The Camp Fire Girls at the Seashore; Or, Bessie King's Happiness

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The Camp Fire Girls at the Seashore; Or, Bessie King's Happiness Page 12

by Jane L. Stewart



  The _Columbia_ slowly and steadily made her way down the coast, keepingwithin a mile or so of the shore. Speed was certainly not her long suit,but she rode the choppy sea more easily than most boats so small wouldhave done, and, since she was not intended for speed, the usual terrificdin of the motor was absent. Altogether, she seemed an ideal pleasureboat.

  As they went along, Trenwith pointed out the various places of interestalong the shore.

  "Down this way we get to a part where a lot of rich men have builtsummer homes," he said. "You see there's a good beach, and they can buyenough land to have it to themselves. It's pretty lonely, in a way,because they're a good long way from the railroad, but they don't seemto mind that."

  "I suppose not. They've got money enough to keep all the automobiles andyachts they want, so they wouldn't use the railroad anyhow. I neverwould if I could get around any other way."

  As they went on, the coast changed considerably from the familiarcharacter it had at Plum Beach. Cliffs took the place of the bluff, andwhile the beach was still fine and level, there were rocky stretches atmore and more frequent intervals.

  "What's the nearest town in this direction?" asked Eleanor.

  "Rock Haven," said Trenwith. "That's more of a place than Bay City,because it's quite a seaport. Up at Bay City, you see, we don't amountto much except in the summer time. But Rock Haven is a big place, andmost of the people who live there are there all the year round insteadof only for three months or so in the summer. You haven't any idea ofwhat a dull old place Bay City is in winter."

  "If it's so dull, I shouldn't think you'd stay there."

  "Oh, it was a good place for me to get a start, you know. I've been ableto get along in politics, and I've done better there than I would havein the city, I suppose. And it's all right for a bachelor, anyhow. Hecan always get away. If I were married--well, it would be very differentthen."

  "I should think you'd like it much better in the city, though, even ifyou are a bachelor. Why don't you come there this winter?"

  "Perhaps--I'd like--do you want me to come?"

  He leaned forward, as if her answer were the most important thing in theworld, and, seeing Dolly's mischievous glance at Bessie, Eleanor blushedslightly.

  "I think it would be better for you to be in the city," she said, withdignity.

  "Well, I'll tell you a secret then--I'm really bursting with a whole lotof others that I mustn't tell. Charlie's been at me for months to comeand be his partner, and I've promised to think it over."

  "I think that would be splendid."

  "Well, I'm glad to hear you say so, because it really depends on youwhether I shall come or not."

  "Hush!" she said, blushing again, and speaking in so low a tone thatonly he could hear her. "You mustn't talk like that here--and now.It--it isn't right."

  She looked helplessly at Dolly, and Trenwith, understanding, looked asif she had said something that delighted him. Perhaps she had--perhapsshe had even meant to do so.

  "I'll attend to getting supper ready now, sir, Mr. Trenwith, if you'lltake the wheel," said Bates, just then.

  "All right," said Trenwith, nodding. "Now make a good job of it, Bates.I've been praising you up to the skies."

  Bates grinned widely, and disappeared.

  No apologies were needed when they came to eat the supper which had beenso well heralded. A table was set up in the after part of the boat, andthe awning was drawn back so that the stars shone down on them. The_Columbia's_ engine was stopped, and she lay under the lee of HumberIsland, a long, wooded islet that sheltered them from the strong breeze,making the sea as smooth as a mill pond. On shore twinkling lights beganto appear, and, some distance away, a glare of lights in the skybetrayed the location of Rock Haven.

  "Oh, this is lovely!" said Eleanor. "I'm so glad you brought us here,Mr. Trenwith! But tell me, doesn't anyone live on this island? It's sobeautiful that I should think someone would surely have built a summerhome there long ago."

  "I believe there are people there," said Trenwith. "But they are on theother side."

  "I'm sorry we have to go home, but I suppose we really must bestarting," said Eleanor, after supper. "It's such a heavenly night thatit seems to me it would be perfect just to stay here."

  "Wouldn't it? But you're right--we must be starting back. We'll go onand come around the other side of this island. You should see it fromall points of view. Scenically, it's our show place for this wholestretch of coast."

  And so as soon as Bates had finished clearing off the table he went backto his engine, and the _Columbia_ slipped along smoothly in the shadowof the island. But a few minutes later, as they were gliding along onthe seaward side, where the water was far rougher, there was a suddenjar, and the next moment the engine stopped.

  "Why, what's the matter?" asked Eleanor, surprised.

  "Nothing much, probably," said Trenwith. "Bates will have it fixed in afew minutes. The best engine in the world is apt to get balky attimes--and I must say that mine has chosen a very good time tomisbehave."

  Eleanor chose to ignore the meaning he so plainly implied, but she wasperfectly content with the explanation, and sat there dreamily,expecting to hear the reassuring whir of the motor at any moment. Butthe minutes dragged themselves out, and the only sound that came fromthe engine was the tapping of the tools Bates was using. Trenwithfrowned.

  "This is very strange," he said. "We've never been delayed as long asthis since I've had Bates. He usually keeps the motor in perfect runningorder. I'll just step forward and see what's wrong."

  He returned in a few moments, his face grave.

  "Bates has some highly technical explanation of what is wrong," he said,seriously. "It seems that he needs some tools he hasn't got, in order togrind the valves. I'm afraid we'll have to get ashore somehow--he seemsto be sure that he can find what he is looking for there."

  Eleanor looked rather dismayed.

  "It's going to make us terribly late in getting ashore, isn't it?" sheasked. "I'm afraid the others will be worried about us."

  "No. Bates says that as soon as he gets the tools he wants he will havethings fixed up, and he's quite certain that he can get them on theisland. He says anyone who has a motor boat will be able to help himout--and they certainly couldn't live here without one."

  "But how on earth are you going to get ashore if the engine won't work?"asked Dolly. "It seems to me that we're stuck out here."

  "Oh, you leave that to us!" said Trenwith, cheerfully. "I'm sorry thishas happened, but please believe me when I say that it isn't a bitserious."

  They soon saw the _Columbia_ was to be rescued from her predicament. Shewas fairly near the shore, and now Bates dropped an anchor, and sheremained still, swinging slowly on the chain.

  "He'll row ashore, you see, hunt up the people, and tell them what hewants," said Trenwith. "Hurry up, Bates! Remember, we've promised to getthese young ladies home in good time."

  "Right, sir," said Bates, as he lowered the dinghy and dropped into her."Won't take me long when I find the people on shore--and about fiveminutes will fix that engine when I get back here again."

  He rowed off into the darkness, making for a point of light that showedon shore, and they settled back to wait as patiently as they could forhis return.

  "Suppose Charlie turns up at the camp while we're gone, and wants youfor something important?" asked Eleanor. "Oh, I'm afraid we did wrong incoming!"

  "Not a bit of it! Old Charlie will understand. And I know his planspretty well, so there isn't any danger of this causing any trouble."

  It seemed to take longer for Bates to find help than he had expected. Atany rate, the greater part of half an hour slipped away before theyheard the sound of oars coming toward them.

  "Why, there are two men rowing!" said Dolly, curiously. "And that dinghyonly has room for one man with oars."

  "Probably they decided to send someone out with him to lend him a hand,"said Tr
enwith. "People around these parts are pretty nice to you if youhave a breakdown, and I guess it's partly because they never know whenthey're going to have one themselves."

  "Well, that ought to make it easier to make the repairs that areneeded," said Eleanor, somewhat relieved. "I really am getting worriedabout what they'll, think at the beach. I'm afraid they'll be sure thatsomething has happened to us."

  "Good evening, Miss Mercer," said a mocking voice behind her, and sheturned, with a start to see Holmes!

  "You're late," said Holmes, reproachfully. "I expected you an hourearlier. But then better late than never! Ah, I see both of them arewith you! Silas Weeks will be very glad to see you two, I have nodoubt!"

  He spoke then to Bessie and Zara, who, terrified by his suddenappearance, were staring at him.

  "Mr. Trenwith!" said Eleanor, sharply. "You know who this man is, do younot? And what our feelings are concerning him? Are you going to let himstay here?"

  "He has no choice, Miss Mercer. Better not ask him too many questionsabout how you happened to break down right off my island; he would havea hard time convincing you with any story he told. Eh, Trenwith?"

  "Shut up!" growled Trenwith. "What does all this nonsense mean? Get offmy boat."

  "Oh, are you trying to make them believe you didn't know about this? Ibeg your pardon, Trenwith, I really do! Of course, Miss Mercer, he knowsas well as I do that I am within my rights. You are now in a state wherecertain court orders, applying to Bessie King and her little friend Zaraare valid--and, knowing that these two girls, who have run away from thecourts of this state, are here, I have taken steps to see that they aretaken into court. I am a law abiding citizen--I do not like to see thelaw insulted."

  Eleanor was dazed by the suddenness of the blow. To her it seemed anaccident, she could not believe that Trenwith could be guilty of suchtreachery as Holmes was charging. But in a moment her faith in him wasshattered.

  "I'd like to help out your posse, Trenwith," Holmes said to him. "But Ineed you, so you'll have to come off your perch. You'll have to comeashore with the others, in case you should change your mind. I only wanttwo of these girls, but the others will have to come, too, of course,because if they got away they might make trouble. You shall be perfectlycomfortable, Miss Mercer, however."

  The look in Trenwith's eyes, and the sheepish, hangdog expression of hiswhole face made Eleanor gasp. So he had betrayed them! After all,despite his fine talk, he had been tempted by the money that Holmesseemed prepared to spend so lavishly! And he had led Bessie and Zararight into a trap--a merciless trap, as she knew, from which escapewould be most difficult, if not utterly impossible.

  And in a moment the lingering remnants of her faith were shattered. ForHolmes called out, in a loud tone, at Bates:

  "Bates!" he cried. "Come aboard and start that engine! Then you can takeyour tub right up to the landing pier in front of the house."

  "Yes, yes!" said Bates. He sprang aboard, and a moment later the engine,perfectly restored, was started, although nothing had been done to itsince Bates went ashore, and, the anchor lifted, the _Columbia_ beganher brief voyage to the pier.

  There had been no accident at all! The breakdown had been a deception,pure and simple, intended to give Bates a chance to go ashore and warnHolmes that his prey was within his reach.

  "Oh, how I despise you!" said Eleanor to Trenwith. "Go away, please, sothat I won't have to look at you!"

  "Eleanor, listen!" he said, in a low whisper, pleadingly. "I canexplain--"

  "If you think I'm such a fool as to believe anything you tell me now,"she said, furiously, "you are very much mistaken!"

  He saw that to argue with her was hopeless, and went forward gloomily.In a few minutes they were ashore. Resistance, as Eleanor saw, washopeless; the only thing to do was to act sensibly, and hope for achance to escape.

  "I have had three rooms arranged for you," said Holmes, when theyreached a great rambling house. "They're on the second floor. I thinkyou girls will be comfortable and you would rather, I am sure, have thegirls with you. You are in no danger."


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