A black Land Rover screeched down the dimly lit Amsterdam streets distracting the passenger, as a mobile phone was slammed shut. Idiocy would not be tolerated. Another number was dialled.
“Good evening.” the hesitant male answerer said. “I heard there were complications with...”
The sentence was cut short with a derisory comment about lacklustre training and failure to understand simple commands. It was impressed upon the call’s recipient the situation could not be allowed to continue. Staying out of affairs was asking no questions about orders given. It was not an excuse to fail.
“I completely understand.” the man replied, his shaky voice attempting to placate the caller. “I know you have placed your trust in us and we have...”
Again with the platitudes! When would the vermin that infested this planet realise they should just shut their mouths and listen, rather than talking incessantly? Was it not enough for the higher members of society to tolerate the presence of these masses? It was made clear further responses would only be tolerated with yes or no answers.
“Yes.” the man said.
The phone was hung up and a tap on the Plexiglas separating driver from passenger began the drive away from the Bilderberg.
The passenger could not control his rage much longer. Heads would roll if things did not change, and every player would be held equally responsible.
Innocence was an illusion. An illusion that children have taken away by knowledge and one the wealthy could buy when needed. Innocence died thousands of years ago, but somehow clung on through the pages of a twisted story. That innocence was crucial to preserve. The stability of peoples, countries, ideologies, and even markets depended on it. True innocence, and the secret prison in which that innocence was confined, could yet be maintained.
A stray yawn resounded across the back seat and reminded the occupant of the effort consumed. Time was running short and failure met twice already.
A black book was flicked through until a number was found. Ten minutes later, another call was completed, three more hits made, and more options for innocence’s escape removed.
Chapter 26
Coincidence Theory Page 25