The Daddy Box Set

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The Daddy Box Set Page 122

by Claire Adams

  I could not force myself to pull the trigger. My head was all over the place, messed up with all the things that happened in the past few weeks. The days of threat were not over yet. They would not stop until they got me down on the floor, breathless.

  Until I heard his voice.

  “Come on, Kylie. You’ve got this.” Blood began to flow in my veins, forcing me back to my senses. I shot him a skeptical look, but he kept me focused on the hog.

  “I’ll protect you no matter what. Just do it.” Hunter’s voice fueled the aggression inside of me. It infuriated my heart, recalling the trouble that the man had caused in my life. I needed to take all the threats and enemies down. They deserved to feel my wrath.

  I raised the gun, pointing it at my target. It felt like my adrenaline had finally kicked in. With all the courage I could muster, I locked on my target and pulled the trigger.

  The sound of the fire echoed in my ears, signifying the success of my first official shot. He managed to avert the direct shot, leaving him a minor injury in the shank area. For a moment, I thought my failed attempt had only worsened the scene now that hog was charging in our direction, maddened by the inflicted wound.

  “Fuck,” Hunter grumbled. “Shoot it again. Now. Now!”

  He handed me the shotgun, which I had no fucking clue how to use. I did what came naturally. I lifted the gun and forced myself into a calm. Another shot and the kickback almost knocked me on my ass.

  “I’m sorry.” I reached out and touched his back.

  “It’s okay, baby. No worries. I’m pretty sure you got it, but let’s double check.” He moved closer, and my stomach tightened.

  I turned my attention on the hog. It was immobile, no signs of life seen from it. The red, abhorrent fluid trickled down the hole in his skull, drenching its face with its own blood. I walked forward to scrutinize the dead hog, searching for the bullet I bore in his torso.

  “That was spectacular.” Hunter came out of the dark, his face lit up by the moonlight’s brightness. I caught the deep shot on the hog’s torso just where I envisioned it to be. It was a perfect shot.

  I stared back at him, my heart still racing in excitement. It was the most unforgettable adventure I had ever experienced. An unbeatable hunt under the night sky with the strong, enigmatic, and attractive Hunter Yonnie.

  “That was incredible.” I almost screamed out the extreme emotions I felt, but things seemed to change focus. I looked at his face. The face of the man who rescued me from my fucked up life.

  The clouds unblocked the moon, giving us more light to see each other. My heart was racing with a million emotions. It was restless, but I didn’t care. I wanted something just like this. Especially with him.

  He stepped closer to me, smiling beautifully as he met my eyes. Those green eyes were dazzling me, causing me to fall into a deep hypnosis under his spell. If he wished to catch me and entrap me, then he won. I surrender myself to him.

  “You never fail to impress me.” He ran his fingers down my face. I blushed upon his touch, captivated by his charming ways. My heart began to race again. It was a different type of feeling. Something I had been thinking about for a long time, but now I knew the answer.

  Everything before me was reduced to a blur. All that I could ever picture was Hunter’s beautiful eyes, his expression burying meaning down into my soul.

  “No, it’s the other way around,” I whispered roughly, losing my breath as he stroked my cheek. He smiled the sweetest smile I had ever seen in my entire life.

  He had no clue how much I loved him, and I was too fucking scared to tell him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  One Week Later


  “Man, this carbonara you brought sure is the best I’ve tasted!” Garren took another mouthful of the pasta Kylie packed before I left for work that morning. She had been cooking delicious meals for us, even packing mine and Vince’s lunch, which was going over the top, but fuck if I didn’t love her for it.

  “I know. I’ve told her thanks a million times.” I rolled my fork around a thick pile of fettuccini. I checked on Vince, who seemed to like the same, scooping from the Tupperware more carbonara for his second plate.

  “She seems like the perfect housewife material,” Garren claimed, putting his fork down. “I’m glad she’s around to help you out.”

  Vince looked at Garren with a bright smile, joining the conversation. “Do you like Kylie’s pasta, Garren? It’s just one of the many yummy things she can cook!”

  “Yes, little pal. You look better and healthier. Perhaps the good beats helped you a lot to recover.” Garren patted Vince’s shoulder and turned to look me in the eyes. “You like her a lot too, don’t you?”

  Vince answered the question without any hesitation. “Of course! She’s the best lady I have ever met! Kylie’s definitely the superhero in the house!” His tiny arms leaned on the table as his eyes sparkled with delight. He turned his gaze on me, waiting for a supporting statement. “Right, Daddy?”

  I looked down, timid about the whole conversation. I stared at Vince, his eyes waiting for an answer. Slowly nodding to approve his words, I affirmed his praise for Kylie with a smile. “He’s right. She is truly the best woman and the superhero in the house.”

  Garren gave me a skeptical look, questioning my attitude about Kylie. He knew me too well. A tough man who played with guns, I was the most domineering bad boy in the town. It felt like the man he knew before was now a stranger and before him sat a man with a soft heart for someone he barely knew for weeks long.

  I avoided his eyes. Thankfully, Vince interrupted the silence, keeping the conversation going. “She also helped me to get to feeling so much better. Kylie never lets me forget when it’s time to take my medicine, and she’s pretty good at giving shots. It’s not painful, Garren! It felt like an ant bite.”

  Garren smiled. “That’s good news, Vince. Keep it up and follow the doctor’s orders, little pal.”

  Garren turned to look at me again, his eyes expressing his genuine thoughts.

  I stared at my plate instead, keeping myself busy with the food still on my plate. I glanced up quickly. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

  Garren snorted and left me in peace for a few minutes.

  As soon as we finished our meal, Vince got up and walked to the back office where his books were. Garren and I got to work, cleaning up lunch from the table.

  I kept my attention on the paper plates and gathered the trash before heading out to the dumpster. As I returned to the shop, Garren stood at the display case, waiting for me.

  I guessed there was no escaping his questions.

  “Can we talk?” Garren’s arms were crossed over his chest, his eyes a clear depiction of worry and confusion.

  I nodded, pretending to hide the anxiousness inside of me. “Yeah, sure, man. What’s on your mind?”

  “Your son seems to like Kylie a lot.”

  I went back to my desk, sitting at my spot by the counter with a bunch of paperwork piled up next to me. “He does. The kid loves her and thinks of her as family.” I tried not to get defensive. There wasn’t any reason to just yet.

  My time with Kylie had been precious and memorable, and something I wouldn’t trade for anything. It was almost like having a new life with her in it, the type of life I had dreamt of.

  “And I think what the son likes, the father likes too.” He kept his tone inquisitive. He was right. I was beyond liking at that point, but I held my truths inside. Garren had been too good of an observer, and he wanted nothing else but the best for me and Vince.

  I kept my mouth shut. Perhaps silence was equivalent to the yes he was trying to get out of me.

  “Man, look at you. You look like you might barf. Love is too much of a pain in the ass. You know this.” He threw his hands in the air, his tone shifting from concern to aggravation.

  I looked down, defeated for the first time in a long time. Was it wrong to fall again for another perso
n? Did I not deserve to be happy?

  “Man, what if shit knocks you out again? What if she leaves, just like what Linda did? That bitch didn’t even look back, Hunter.” He eyes darted toward mine. The sincerity of his words hit me like a thunderbolt straight through my chest. He had a point. But what if she didn’t? She was worth taking the risk for.

  “No, Kylie wouldn’t do that. Shut up about it, all right? I don’t meddle in your shit. Don’t meddle in mine. Besides, I’m not sure what I feel or what I’m going to do about it when I figure that shit out.” I closed my hands into fists, indifferent to his angst. I knew Kylie better than he did. She wouldn’t do that to Vince, if nothing else.

  Where she might be falling for me, she was totally sold out for Vince.

  “Vince is growing up. If she leaves, he will know how it feels to lose someone. Before when Linda left, he was still a baby and had no damn clue what was going on, Hunter. He had no clue that his mother would never return again.” He began to gather himself, returning to his calm, reluctant nature.

  I stood up, my fists at my sides. “Thanks for your concern, Garren. I really appreciate how you’ve been supporting me and my son for all these years. But, man, I won’t give up on Kylie. She is too good for Vince and I. I won’t let her go. Period.”


  It was closing time in the gun shop. Things had been quite awkward between Garren and I, but we kept things professional. After I had locked up, I bid farewell to my best friend and left.

  Vince and I drove home hungry. The day was long and tiring, and the inflow of customers had been a bit ridiculous. The little guy had a blast finishing two books and proceeded to tell me the stories that he read as we went home.

  “What did Kylie cook for dinner, Dad? I’m so hungry!” He was imitating Cookie Monster’s voice, far too cute for his own good.

  I laughed at him, finding it amusing to see my son in such a good mood.

  “Let’s not guess, but go see instead. Last one to the door is a rotten egg.”

  I got out of the car, pausing as he bolted from his side and ran as hard as he could to the front door.

  Jogging after him, I caught sight of Kylie coming out of the front door to meet us. The smile on her pretty face had my heart fluttering. No other woman I’d met before had me feeling so tender, so in love. It was a little concerning.

  “Come on in, guys. The table is ready, and dinner just got done.”

  I waited until Vince bopped into the house to pull her close to me and kiss her softly. “Did I mention how much I appreciate you?”

  “You just did.” She squeezed my butt and kissed me again before turning and following after Vince.

  I could smell the sumptuous meal she prepared for dinner. I went inside the house, wanting to know what she had cooked as badly as Vince did.

  The spread on the table was awesome. Beef skirt steaks in gravy, rice, rolls, and sautéed vegetables. She even made colorful gelatins for dessert, something not too sweet for Vince to control his blood sugar.

  “Damn, woman, this is too much,” I grunted appreciatively as I sniffed the inviting meal before me.

  She giggled as her pretty cheeks turned pink. “I wanted to do something special for you guys.”

  “Thank you, Kylie. We have never been this happy until you came.” Vince slipped into his seat and grinned up at both of us.

  I reached for her hand, pulling it to my mouth and kissing her hand. “The boy is onto something for sure.”

  She smiled sweetly before pulling her hand from mine and sitting between me and Vince. “I’m happy to help anytime. You know I love taking care of you boys.”

  Vince talked nonstop through the entire meal, impressing Kylie with how far he had read for the day. Kylie expressed her excitement for him and laughed at every joke he told.

  I reveled in her attention and love toward my son. Where I never thought I would find anyone that I’d be willing to raise Vince with before, now I knew she was the one. Then what the fuck was I waiting on?

  I wasn’t waiting. I was locked behind fear. Linda left with another man and crushed my world, leaving me a single dad and forcing me to consider that I wasn’t enough. If I were, she would have stayed.

  Or at least I used to think so. I wasn’t so sure anymore. Maybe that shit had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with her.

  Kylie turned to look at me while Vince finished his meal, focusing on the blue Jell-O that sat on his plate.

  “Hunter, I’m going to Bailey’s place on Saturday. Just to catch up with my best friend and her daughter. Is that okay with you?” She laid out her plans, waiting for my approval.

  I nodded, seeing she needed some time out with her girlfriend too. “Yeah, no problem. You should enjoy the weekend.” I smiled at her as she grinned at me.

  She turned to look at Vince who was still wrapped up in his dessert, amused by the wiggly texture of the gelatin. She glanced back over at me. “Can I take Vince with me? I bet he will have a lot of fun meeting Bailey’s two-year-old, Cat.”

  Upon hearing his name, Vince looked up. He was begging with his puppy eyes, clinging to Kylie’s arm for support. I laughed upon seeing them work me again…both of them ganging up together to get their way. Funny enough, I would have given it to them anyway.

  “Sure, but you need to promise me that you keep an eye on Kylie. Superhero duties, buddy.”

  Vince saluted me, mimicking a soldier’s sign of affirmation to his commander. “Yes, sir!” He deepened his voice, trying to sound cool, but turned out to be another Cookie Monster tone. The three of us burst into laughter.

  After we had finished our dinner, Kylie cleaned up the mess and washed the dishes though I told her to wait and I’d get it done. It only seemed fair seeing that she’d cooked the delicious meal.

  I returned to the kitchen after tucking Vince into bed. I could see how much she worked hard to help us. She had been trying her best to make Vince healthier and happier, plus doing everything to give me time to work. I kept taking, but I knew I wasn’t giving nearly enough. Fuck me for that.

  I watched as she washed the dishes in the sink, amused by how precious she was to us. It was like an angel fell from the heavens above. I was lucky to have her.

  As she finished, she caught sight of me watching her and turned. She looked surprised by my presence, but she posed a kind smile as she wiped her hands on a dishrag.

  “I thought you went upstairs already.” She kept her eyes on mine, stealing my heart with her innocent tone.

  I shook my head and signaled for her to come with me. “Get out of this kitchen and come here.”

  She smirked at me and followed. I reached back to take her hand, my pulse spiking as she intertwined her fingers with mine.

  As we reached my room, I let her in and locked the door. She sat on the bed, her eyes undaunted. She was smiling at me beautifully, her brows raised as if still trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.

  “Thank you for everything, Kylie.” I stepped closer, my breathing getting off kilter as I watched her.

  “Of course. I would do anything for you.” She smiled and reached for me as I sat down next to her and pulled her close.

  “I believe it,” I whispered roughly, loving how she looked up close. Angelic.

  She closed her eyes, waiting for my kiss. I let my heart guide me. Our lips touched once again, a feeling I had been aching for the past few days. I laid her on the bed with me and moved on top of her, pressing her down as my cock swelled in my pants. I’d had a perpetual hard-on since getting home and seeing her in the kitchen, but her soft body pressed against mine was enough to undo me.

  My lips left her mouth as I kissed her slowly down her body, tasting her neck. I stood up, eager to see her perfect body once again. I wasted no time and stripped her down to nothing. She laid on my bed naked, beautiful and flawless. I could not take my eyes off of her, the goddess who wanted me. Maybe I was enough.

  I knelt before her, spreading her l
egs and leaning forward to run my tongue through her soft folds. “So beautiful.”

  “Hunter,” she whimpered and spread her legs farther.

  I sucked her clit into my mouth and rolled my tongue over the tight ball of nerves. Her pussy was wet by the time it opened like a flower before me. I blew cold air onto her damp skin to tingle her. She grasped my hair and pulled me close, forcing me to take her back in my mouth.

  “Own me, Hunter.” Her voice was the sweetest tune I’d ever heard. I never knew how much I wanted to have her for myself before. Now, it was different. I wanted her for more than what she was capable of doing to my body.

  I plunged my fingers into her soaking pussy, eager to hear her come for me. My body was burning in lust. I looked up to her, watching her every move. Her face was beautiful yet vulnerable.

  She opened her half-closed eyes, looking at me with so much need. I could tell that my eyes were burning in flames, expressing the same deep desire I had. Love me. Let me love you. Stay with me.

  “I want you to stay in my bed tonight with me, Kylie. Please don’t go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  His eyes were on mine as I laid before him, bare for him to see. I wanted him to continue what he was doing, but he stopped and stared at my eyes. I took the urge to push him toward my need, unable to wait for what he was planning to say.

  He obliged to my command as I pushed his head down again. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Never, baby. Come for me.” His eyes were still on mine, passionate and aroused and haunting. As much as I wanted to keep my eyes open and watch his spectacle, I simply could not. The sensation was just too powerful.

  I arched my back as I felt his tongue on my clitoris gently licking my erect bud with the tip of his tongue. He was eager and thirsty, keeping his mouth on me. I could not stop moaning in desire, delighted by the intensity of his carnal desire.


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