me forwards, but I stopped him half way, and stood up. I wanted to do this on my own two feet. Everyone nodded, and I stepped forward. The Major cleared his throat and read, once again, from the teleprompter.

  “Ms. Friday Fitzsimmons, it is my honor to reward you for your heroic actions, though you are already a superhero.”

  The crowd chirped with laughter.

  “For your actions I would like to award you-” He reached round for the wooden box a stage hand held out to him, and pulled out a medal, a golden comet etched onto the round surface. “-The medal of heroic freedoms.” He pinned it onto my dress, something I hoped D’Fwan and Carol wouldn’t mind, and turned back round to another box. “And the blue heart.”

  The crowd erupted, the mayor clapped and the music in the park started to play once again. The Mayor held out his hand to me, not because he had to, but because he wanted to, and I shook it firmly.

  “Thank you very much Ms. Fitzsimmons, I hope we’ll be seeing more of you in the future.”

  “Thank you Mr Mayor.”

  D’Fwan and Carol spent the afternoon dancing, and handing out their cards, Lisa pulled out a picnic basket for everyone that the kids nearly single handedly devoured. The captain introduced us all to his wife Katherine. It was a lovely party, I expected people to clear out after an hour or two, but they didn’t. When I asked why, Aya told me there were going to be fireworks and as we waited, June found me, and jumped onto my lap. A lot of people gasped in horror, but I didn’t mind, and it didn’t hurt at all.

  “I didn’t hurt you did I?” June asked.

  “No June, it’s fine.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay Friday, and…” She looked over her shoulder at her dad who gave her a knowing nod. “I’m sorry I
made fun of your name,” she said with an infectious giggle.

  “Don’t worry about it, it is a silly name, but my mother was a bit of a hippy.”

  My teeth clenched, holding back tears at my own willingness to bring her up as June hopped off my lap and her dad picked her up. The people around me quieted as I sucked in quick breaths, trying not to cry. My dad hurried over, kneeling down beside me, taking my hand. He grabbed my face, and forced me to look at him.

  “Stop this,” he told me firmly.

  I shook my head, unsure of what he meant.

  “Stop hurting yourself trying to prove something,” he said.

  “Dad?” Tears were trickling down my cheeks.

  “I don’t blame you, I never blamed you,” he said. His teeth clenched the same way mine did when I wanted hold things back, “so just stop, stop, hurting yourself. You don’t need to prove anything to me, you’re my daughter, I love you.” He pulled me down with a firm kiss to my forehead as my sister pulled me into a hug. We all cried together, tears of sadness, and relief.

  The sky began to darken, and the mayor made another appearance, this time his jacket was gone and his sleeves were rolled up, he’d come to say the fireworks were ready. People starting making their rounds through the crowds handing out flashing toys and snacks. Once our tears had dried, I patted the arms of my wheelchair, and spoke up.

  “Hey guys, I’m just gonna go get a better view.”

  They all nodded to me as I stepped out of the chair, and went off on my own up the little hill in the park hidden by the cherry trees where I sat on the park bench and watched the sky explode with color.


  My head turned a little too late as Ashley settled on the bench next to me.

  “The captain told me he decided to keep you on.”

  He turned to me smiling, clear and genuine, like the truth hadn’t changed a thing.

  “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t he?”

  I frowned at him as his gaze shifted to the sky.

  “Because you’re a supervillain,” I said with a certainty I didn’t know I had.

  The truth was he had absolutely no proof he was Dr. Dangerous.

  He laughed like I’d just done something cute and pulled the bag beside him up onto his lap.

  “Nana wanted me to be prepared,” he said, pulling out a thick blanket before laying it over my legs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Friday. Try to stay warm, I know it’ll be summer soon, but the nights are still chilly.”

  He patted the blanket like he was tucking me in. My glare was fierce and confident. What was he trying to do? He leaned over his bag again, and took out a canteen.

  “The captain told me you’ve haven’t eaten anything, so I brought some soup from the restaurant.”

  I nearly took it but my hand retreated at the sound of someone coming up the hill.

  “Hey Ashley, you coming down for the party?”

  A blond boy, only a few inches taller than me jogged up the hill as Ashley set down his canteen on my lap.

  “I’ll be down soon,” Ashley told him, “I just want to make sure Friday’s okay.”

  “Friday? You mean Fitz?” The blond boy looked at me his eyes wide open, and smiled much the same way the captain did. He hurried forwards and shook my hand. “My names Luke, I’ll be Ashley’s team mate next year, it’s great to meet you!”

  His cheerful disposition and white smile were a cliche; he was perfect for television.

  “I’ll see you next year, Ashley, we’ll be next to the apple tree, join us when you’re ready.” Luke hurried down the hill, and off into the distance to sit down with his friends.

  “The captain made me the leader of a freshman team,” Ashley explained.

  “I see. Maybe he thinks it’ll do you some good,” I said.

  “Well, I should be going,” said Ashley as he put an arm round the bench, and blocked out the light the same way he always did. “You’ll be the leader of the blue team come next year. You ready for some competition?” he asked.

  “The captain will keep giving you chances. I won’t,” I told him.

  His eyes went cold, no playful sparkle left. I wanted to let this continue like nothing had happened, but I couldn’t let him brush it off, no matter how much I wanted him to convince me.

  “Oh?” he said taking a strand of my hair in his fingers.

  “I’ll put you in jail,” I warned him, “and your kisses won’t stop that.”

  He sat still for a moment, the gears in his head turning, resulting in a sly smile that just made me hot.


  He took me by the chin, so close I could feel his breath. His lips hovered over my skin, reaching just below my ear. He gave me a single chaste kiss, it was small but still, it made me shiver. As he was about to pull away I gripped the knot of his tie, and leaned into his ear.

  “I’ll put you in jail because when the time comes, you’ll want to go.”

  I released him, and he pulled back slowly, his sly expression gone. His eyes took in every inch of my face, and then my dress. Over the pops and shrill whizzes of the fireworks, and the conversations of the crowd, his expression softened.

  “This is my favorite, of all your dresses,” he said, “it’s made of the clearest blue, just like your eyes.”

  I nearly forgot where I was, too caught up in looking at him. The pop of a firework brought me back, still dizzy from his presence.

  “Aren’t you tired, Ashley?” I asked.

  He dropped his hands, and nodded as though he’d caught even himself off guard. “Eat your soup,” he told me, “and don’t think for a second just because you know the truth, that I won’t be scolding you and making sure you eat everyday.”

  “I’m okay with that,” I replied, “but I won’t forget.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “How can you be both of them?” I asked as he stepped away.

  He smiled, and nodded again, more sure this time. “Eat your soup, Fitz.” Without another word he stood up, leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek, and left to find his new team mates. I opened the canteen, and took a careful sip. It was delicious.


  Friday’s husband sits down next to her, never taking his eyes off her. Without realizing, we’ve spent the day in her family restaurant, watching the sun go down. The sky now is dark and calm as I gather my things, and thank the captain for her time.

  “Do you have enough, Claire?” she asks.

  “More than, but-” I hesitate, unsure of what she’ll say since I’ve taken up her whole day listening to stories and asking questions.


  Her husband finally looks at me, but only to give me a quick smile that’s mostly a formality.

  “It can’t end there,” I say, “isn’t there any more?”

  Fitz gives a quick inaudible laugh, and bites her lip. “Tell you what, if this book does well, come back. Who knows? Maybe I’ll tell you some more.”

  First off, I’d like to thank my family for being supportive in my effort to write a book. I know it may not be your thing, and this book may be too girly, or whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, thank you for believing I’d finish it. If you hadn’t, I’m not sure this book would exist.

  Second, I’d like to thank everyone on Tumblr who followed me throughout the writing process.

  I’d also like to take some time to thank all my inspirations for this book, and the pieces of media that have made me the storyteller I am. The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov for being a better book than I’ll ever be able to write, Tiger and Bunny for coming up with something new in the superhero genre, Kamen Rider Fourze for teaching me you can be a superhero without hurting people, and Shugo Chara for showing me protagonists are allowed to have personalities. Oh, and I’d like to thank ‘The Selection’ for opening my eyes to how wonderful writing and reading romance can be.

  And lastly, I’d like to thank you, if you’re not a fami
ly member, or someone I paid for a review, thank you for taking an interest, and reading all the way to the end, unless of course you just skipped to the acknowledgments. I’m assuming you didn’t though because I don’t know of anyone who buys a book to read the acknowledgments. I can’t imagine that’s a particularly thrilling part of the book.

  I’d also like to thank my test readers, who were kind enough to read my book even though I’m a nobody. You guys are great, thank you so much.

  I should also thank my friends on “THE COUNCIL” for being so supportive when I told them about this book. I love you guys, you mean so much to me. And if you’re reading this, HI! And second of all, I hope you liked it, if not, it’s okay, you don’t have to lie to me. I’m a big girl.

  A quick special thanks to everyone I consulted while writing this book.

  Lesley Rice, my mum, who read this over and over again, helping me fix my weird sentence structure, and making me not look super dyslexic. Thank you.

  Tiffany, from “THE COUNCIL”, who helped me with Chinese terms of endearment. I know it was only a short conversation, but you should still be thanked Nut. Thank you.

  Alexander Charalambides, BROTHER!!! (That’s a Metal Gear reference.) Who read this over and was brutally honest, because unlike me, he’s actually good at writing. Thank you.

  My dad, Stelios for proof reading, and for telling me what he knows about fixing watches.

  And special thanks to, insilentscreams-swift, Davinaikr, and geekygirl34.

  Anyway, back to you reader, thank you very much, for your money (jk), your time, and your consideration. Just the fact that someone I don’t know might take an interest in a story that only six months ago existed exclusively in my head is unbelievable. So, I guess all that’s left to say is, I hope you liked it.


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