The Daddy Box Set

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The Daddy Box Set Page 67

by Claire Adams

  I didn’t want to go alone, so I had my sister, Ally, come with me. But once the fight started, I was beginning to question why I had even invited her. She didn’t hold back on her opinions. Ever.

  I cheered for Justin and watched as he got into the cage. He was scanning the crowd as he put in his mouth guard. When he spotted me, he smiled around his mouth piece. It looked odd, but my stomach fluttered. He was genuinely happy to see me there. I smiled back, and Ally leaned into me.

  “I can see why you wanted to come. He is fucking hot,” she said.

  I rolled my eyes. Her comments didn’t get much better from there.

  The fight began, and I dug my nails into my palms. I never imagined I would be so nervous, but as I watched Justin and his opponent dance around each other, my stomach was in knots. The first time Justin was hit, I cringed.

  “Quit being such a baby,” Ally said.

  “I’m not. I just don’t like fights,” I said, defensively.

  “Why did you come then?” Ally asked.

  I didn’t know how to answer that. I wasn’t really sure myself. So, I shrugged and said, “For fun?” I said it as a question, which was dumb because I knew Ally would sniff something out. She was good at that, and it drove me nuts.

  “You have a crush on him,” Ally said as we watched Justin hit his opponent. I cringed for the other guy. It looked like it hurt.

  “No, I don’t,” I said. I wanted to avoid this conversation with her. Justin was one of my clients, after all. It would have been completely inappropriate for me to have feelings for him.

  “Then why are we here?” she asked, her arms folded across her chest.

  “Justin invited me. Don’t make me regret extending the invitation,” I said with a half laugh. It was partially true. She was starting to get on my nerves. I just wanted to enjoy my night and not have to think about anything complicated… Like the fact that one of my clients was insanely hot and every time I massaged him, I got turned on.

  “Don’t you remember that one guy? Flynn, I think his name was. He was like in his sixties and bald. He invited you to the ballet. How come you didn’t go to that one?”

  Now I was really beginning to regret inviting her. “That’s different. I hate the ballet,” I said, trying to make it seem like it had nothing to do with the fact that he was an ugly, creepy old man. I was glad he never came back after I declined his invitation.

  “You hate fights,” Ally said, repeating my words back to me.

  Damn her for making me realize things that I really did not want to think about. I already knew I was attracted to Justin. He was hot. And his blue eyes were killer. His muscles left me drooling after every session. But that didn’t really mean anything. It was just physical. Purely based on a hormonal attraction. I was sure half the women in the audience that night were attracted to him too.

  We stopped talking as we watched Justin hit his opponent in the chin and then in the cheek. The guy fell over and hit the mat with a loud thud. The ref ran over to him and counted to three. The guy didn’t get up, and I was wondering if that meant Justin won when the referee yelled: “KO’d!”

  Then, the crowd went absolutely nuts. I had not been expecting people to freak out as much as they were, but it was obvious from their reactions that Justin had won. I stood up and screamed for him. I wasn’t sure what came over me. Maybe it was the energy from everyone around me or peer pressure to do the same as everyone else. I figured it was a mix of the two. And maybe partially because I found him attractive.

  “So, do you want to stick around?” Ally yelled in my ear, but I could barely hear her over the shouting crowd.

  Instead of trying to yell back, I nodded my head and mouthed, “Probably.” I didn’t see a point in trying to yell over the thousands of screaming fans. Ally would never hear me anyway.

  The noise started to die down as people began to leave. I sat back down in my seat. I figured it would probably be easier for him to find me if I stayed here. I hoped he wouldn’t mind.

  “Are you going to tell him?” Ally asked.

  I looked at her, “Tell him what? How annoying my sister is?”

  “Ha. Ha. You know what I mean. That you have a thing for him,” she said.

  I elbowed her. “Stop. Please.” I would have hated for him to hear her say that. I’d probably have to close my practice and leave town out of embarrassment.

  Fifteen minutes later, almost everyone was gone. The arena was close to empty when I heard someone whistle and yell, “There he is! Justin, the man!”

  I looked over to where he had disappeared after the fight and watched as he walked out of the hallway. I noticed he changed out of the shorts he had been wearing and into a t-shirt and jeans. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. He looked so good. I preferred him with his shirt off, but I didn’t mind this either.

  He paused to talk to the guy who whistled at him, and he signed the guy's ticket stub. He already had quite the fan base, and it was really cool to see. I liked that he stopped to acknowledge his fans, but I noticed my heart started to beat faster as he made his way through the rest of the people and over to me.

  “Hey, I was hoping you would stick around,” he said with a smile.

  My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. It was pounding so hard. I quickly realized I had been staring. I cleared my throat and stood up.

  “I figured it would be rude if I just left without at least saying congratulations. So, congratulations!” I said. I hated how nervous I sounded. My voice was shaking, and I hoped he didn’t notice.

  “Thanks. Did you have fun?” he asked.

  I crinkled my nose. “To be honest, I was a little scared the whole time.” I felt silly for admitting this. Especially after the way Ally teased me for it.

  Justin laughed, and I felt a little better. “Oh really? Why’s that?” There was a playfulness in his voice. I thought he might be flirting, but I didn’t want to read too much into it.

  I shrugged and said, “I didn’t know how it was going to turn out.”

  I turned to Ally, who was patiently waiting for me to introduce her and felt a little rude for not doing it sooner.

  “Oh! Justin, this is my sister, Ally,” I said, pointing to her. “Ally, this is Justin.”

  “Nice fight. Congrats on your win,” Ally said as she held her hand out to him. I kept my fingers crossed that she wasn’t going to say anything to him about her suspicions.

  Justin shook her hand and said, “Thanks. Nice to meet you, Ally.”

  “You too,” she said. “Sorry about my sister’s nerves. She was sheltered as a child.”

  I elbowed Ally in the ribs. I didn’t know why she felt compelled to embarrass me every chance she got. That should have been my job since I was her older sister.

  Justin winked at me, and I had to fight the urge to bite my lip. It was hot. A wink, a wink was hot. It was weird that I thought that, but it was true. Almost anything Justin did was hot to me. I wished I could control my libido around him.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” he said.

  “It was fun,” I said, trying my best to be somewhat normal. “I hope I can come to another one some time.”

  “That would be great,” he said, pausing like he was about to say something he might regret. When he spoke again, though, all he said was, “I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat longer, but I have to head home.”

  “That’s okay. We need to get home too. Have a good night,” I said.

  “You too,” he said. For a moment, I thought he might hug me. Then, he turned his attention to Ally. “It was nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” she said. I was relieved when she didn’t add anything else.

  “Drive safe,” I said as he started to walk away.

  “You too. I’ll see you Monday at my appointment?”

  I smiled. “Do you need to change it to tomorrow?” I wondered if he was going to need it, since I was sure he would be sore tomorrow.

  “I l
ike to spend Sundays with my daughter. Thank you though.” He smiled, and I had to hold back the question ready to escape my lips.

  After he left, Ally elbowed me in the side. “You have it bad. You know that?”

  “Let’s go. Traffic is going to be awful,” I said, ignoring her comment completely.

  I made my way through the building and out to the parking lot with Ally in tow. She was ogling all the fighters who were making their way toward their cars. I just wanted to get out of there. It was getting late, and I was the one who had to drive. When we finally made it to the car and got inside, I looked at Ally and rolled my eyes.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “You’ve got some drool on your chin,” I teased.

  She laughed, and we drove to my house. She was going to stay the night with me so I wouldn’t have to drive her all the way home, thank goodness. She lived on the other side of town, and it would have been a bigger pain in the ass to try to fight my way to her house and then back to mine.

  “Thanks for taking me with you, sis. I think we had some quality sister bonding time,” she said as I pulled into my driveway thirty minutes later. The car ride had been mostly just listening to music and her talking about how hot all the fighters were.

  “You’re welcome, even though you were a pain in my ass. I really thought you were going to say something to him.” I put the car in park and turned the ignition off.

  “What would I tell him?” she asked, pretending like she had no idea what I was referring to you.

  “You really are a pain in my ass, you know that?” I got out of the car, and she followed me.

  “Yeah. But you love me.”

  “Only because I have to.”

  I got her set up in the spare bedroom and turned in for the night. I just wanted to go lay in bed and not have to deal with her asking me questions about how I felt about Justin. She was a good person and had been there for me through a lot of bullshit, but she was also really good at pushing my buttons.

  We looked similar, but we were total opposites. She was confident and loud and knew what she wanted from life. She was a free spirit. I tried to be like her so many times before, but it was hard. Even though I was confident most of the time and I mostly knew what I wanted out of life (especially career wise), I didn’t know how to be free-spirited. I didn’t know how to just let go and shout my feelings out for the whole world to hear. Maybe that just came with the territory of being a business owner.

  I fell asleep that night thinking about Justin’s fight. I thought about the way his chest looked with sweat glistening on his skin. I remembered the way he smiled at me when he first walked into the cage. My stomach fluttered just like it did at the arena. As I fell asleep, my thoughts drifted into dreams.

  Chapter Three


  I woke up the next morning to Margie climbing into my bed like she did almost every morning. She called it “morning snuggle time.” It was my favorite part of the day because I knew her interest in daddy-daughter time would fade as she got older.

  She was in bed when I got home after the fight. My mom watched her for me, so I hadn’t been able to talk to her and tell her how the fight went.

  “How was your fight, Daddy?” she asked as she scooted a little closer to me. I winced as I put my arm around her, and she gasped. Worry crept onto her young face. “Are you okay, Daddy?”

  “I’m okay, sweetie. I’m just a little sore. I won my fight, though!”

  “Yay! I just knew you could do it,” she said brightly. She threw her arms gently around my neck so she wouldn’t hurt me. I grinned and hugged her back. No matter what, she has always been my biggest supporter and my biggest fan.

  We snuggled together for another ten minutes. She told me about how much fun she had with grandma the night before and that she wished grandma lived with us. I laughed at that because I wasn’t so sure my mother would like that very much.

  “I love you to the moon and back,” I told Margie softly.

  “I love you to the moon and back too, Daddy!” She loved when I told her this, and I tried to say it to her every single day.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked her.

  She nodded her head enthusiastically as if she hadn’t eaten in days. “Can I have cereal today?”

  “Why not?” I said and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. We climbed out of bed, and I followed her into the kitchen. I found a half-full box of Lucky Charms in the pantry.

  I usually tried to make her eat healthy, but sometimes I let her have some cereal or frozen waffles. She loved these breakfasts the most.

  I grabbed her favorite pink bowl with the straw attached, poured in some cereal and milk, and grabbed a spoon. Margie was already sitting on the couch with the remote in her hands. She flipped through the channels until she found cartoons. I handed her the bowl of Lucky Charms, and she smiled happily as she ate.

  It amazed me how quickly she learned to master technology. Some things I still struggled with, but Margie could always show me what I was doing wrong. She was only four, but she was incredibly smart for her age. I knew her mom would have been just as proud of her as I was. It broke my heart that she wasn’t around to see our girl grow up.

  “I have to run some errands today, so you’ll spend the day with Grandma, okay?” My mom was great; she was willing to watch Margie anytime I needed her to. Sometimes my neighbor, Tiffany, watched her for me, but I didn’t want to put that responsibility on her too often.

  “Okay, Daddy,” she said. I could tell she was excited. She loved to spend time with her grandma.

  I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island and brought it to her. Despite letting her eat sugary cereal, I still wanted her to have some nutrients with her breakfast. I made myself a chocolate protein shake and downed it quickly. I needed to replace everything I burned the night before.

  “Did you hurt the other guy, Daddy?” she asked me this question after every fight. She was very concerned with everyone’s wellbeing, and I loved that about her. She was caring and constantly worried about others. I hoped she would hold onto that trait throughout her life.

  “No. He wasn’t hurt.” It was a lie. It had taken the guy a little bit to get up, and when we shook hands, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. That wasn’t something I was going to tell my four-year-old daughter, though. I didn’t want her to ever be afraid of me. She didn’t really understand how my career worked, and it would be a while before she did.

  We talked about her cartoons as she finished her breakfast. She was a talkative little girl. Unless she didn’t trust you. She was hesitant around strangers, and her intuition was almost always right. I loved that about her, because it meant she would never trust the wrong people.

  My mom showed up an hour after breakfast.

  “Thanks for watching her again. I should only be a few hours,” I said as I gave my mom a hug.

  “I don’t mind at all. You know that. I love spending time with my little girl,” she said before pulling Margie in for a big hug.

  I loved watching them together. Other than my mom, Margie didn’t have many female role models, which made me sad to think about. I wanted her to grow up with a strong female role model in her life. I knew it helped her to spend time with my mom, but I still felt guilty that she didn’t have a mother.

  My mom and Margie left, and I hurried to take a shower. I was sore from the fight the night before, so I turned the shower on as hot as it would go. It usually helped my aching muscles until I could get to my appointment with Anna.

  That girl was so good with her hands. She worked her magic on me every time, and it was no wonder I kept seeing her. No one had ever been able to work through my knots like Anna. All the tension faded from my body the second her hands touched my skin.

  I instantly got hard every time I thought of her. I hadn’t been with a woman since my wife died, so it didn’t take much to make me hard. I thought about Anna as I stripped down and stepped in
to the shower. She had the perfect body, with all the right curves in all the right places.

  Her dark hair and dark eyes were alluring to me. She wasn’t a bottle blonde, and I loved that. In a world where everyone was trying to meet the same definition of beautiful, Anna stood out. She was different, unique.

  The more I thought about her, the harder I became, and I started to stroke myself. Just thinking about her being at the fight last night was driving me crazy. She looked amazing in her little white t-shirt and fitted jeans. I wanted to see what was under those clothes.

  I pictured myself leading her into the cage and kissing her. Feeling her mouth on mine, our tongues moving. Then I imagined removing her clothes and fucking her. Feeling how wet her pussy got.

  Within a few minutes and a few hard strokes, I was coming in the shower. It was amazing. But I found myself wishing I could really be with her. I wanted to show her a good time. I wanted to learn the curves of her body with my hands, not just my eyes.

  I stepped out of the shower feeling more relaxed than I had when I woke up that morning. I got dressed and made my way to Markie’s hangout.

  I had to meet him today to discuss some betting options. On myself. I needed the extra money, and I knew I was a good fighter. By betting on myself, I would win the fight and earn even more money from the bets. Hopefully it would be enough to knock down all the medical bills. I needed some sort of a break to get financially ahead.

  His hangout was right by the gym where I trained, and I didn’t really want people to see me go inside. The fighting community knew about him. They knew where he hung out. I didn’t think anyone would really care, but I still didn’t need or want any rumors flying around about me. When I left my house, I made sure to put on a baggy hoody and pull a hat over my head. It wasn’t much of a disguise, but this way no one would recognize me with a passing glance.

  I looked around in case anyone I knew was in the vicinity. When I didn’t recognize anyone, I walked into the bar. It was smoky and dark like always. I spotted Markie sitting in a corner booth. I walked over to him quickly. When I greeted him, he just sort of grunted at me. It was normal for him to act this way. He was an asshole. He had gained a lot of power around town for being the biggest, baddest asshole. People didn’t particularly like him, but they feared him. That was the only reason why he had so many lackeys with him all the time.


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